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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. To quote a graduate instructor's comment on my paper: "The Incorrect Supply and Demand Model" for the class "environmental economics" Such tautological comments unwilling to engage with the content are fine rhetorical positions, but nothing more.
  2. The problem with Frawley's western projection is he doesn't understand the different structural principles defining the "three gunas" - https://www.vedanet.com/vedic-yoga-and-the-three-gunas/ https://www.sacred-texts.com/tantra/sas/index.htm So what makes this Cosmic Sound different than the Vedic analysis is the mathematical cosmology on which is based! The Vedic cosmology relies on "divide and average" math that tries to "contain" infinity using geometry. The original "three gunas" is based on pure number as noncommutative phase harmonics - the complementary opposite ratios that are truly "non-dual" and yet eternal motion. So as I've explained - the "three gunas" are the same as Daoist harmonics with the Perfect Fifth or 3/2 as yang and the Perfect Fourth as yin or 4/3 and the Sattva as the octave or 1/2. So this appears as very simplistic since a Westerner does not understand the secret of the music harmonics that defined the three gunas. Westerners are brainwashed by logarithmic symmetric math, from the "divide and average" earlier Vedic math. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9e0f/2de70dc7e3bdf6660a1145134cf4f5e36466.pdf So that pdf tries to do a "three gunas" analysis of Indian music but uses the Western logarithmic math. So that is just an example of what I'm talking about. The three gunas is not based on "divide and average" math.
  3. My Kundalini/Shaktipat Initiation

    Thank you for confirming that my own private body posture is too dangerous to be performed without personal professional guidance.
  4. Daoist Internal Mastery - new Wang Liping book

    That's interesting - I just transcribed a Chunyi Lin talk and he also starts with pore breathing. https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2019/05/controlling-qi-can-be-dangerous.html
  5. My Kundalini/Shaktipat Initiation

    So you don't need to sit in full lotus padmasana right? Waste of time is it? Or you just can't do it?
  6. Climate Change

    yeah - that's a cool Fourier vid. thanks. https://phys.org/news/2014-01-discovery-quantum-vibrations-microtubules-corroborates.html So I did correspond with this scientist - he is very nice. Anirban Bandyopadhyay 5:54 PM (4 hours ago) https://www.elsevier.com/about/press-releases/research-and-journals/discovery-of-quantum-vibrations-in-microtubules-inside-brain-neurons-corroborates-controversial-20-year-old-theory-of-consciousness
  7. Ouspensky and the forth way

    So I just checked out that Gurjideff Cosmic Secrets music intervals analysis book. You are correct - it's just Western logarithmic math b.s. Whenever you see that Western logarithmic math promoted as spirituality - that's just Freemasonry. Nothing new there - and no it is definitely NOT real alchemy.
  8. The Doomsday Scenario

    Read the "Stargate Conspiracy" by Prince and Picknett - For the UFO/Nuke b.s. - read how Eric Carlson was lied about - by his son James Carlson. Doomed? Try studying real ecology - not CIA propaganda! On Roswell? Read Nick Redfern's books. Or Greg Bishop - or Mark Pilkington - "Mirage Men."
  9. Climate Change

