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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Reveal Weird Stuff About Yourself Thread

    did you close your wind pipe with your hand? That is a practice that goes around - there's a term for it - a qigong master that posted here - his son died from doing that. There were kids in 6th grade that would make each other pass out - or themselves - by holding their hand over their neck. It cuts off the blood supply to the brain - not the same as holding the breath. I remember watching those kids but I got sent out of class for math. There was this other nerd kid and me - we made a computer program grant to get the school a science grant and the principal took us out for deep dish pizza. I didn't do any of the work. haha. The teacher said I should go to private school and that was my last year in public school.
  2. awesome NEW Dr. Gerald Pollack lecture on EZ water as the secret of Bigu Breatharian energy.
  3. I don't think I've read the word "evermore" so many times since reading Edgar Allan Poe about 15 years ago.
  4. for more quotes and pdf links scroll way down on my blog to the blog post. https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2019/09/dr-selen-atasoy-natural-resonance.html Natural Resonance Harmonics of the Brain is now a proven empirical fact
  5. Reveal Weird Stuff About Yourself Thread

    this girl in first grade insisted my name was Weird, spelled backwards. She kept pursuing me around, repeating this for days. Maybe it was cuz in first grade I used to stick my chest out to impress the girls. So finally I asked the teacher if this was true - is my name really Weird spelled backwards? No. I felt immediately vindicated. Except I didn't realize that behind the scene the females were scheming and soon I was forced to go on a date with this girl, led by my oldest sister and I guess my mom and her mom. So I remember we went ice skating and then I was on the floor of her apartment - shag carpet - and we were eating gold fish crackers. It was all very awkward as I tried to be nice about the whole thing. Then once before lunch the boys were told to go wash our hands on the other side of the school. So we decided to have a contest who could hold their breath the longest. I ended up winning by a long shot, passing out, and waking up with my friend's face over me, asking, "Drew are you ok?" Blood streaming out of the back of my skull, he explained how I had hit the two concrete walls and then the concrete floor. My "Aim Sky High" orange t-shirt was soaked in blood and I left a long trail of blood on the way to the nurses office. So then doing my qigong research 30 years later I kept discovering how Western medical science says it's impossible to hold your breath till you pass out on your own as your "anterior cingulate gyrus" over-rides your pre-frontal cortex. So after reading this in three books, then I began to wonder. The I read the book "Heroes" by professor Michael Lesy - about how people who suddenly do extraordinary acts are able to do so due to suppressed emotional energy. Lesy was from the college where I did my first year - Hampshire College. Lesy had researched a series of individuals - studying their lives - and making this case that was very compelling. So then I realized that the reason I had been able to hold my breath till I passed out was due to my suppressed anger about being forced to go on that date. When I mentioned this to my mom - then my mom told me how the girl's mom had been a prostitute. I asked how she knew this and she didn't really answer. The girl's apartment though was right near by our church and I remember discovering a huge vibrator in the back driveway behind the church - whether that was connected to the prostitute or not who knows. So in the end the girl was correct - I did end up with my name really being WeIrd since I took my "I" out of my name Drew and I reversed my consciousness backwards.
  6. Reveal Weird Stuff About Yourself Thread

