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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Polyvagal theory and tao

    yes Dr. Porges emphasizes "flexing" the middle ear muscle while listening to certain types of sounds he's developed. I recommend you try the Wim Hof method - it's all over youtube - just search "wim hof" - so basically you just take 30 deep breaths (try to feel your kidneys as you breath in) and then after the 30th breath when you exhale - just don't breath in again. So you retain the breath AFTER exhale. So just don't breath in for as long as comfortable. Then repeat the above cycle - and each time you should be able to retain the breath AFTER exhale for a longer time period. This will activate the deep right side vagus nerve and increase your brain serotonin levels - and that will heal your energy blockages.
  2. https://sci-hub.tw/10.2307/44160396 That should get you the Yellow Court pdf
  3. Yes yin/yang is fundamental hence my tag "voidisyinyang." So to "explain" "all conditions, relationships and interchanges" based on yin/yang - yes this is possible but what be realized is that Western projections onto nonwestern philosophy are too common. So I made this error in my master's thesis - I confused the yin/yang dynamics with logistic equations (including chaos math). Nope that is not true. So the Western New Age community - including the advaita vedanta community - easily projects Western symmetric logic onto yin-yang dynamics and therefore wrongly interprets the conclusions. This difference does go back to the difference in music theory - all human cultures use the 1:2:3:4 music ratios but in fact they are noncommutative phase resonance from the Yuan Qi as the time-like 5th dimension (or infinite time-frequency energy resonance). So by understanding the music theory connection then the Daoist yin-yang dynamics also explain the "three gunas" of India that are also based on the same music theory truth of reality - and the same with Pythagorean philosophy. And in fact this truth of music theory originates from the original human culture that required all males to do this spiritual training - so the Yuan Qi was originally called N/om energy. So even the term "complex systems" assumes a Western symmetric logistics math - and that is NOT the actual yin-yang dynamics. So you need to be very careful about just applying this without really studying the philosophy in detail. I recommend studying the book TAoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality - it is free online - and this will give the training details. So for example the yang qi is the Sun of the Moon as yin shen (the white tiger light). The Dragon and Tiger then have shen aspects and qi aspects - and they are interwoven but they are all still yin. So the Hun soul is yin shen and the Po soul is yin shen. Then yang shen and yin qi then have to cross over with the yin shen and the yang qi. So for example with the eyes open - the Sun is the yang shen as our perceived physical external reality and the Moon is the yin shen. So our thinking mind is yang as our perceived external reality but for alchemy to work - this "yang" has to be reversed and turned inward and this is also called accumulating the yin, since the yin qi is the Moon of the Sun of the yang shen. So the music theory is based on the microcosmic orbit but also the macrocosmic orbit of the moon and sun calendar - but the eyes have the external moon and sun calendar with the eyes open while internally the eyes access the yang qi and yin qi as the reversed energy - so that the yang qi is the sun and the yin qi is the moon. So then the spirit of the yin qi is the golden light as the yang shen and the spirit of the yang qi is the moon light as the yin shen. In other words the external is reflected internally but only by cross-resonating (rotating the eyes). The book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality gives the details. So the Yuan Qi then emanates out of the pineal gland but is also stored in the lower dantian - and so by rotating the eyes then you activate the lower dantian - and the heart is the connection of the Yuan Qi with the universal Yuan Qi.
  4. I'll try get another link for that Yellow Court book - but yes the russian site is to access academic links. On Wang Mu - that book complements the Taoist Yoga book very well. One interesting tidbit is the Taoist Yoga book has Charles Luk's editorial insertions in parentheses. So you realize that Charles Luk was wrong about the location of the lower dantian when you take out his parentheses (based on what Wang Mu explains).
  5. The Transformation of Emotions