    For the sake of maintaining this thread on "climate change" - you can see my blog for more details - http://elixirfield.blogspot.com and it also links to my ex-blog http://ecoechoinvasives.blogspot.com You ask for references. I have a 2012 free pdf book that has 725 scholarly footnotes - so you can just word search it for references on ultrasound. Or just search my blogs. thanks I think we have a different understanding of what Connes means. That's ok. My long quote of him actually pieces together several different works where he discusses music. I first encountered his work on music in his book "Triangle of Thought" - (2002) - so I read that when it first was published, around that same time. At that time, I also thought he was just being "metaphorical" or as an analog. But since my background in music theory - I guess you'll have to trust me when I say that Connes is the only one pointing out something that I figured out on my own also - that the noncommutative phase origin of music theory, that Connes calls, (2, 3, infinity), is actually also non-local. So he calls it's a geometric subspace that creates time but it is also a noncommutative phase as an eigenfrequency matrix spectrum. So it's before the square root is created as a commutative spectrum. So Connes likes to practice Chopin on piano - he is obviously biased towards Western music. So he doesn't realize that what he is describing, what you call an "extension" of commutative math, already exists in the nonwestern music logic of Orthodox Pythagorean tuning. So he describes this truth, again, when he switches around 2 to the 12th and 3 to the 19 as 2 to the 19th and 3 to the 12. So when he switches those around he is showing how they are noncommutative. I give a couple other examples on my blog - there is a book on quantum and music - that I cite - stating the same thing. So I realize what you are saying about the difference between "hearing" sound. But first of all - we have to scrap the Western assumption that music has to depend on a vibrating string that has a symmetric commutative logarithmic logic to it. Connes disproves that. So then I recommend considering that Connes is stating that at "zero" time there is already a noncommutative phase, that he calls, (2, 3, infinity). So in Daoism - the Single Perfect Yang is the same thing. So Yang is the Perfect Fifth but as 2/3 it is C to F and as 3/2 is it C to G. So for the commutative WEstern science model then the 2/3 as C to F had to be covered up and denied. Archytas only uses 3/2 and not 2/3 - why? Because his logarithmic equation takes the "subharmonic" of the Perfect Fifth - what Philolaus called the "subcontrary" and instead calls it the Harmonic Mean as 4/3, by doubling it back into the same octave. I already described how Philolaus first did that and then ARchytas relied on the equation Arithmetic Mean x Harmonic Mean = Geometric Mean Squared. So that is the foundation of WEstern science that first covered up the empirical truth of the noncommutative phase origin of reality. But in nonwestern cultures this "cover up" never happened. My contention is that the ecological crisis is because Western science imposes the opposite form of entropy onto ecology due to this wrong "root"' or foundation of mathematics, and then extends that wrong root, as the "music logarithmic spiral" into higher dimensions.
  10. Climate Change