    I was just thinking about this - Joe Rogaine is always making fun of traditional Chinese "animal" styles based on training forms - repetition of pre-arranged sets, etc. The idea is that if the Qi-energy worked then why has it not been displayed as winning the MMA "arena"? But Rogaine does not contexualize the MMA business which is based on very specific rules. So for example if you watch Old Skool Kungfu movies - when there is a qigong master - then one of the jokes to counteract the power of the qigong master is to display scantily clad ladies - to throw those images at the qigong master. Another hint is Old Skool qigong master training is called "Virgin Kungfu" - so obviously these concepts go completely against MMA that is entirely based on promoting scantily clad females and not based on celibacy. And the big difference is that in the real Old Skool training - it is ONLY to be used for Self-Defense - and so that immediately negates the MMA "rules" - because MMA is a business that goes against the self-defense only INTENTION. A high level qigong master has to FEEL the pain of their opponent before any action is taken. I posted this recently on my blog: I do not train in martial arts but qigong is the foundation of martial arts. One of my teachers was a black Kungfu master in the 1960s - Jim Nance http://guidingqi.com he would always win but he would always bawl afterwards. A Chinese master said to him - you see your opponent in slow motion right? Jim thought that was his secret. So the reason Jim cried is that his third eye was seeing the future and so external reality was slowed down relative to his spirit. But then external reality had to exist INSIDE of him first. So whatever he did to the other person he had to FIRST do to himself. That is why martial arts training is based on Defense first. So the Chinese master told Jim that he now needed to train in qigong or aikido. That was in the 1960s and Jim did not meet a qigong master till 1995 - http://springforestqigong.com or Chunyi Lin. I met Chunyi Lin in 1999. So as Chunyi Lin says - his wife is his Tai Chi bodyguard since qigong is based on a different intention than physical fighting. So in qigong the intention is the Emptiness itself and the Emptiness does the work for us. So for example qigong master Yan Xin had a friend who stayed with him closely but Yan Xin warned the friend that his friend would get sick. Why? Because when Yan Xin heals people - there is an after effect of the illnesses of people still needing to be cleared back into the Emptiness. So his friend kept absorbing the sickness of other people as Yan Xin was healing them. This is mentioned in the Yan Xin book free online. So Joe Rogaine has no idea what he's talking about - if a male in MMA gets hit in the balls then he gets a 15 minute break. Whereas a real qigong master in martial arts has to suck his whole reproductive organ BACK inside his body - and again this is entirely based on celibacy training. MMA is more about marketing and business promotion as a commodity fetish. Certainly MMA fighters are dangerous and could all easily beat me up. That's not the point - the point is what is the truth of reality in the larger context. As Dr. David Palmer points out the qigong fever in China of the 1980s was actually to help China become Westernized!! So it served its purpose and now the real qigong masters like Yan Xin are back in hiding while China unleashes its nuclear weapons and high tech surveillance of the "new empire" on Earth. haha. It's really just Westernization amped up - and Mother Nature is still in control in the end.
  7. since you already know the answers then you probably shouldn't just call up a qigong master to feel the Yuan Qi energy! haha. http://springforestqigong.com or http://guidingqi.com does energy healing over the phone. Enjoy! Or play it your way - slowly creeping along with your willful ignorance keeping your brain on the brakes of reality the whole time! I get the impression you did not even read the research I did on the subject. So I'll just re post it in the thread. I'm sure others are reading this thread that are sincerely interesting in learning for the sake of their training. haha. So I already did a blog post on the Biophoton or Photic signal - that triggers the pineal gland to signal the adrenal glands (adrenal medullae) to then signal the prostate to kick out lecithin (via the splanchnic nerve). In other words - how does the LUST photic signal that causes the prostate to kick out lecithin - then get reversed back into cerebrospinal fluid? We know the answer from Daoist Neidan alchemy - it's Quick Fire breathing. Now we know the answer from science - blood-pressure via splanchnic nerve Sympathetic innervation to the male reproductive organs derives from T10–L2 intermediolateral cell column neurons and reaches the hypogastric plexus via thoracic and upper lumbar splanchnic nerves. Parasympathetic innervation derives from the S2–S4 intermediate gray of the spinal cord and travels to the inferior hypogastric plexus via pelvic splanchnic nerves. Sympathetic nerve fibers cause contraction of the vas deferens and prostatic capsule and contract the sphincter to the bladder, which prevents retrograde ejaculation. Sympathetic nerve fibers also contribute to vascular responses in the penile corpora cavernosa that are related to erection; beta-receptor blockade can result in erectile dysfunction. Parasympathetic nerve fibers regulate the vascular dilation that initiates and maintains penile erection. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/lumbar-splanchnic-nerves So when lecithin is produced by the prostate - due to the lust reaction - can it be reintegrated back into cerebrospinal fluid? yep. https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1113/jphysiol.1913.sp001621 So that's from 1913 - citing science from the 1890s. Pretty cool. The innervation to the seminal vesicles is from the sympathetic nervous system. .. the seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands are considered accessory glandular structures. These organs work together to produce and excrete semen ("seed" in Latin), which is composed of mature spermatozoa residing in a thickened, mucous fluid. The spermatozoa are produced by the testes, and they travel to the urethra by means of the ductus deferens. Along this route, the genital ducts and accessory glandular structures produce mucous secretions that combine with the spermatozoa to create semen So how is this all connected? The Renal - kidney adrenal medullae - connection The sympathetic nervous system, however, must have at least a modifying influence on erection because bilateral sympathectomy may disturb it. By contrast, unilateral sympathectomy seems not to affect sexual function.50 The second component, ejaculation, can be divided into two phases. The first phase, expulsion of seminal fluid into the prostatic urethra, is a response mediated predominantly by the sympathetic nervous system through the superior hypogastric plexus. Relieving Stress through the Pineal gland This should be good. The significant effect of melatonin on various adrenal cortex secretions and functions during thermal stress establishes such relationship between the two endocrine glands. These studies established the anti-stress properties of melatonin in goats. Activation of stress pathways may directly affect the activity of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons within the hypothalamus or higher neural centers which in turn affects the synthesis or secretion of GnRH into the hypophysial portal blood. It is also possible that stress directly influences the responsiveness of gonadotrophin cells in the anterior pituitary gland via the action of GnRH. A further potential action of stress is to alter the feedback actions of sex steroids in the hypothalamus or pituitary and inhibin in the anterior pituitary gland. Reproduction processes in animals may be impacted during heat exposure and glucocorticoids are paramount in mediating the inhibitory effects of stress on reproduction. Glucocorticoids are capable of enhancing the negative feedback effects of estradiol and reducing the stimulation of GnRH receptor expression by estrogen. Glucocorticoids may also exert direct inhibitory effects on gonadal steroid secretion and sensitivity of target tissues to sex steroids. So by flexing my Pineal gland - which I can consciously do - then I can INHIBIT the production of adrenaline! nice (1) Pineal effects on the A cell system of the adrenal medulla were inhibitory to the synthesis and secretion of epinephrine into the perivascular space and stimulatory to the opioid synthesis, and augmented by SPX. Lecithin POWERS and feeds the Pinealocytes (pdf) Now were getting somewhere. Adrenaline (which stimulates the alpha-, beta 1- and beta 2-adrenoceptors) ...These results indicate that alpha-adrenergic receptors are present in the muscle cell membrane of the rat seminal vesicle. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/16502469_Effect_of_autonomic_drugs_on_contractions_of_seminal_vesicles_in_vivo OK so I am corroborating my previous PHotic adrenal research - I'll find that. https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2018/06/more-psychophysiological-secrets-of.html So vagus nerve INCREASES melatonin while melatonin DECREASES cortisol. the hypothalamus activates the sympathetic nervous system by sending signals through the autonomic nerves to the adrenal glands. So I mentioned recently how violence and lust are closely connected. Dr. Helen Fisher, the anthropologist professor, emphasizes that lust is different than attraction. Attraction causing erection is the parasympathetic nervous system but lust does not require any thoughts!! Lust is caused by seeing an image that is provocative or hearing a sound. But when seeing an image - so you have a photon that triggers an electromagnetic signal which then activates the hypothalamus. The crucial thing about vision is that with the eyes open - we process images subconsciously before we have conscious control of it. Whereas with hearing a sound - even with the eyes open - we can "flex" our middle ear muscles and this will focus our mind to control the reaction to external sounds. So this is why seeing images is like a "black hole" for alchemy training. The key question is - one thing I always wondered about - how can Chinese alchemy claim that the kidney energy is the reproductive energy! I never really researched this but amazingly they were completely correct about the science! Int J Androl. 1997 Apr;20(2):104-11. Involvement of the adrenal medulla in ejaculatory reactions in the dog. So what I noticed is that if I accidentally see a very provocative image - this immediately triggers the production of what is called "pre-cum" - which is really the lecithin that makes up ejaculation. Not all of it - but this is instantly triggered! And so as I have stated before - the sympathetic nervous system is triggered and so even if ejaculation does not occur - then the ejaculation will happen during sleep. And so ONLY quick fire has the power to reverse this nervous system energy trigger that has already been fired. But the key thing is that you need to push the sympathetic nervous system to the extreme - and so simply deep breathing is not good enough. The standing with the legs bent then causes the thigh muscles to be sore - to then push the sympathetic nervous system to the extreme - and cause an opposite dialectical reversal of the parasympathetic. So when we read the above abstract - The above results indicate possible involvement of the greater splanchnic nerve and adrenal medulla in ejaculatory reactions in the dog. So you see a lusty image and wham! Hypothalamus is activated as the sympathetic nervous system triggered - goes to the adrenals which then goes to the Lumbar Splanchnic nerve.... So then here we have the sympathetic nerve then stimulates the prostate to kick out the lecithin. This all happens as FAST as an electromagnetic signal with NO thoughts! Just seeing a lusty image will cause the prostate to kick out lecithin. The point of meditation is to then not have this happen by keeping the eyes closed and visualizing light in the lower tan t'ien. This ionizes the lecithin which then myelinates the nerves and reverses the glands - increasing the thymus and pineal gland (in contrast to the testes). Supplementing the diet with soy lecithin has been found to increase the volume and amount of prostate secretions so that the volume of the ejaculate is increased consequently So what this means is that if there is even just a sighting of a lusty image - then IMMEDIATELY - at the speed of an electromagnetic signal - the prostate will kick out a bunch of lecithin and this is then pissed out as foamy "pre-cum" piss. So the point being that true meditation depending on building up this lecithin as ionized lecithin that is then a "soliton" - and myelinates the nerves. The right side vagus nerve is normally "unmyelinated" but if you build up the lecithin then this insulates the nerves so they carry greater charge. This is precisely how electric eels store their qi charge - in the lecithin. So just by SEEING a lusty image - then the lecithin gets pissed out as foamy piss. That is why this training is so difficult and best not to be on the interwebs. I accidentally was sent to youtube when I was not in my own account - so the "general" youtube page is all soft porn images and so immediately - at the speed of electromagnetic signal - my prostate suddenly kicked out all this lecithin. haha. NOW I know what the hell happened to me - psychophysically. I always was not quite sure how the kidneys were involved. As you build up this energy - the kidneys get HOT and the thymus gets HOT and then the pineal gland gets HOT - why? Because you are returning that charged up vagus nerve energy that would have previously been "triggered" into a sympathetic discharge of lecithin. So you build up the lecithin back into those glands while also building up the charge. In the alchemical book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality - this is called "dilation of the genital duct" - and so it is said that even if you have NO THOUGHTS of lust - you can still have the genital duct get dilated - by seeing an image of beautiful form - causing the eyes to "sparkle" as evil fire of the heart. So that is the sympathetic nervous system having gotten trigger. And then it causes ejaculation at night. UNLESS you do the moving of yin and yang exercise to reverse this discharge of the sympathetic nervous system - by restoring the parasympathetic charge as an opposite reaction, through Quick Fire breathing, that then pushes the sympathetic to its extreme causing a parasympathetic rebound reaction. So the other thing is that sending qi out of the eyes as evil fire energy - this is also a sympathetic discharge of qi. Only it is without ejaculation - it is the sympathetic nerve going the opposite direction - pulling the kidney energy UP and burning off the lecithin - and then sending it out via the pineal gland. The afferent [meaning signal directed to] input to the pineal gland is transmitted from the retinal photoreceptors through the SCN and sympathetic nervous system. Wow - I didn't realize - it really IS the Sympathetic nervous system that sends the qi out of the eyes - as Evil Fire!! Amazing. O.K. I thought it was the vagus nerve going up the front of the body - but it really IS the sympathetic nervous system that sends the qi out of the eyes!!! The suprachiasmatic nucleus controls the circadian rhythm of heart ... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8047576 by WS Warren - ‎1994 - ‎Cited by 61 - ‎Related articles Physiol Behav. 1994 Jun;55(6):1091-9. The suprachiasmatic nucleus controls the circadian rhythm of heart rate via the sympathetic nervous system. Which brings us back to the kidneys - or adrenal glands As abrogation of the SCN completely eliminates daily rhythms in plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and GCs, the oscillatory patterns of GCs in the periphery have been primarily attributed to the SCN9. Notably, SCN graft transplantation into SCN-lesioned hamsters restores circadian rhythmicity of locomotion but not of GC release, implying that synaptic connectivity may be required for SCN control of adrenal rhythms10. The SCN may also directly transmit photic information to the adrenal gland. For instance, Okamura and colleagues showed that diurnal changes in GC levels require splanchnic nerve integrity but are not mediated by differential responsiveness to ACTH11. By the way - someone reading my posts on this forum - they went to China and India looking for qigong masters. They met Jiang Feng and saw his pyrokinesis! But in the end this person decided that the "love" healing of Chunyi Lin was more what they were interested in. So then qigong master Jim Nance called me from the qigong center, telling me this person knew me. Since qigong master Jim Nance "cleared" him then I let him stay out at my place a couple nights. So then I was sitting in full lotus on the couch and suddenly he blurts out: Yeah I knew they were pulsating but I was never sure if other people could see them pulsating. That is the qi going out in the opposite direction - OUT the eyes. And so the only way to stop this from happening is to flex the sphincter and perineum and that pulls the qi back down and holds it in the lower tan t'ien. So this 2014 pdf on physiology of ejaculation emphasizes in italics: Ejaculation should NOT be confused with orgasm. https://www.springer.com/cda/content/document/cda_downloaddocument/9781493904242-c1.pdf?SGWID=0-0-45-1445150-p176456460 And I quote: is the SYMPATHETIC (my emphasis).... So that is what I'm referring to as the initial pre-trigger from the photic signal. So emission is So this is what I am referring to when you can feel the prostate start kicking out lecithin as the "pre-trigger." Unless this is reversed - then it will trigger ejaculation during sleep. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7356224 Quote Emission of semen into the urethra depends on sympathetic nerves that elicit contractions of smooth muscles in the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate.
  8. Mixing systems

