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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Question about breath retention

    It's actually an "exorcise" in visualization. The Emptiness can not be seen but can be listened to. Yes this is a Western projection on the idea of repetition. As Yogananda stated, reality is "everfresh, evernew." There really is no repetition due to noncommutative phase as the foundation of reality or what science also calls "time-frequency uncertainty" or "Fourier Uncertainty." So westerners are brainwashed at an early age to think of time as a symmetric geometric wavelength but you can not SEE time. For example Plato erroneously stated, "Time is the Image of Eternity" - this is a lie against Pythagoras stating "All is Number AND Harmony." So in Daoism it is called the highest note that can not be heard. Science has proven that the highest note we hear externally - when focused on internally then resonates the WHOLE brain as ultrasound. This ultrasound resonates the microtubules with 3000 times greater electromagnetic amplitude than any other frequency. That microtubule resonance is then quantum coherence since a microtubule is six times bigger than a tubulin. So what is happening is that there is a superluminal phase coherence between the two ears. I corresponded with physics professor Manfred Euler about this - he calls the two ears then a "double slit experiment" based on acoustic interferometry. So then what is the "period" or time rhythm of the FUTURE? It's called eternal logical inference or eternal listening aka "No ONE is listening." As the Pythagoreans states - "one is NOT a number" or there is no capstone to the pyramid - rather the Tetrad of 2:3:4 is an eternal resonance of yin-yang. In India this is the "three gunas." So we inherently can not visualize the 5th dimension. As Ramana Maharshi stated - the Self is NOT light. He called it Mouna Samadhi -the highest level of samadhi - SILENCE samadhi. So Westerners favor vision over listening but our original forest culture is based on listening as our primary perception. We can listen as superluminal phase coherence energy - the Yuan Qi energy.
  2. Question about breath retention

    The rhythm component is based on the Sun and Moon - so during the full moon then the pineal gland is naturally 10 times stronger in qi energy - the pineal gland is called where the cosmic Yuan Qi emanates. So the source of the Sun is coherent harmonic energy - this is called "negentropy" in physics - also called the Law of PHase Harmony from Louis de Broglie (the founder of relativistic quantum physics). So then when immortal breathing or foetus breathing kicks in - then the centers of the hands and feet PULSATE with qi - or "breathe" with qi - and also the top of the skull gets soft - the fontanelle opens up like a baby - and the top of the skull then PULSATES or breathes with qi. So at that stage - this is called Shen-Qi because you visualize the shen going in one direction while the Qi goes in the other direction. But in fact the Qi is guiding the Shen. Think of the Qi as a Horse in a River and the Chariot is the mind as Shen that is being guided through the water by the Horse - and the water is the materialistic medium - the jing. So then new jing is created from the Qi which is actually a cosmic spacetime vortex from the Future - this is called the "virtual information field" by qigong master Yan Xin or the "Golden Key" as "superluminal matter" by qigong master Zhang Hongbao. So then the "real" lower dan tien - is directly behind the navel - only after the yin qi has filled up the intestines area - the mingmen. So then once the heart opens - this is called the Big Accumulator by Gurdjieff - and the "secret pinhole" to the Cosmic Prana or Ether by Ramana Maharshi. It's the RIGHT side of the heart - as the right side vagus nerve goes to the right side of the heart.
  3. Question about breath retention

    Wim Hof holds 26 world records - not sure about underwater breathing but he holds it for underwater ICE breathing. I'm sure you highly value your opinion. Good for you!! yeah the heart is undervalued - look into it.
  4. Question about breath retention