    Thank you for your explanation. Now I would like to share that the same explanation exists again from music theory itself, just as Connes has explained. So when he uses "notes" and 2 note "chords" - he is not speaking as an analogy. so first I'll find part of that Connes quotes again. So as Connes states, as I already quoted, the "law" or "mathematical structure" as noncommutative phase is actually provided by music theory - as the formal logic. So Professor Richard McKirahan did an analysis of Philolaus showing that Philolaus introduced the mathematical term for geometric magnitude into music theory. So when Philolaus did this, he was relying on his "lyre" to set up the acoustic scale. So you mention the values of the zeroes - so then the issue in music theory, as it is normally learned, relying on the symmetric commutative math (that originated from music theory), is that Philolaus flipped his lyre around in order to lie about the value of the zeroes. So in other words in order to create the first logarithmic equation with the Perfect Fifth plus the Perfect Fourth = the Octave then Philolaus had to use a "double octave" that covered up the noncommutative phase. So what was established was that the octave as 0 to 12 then has 8/12 as 2/3 wavelength with 3/2 frequency while then 0 to 8 has the 3/4 wavelength as 6/8 with the frequency as 4/3 or 8/6. So then the geometric magnitude could be set up as commutative by then stating 4/3 (8/6) PLUS 3/2 (8/12) = 2 (12/6). So then now as it is taught - normally - I call this the "bait and switch." But the overtone series is different than the harmonic series. So you can have 3/2 as an overtone but if you use 4/3 as an overtone of the same "root tone" or root tonic - then the problem is that the 3 in the denominator is not a harmonic of the 1 as the root tonic based on the same pitch. So the harmonic series already relies on the assumed logarithmic geometric ratios but the overtone series does not. So in music theory this is also called the "Phantom Tonic" because if you look at the geometric ratios then the 2/3 as subharmonic is also a Perfect Fifth but it is the geometric ratio of F to C while 3/2 is the Perfect Fifth as C to G overtone harmonic. So then when Philolaus "doubled" the 3/4 of 6/8 he was using a different value of zero as zero to 8 for the geometric wavelength in order to create the geometric magnitude of 4/3 for the octave value of 6 to 12 as the 2. So that is how the commutative logic of Western math was created. So then Math professor Luigi Borzacchini states in his 2007 published article, that he first developed in an academic math forum in 1999, that there is a "cognitive bias" against music theory as the origin of Western math - or "logistics." And at first the music theory as noncommutative phase was the empirical truth but was a "negative judgment paradox" and so it could not be talked about since there was no external visual measurement to confirm it. So then once the transfer to geometric ratios as magnitude was established then the music theory origin was covered up. Professor Borzacchini (he's now retired but I sent him a math equation back in 2001 - based on music ratios - and he said the math was good). So Borzacchini states in his published article that the vanishing of the music origin of Western math is "astonishing" and "really shocking." As I already stated - he calls this music origin from noncommutative phase into the commutative math to be a "deep pre-established disharmony" due to this negative judgement paradox that created the infamous paradoxes in mathematical logic (that remain unsolved). And so then he calls this "Plato's Computer" as the "evolutive guiding principle" of science - to artificial intelligence. So music theory as listening to music is actually meditation - what you have referred to as TING in DAoist Taiji training. If you study... the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" - it states that the left ear is yang qi while the left eye is yin qi. So this is because in meditation the left ear listening is right brain dominant. So quantum physicist Manfred Euler has modeled the phase coherence between the right and left ear listening as being the same as the double slit experiment as the foundation of quantum physics. Science has proven that humans can hear up to 10 times faster than Fourier Uncertainty - and so this phase coherence is not just nonlinear but also noncommutative phase. The highest pitch we hear externally then "shifts" a perfect fifth in the root tonic perception - as has been proven recently. And then this pitch when listened to internally then resonates the brain as Ultrasound as a whole - as the Hameroff Model has emphasized. The ultrasound frequency then is the strongest amplitude resonance of the microtubules that are piezoelectric. So the ultrasound frequency has 3000 times greater electromagnetic amplitude of the microtubules, as corroboration of Hameroff's model. I've corresponded with Dr. Hameroff and and with the Indian physicist in Japan who did that study on the microtubules. So my point is that the Daoist Neigong as Ting - meditation - this is actually the empirical truth of reality and was known by the ancients and also relied on quantum biological negentropy or relativistic quantum biology. My contention of this was then corroborated by Eddie Oshins - or rather I discovered he had made the same claim - when he worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. And so then I have corresponded with math professor Louis Kauffman - I posted the link to youtube on the "Dirac Dance" - which Kauffman first filmed with Eddie Oshins as a "handshake" of the 720 spin. So Oshins argued that in fact the movements in the training of internal martial arts are in fact based on noncommutative phase resonance from the foundation of reality. That was also my contention - based on studying the book Taoist yOga: Alchemy and Immortality. So for example there is an exercise called "moving of yin and yang" and the key is to put the left hand facing the lower body and the right hand facing the upper body. So since the left hand for males is yang and lower body is yin and the right hand is yin for males and upper body is yang - this completes the 720 degree noncommutative phase spin to activate the Yuan Qi energy of the Universe. that's just one example. Another is in full lotus for males the left leg should be on top in order to store up the energy. So then Yiquan is another example - the secret of the standing position in Yiquan is that you visualize the energy from the right hand to the left foot and left hand to the right foot. I discovered the WEsterners were teaching this Yiquan standing training WITHOUT teaching the noncommutative phase secret of what to visualize! haha.
  11. Climate Change

    My quantum physics professor at Hampshire college was Herbert J. Bernstein. He's a top-notch researcher. Although I don't agree with his particular interpretation of quantum physics - well I agree with his take much more than I agree with most quantum physicists. When you say that the noncommutative is an "extension" of the commutative - the point I am emphasizing is that Connes use of music as the formal logic of the noncommutative phase is actually based on using "two notes" as frequency. I gave the example already - this is actually from Pythagorean orthodox music tuning - from before Philolaus even (and therefore before Plato and Archtyas). So math professor Luigi Borzacchini proved that in fact Western math originates from the wrong music theory - and is, as he states, the "guiding evolutive principle" of western science. Philosopher of science Oliver L. Reiser called this music drive of western math, the "music logarithmic spiral." A term from Esther Watson (daughter of Thomas Watson) who discussed this research with Einstein. Here's Connes again: So in other words - it's a kind of unified field theory that also includes integrated humans as living quantum computers. Ian Stewart is part of this research plan also. But - this is something I exposed after finishing my master's degree - and so I dubbed it the "Actual Matrix Plan" - back in 2001. So based on that plan then nuclear radiation is considered to be a type of spiritual evolution that humans need to adapt to - "medical hormesis." So actually there is a better spin of the Hameroff-Penrose model - put forth by Jack Tuszynski's research team in quantum biology. https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2019/05/the-chiral-asymmetric-quantum-potential.html I did a blog post on it - but you have to scroll down past my intro quotes to get to the actual blog post. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332530309_Theorising_how_the_brain_encodes_consciousness_based_on_negentropic_entanglement To get back to Bernstein - he also developed a noncommutative phase technology that is being tested by NASA as nonlocal quantum correlation signals via satellite. So superluminal quantum entanglement signals - but the particular "spin" he puts on it (in contrast to the Chinese) is to utilize a noncommutative phase topology. So then that quote you were surprised about - I actually sent that to Nobel physicist Brian Josephson - and he thanked me for it. But Josephson, with whom I corresponded, is now focused on acoustic resonance also and is now also studying noncommutative phase math via the colleague of Eddie Oshins (who made the Neigong connection) - math professor Louis Kauffman. https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2018/10/the-dirac-dance-and-aharonov-susskind.html Eddie Oshins makes reference to the Aharonov-Susskind-Bernstein Effect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYBqIRM8GiY So essentially Daoist Neigong - as Eddie Oshins realized - is literally a Macroquantum relativistic training via quantum biology. So the body moves of the training - is literally a recreation of the noncommutative phase resonance.
  12. Climate Change