    As a part of their training, all the Lineage holders of ’ Fire Dragon Shen Gong were brought into the secret “Fire Dragon Cave” on Mt. Qingcheng. There, they did the “49 days Ritual Purification Fasting” under the personal guidance and instruction of their own Master. As a result, they reached the highest level possible. Following in these footsteps, Master Yuanming Zhang has been brought into the Fire Dragon Cave once every three years, since he was 3 years of age, by his Master. The cultivation during these times began at midnight on August 15, the full moon day. What follows is a description by Master Yuanming Zhang of what one feels like when performing the 49-day fast in the cave. “During the first week, you will feel like you are near a volcano or having a Sauna. You will sweat a lot and with the sweats the whole body and mind will be cleansed and purified and all the ill “Qi” and “evil spirits” will be dispelled. In the second week, you can feel as if the lower Dantien were a Volcano or steel-smelting furnace, with bright-red energy flowing to all parts of your body. Instead of sweating, the hot feeling in the abdomen rises upwards. The third week brings the feeling that genuine Qi in the abdomen is turning into a fire dragon floating along the circulation track of the body’s energy channels. All the energy channels and meridians open up, the circulation of both microcosmic and macrocosmic orbits is running smoothly; It’s as if one’s entire body is floating in the space. The happiness and “lightness” of being in this “fairyland” cannot be expressed in words. By the fourth week, the third eye will be opened and special abilities appear. You can actually see the fire dragon travelling along the body’s energy channels when you “look” inside the abdomen. When your master emits energy directly to your Heavenly Eye Acupoint, you will see a bright red and yellow colour spot gradually growing into a “FireOcean” in the darkness. Colourful scenery can be seen with mountains, rivers, pavilions, buildings, birds, animals and Immortal Images from ancient times. It’s exactly the feeling of being linked with Universal Spirit and Energy. Over time, you can receive the highest level energy from“viewing” those scenes. This leads to improvement your health, develops intelligence and opens latent abilities. After the 49 days Cultivation, 80% of practitioners are able to see the “Qi light” in the sky with their naked eye. The “Qi light” looks like sperm and ovum. Master Yuanming named this “Qi Light,” “Dragon Sperm.” A few people can even see a giant dragon image in the sky.” Qi Magazine pdf http://qigongmaster.com So Chunyi said he went to visit this master but the master was doing the above 49 day meditation in the cave.
  9. Mixing systems