    Emotional healing as Yuan Qi transmission - spirit exorcism
  6. yeah I did a blog post on this yesterday - as I have quoted from Pregadio in Wang Mu's book on "Foundations of Internal Alchemy" - the microcosmic orbit that opens up the 12 channels is actually directly from music theory as noncommutative phase that is non-local. So the number 9 as the 1st note of music as the Lunar yang qi energy - this is from the same as the Pythagorean Tetraktys using the double octave. So in the Tao te ching - when it refers to the 1, 2, 3 - this is actually music harmonics and so the Single Perfect Yang is 2/3 as the Perfect Fifth music interval that is noncommutative phase - this means it is 2/3 as C to F (subharmonic) and 3/2 as C to G overtone harmonic. So in the West this was "divided and averaged" as the basis of geometric irrational magnitude math. In the Daoist harmonics - in contrast - there is just a yin and yang reversal - so with the small universe meditation - each harmonic node of the 12 is actually a reversal of the Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth (since 4/3 as yin is derived from doubling the 2/3). So that is also the secret of how the yin qi is resonated and purified into the yang qi energy. And so to double in music is also to multiple so that 3/2 as the Single Perfect Yang that is noncommutative (as explained above) is then doubled to 9/4 which is the origin of the 9 as the first music note for the double octave based on 6:8:9:12. https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2019/03/location-of-lower-tan-tien-in-daoist.html So if you look at the Yellow Court pdf link I gave - on my blog I have "cut and paste" images that are the images explaining the Wang Mu "Foundations of Internal AlchemY' as the small universe - with the real dantian - and so the 12 harmonic nodes of the small universe - as Pregadio explains in that book - are from music theory. So then the full lotus padmasana position is also noncommutative phase as music theory and also the standing active exercise are based on the same non-local noncommutative phase secret (i.e. the right hand goes to left foot yang and right hand as yin goes to upper body as yang) And so that applies to Yiquan or to bagua or to wingchun or to Tai Chi and for Silk Reeling - with the twisting of the arms - this again is the noncommutative phase secret of 720 degree spin for the electron to first flip as an antimatter positron before then coming back to its symmetry as an electron in the orbit to create the charge. So the Emptiness is then the "magnetic moment" between the positron and electron - it is the "spin" that is the 5th dimension that guides reality from the future.
  7. The Transformation of Emotions