    Connes calls it a "twisted" Dirac Operator. So the Spectral Triplet from music theory is what he calls (2, 3, infinity). So no - I'm not at all talking about music as per the usual symmetric Fourier analysis, nor is Connes. So when I was studying music theory in high school - privately - I just wondered something very simple - why does the Perfect Fifth have to be 3/2 and not 2/3 - or in terms of geometry in music it is C to G and not F to C (subharmonic). So this was actually the noncommutative phase origin as the 5th dimension that was covered up when the Greek Miracle (the "deep pre-established disharmony") was created. And so Connes' latest paper is on entropy. The thing is this - we define global warming as entropy based on the solar photon light being of a higher frequency that is absorbed by plants and algae - but then it gets emitted back from the Earth as longer infrared light considered to be entropy. But our science then considers civilization via technology to be Order that is against entropy. Schroedinger proved that this is wrong, in his book, "What is Life?" And the recent book "Life on the Edge" on quantum biology (2016) goes into this further. Avshalom C. Elitzur, Shahar Dolev Black-Hole Uncertainty Entails An Intrinsic Time Arrow, Dec. 2000 So this claim is incorrect since it assumes that Western left brain /right hand technology perception is the only means to observe reality. But Nonwestern music harmonics that Connes has revealed as the truth of reality - the noncommutative phase as the 5th dimension - can be logically inferred and LISTENED to and this is the secret of Daoist Neigong training, as Eddie Oshins at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center also realized. So yes Connes points out that just as in music theory - which is actually noncommutative phase (and so the inability to hear the shape of a drum is just a specific example that proves this point).... So to quote Connes on what I just quoted you: So yes that it precisely why music provides the "formal logic" to solve the foundation of reality. Now you are claiming that this foundation that is noncommutative can then just be "embedded" back into commutative symmetric math via the Poisson Bracket. What Connes emphasizes is that renormalization has been wrong because of missing this noncommutative truth as logic. And as the overview video I posted states - noncommutative geometry has to rely on each force of physics having a different noncommutative spacetime. So basically Western science has been very precise up till now but NOT accurate. Personally I would go for accuracy over precision. And so we've created great entropy AGAINST relativistic quantum biology - the 5th dimension as negenetropy that life relies on. This is what qigong master Yan Xin calls the "virtual information field" that does the qigong healing. Qigong master Zhong, Hongbao calls this secret the "golden key" of superluminal "yin matter." So in WEstern science we Assume that the foundation of reality is random. Ian Stewart states that in quantum physics this is not necessarily true. Here is how quantum physics professor (previously of Hampshire College where I took quantum mechanics) describes our true perception of reality: .
  13. Climate Change

    http://www.alainconnes.org/docs/shapes.pdf So then if you actually read Connes' "Music of the Spheres" lecture - as a pdf doc - he explains then how the "twisted" Spectral triplet in the subspace at the zero geometric point, then explains the hidden 6 dimensions of string theory. And Connes' inspiration for this was directly the analysis of whether you can HEAR the SHAPE of a DRUM - and the answer is no because the drum can be "isospectral" - the same frequency - but NOT "isomorphic" - the same geometric shape. So that, again, is the same concept applied to the twisted spectral triplet as a bounded diagonal matrice (containing both the Future and the Past overlapping as the chirality of 1/2 spin). So again this is frequency BEFORE the Fourier Transform frequency that you refer to - or BEFORE the Poisson Bracket that I referred to a few posts above. http://www.noncommutativegeometry.nl/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/ConnesLeiden.pdf This gives more details - the pdf is called "The Spectral Model" - by Connes So that shows the Isospectral by NOT isomorphic (noncommutative phase) of the drum shape that can not be heard. So I'll just quote Connes:
  14. Climate Change