    So you're claiming that him coughing was clearing out low level spirits? Have you read the latest Spring Forest Qigong newsletter? https://sfq.infusionsoft.com/app/attachment/1140371/432701fbb6bd0281686a90456d72826b?inf_contact_key=1d43140c227c7ad50f90b480cd793c66680f8914173f9191b1c0223e68310bb1 or just go to http://springforestqigong.com to sign up for the free guild membership to get the newsletter as an email.
  10. Int J Androl. 1997 Apr;20(2):104-11. Involvement of the adrenal medulla in ejaculatory reactions in the dog. https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2019/02/splanchnic-dilation-reverse-engineering.html scroll down and read my blog post for details - this was already posted on this website.
  11. You should read "The Religion of Technology" by Professor David F. Noble. Science is a religion! Or read "The ritual origins of geometry" by math professor Abraham Seidenberg. Or...The editor of Discover magazine wrote a smash science book God in the Equation (2002) arguing that Einstein is literally the new Jesus of Sci/Religion. The term comes from psi as the unknown in quantum mechanics and the book ends with psi as the continuum of consciousness beyond spacetime. God in the Equation : How Einstein Became the Prophet of the New Religious Era by Corey Powell (Hardcover - Aug 21, 2002) Lambda -- the expansion of space-time as anti-gravity -- created by Einstein and continued by sci/religion - is the central pivot point of the actual infinite for sci/religion. Lambda is a huge fudge factor -- 2/3rds of the universe is a mysterious dark energy that is accelerating. The irony of Lambda is that Einstein's motivation was Spinoza's argument that God is Static. Or how about Professor H.M. Collins - Collins, H. M. 2003. Lead into gold: the science of finding nothing. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34(4), pp. 661-691. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2003.09.002)
  12. Jing-Qi-Shen vs. Shen based cultivation systems

