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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. the way, the truth, and the light

    Read "Christ in Egypt" by D.M. Murdock - an amazing tome on the true origins of Christianity. It's an academic analysis so a bit dry but I corresponded with the author several times. She was an independent scholar and died early - I suppose from all the stress of the brutal criticism she got. I criticized her a bit - but this topic of comparative religion is pretty intense. The book is free online but if can buy it - I think her family needs support as she left children behind.
  2. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    So chapter six of the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality explains how the Tao is experienced as the Yuan Qi - the "first half" of alchemy training. But then a person can "fall out of enlightenment" or "fall back into worldliness" - still there can be some stabilization where the "ancestral cavity" of the third eye is permanently opened. And so whether it is psychic (siddhis) or spiritual (yuan qi or shakti) depends on the intensity of the energy developed internally. So the yin qi does not have any substance and the yin qi is aligned with the yang shen via the left eye - and the heart. So then even with the eyes open - there can be a Yuan Qi connection via the pineal gland but as psychic energy via the yin qi of the left brain intentions via the yang shen (the physical body). We create another yang shen via the "yin matter" that is superluminal and therefore golden matter - or virtual information as mass that turns back into yuan jing. So in this sense the pineal gland can be permanently opened but if a person just sees light internally that is still the "relative void" of the yin qi and yang qi. Only once the internal energy is built up and restored via purification does the yuan qi manifest again as the "absolute void" - seeing light externally. So once the pineal gland is permanently open - this is like a tiny taste of the yuan qi as the yuan qi emanates of the pineal gland via the heart. So then that tiny taste of Yuan Qi can be built upon fairly quickly to increase the body's yuan qi and yuan jing through further meditation. So it's a matter of what level of purification a person wants to maintain - one of the other posters mentioned this recently. How as a "master" gets older then their abilities decrease. Actually this is based solely on how much healing they are doing and teaching - versus how much energy they are storing up inside their bodies via the Yuan Qi. So the Yang Shen manifesting STILL has some yin qi blockages within it and so the Yang Shen is then sucked back inside the body - and these "red light" (lower body) yin qi shen blockages are then purified via the Yuan Shen and Yuan Qi into yang qi blue light. So just as Gold is a relativistic quantum phenomenon - the golden light is from the Blue light as a spacetime shift of the future being absorbed.
  3. I did a new blog post on a music analysis of INdia playback female singing https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2019/03/ecoecho-goddess-worship-lata.html EcoEcho Goddess Worship: Lata Mangeshakar as Jeeva Swara and The Antiphonal Echo Sound System of Indian Playback singing you have to scroll down a lot to get to the new blog post. thanks
  4. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    The whole trick here is that Westerners don't realize WHO decides that you come back!! The more "immortal" that a person "becomes" then the less of an individual ego the person possesses - so that the Yuan Qi is increasingly deciding what the person does. So for example after my "enlightenment experience" I then realized that EVERYTHING is made of Yuan Qi - even a piece of shit. So then I thought now I am FREE - and I began eating meat and dumpster diving for food while hanging out with homeless people. What I didn't realize is that to develop the SECOND HALF of the alchemy training (the yang shen) - then there has to be an increasing harmonization and purification of the body-mind. So to develop the golden yang shen body then requires a person to be in isolation in the mountains or a cave, etc. Especially in today's modern Westernized world that goes completely against this type of training.
  5. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    just realize that Ultimate Neidan is Yuan Qi - total Yuan Qi of the body and mind. Poof back into the formless Yuan Qi of the Universe. haha. If you doubt me - then just study the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality.
  6. very advanced energy practice

    What he's really talking about is maintaining celibacy among other things http://chanbuddhismuk.proboards.com/thread/381/learning-taoist-yoga?page=2 That thread gives a link http://qianfengdaoismuk.weebly.com/clear-explanations-of-hygiene-and-physiology.html So that will give other links.
  7. very advanced energy practice