    So I have investigated cymatics before - even reading Hans Jenny's original book that coined the term. Since you recommended it again then I investigated it further - especially since recently Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson has also been promoting cymatics. So as I've mentioned, Professor Josephson corresponded with me several times over the past 10 years or so - and so now he is emphasizing acoustics. So then Cymatics is also now promoting Nobel physicist Josephson who gave a recent lecture on water acoustics and cymatics. So as I read the comments to his posting of his lecture, on his youtube channel, then he recommends a site called "Mereon." So when I go to Mereon - LO! - it is based on the math research of Louis Kauffman! Who is Louis Kauffman but the collaborator with Eddie Oshins the Daoist Neigong quantum psychology researcher who relied on noncommutative phase logic. So the last I corresponded with Professor Josephson I was encouraging him to investigate noncommutative phase logic of music theory - and also he practices qigong as well. So now he is investigating the noncommutative phase logic of acoustics! So this is a very encouraging sign. Then I see that the Mereon research is based on a lady who had an NDE experience with some vision - and somehow then they tested the frequency just under 8 hertz on the Cymascope - and sure enough - as predicted - it emitted a blue light! But the blue light was a 90 degree phase shift (noncommutative) with the sound. This fits perfectly with the research. I did a blog post on this - https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2019/03/brian-josephson-on-louis-kauffman.html Just scroll down a lot to get the blog post. As for the emotional aspect - well that gets back to the music and meditation. One of the main themes then is the body-mind as a musical instrument that transforms the emotional energy. This gets me back to my "Blue Light of Blues Music" article - I must have linked that above already. But in my "conspirachi" blog book I go into this also. Our research and that of other scientists suggest that activation of the vagus nerve is associated with feelings of caretaking and the ethical intuition that humans from different social groups (even adversarial ones) share a common humanity. People who have high vagus nerve activation in a resting state, we have found, are prone to feeling emotions that promote altruism—compassion, gratitude, love and happiness. Arizona State University psychologist Nancy Eisenberg has found that children with high-baseline vagus nerve activity are more cooperative and likely to give. This area of study is the beginning of a fascinating new argument about altruism: that a branch of our nervous system evolved to support such behavior. So again what makes the throat singing work is the activation of the left side vagus nerve but it is activated by the nonlinear resonance of the ELF subharmonics and the ultrasound overtone harmonics. These love hormones are brought out by the slow blues music - as shown in this magical "Story of the Weeping Camel" doc of shamanic healing blues love resonance This is also why in music a person gets the "chills" down the spine (aka frisson) - Even the Blues Feel Good in a Musician’s Brain (1/6/16)....The researchers found that expressing sadness activated the reward center of the brain, while playing happy music did not....Sad music, on the other hand, directly stimulates the reward center of the brain, releasing the chemical dopamine and making us feel good...."if expressing certain emotions creates more reward, we would expect to see them represented in art more often." There has been a strong nonlinear harmonic activation from the vagus nerve - Does music give you an ORGASM? Certain melodies and harmonies can trigger a physical response similar to sex in some - either from strong overtones or strong subharmonics and the chills have been proven to be the inner ear activation of the vagus nerve to the pineal gland which then increases dopamine levels or opiods - also through the vagus nerve: 2013 pdf neurochemistry of music study Music listening reportedly lowers requirements for opiate drugs in postoperative pain [45], which suggests that music may stimulate the release of endogenous opioid peptides within the brain. A frequently cited older study found that self-reported thrills and chills during music listening could be blocked by the opioid antagonist naloxone, which provided tentative evidence of a causal link between musical reward and the central release of endogenous opioids [17]. The "Mozart Effect" is from the slow middle movement of late baroque, early classical music - the one beat per second (60 bpm of the slow movement) resonates the heart beat and alpha brain waves of the right brain. Watch full documentary here - Alive Inside: The Magic of Music and Memory This was the secret to poetry being sung to the "lyre" harp in Western Asia early civilization - so that long photographic memorization is possible in this trance right brain dominant state. Alive Inside - the Magic of Music to treat memory disease - video news interview Infinite spiral of fifths from noncommutative time-frequency
  8. https://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/Tao-Longevity-by-Huai-Chin-Nan.pdf So Master Nan, Huai-chin explains how the full lotus posture works in meditation: I think it's pretty obvious that "lack" of full lotus meditation is quite the norm in the Westernized modern world. But the arguments FOR practicing full lotus are not as well known.
  9. Climate Change