    You would be easy with this topic as India as Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga and Karma Yoga - the series of books by Vivekananda are great on this topic. Gurdjieff also assimilated these differences by advocating his 4th Way that supposedly integrated the way of the Fakir (body) , Monk (emotion) and Yogi (mind). I would recommend on this topic to read the books of Master Nan, Huai-jin or Master Nan, Huai-chin. They are not easy reads. I had to read the books three times just to grasp the basic concepts. So Master Nan makes fun of monks who can not even sit in full lotus padmasana for one full day ! And then he says one full week of padmasana full lotus yoga is required to really get into the Emptiness - this is also detailed in the book Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality with one day called "minor serenity" and one week of full lotus samadhi Emptiness called a major serenity - and the goal then is 49 days or 7 weeks of full lotus padmasana meditation. So the point being that the mind is easily confused but through full lotus meditation (Wang Liping advocates six hours a day for one year to restore the jing back to a 16 year old) - then the Emptiness is effortless achieved. In other words as Master Nan, Huai-chin points out - what we consider to be not needing Effort by the Mind is actually just another trick of the ego of the mind.
  13. Is this the so called Cinnabar Field

    As I explain in my free pdf in my signature - the "false" lower tan tien is the commonly considered "Ocean of Qi" which is the yin qi energy to be filled up. The Neidan "real" lower tan tien is BEHIND the navel - as Chunyi Lin points out and also as Wang Mu points out - and the pdf explains how this misunderstanding came to be about where the lower tan tien is. (sorry if I didn't give the proper P.C. authentic spelling of any Chinese dialect words).
  14. Mixing systems