    I would say to first rely on an energy "healing" for a real qigong master - I took classes from http://springforestqigong.com in 2000. My first class was in 1999. I first experienced qigong master Effie P. Chow in 1995. Then I studied with qigong master Jim Nance on a one-to-one level in 2015. As far as books - the book "Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality" has all the details you need but it is best to follow up on the websites from that lineage as you then get the contextual information around the book. For example the author of the book taught that doing standing active exercise along with the small universe meditation then doubles your rate of results. You don't find that in the book. As far as Neidan books - anything Pregadio has translated is very good. Although I did email him about his use of the later Tai-chi symbol with the "Hub" instead of the original tai-chi symbol without the hub. He was nice enough to respond about that but he didn't really acknowledge the issue at hand. So I think the term "Neidan" itself can be limiting. I don't buy books anymore - so I don't really have a "neidan" library based on training books. I've tried to find better books online but I didn't see any. That Richard dude - Bertlingscher or something? He has a new book about the "Horse" analogy in Neidan? I was going to check that one out. Bertschinger, Richard. https://mytaoworld.com/ https://www.thedaobums.com/forum/439-miscellaneous-daoist-texts-daoist-biographies/ That thread probably has what you're looking for....
  8. Climate Change

  9. http://soundingthedepths.blogspot.com/p/audio-visual-examples.html This gives example of how the San Bushmen culture spread around the world and can still be heard in the music as remnants. So all human cultures use the 1:2:3 (10,000 things) harmonics of alchemy. It's only because of the Westernization of the world that the logarithmic equal-tempered tuning has then taken over. So equal-tempered tuning was considered a "materialistic" mode in Indian tuning. It existed but was not favored - as a scale. Essentially the females sing all night and the males dance. That's how it started out and the songs use gibberish words. Westerners tend to favor the words over the music. In the San Bushmen culture the healing songs intentionally use gibberish words to emphasize the healing power of the music itself. http://radicalanthropologygroup.org/file/331 Here's a new lecture on the San Bushmen original human culture. I'm just listening to it now. So in India - this is the "three gunas" harmonics - the oldest philosophy of INdia - as also the Daoist harmonics.
  10. Thank you for your comment, as it was shorter than your usual comments. You reminded me of a conversation I had with another Westerner who was, along with me, part of the University Chinese community practicing Yan Xin meditation. As we took the bus back together - across campus - he complained that he was not really feeling anything. I said that Yan Xin emphasizes to not rely on your feelings to judge your practice. So certainly joy of the heart is a great feeling but actually "unconditional love" is NOT a feeling but rather it is the Yuan Qi energy as ACTION - or what Yan Xin calls the "virtual information field." So it is love even though it's not a feeling because the love is based on de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony - it is music harmonics as happiness as medicine - all at the same time. So this is the truth of Unconditional Love beyond a feeling. The Pythagoreans called it Harmonia.
  11. very advanced energy practice

    Yakir Aharonov: Finally making sense of the double-slit experiment (2017, Aharonov):
  12. http://ecoechoinvasives.blogspot.com/2017/06/why-lonemanpai-is-just-another-fake.html people were reading my blog, then posting about me on the lonemanpai forum - without any direct feedback from me. Pretty sneaking and weak. haha. So then I deleted my blog and switched over to my other blog.
  13. very advanced energy practice

    Yes I was just going from my own experience. Just learning from experience - when I meditate more - then I get visions or dreams - that when they are precognitive it is based on this stronger emotional connection. It works the other way also. So for example qigong master Jim Nance was staying at my family's cabin - several years ago. He said - he asked he who was the Asian lady having a really big fight with another women in the kitchen? He had seen this in a vision. I said oh that must have been my sister's best friend at the time - as I knew the two of them had been staying up there while they were also fighting a lot. So that strong emotional energy had gotten STORED in the ether - and so was accessible from the future into the past. So as Kurt Godel stated - we can have time travel only for it to work without any Grandfather Paradox then we can NOT have any personal desires. So what time travels is the Emptiness itself - NOT the "vision" that is being seen. This is difficult to believe - but Light has "relativistic mass" as a hidden momentum that is superluminal - that is the noncommutative phase secret of Shen as the Emptiness. So Nobel physicist Gerard 'T Hooft argues that we all live in 5D micro black holes - connecting everything all the time. So this also enables a worm hole. This is now a mainstream science model - that quantum non-local reality also creates spacetime wormholes. Another good book on this topic is Dr. Christina Donnell's book Transcendent Dreaming - she has a few interviews on youtube. She was a Taichi international competitor and she got a Ph.D. in psychology and then she trained in Andean shamanic meditation. Then she started getting precognitive dreams that also were healing visions. So she wrote a book about it. So she does a very good job about this - in terms of the strong emotions versus the Emptiness. It kind of FREAKS out the person who is interviewing her. I think it's this guy who tries to "challenge" her.
  14. Climate Change