    Yes I actually pointed out the water shortage back in 2000 - and someone had a letter published saying my views were completely wrong. haha. I'll post my op-ed that was published in the University of Minnesota back in 2000 - predicting this specific water shortage. April, 2000 MN Daily staff op-ed, drew hempel The Great Lakes will be at record lows because of lack of snow that feeds 40 percent of their annual water supply. This disturbing situation has been attributed to global warming, and according to the United Nations, the influence of major transnational corporations extends over about 50 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions. What's received less attention is that large corporations are also attempting to raid the Great Lakes. One government agency already gave permission for 600 million liters of Great Lakes water to be filled into tankers and sent to Asia over the next five years. A temporary moratorium was achieved, but the move to conserve water will be brought to the World Trade Organization as a violation of the supposed rights of corporate rule. Through Reaganite corporate-state subsidies, California ironically has become the new dairy state at the expense of rural Wisconsin family livelihood -- including their future ability to drink water. California recently attempted to pipe water from Wisconsin. According to the Worldwatch Institute, agriculture accounts for two-thirds of all irrigated fresh water use while industrial production in general accounts for 50 to 80 percent of fresh water demand. But it's not just corporate-state water use in California; it's also the corporate pollution of water. Silicon "computer" Valley has more Superfund sites -- most of them affecting groundwater -- than any other area its size in the country. And 60 percent of the United States' liquid hazardous wastes -- 34 billion liters of solvents, heavy metals and radioactive materials -- is directly injected into the ground, the main source for fresh water. In 1996, the journal Science reported that the global supply of fresh water will be used up in 30 years at current usage rates. According to the Stanford researchers who authored the study, there is no "hidden water," and current foreseeable technologies, like desalinization, were factored into their findings. But greed-driven corporations are tapping into that grim projection to maximize profits for their own pea-brained drive to extinction. In just a few short years, through more than 130 acquisitions, American Toxic Control has been transformed into U.S. Filter Inc., with $5 billion in annual revenues, making it 10 times the size of its nearest competitor. As controller at U.S. Filter, Richard Heckmann states, "How could it be that there is no Intel, I.B.M., General Motors or Toys 'R' Us in the water business?" he asked. "You can live without all those things. Five days without water, you're dead." Apparently Dan Quayle agrees since he sits on the U.S. Filter Inc. board, joined by the Bass brother finance speculators who threw in a cool, refreshing $250 million. The time is right to create a giant corporation that transforms the public right to water into a scarce luxury item for those privy to the secret magic of money. Based on a 1998 water study by Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, "To avoid catastrophe ... it is important to act now." Our clear answer to the water crisis, according to the scientific researchers, can be summed up in one word: conservation. Secret global corporate rule, though, blocks environmental issues, labeling them barriers to corporate WTO trade. U.S. corporate-state rule has been consistent in its priorities ever since the founding aristocrats, like John Jay, planned to keep the rich in power against the threat of democracy. George Kennan, as head of the State Department, authored a top-secret document that reflects these elite goals on a global scale: "We have about 50 percent of the world's wealth, but only 6.3 percent of its population ... Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity ... We should cease to talk about vague and -- for the Far East -- unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards and democratization ... The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better." Similarly, now declassified U.S. National Security Council documents clearly outline policies to support destructive regimes in order to maintain wealth for the corporate-state elite. In fact, after World War II, the U.S. corporate-state elite attacked democracy movements worldwide and reinstated fascist regimes, brutally promoting power to a few. There's an interesting hidden history to undemocratic, destructive corporate rule. Did colonists plead for a more "socially responsible" king? The colonists demanded their inalienable, natural right to sovereignty. The king, though, was the only sovereign of the land and the king was also the only source of corporate charters. Most of the 13 colonies were actually crown charters (i.e. the Massachusetts Bay Trading Company). The list of grievances attached to the Declaration of Independence stemmed from the corporate rule of the king. After democracy was achieved, corporate charters were deliberately put into the hands of the state legislatures, were issued for only special purposes and had extremely limited powers. Corporate charters were routinely revoked and the corporate assets reinvested by the public. President Lincoln warned, though, shortly after the Civil War, that the growing threat of corporate rule was worse than the war and would, unless stopped, destroy the republic. Just as he predicted in 1886, a bought-out robber-baron judge declared that corporations are protected by the Bill of Rights and have legal "personhood" -- thus subverting our democracy. That same year 230 state laws controlling corporations were overturned in district courts. Between 1890 and 1910, 307 cases went to the Supreme Court based on the anti-slavery 14th Amendment. But only 19 cases were from African-Americans, while 288 were corporations seeking their new constitutional personhood "right to due process." The Bill of Rights ironically continues to be the main vehicle for destructive undemocratic corporate rule. Most state constitutions still require the attorney general to revoke the charter of any corporation that continuously violates the public good. With the knowledge of this hidden history exposed, in the last few years the public has rescinded two corporate charters. The global sovereignty movement grows increasingly thirsty for democratic revolution. The future of water depends on declaring independence from corporate rule. Drew Hempel's column appears on alternate Thursdays. He welcomes comments at [email protected]. Send letters to [email protected]
  10. The Science of Rejuvenation of the Pineal Gland

    did anyone notice the STRONG pineal gland bliss during the full moon before the equinox? The full moon closest to the equinox or solstice then has much stronger pineal gland magnetic bliss.
  11. Polyvagal theory and tao