    when you say "beset by unfavorable energies/entities" - Chunyi Lin shared how ghosts regularly come to him to get healed and so he heals them. He shared this because I SAW the ghosts - they floated in from outside (while Chunyi was in full lotus meditating) - this was in 2000 at the Level 3 retreat. I had fasted for a week and meditated the whole time at age 29 - so I could see the ghosts. I had also read of the highest Buddhist master of Thailand, Phra Acharn Mun, doing the same healing of ghosts - in his biography (that is now free online - when I had read it I ordered it through interlibrary loan). So the ghost healing occurs in the East as much in the West - Phra Acharn Mun was a Forest Monk - in the early 1900s of Thailand. So Thailand was not very Westernized yet when the Buddhist master also was doing ghost healing regularly. As for "social quirks or drosses" - this seems quite silly - depending on what you think is sociable. We could get into a detailed discussion about what is sociable or not - there's a lot about Western society that people have no idea how it affects others (call them quirks if you want or not). For example in South Korea the farmers begged the US soldiers to use their outhouses to get the humanure to grow food. Now would that be considered "quirky" to do in the US? Or "dross"? I suppose. So if you mean trying to appear "successful" in the US - well as in wearing nice Sweatshop Clothes, driving a fancy SUV, going to the Mall and nice classical concerts, taking Cruise ships annually, giving talks at prestigious local centers and teaching via nice hotels, etc. - doing real science research via a Mayo Clinic doctor - yes the http://springforestqigong.com is very socially successful. Personally I'm not but then maybe I know more about what "success" in the West entails - socially. When spring forest qigong started out the retreats were at a 1950s Christian center in the forest and an austere Nunnery! Was that quirky or dross? Maybe. That is what I preferred but that was before the qigong master was "Americanized" as he said. haha.
  15. Is this the so called Cinnabar Field

    I've posted a good summary on the Taoist Yoga book - https://icbi.weebly.com/zhao-bichenrsquos-taoist-yoga.html Zhao Bichen’s - The Secrets of Cultivation of Essential Nature and Eternal Life - An Appraisal of Taoist Yoga I think how the book should be "treated" is pretty self-explanatory. You read the book and the information in there speaks for itself. The teacher did state to also do standing active exercises - which he does NOT state in the book. So yes there is some contextual information lacking. You can find that on his lineage websites. The above link should give some clues -there's a couple other websites of his lineage.
  16. Is this the so called Cinnabar Field

    And yet Zork is a random person on the internet! Hilarious. His advice? Do NOT read the FREE books. Just do whatever HE says. Oh let the mind control begin! this website is hilarious.
  17. Is this the so called Cinnabar Field

    If someone wants to understand "qi deviations" then read Professor Nancy Chen's book "Breathing Spaces" https://cup.columbia.edu/book/breathing-spaces/9780231128049 That book analyzes the Communist political context of that label "qi deviation." Also realize that qigong practitioners in China are targeted for organ harvest stealing for the organ donation market. So labeling someone with "qi deviation" can be leveraged into a nice profit.
  18. Is this the so called Cinnabar Field

    yes I was told NOT to read the TAoist Yoga book - on this forum - and it set my practice back by ten years!! So think about it - someone is telling you NOT to read a free book? Kind of sketchy advice isn't it?
  19. Is this the so called Cinnabar Field

    There is a qigong book from the 1950s in China - the title slips me at the moment - and it is a memoir of a young man who had the same experience as you. He just went deeper with it. I had that same experience when I was 29 and then I fasted for a week while meditating the whole time - this opened up the qi channels and so I got to the Yuan Qi enlightenment experience. This is described in the book Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality - it's a free read online. So at first you get heat in the lower tan tien and then the kidneys will feel boiling hot. Then the thymus gland of the heart will get hot. Finally the pineal gland will get real hot. Then the real Yuan Qi energy will kick in - after you have a full body yin qi experience. This training is also well described in the book "Tao and Longevity" by master Nan, Huai-chin. Both those books are free pdfs online. https://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/Tao-Longevity-by-Huai-Chin-Nan.pdf So this is a brief concise book - that goes over the physiological changes before the Yuan Qi is activated. I did not read this book until AFTER I had the experiences and it matched it perfectly. https://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/Taoist-Yoga-Alchemy-and-Immortality.pdf So with the Taoist Yoga book - the idea is that you want to leverage that strong heat in the lower tan tien as a sign of your jing energy built up. Consider it like a "rocket booster" that is then cast off as you go out into space and now you will be charged by space directly - the qi energy. So the jing is like amplitude while the qi is based on frequency of the energy - that is why fasting and more meditation then turns that strong heat into qi - as long as you follow that books instruction. Also you need to keep doing standing meditation - I have the details in my free pdf below in my signature. So I did not know this info when I first did my training - so I did not keep building up the Yuan Qi. Instead I had some very powerful experiences and then I "fell out of enlightenment" as I stopped training. Then I still had a permanent third eye opening due to http://springforestqigong.com sending me energy. So then I did free healing - and I still do free healing but it is just "yin qi" energy. So I still have a permanent taste of yuan qi in the third eye but I don't build it up. I can still build it up if I choose to do more serious meditation as I do sometimes. So to get to that stage then you need to get to chapter six of the Taoist Yoga book.
  20. So what Dr. Selen Atasoy discovered is that psychedelics increases the high frequency harmonics in the brain as does meditation but psychedelics also inhibits the low frequencies while meditation does NOT inhibit the low frequencies. This makes sense because meditation is based on a true infinite resonance of energy while psychedelics are an external "tool" that is done to the mind/body.
  21. Robert Peng Youtube talks