    So then http://www.waltervansuijlekom.nl/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/leiden2014.pdf as I quoted before: So if you open that pdf - it is explained: This is what you state above, but the link explains: emphasis in the original. So then the noncommutative block matrice is explained by a 3 block form or 3 x 3 matrix. So what you describe is then "perturbed" by the block diagonal noncommutative algebra. So then at each "zero" point of space there is an "inner" or "sub space" that is noncommutative phase. That subspace or the 5th dimension is then ADDED to the Riemannian space - and THEN you can do the Dirac Operator on it.
  15. Climate Change

    Let me review your teaching me - which I appreciate. You state: then you state: then you state: OK now let's go back to noncommutative geometry. Now as I mentioned - Connes' most recent publication is an actual music composition. So perhaps that would be the most enlightening. So first we go back to the Connes' quote I posted. YOu are claiming he is using music as an analogy. I am claiming that the music theory is directly the model of the Dirac Operator. Here is what Connes states: and So if you watch the lecture - Connes actually composes music that is the quantum spectrum and vice versa. and OK so the way he is talking about music is very different than it is normally understood. Sir James Jeans came close to this understanding in his book "Science and Music" - but otherwise you do not find this definition of music ANYWAY in Western science. So Connes is interchanging the word "spectrum" with acoustic "scale." OK so now let's go back to the terms you used: Eigenfunction and Eigenvalue. But a term you did not use is? So this is what Connes is talking about. OK so that's what you're referring to. But what does Connes state about the "square-root"? So there is a difference between the square root and the spin structure. The spin structure is the eigen-frequencies that are noncommutative phase. OK so do you see that this is the level "below" the Dirac Operator? So you did not use the term eigen-frequencies because these are noncommutative phase frequencies - not the same as Fourier frequency (which does not use time and frequency at the same noncommutative phase as the 5th dimension). So these are also called the Spectral Triplets by Connes - meaning 3 frequencies that are noncommutative. To quote Connes again: So Connes whole work is just building on Heisenberg - replacing what most scientists consider to be frequency with in fact the empirically true definition of frequency that is ALSO found in Daoist Harmonics and Orthodox Pythagorean harmonics - it is noncommutative phase as the 5th dimension that is non-local at "zero" time. Yes this was also first discovered by Louis de Broglie - the truth "father" of relativistic quantum physics: The noncommutative geometry of Zitterbewegung https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.10083 by M Eckstein - ‎2016 - ‎Cited by 8 - ‎Related articles
  16. Climate Change

    OK maybe you should read the quote from Connes again? It's mainly from his "music of the quantum spheres" lecture - but also a few other sources where he discusses music. His latest publication is actually a music composition! So let me quote what you said: Now let's go back to Connes: So the operators are actually two different frequencies at the same time that have noncommutative phase. My background is actually music studies - and I started out doing University level music training while I was in high school - doing private studies with a former University professor. This was after I had also done intensive piano training starting at age 5. So I realized this secret of the noncommutative phase - but I did not have the mathematical concepts to explain it. I was calling it "complementary opposite ratios." Now let's go back to Connes again on music theory. Here's what you are stating: Here is Connes: So you say you'd have to do a lot of digging - actually there is a short overview of the implications of noncommutative geometry for science - here: Now you say - it's not what you're working on. Yes hardly anyone is "working" on noncommutative geometry. But does anyone really have a choice? Let's see what Connes states again: OK so I realize it may not be what you're working on now but we're just talking about the truth of reality - no big deal. . So you ask me whether the Dirac spectrum refers to frequency or not. Connes repeatedly also uses frequency - stating the Dirac Operator has a scale that is modeled by acoustic systems, with music theory providing the formal language for the model. Why? Because music theory is actually noncommutative!! Now notice - you may not have noticed this - but he reverses his logarithmic math - between 2 to the 12th and 3 to the 19th and then 2 to the 19th and 3 to the 12th! So when I inserted frequency I used brackets - but that is from Connes - using parenthesis for spectrum as the frequency scale. , So how he REVERSED the frequency ratios - why? Because the PHASE is noncommutative. In other words the EAR perceives the same Perfect Fifth Pitch while the frequency is reversed. So that 2/3 is the Perfect Fifth as C to F subharmonic frequency while 3/2 is also the Perfect Fifth as C to G overtone harmonic. This basic empirical truth was COVERED UP in order to CREATE the commutative symmetry math system of normal Western math-science!!
  17. Climate Change

    Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss Ian Stewart. He's cranked out a ton of books and papers in his day. I did correspond with him and then he had a parody piece published as a letter to Nature - a parody of my correspondence with him about psychic paranormal abilities in Daoism. haha. But also your question about noncommutative phase - and it, the noncommutative geometry, being a "superset" - I would also not be so quick on that. I have a long quote from Connes - what he says about Riemann is quite fascinating. . Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes,
  18. Climate Change

    yes Ian Stewart is a quantum chaos mathematician. I call Strogatz a quantum chaos math professor, by default, since quantum physics has been the foundation of science since the early 1900s. So Strogatz emphasizes, for example, that a fractal broccoli is actually not a real fractal and therefore not really chaotic. A chaotic system depends on logistic symmetric math logic whereas quantum physics is inherently asymmetric or noncommutative. I have corresponded with quantum physics professor Basil J. Hiley about this, also Dr. Ruth E. Kastner and also Nobel physicist Brian Josephson. So you state that supercomputers are the "best" means - using chaos math - yes I recommend the book by Professor, coauthor with quantum physicist Menfas Kafatos, Professor Robert Nadeau, called "Environmental Endgame." If you read back in the thread - I discuss this book. But you'll note that the Economist review of the book refused to even acknowledge that the subject of the book was chaos math of the supercomputers modeling global "heating" as you want to call it. So in terms of the quantum chaos aspect - the key feature is that as the CO2 increases then the quantum phase boundaries overlap creating a larger "frequency" range for photon absorption by the CO2 molecules - I noted this above already. My point being that quantum biology is a new field - and was considered "woo woo" even by biology professor PZ Myers - just back in 2006 - when I was promoting Professor JohnJoe McFadden on the "top" science blog by Myers. So yes "supercomputer iterations" are the "best" that science can do, but as Number Theory points out (Schroeder) - chaos math is simply the irrational decimals being shifted from the right to the left as the initial conditions are changed. So yes as you point out - chaos is about time while fractals are about space - but quantum physics as the foundation of reality inherently has time NOT as an outside parameter, but instead as a "linear operator" thereby creating the inherent limit of science as "time-frequency uncertainty" or Fourier Uncertainty, bound by Planck's Constant. So science studies this boundary in quantum chaos - with the assumption that the inherent quantum indeterminacy thereby does not allow the inherent uncertainty to resonant to macro-quantum levels. That, of course, depends on the inherent dependency of scientists using external measurements - and so some scientists believe that quantum chaos will enable AI to be the next level of evolution, via synthetic biology or synthetic ecology or "digital biology" using quantum computing and nanobiomotors, for example. But this ignores the entropy inherent to the symmetric math relied on thus far in science - whereby any external measurement has to be converted from the noncommutative phase into a closed Pauli Exclusion Principle (using 720 degree phase as spin via the Poisson Bracket). So whether something is nonlinear or linear is not the real issue. Reality is noncommutative phase, as math professor Alain Connes has pointed out - this goes against all the symmetric math thus far, that even most quantum physics relies on. I don't agree with Connes' quantum computing AI future - or as math professor Luigi Borzacchini calls it the "deep pre-established disharmony" that is the "guiding evolutive principle" of science. In other words - Borzacchini calls it "Plato's Computer" - I have corresponded with Borzacchini also but he's retired now and his book remains in Italian. But the point being that the "authoritarian" math that Strogatz warned about in 2006 - from chaos supercomputers is not a new thing at all. Philosophy of science professor Oliver L. Reiser called it "the music logarithmic spiral." There is a structural deterministic drive to science, inherent in the symmetric mathematical logic. This is expounded by Ian Stewart for example in his book "Why Beauty is Truth: A History of Symmetry." So if you think Western science can "save" ecology from abrupt global warming - and that the supercomputers really "care" about the future of life on Earth - I do not agree. The US military has issued a big study on Nanobiomotors - as the final dialectic of Man vs Nature vs Machine. Now what I think is left out is the 5th dimension as the foundation of reality - this is what noncommutative phase refers to or what the relativistic quantum physicists also discovered as the corroboration of Daoist Neigong alchemy - Eddie Oshins at Standford Linear Accelerator Center. Chaos science is based on a Platonic ideal that does not exist in Nature. https://focusingonwildlife.com/news/rare-tibetan-antelopes-are-killed-to-make-expensive-luxury-scarves/
  19. Climate Change