    History is not "rate of change" https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/earth-permian-mass-extinction-apocalypse-warning-climate-change-frozen-methane-a7648006.html Earth's worst-ever mass extinction of life holds 'apocalyptic' warning about climate change, say scientists Some 250 million years ago, runaway global warming saw the planet's average temperature hit 29 degrees Celsius, compared to about 15C today
  15. Why LonemanPai is just another fake alchemy website

    thanks! Yes I think I was relying on someone else telling me this. So I looked into it - I found this quote: To REalize Enlightenment, page 5 https://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/Nan-Huai-Chin-To-Realize-Enlightenment.pdf And then this: and http://www.meditationexpert.com/meditation-techniques/m_pranayama_breath_work_techniques_for_meditation.htm
  16. very advanced energy practice

    https://books.google.com/books?id=z63kSi61TSwC&pg=PA37&lpg=PA37&dq=healing+makes+our+hearts+happy+bushmen&source=bl&ots=Hx2hSlpr--&sig=ACfU3U2YX1RGzShb9URXDIP_Sr4pStOPrA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwikk5ugiZThAhUI0YMKHaUSDNoQ6AEwCHoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=hoard&f=false So here is that reference - thanks for asking me - so far all I have found is that some of the older more powerful healers just go off by themselves but since they can't hunt anyway then it's considered fine. But I think there is more to this... I'll keep looking. So with sound - the trick is actually defined through music theory as explained in the Dao but Westerners do not understand this. So the 1 creates 2 as the octave - so they have the same pitch as spacetime geometry as the Emptiness. The 2 creates 3 as yin and yang but 2/3 is Yang as the Perfect Fifth or C to F subharmonic while 3/2 is Yang as the Perfect Fifth but it is C to G overtone harmonic. So F=3=G at the SAME time - as non-local nondualism. Science calls this "time-frequency uncertainty" but it is proven that we can HEAR faster than Fourier uncertainty (or time-frequency uncertainty). Why? Because Science relies on an EXTERNAL visual measurement whereas listening is based on logical inference that is non-linear. So we can also say no ONE is listening since "one" is not a number. It is proven that we can hear at the sub-angstrom wavelength (smaller than light wavelength). So This is also called the 'Pressure" of light - or acoustic baryonic waves that are FASTER than the speed of light. So the energy of the Universe was ZERO when the Big Bang happened but it happened due to the PHASE shift being FASTER than time-frequency uncertainty. This is the source of the so-called "multiverse" model of reality. So we can create this inside ourselves just by logical inference as listening. The secret is that since it is noncommutative than the Left Ear is yuan qi or yang qi while the left eye is yin qi but yang shen. So the ears and eyes are reversed even though the upper body is yang and left side is yang for the lower body. So the nonwestern alchemy science - for example in the SAn Bushmen culture the Females sleep on the LEFT hand side of the fire - this is because females are yang internally. Or depending on how it is defined - reality is inherently based on noncommutative phase and this resonates to the macro level. Eddie Oshins working at SLAC corroborated this discovery - he was a quantum physicist who also realized that the secret of Neigong alchemy is noncommutative phase logic. This noncommutative phase logic IS from music theory - as Fields Medal math professor explains - Alaine Connes. Here I'll get you a quote: Emilio Del Guidice
  17. very advanced energy practice