    these are awesome.
  22. Climate Change

    thanks for the response. The etymology of Brahman means Bull just as God originates from the Indo-European root meaning as Bull. So the oldest spiritual training is the Eland Bull dance of the San Bushmen culture - by the females at first menstruation. The female transforms into a male bull because the male bull has the strongest N/om due to the most fat around the heart. So with patriarchy - this female Bull connection was lost. At first you had Hathor and the "cow jumping over the Moon" in ancient Zoroastrian or west asia. So then the N/om is the Cosmic Mother energy - this was known as Apopis in Egypt - the root origin of Apocalypse in the West. Quantum biology has proven that for example the sense of smell is "non-local" relying on the 5th dimension. So qigong masters can smell long distance - over the phone even! This is proven from quantum nonlocal reality - so there is a quantum frequency or phase resonance with our neurons. This explains how the same molecules can smell differently due to being left handed or right handed asymmetry. Or different molecules can smell the same due to being the same quantum frequency. So this is called "proprioception" via ultrasound of the microtubules - Dr. Stuart Hameroff goes into this. In other words ALL our senses arise from quantum nonlocal information that is stored in the 5th dimension - meaning we can access the future even and we can also empty out our past and we can restore new matter. So this is the truth of ecology - for example it is proven that mushrooms communicate with trees via biophotons and plants rely on the non-local entanglement for photosynthesis! So most physicists are still in denial about the truth of quantum biology. The original human culture required ALL males to do spiritual training - to reconnect with the N/om of the Universe as female energy. So this training got lost or just set aside into "secret societies" - yoga or qigong in India or China. Or shamanic training in other indigenous cultures, including Orthodox Pythagorean training. So this training is very strict - way more strict than Westerners can realize. So yes we are now out of touch as instead we rely on right-hand dominant technology to make our lives more "convenient." But we are simply just psychologically PROJECTING our repressed lower emotions - and we project them as the oppressive "externalities" of technology. We are taught that "technology" is "neutral" and that indeed it can "save" us. But technology is not neutral as it is inherently tied to what Abraham SEidenberg exposed as the Ritual Origins of Geometry. So Brahman is originated from the Ritual Origins of Geometry in the patriarchy. DNA science now proves that the Vedic culture did indeed "invade" India via chariot warriors and priests. So as Seidenberg detailed - the altar for the male sun energy became dominant so that the female lunar circular altar was supposed to have the same area as the square altar. This "centering" of the circle became the basis for centering the chariot wheels.
  23. Climate Change