    the lecture I just posted answers your claim in great detail. The first business corporation was actually Dutch, as an arm of the imperial war machine. So there's different types of corporations. For the US constitution, the corporation is considered "private" - as in a pre-sovereign legal person, while the government is considered public. So that was to contrast the US corporation to the royal chartered corporations that created the colonies (or later towns). So this is why in the US, the corporation was declared a legal person - well by a court clerk who worked for the Railroad Robber barons - as http://poclad.org has so well exposed in great detail. Yes the 14th amendment has been applied more to corporate "freedom" as personhood "due process" than to the freeing of personal slaves. I don't discount international commerce banking - and the role of the FED created from the previously failed central governments. So obviously if the government is not even issuing its own currency, in terms of our treasury notes being inherently bought by a cartel of private bankers, receiving a 6% rate of profit, against the tax payers - then yes our currency debt financing is the greatest financial scam in world history, as Nomi Prins details (she worked for Goldman Sachs). So the central banks of the industrialized countries have created, out of nothing, $200 trillion, in the past 10 years. But also in that same time, the US military has "lost" (overspent) another $200 trillion - that was taken, off the books. So the true "left" is the US military imperial socialist contract system - private contractors that bilk the US government. This has been going on since the Civil War - as Abraham Lincoln warned that corporations would take over. The reason the Union won the war was due to standardized production of parts that are interchangeable - as mass produced scientific war planning. So then the Union set up Tariffs against England - and this blocked the slave states from trading their slave goods to England. That was the real reason for the civil war. And then the US Empire expanded against Spain - and took over Venezuela from Great Britain - in the early 1900s. And then after World War II - the US took over the British imperial holdings. So for example the British wanted the US to stage the coup against Iran in 1953 - only the CIA just made sure to take control of the oil for the Rockefellers. So consider why the US military killed 200,000 in the Philippines - this was in the late 1800s and early 1900s - and so if you study the history - it was for corporate investment profits. And if the US didn't do it - then we feared Germany would do it first. If you don't want to watch the vid - there is this academic pdf https://sci-hub.tw/10.1017/S0003055417000041 by the same author - professor. Is the U.S. Government a Corporation? The Corporate Origins of Modern Constitutionalism DAVID CIEPLEY (a1)
  20. Climate Change

    the corporate model is not from the CIA - it's from the US constitution. That's what the Commerce Clause is for in the US constitution and why corporations were declared "legal persons." So the "left" as you so call it - is really just Platonic philosophy at the origin of Western civilization, based on logarithmic math (and its inverse exponential function) as a hierarchical "natural law" that controls science. For example at University of Minnesota - I personally researched the corporate control of the University. So there are about 300 corporations that do "research" at the University. This was set up by the great leftist...Ronald Reagan... who made corporation "donations" to the University as a 100% tax deductible welfare for the rich program - like military contracts. So I exposed the details of this research, as a graduate student. You can imagine the results - the President of the University personally emailed me to say, patronizingly, that I had done enough and please don't go on Unlimited Hunger Strike. haha. That's because I was going to use my newly acquired qigong powers to throw a wrench in their fake Corporate Junk science system. This is all well documented public record. And I did not make "millions" by exposing the right-wing corporate control of the University - or do you think Cargill and Monsanto are left-wing organizations? haha. Cargill is the world's largest private corporation but you probably know next to nothing about how it operates. Hardly anyone does. Yes it just works with the CIA directly or the Rockefellers, or the Freemasons, etc.
  21. Climate Change