    yes I've posted a lot of Dr. Stephen Porges' research on my blog http://elixirfield.blogspot.com or just click on links below
  12. https://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/Nan-Huai-Chin-Working-Toward-Enlightenment.pdf So Master Nan, Huai-chin - when he gave his talks - would say how many monks here can even sit in full lotus for a week? So you want to work up to one week of non-stop full lotus meditation. After that I would say then "real" meditation kicks in (Nirvikalpa Samadhi aka the Emptiness). https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/6121-respect-for-full-lotus/
  13. Climate Change

    https://www.axios.com/bering-sea-ice-vanishing-a23bacda-a08d-4ec7-9124-419b90b984a2.html March is normally when people would be crabbing and fishing out on the ice. That's not happening now. The sea ice loss makes hunting animals like walrus and seals, which serve as key food sources for native Alaskans in coastal villages, far more risky: It's much harder to haul a dead walrus into a boat than up onto solid ice. Communities exposed to high seas are seeing severe erosion and threats to their infrastructure. Adaptation to Future Water Shortages in the United States Caused by Population Growth and Climate Change Thomas C. Brown Vinod Mahat Jorge A. Ramirez Earth's Future First Published: 28 February 2019 Climate change and population growth will combine to increase the likelihood of water shortages in many areas of the United States Expected improvements in water use efficiency will be insufficient to avoid impending water shortages Reductions in agricultural irrigation will be essential to contain shortages in other water use sectors and avoid excess groundwater drawdown or environmental flow losses
  14. Climate Change

    That is the beauty of Mother Nature - the truth of ecological apocalypse will happen whether you choose to ignore - or practice "self-censorship" - it's TOO LATE - there's nothing that can be done.
  15. Climate Change

    So you are relying on the Danish meteorological Institute (DMI) So we can quote from their scientist: and https://climatefeedback.org/evaluation/another-arctic-ice-panic-world-temperatures-plummet-the-telegraph-christopher-booker/ and so the image you are using? Dan Jones, Physical Oceanographer, British Antarctic Survey: This article suffers from a common error in reasoning. The author focuses on individual “snapshots” of the state of the climate while ignoring the long-term trends. Those trends occur over many decades and must be observed/considered over those time scales. Andrew King, Research fellow, University of Melbourne: This paper peddles common misconceptions about climate change to suggest that global warming is not a problem. It’s extremely misleading and can be easily debunked based on peer-reviewed literature. William Anderegg, Associate Professor, University of Utah: This article is highly misleading and factually inaccurate. Jan Lenaerts, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder: This article mixes short-term weather phenomena and long-term climate trends, and uses logical fallacies and cherry-picked evidence to make a false claim. Alek Petty, Postdoctoral associate, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Terrible article: Making up facts, cherry picking data, consulting non-scientists, and spouting nonsense. Daniel Swain, Researcher, UCLA, and Research Fellow, National Center for Atmospheric Research: For its short length, this article contains an impressive number of falsehoods and willful misinterpretations of data. Essentially all the climate-related claims therein are either demonstrably false or “cherry picked.”
  16. Climate Change

    Arctic is about to go ice-free for the first time in 3 million years - releasing gigatons of stored "frozen" methane - as a methane bomb! https://frozen.earth/2019/02/second-1-week-melt-in-the-arctic/ http://greatwhitecon.info/resources/arctic-sea-ice-graphs/
  17. Climate Change