    yes the original human culture from which we are all from for 90% of our modern biological history (and yet hardly anyone knows anything about them) the San Bushmen culture - they deliberately have their healing music use gibberish words. So now most people think the words of music are just as important as the music itself. Actually it is the other way around - music developed first. This is called "musilanguage." And some scientists think that the natural harmonics are preferred in bird songs and other animals - mosquitoes use a Perfect Fifth music harmonic for their mating call, for example. And then some scientists even realize this music harmonic principle is the secret ordering of reality (like Alain Connes and Louis de Broglie, etc.) So thinking is limited but it is what we use in relation to right hand tool use - and most people rely on right-handed tool use. A lot of people very skilled with tools are NOT very skilled are articulating how to teach the use of those tools! So they are a kind of visionary craftsmen. But it was female chimpanzees that first learned how to hunt with spears so that they were not dependent on male chimps raping the females. The male chimps demand sex when they bring home the meat. So actually our right-hand technology dominance with left brain dominance as thinking - this derives from the females attempts to prevent rape and war by the males. So the problem is that modern civilization based on technology and left brain dominance still does not address the CAUSE of the problem which is the male psychophysiology of primates. The original human culture was completely centered on ALL the males training in spiritual trance dance (tai chi) as sublimation and purification of the N/om energy of the Universe, that is inherently female. So the universe is female as the Emptiness but there is also an eternal yin-yang dynamic to the Emptiness - so it is a paradox of how our mind as individual egos has to merge back into the Emptiness, just as it does each night when we have deep dreamless sleep. So we can say that the whole physical universe of 4D spacetime is a temporary illusion while only the 5th dimension that we inherently can NOT see is the true reality. This is difficult for us primates to accept since we left the forest as our main living area and in the forest the dominant perception is listening. Just as life came from the oceans and fish rely on a "lateral" full body listening perception. And this perception for electric fish and sharks, etc. - it easily goes into electromagnetic energy just as an electric eel and shock down a standing man!! So the qigong training is precisely the same as our biological ancestry in the fish of the oceans. And it is proven that even fish can feel sadness, say if their own leaves to go on vacation and leaves the fish in the fish bowl, alone. haha. So with the Cambrian Explosion of complex life on Earth - hundreds of millions of years ago - the key factor was the development of the Eye. But the eye relies on "quantum diffraction gradients" to see - this is much the same as the back of a compact disc where you see the rainbow light due to the small diffraction gradients. Only our Eye then based on the inherent complementary opposites of reality - then has the "chirality" or handness - the asymmetry of light. So that left-handed amino acids of light are based on taking in the light as a crystal. So in fact quantum biology has proven that each of us has a "rainbow worm" inside of us - a true GHOST of rainbow coherent biophoton light. So then as each of us will die and this spirit light that is coherent will leave our bodies. The question remains - from where does this light originate? It is not dependent on the EArth but while the light is in our bodies certainly the earth provides power to the light. But as we know from quantum physics now the power of the Universe is from Frequency not classical amplitude. So by increasing the frequency of the light in our bodies then the energy is focused more in our third eye and heart - and this is based on the natural resonance of the Earth, Moon and Sun. So the more we meditate then the more we resonate with the natural cycles, just as now with the Equinox then the energy resonance on Earth is much stronger from the Sun and Moon. So Abrupt Global Warming is really about how modern human civilization has tried to deny the fact that the Moon governs life on Earth. We desperately want to rely on the Sun as the Solar calendar become dominant for monocultural farming using the plow as patriarchy. So the menstruation synchronization that is unique to humans as primates - the secret of our pineal gland N/om energy from trance dancing - this got lost and instead now we want to fixate on the Solar radiation energy. So this created an imbalance on Earth since the Moon needs to be "fed" spiritual energy from the dominant life on Earth - as Gurdjieff emphasized. In other words to properly use the Sun's energy we FIRST have to properly build up our lunar (jing) energy. So yes it is not likely that human modern primates will return to a right brain dominant music-based reality relying on intuition from the basic fact that we are FROM Mother Nature and we are dependent on Mother Nature as the Cosmic Mother energy of the Universe. Instead we will keep trying to "control" nature - as even the abrupt global warming activists are calling for increased GeoEngineering "experiments" to try to save our ecology on Earth. So there really is NO OTHER option except for humans to accept the fact that we are not in control and we never were in control. But we can still RESONATE with our Source or choose to LISTEN to the source of the light that we experience every day - with our eyes open or when we are dreaming.
  24. Climate Change

    yes I was introduced into the concept of "revoking" corporate charters back in 1996, working with the founder of http://poclad.org So the US actually was formed as a constitutional corporate charter! This is never taught - and I only learned this recently. So we colonialists in the beginning had conferences in which we considered ourselves sovereign and then voted to create a corporate charter call the US government. So this is why President Lincoln warned that during the civil war the worst danger was that the corporate charters were gaining in power. This was because the Union relied on standardized measurements for mass reproduction of weaponry - and this was the Union government great advantage over the slave states. So we need to realize that science itself IS a religion - as per the Golden Ratio and Freemasonry. This is detailed very well in professor David F. Noble's book, "The Religion of Technology" from 1996 - and his final book was a follow up: "The Myth of Progress." So the abrupt global warming crisis is really an existential crisis about what it means to be alive since abrupt global warming is based on how entropy is defined. Western classical science assumes that the infrared light emitting from earth is "entropy" from the Sun's energy coming down at a higher frequency. But in fact this infrared light and the Sun's light - are absorbed and used by life on Earth. But life on Earth is from Negentropy - a concept that was only discovered via quantum physics while almost all of science is still based on classical physics using logarithmic symmetric math. So I call this the Strong Misanthropic Principle - so that our left brain dominance with right-hand technology dominance is destroying left-handed amino acids of life on Earth that has relied on right-brain intuitive dominance (shamanism). And so what we perceive as the accelerating space of the Universe with the slowing down of time, via our technology, is INVERSELY proportional to the acceleration of TIME on earth with the destruction of the space of Earth (ecology). And so we are experiencing a deep transformation of the Elements on Earth right now with metal and fire taking over against wood and Earth. But as the Daoists state, in fact Water is the most powerful element and so in the end Water will recover. Quantum physics has now corroborated this truth since water is a "macro quantum" molecule with a "fifth state" that near freezing has increased negentropy even as the molecule expands (which normally would indicate the opposite, an increase in entropy). So when water is closer to its tetrahedral macroquantum dipole bonding - then it is relying on the virtual photons and the splitting of the protons and electrons (yang qi and yin qi respectively). So this is called the "magnetic moment" or "spin" between the proton and electron and as Dr. Andrija Puharich realized this splitting of the water occurs via ultrasound with the spin as the negentropy energy via ELF harmonics. The ELF harmonics or schumann resonance is our natural brain alpha-theta REM shamanic visionary state of living in harmony with the Sun and the Moon as the Moon governs life on Earth via water. So life will start over - as Gurdjieff stated - from the Moon controlling life on EArth via water.