    It is done through LISTENING - so the listening can be energy "captured" because phonons are a quasi-particle that are not limited by the Pauli Principle (of the symmetric of the spin as definition the shells of matter via electrons).
  18. very advanced energy practice

    yes I have a quote from Nisa: https://www.gearslutz.com/board/attachments/the-moan-zone/279031d1330198691-retune-your-music-444-old-tuning-standard-alchemy-rainbow-heart-music.pdf "God watches the sick person and the healer trances her." So there is a lot packed into that statement. Light is "turned around" to do the healing through the Emptiness but at the speed of light - the Light is ALSO non-local as superluminal phase - or as a wave, not a photon. So then the healer maintains the samadhi as a kind of "flickering" or what is it called now - when the screen has to refresh itself - yes this is documented in the Quantum Zeno Effect to occur as a laser energy. So you maintain the frequency coherence as a laser and so the laser is "pumped up" via jing energy which then creates a nonlinear feedback as a resonance cascade - to emit light as the electrons "step down" - but since the energy source is NONcommutative phase that means it is eternal TIME that is listening to us. Oh yes - it's called "Hoarding N/om" - as the original sin - I'll look that up. Yeah I reference it on page 545 - from the book "Healing Makes our Hearts Happy" - so do I give a page number? NO - because I remember now. I read that book IN the University Library. I'll see if I can find the direct quote.
  19. very advanced energy practice

    Evil can not be "gratified" - the "original" qigong master as I like to call http://springforestqigong.com makes this point. He had a couple at one of his classes taught in a big New Age area - and the couple were in the back of the room doing stuff to steal his energy. So since his third eye is fully open then he can just recharge his energy from the Cosmic Yuan Qi as he sends out energy - and so he just let them keep taking energy and taking energy. Finally they got the POINT that the Emptiness is WITHIN US as much as it is "without us" and so it is not our ego that is taking some "limited" thing to get "gratified" - and so they finally STOPPED trying to take "his" energy and went up to confess, apologize and thank him. On the alchemy training of the Bushmen as bilocation? I can't remember off-hand. It's in one of these sources most likely. Bushmen healing books/texts The Way of the Bushman: Spiritual Teachings as told by the Elders N/um, Change, and Social Work by Drs. Bradford and Hillary Keeney pdf Megan Biesele, Women like meat: the folklore and foraging ideology of the Kalahari Ju/’Hoan (Witwatersrand University Press, 1993). Mathias Georg Guenther, Tricksters and trancers: bushman religion and society (Indiana University Press, 1999). Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, The harmless people (Random House, Inc., 1989) and Rupert Isaacson, The Healing Land: The Khoisan and the Kalahari Desert (Grove Press, 2004). Richard Katz, Boiling energy: community healing among the Kalahari Kung (Harvard University Press, 1984). Marjorie Shostak, Nisa: the life and words of a !Kung woman (Harvard University Press, 2000). the Bushmen book Healing Makes Our Hearts Happy. The Past and Future of !Kung Ethnography: Critical Reflections and Symbolic Perspectives. Essays in Honour of Lorna Marshall , edited by Megan Biesele, with Robert Gordon and Richard Lee Trance Cure of the !Kung Bushmen pdf by Richard Lee Some healers try to hoard n/um Education for Transcendence - Richard Katz pdf Eland Bull trance dance ritual during first female menstruation at New Moon - oldest language Interview with Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, Paula Gordon Show (Peterborough, New Hampshire, July 19, 2008). I try to document and reference everything when I post it online. So it might be in one of my free books. But I don't remember writing that down - so maybe not. Maybe it was !Nisa who said that some of the males go off alone and then everyone else is afraid of them because of their extra power they build up? It's in one of those sources I think. I'll check my 2012 book.
  20. very advanced energy practice