    https://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/18/17207/2018/ Methane-spewing Microbe Blamed in Earth's Worst Mass Extinction ... https://www.scientificamerican.com/.../methane-spewing-microbe-blamed-in-earths-w... By Will Dunham. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sometimes bad things come in small packages. A microbe that spewed humongous amounts of methane into ... Earth's worst-ever mass extinction of life holds 'apocalyptic' warning ... https://www.independent.co.uk/.../earth-permian-mass-extinction-apocalypse-warning... Mar 24, 2017 - Researchers studying the largest-ever mass extinction in Earth's history ... This melted vast amounts of methane that had been trapped in the ... Methane Thought To Be Responsible For Mass Extinction - ScienceDaily https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/08/030828071722.htm Aug 28, 2003 - What caused the worst mass extinction in Earth's history 251 million years ago? An asteroid or comet colliding with Earth? ... A Northwestern University chemical engineer believes the culprit may be an enormous explosion of methane (natural gas) erupting from the ocean depths. Methane Hydrate: Killer cause of Earth's greatest mass extinction ... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871174X16300488 by U Brand - ‎2016 - ‎Cited by 13 - ‎Related articles The cause for the end Permian mass extinction, the greatest challenge life on Earth faced in its geologic history, is still hotly debated by scientists. ... The gas composition of the end Permian brachiopod-inclusions reflects dramatically higher seawater carbon dioxide and methane contents leading up to the biotic event.
  18. Climate Change

    https://phys.org/news/2017-07-climate-wildfires-experts.html#nRlv Climate change will feed wildfires: experts
  19. Climate Change

    Heatwave was triggered by climate change, according to new research July 30, 2018, University of Oxford https://phys.org/news/2018-07-heatwave-triggered-climate.html
  20. Climate Change

    http://psc.apl.uw.edu/research/projects/arctic-sea-ice-volume-anomaly/ 2008? Nice one!
  21. Climate Change

    https://www.pnas.org/content/115/36/E8349.short Decreasing fire season precipitation increased recent western US forest wildfire activity Zachary A. Holden, Alan Swanson, Charles H. Luce, W. Matt Jolly, Marco Maneta, Jared W. Oyler, Dyer A. Warren, Russell Parsons, and David Affleck PNAS September 4, 2018 115 (36) E8349-E8357; published ahead of print August 20, 2018 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1802316115 https://www.biogeosciences.net/16/57/2019/ Emergent relationships with respect to burned area in global satellite observations and fire-enabled vegetation models Matthias Forkel1,Niels Andela2,Sandy P. Harrison3,Gitta Lasslop4,Margreet van Marle5,Emilio Chuvieco6,Wouter Dorigo1,Matthew Forrest4,Stijn Hantson7,Angelika Heil8,Fang Li9,Joe Melton10,Stephen Sitch11,Chao Yue12,and Almut Arneth13 1Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing Group, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria 2Biospheric Sciences Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA 3Department of Geography and Environmental Science, University of Reading, Reading, UK 4Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 5Deltares, Delft, the Netherlands 6Environmental Remote Sensing Research Group, Department of Geology, Geography and the Environment, Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Spain 7Geospatial Data Solutions Center, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA 8Department for Atmospheric Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany 9International Center for Climate and Environmental Sciences, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 10Climate Research Division, Environment Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada 11College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK 12Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, Gif-sur-Yvette, France 13Atmospheric Environmental Research, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
  22. Climate Change

    Cherry Blossoms' Peak Bloom Is an Indicator of Climate Change - Eos https://eos.org/articles/cherry-blossoms-peak-bloom-is-an-indicator-of-climate-change
  23. Climate Change

    Station Length of time series Observed or forecast value (Celsius) Return period in current climate (yr) Dublin, Ireland 1880-2018 26.5 8 (4…15) De Bilt, Netherlands 1900-2018 33.0 5 (3…9) Copenhagen, Denmark 1874-2018 30.9 7 (4…19) Oslo, Norway 1937-2018 31.2 8 (3…30) Linköping, Sweden 1931-2018 32.2 30 (10…200) Sodankyla, northern Finland 1908-2018 31.9 >90 yr Jokioinen, southern Finland 1957-2018 32.1 140 (>16) We use the best guess of these return times in three day maximum temperatures as the event definition for the gridpoint in the climate models the station is located in. Heatwave made more than twice as likely by climate change, scientists find https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/jul/27/heatwave-made-more-than-twice-as-likely-by-climate-change-scientists-find