    yes the Models are not very good at predictions - science is very precise but not very accurate. For example we know from science that Jupiter and Saturn periodically resonate in their orbits - and this resonance changes Jupiter from protecting Earth from comets and asteroids - and so every few hundred million years - the resonance of Saturn and Jupiter lines up and then this causes an asteroid or comet to hit Earth. But science can not predict WHEN this will happen. Actually it's only through supercomputer iterations that the results are achieved - without the math involved enabling any deductions. Math professor of quantum chaos - Steve Strogatz - he has stated that science now is inherently "authoritarian" because of our dependence on the supercomputer iterations to make our predictions. I have corresponded with Professor Strogatz. But empirical data is often not incorporated into the above models - since even a supercomputer can not model say the ecology of the Amazon rainforest - it's just too complex. So for global warming, for example, cloud dynamics are not included in the models. Nor is the East Siberian Arctic Shelf methane "bomb." So we now know that cloud sulfur aerosol pollution has prevented the Earth from doubling in warming due to CO2 increase from industrial activity. So that is called the McFearSun Mustache Paradox. In other words - the more "Leftist" renewable energy that is propagated for a Liberal Elite Technological UN control of the EArth - the more the Earth will warm due to lack of sulfur aerosol pollution. This is not insignificant and the effect is localized - hence India and China would be MUCH warmer were it not for all their coal pollution smog. Here's a good example of some empirical data not included in the global warming supercomputer models. So these are newly discovered previous methane bomb blowouts. So we can look to the past - this has happened before. Only now the scale of time is much faster - an order of magnitude faster than any previous extinction. http://sciencenordic.com/giant-gas-craters-discovered-bottom-barents-sea Cracked gas chambers in the seabed south of Svalbard could blow out and create craters that are up to 30 metres deep, say scientists. OK let's go back to our asteroid/Comet analogy. It's happened before right - but science can not predict exactly when - due to the inherent quantum chaos dynamics involved. It's nonlinear resonance and so only the "iterations" can make the prediction. Small changes in initial conditions can have great resonance changes in the outcome. ok so what about an asteroid or comet? https://skepticalscience.com/Rapid-climate-change-deadlier-than-asteroid-impacts.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgqkbzG8xGM An intimate, personal, honest, frank, direct conversation with Climate Change specialist Arek Sinanian, author of 'A Climate For Denial" and one of the international participant to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)...because scientists, specialists, analysts, consultants and other Climate Change professionals are also normal human beings like you and me....worried about the same daily life issues as you and me regarding Climate Change and asking the same questions.
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    Luckily mass-mind control indoctrination in the US is a 100% tax deductible corporate welfare subsidy - otherwise how else would the masses be mind controlled? Sorry - you can't feel "special" - you're just part of the brainwashed mass-mind controlled majority. haha.
  23. A clear explanation of neidan

    yes sometimes I do come across new ideas but you are definitely correct - the paradox of "freezing the fire" can not be imagined nor is it a concept and it is most definitely not in a place!! So first it is gathered in the third eye - the "cavity of spirit" and then it is driven down into the "cavity of vitality" - the lower tan t'ien. This is definitely not a concept or something imagined. But it is also based on the secret of "immortal breathing." So the Taoist Yoga book provides the details.
  24. A clear explanation of neidan

    yes although this can also be called "Freezing the Spirit" - in the Daoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality book. It states - if you don't understand this book at all - just do "freezing the spirit" and that will take care of all the rest of the details. https://archive.org/stream/TaoistYogaAlchemyAndImmortality/Taoist-Yoga-Alchemy-and-Immortality_djvu.txt so the secret is that this is the "double reversion" as Pregadio calls it. In other words - you have the fire go down (visualize into the Earth). Then the water rises up and turns into Air. But then the water has to go down - the FRONT - as now transformed - and this is the "freezing of the spirit." and and and and and and So that is what Sri Yukteswar called "Breathless Ecstasy"
  25. Climate Change

    Rosenfeld, D., Zhu, Y., Wang, M., Zheng, Y., Goren, T., & Yu, S. (2019). Aerosol-driven droplet concentrations dominate coverage and water of oceanic low level clouds. Science, eaav0566. sci-hub.tw/10.1126/science.aav0566 pdf December 26 2018: https://www.pnas.org/content/115/52/13288.short?rss=1