    Yes the original human culture realized that GHOST POLLUTION is the cause of disease. So as I saw ghosts also - the ghost as a hun soul gets trapped on Earth since the Hun Soul is still a yin shen and so has Yin Qi lower emotional blockages "embedded" in the light. How is this possible? The Yuan Qi as the Cosmic Mother is the 5th dimension as a PHASE black hole that we can't see - but it "stores" the information of the future and the past overlapping. So you can have a vision of the future - one time I had a "precognitive" O at a D - I've maybe mentioned this once before. But it kind of surprised me. Anyway precognitive visions are based on strong emotional events that then trigger a Yuan Qi storage into the 5th dimension. So the tantric "little death" as the French call the orgasm - this then ATTRACTS the Yin Shen blockages - this is why the qigong master says to be very careful where you conceive a baby. So then also when a person dies - the ghost pollution can also get "stuck" astrally to a living person. But essentially we are all ghosts but the light is powered by the Emptiness as a spacetime vortex - so everything in reality is happening at the SAME time - even the future. This mean our spiritual ego has to be "emptied out" as the light of the frequency is turned around - so this is what qigong master Yan Xin called "bidirectional intention" - meaning any energy blockage can be undone. So in other words - we have perceptions with our eyes open that in fact are the PAST and so we see an image of beauty and this TRIGGERS a biophoton signal of the pineal gland (as the Yuan Qi electrogravitic transducer) - which then sends that lower frequency biophoton signal to the kidney-adrenals - which then activates the prostate gland to kick out lecithin (that HAD been storing up the Yuan Qi charge in the lower tan t'ien). So if you study the Taoist YOga book it will tell you - that is how the YUan qi is deconverted back into yanq qi and yin qi separated. So then these Number 1 perv-predators (and I used to call them out on this website but the Mods censored me) - so they then feed of having people get their Yuan Qi deactivated into yin qi and yang qi - and then AS SOON as their yin qi gets filled up - then they ejaculate it out as a Sympathetic nervous system discharge of low frequency intention.
  21. very advanced energy practice

    No - it can be fixed purely through intention and knowledge - as the Taoist Yoga book details. So what happened with the original human culture is that the males were supposed to be HEALING the females and if the males fell onto the ground for astral travel - the females would often throw cold water onto the males, to bring the spirit back inside the body. But some males then LEFT the villages - to train off alone to create the Yang Shen physical transformation body for bilocation. These males SCARED the rest of the humans - and hence you get the alchemy training. The alchemists were traditionally in the Blacksmith caste that required separation from females.
  22. very advanced energy practice

    Actually Dr. Bradford Keeney does not use the word "trance" for the San Bushmen - as he realizes this has strange negative connotations in the modern Westernized world. So don't let the semantics fool you. I'll give you another San Bushmen quote. Healing Makes the Heart Happy So this is precisely what I achieved in 2000 from my intensive qigong training - meaning that psychophysiologically I have traveled back in time 70,000 years!
  23. Why LonemanPai is just another fake alchemy website

    yes you can provide a link. I am not sure where I read that from Master Nan, Huai-chin. There is also the Kriya yoga teaching: http://perceivebelieve.tumblr.com/post/159904989496/the-idiots-guide-to-taoist-alchemy-qigong So there is a science to this... the vagus nerve is activated from retention after exhale So then as the breath is held after exhale you get the parasympathetic rebound which then increases the oxygen levels in the brain and stores up the qi or prana energy. As this technique of continued, with 30 deep breaths followed by breath retention after exhale, then with each cycle the oxygen in the brain increases and the parasympathetic nervous system stores up
  24. very advanced energy practice

    p. 175 Guenther, Mathias, Tricksters and Trancers: Bushman Religion and Society,. Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1999
  25. very advanced energy practice

    See the answer I just posted above - thanks So the limit of tantra is described by Bill Bodri as per Master Nan, Huai-chin - tantra works as a catalyst and it does heal the body - as mutual female psychic orgasms. But this is NOT the same as just some Perv-Predator male sucking off energy doing deep breathing so he can ejaculate - that is the definition of pure evil and is a psychic black hole. So with Tantra - you can have a mutual heart Yuan Qi awakening - as a electrogravitic or magnetogravitic astral bond - but it is still a lower yin qi spirit - since the Yuan Shen is via the Yuan Qi emptiness itself. So if there is separation from the female then there is strong sadness since the Compassion of tantra is the heart plus the lungs (as the Po Soul yang qi). So if the male does too much tantra then he burns out his yang qi energy and becomes a ghost immortal. The female energy taken in - as I said - it's in my training manual. I will quote that. Tricksters and Trancers: Bushmen Religion and Society Oh wait - the quote is on my old blog...