    OK I already cited the science stating that retaining breath AFTER EXHALE activates the PARAsympathetic nervous system - which is deep relaxation. So this is how it works - I cite the science studies on Wim Hof in my training manual - the deep breathing is to physically activate the adrenal medullae which then DOUBLES the adrenaline levels (same as bungee jumping for the first time). This causes Parasympathetic Rebound - which is also called the Relaxation Effect. So by pushing the sympathetic nervous system to the EXTREME - then you change the blood pH to be alkaline enough so then when you do hold the breath AFTER EXHALE - this does not activate the "gasp reflex" (which relies on blood acidity to kick in). That is the secret of why a person is able to retain the breath for so long - AFTER the deep breathing AND via the parasympathetic nervous system (which is alkaline). As for seeing lights while holding the breath - this is in part due to the surge of oxygen into the brain, again from holding the breath AFTER EXHALE. So - the breath retention builds up with each cycle - so that it is say 1 minute at first and longer than 2 minutes after awhile. As the qi builds up then the actual physical breathing lessens due to the increased parasympathetic nervous system activation. So the right side vagus nerve goes to the right side of the heart - which then slows the heart beat down along with the respiration. This means in deep meditation you can essentially stop the heart - and also breathing. It is so slow that it is not noticeable and technically stopped. This is how advanced yogis can be buried underground or go underwater for long times and even can stop their heart beats. So it's not just breath retention but meditation is based on cardio-respiratory synchronization. What science can not study very easily is the biophoton laser synchronization as spirit holographic signals - virtual information signals from the future. Some quantum biologists have studied this a bit - this is how deep healing mysteries like telekinesis and teleportation of matter are enabled - along with precognition and bilocation, etc. Yang shen bodies, etc. So the immortal breathing or foetus breathing is the goal indeed but the tummo foundation at first does rely on force being used - this is why Taoist Yoga calls the method "Quick Fire" breathing and as the book Taoist Yoga states ONLY Quick Fire breathing has the power to reverse the lower yin qi emotional blockages - to then sublimate and purify the yin qi blockages back into yuan qi energy.
  5. Question about breath retention

    Sounds like you've read the excellent book Suns of God?
  6. Question about breath retention

    OK so now you're making a new assertion with no evidence. So now I'll go back and look for evidence for you - based on the links I already provided. First link https://halftheclothes.com/wim-hof-breathing-not-working-try-this/ yeah so just so you know - the breath retention AFTER EXHALE is to be more like 1 to 2 minutes or longer than 2 minutes! So 10 to 15 seconds compared to 60 seconds? You are claiming that a time period that is only 15% of the after exhale retention is qualitatively the same - 15% at MOST - more like 7%? A "normal" breath rate is about once every FIVE seconds. So for someone meditating to have a breathing rate of once every 10 seconds or 15 seconds? Sorry - I don't think it's the same at all. Here is the comments on Reddit about this: ......................................... Now you're claiming Master Nan only states "in private circles" to emphasize holding the breath after exhale. I already posted 3 sources that corroborated my claim otherwise - how could they be private? The video is "private" - it's a private setting. Did he want it broadcast on the interwebs? Who knows - maybe or maybe not. Whether it is "private" or not seems kind of irrelevant. I don't think it was some kind of "indoor" private stipulation that you seem to be implying. The video - as I emphasized - clearly states not to focus the awareness on holding the in breath but rather the out breath. As for the "order" or out, in cease - that appears to be more of just a translation of the word anapana. So as I pointed out at first he says out, in and the cease is in between. And then later he clarifies don't focus on the in breath to cease the breathing. that along with the other quotes I provided should have been sufficient. But you seem fixated rather on some purified sutta reading or something, rather than what Master Nan is teaching. Yeah what the anapanasati is "teaching" (or lack there of) could be another discussion that I'm not really interesting it. I'm focused on the solution. Yeah half quoting sentences to try to imply they say something else - that is a noted cause of "internal friction" in the structure of sentences themselves. You seem to be wanting to focus on me instead of the topic at hand. I'm flattered really - but whether I personally practice this type of meditation is something I'll leave open to question.
  7. Question about breath retention

    OK so now we need to point out that the above statement is not accurate. https://halftheclothes.com/wim-hof-breathing-not-working-try-this/ So that's one example - that corroborates my claim, contrary to the assertion otherwise. so that's the 2nd corroboration of the Wim Hof method as based on holding the breath AFTER EXHALE. and now the 3rd corroboration: https://medium.com/working-light/wim-hof-breathing-technique-step-by-step-tutorial-and-beyond-f0f6182a8568 that's good enough CONTENT for me for now. Anyone want to still claim that the Wim Hof method does NOT teach holding the breath AFTER EXHALE?
  8. Question about breath retention

    If you mean me sitting in full lotus at the computer? Yeah it touches the third eye pineal gland nerve! haha. Nice try though. Now - if anyone has anything to say about the content of the thread? I'm flattered by people fixating on me personally just because I've posted clear evidence that proves my point - kind of funny isn't it! Someone posts REAL evidence on thedaobums and suddenly said person is the focus of an ad hominem campaign while said evidence is ignored! Oh not too surprising I guess.
  9. Question about breath retention

    So you're not interested in the content topic of the thread? fine with me. As for "tendencies" based on the FORMAT - as I pointed out certain assertions were made without any kind of evidence to back them up. Then more assertions were made on simply cut/pasting parts of my sentences - which is a nice semantic touch - not too dissimilar from using one of the chosen click fonts seen above. Or maybe it is a bit dissimilar? Maybe cut/pasting PART of a sentence to try to change the meaning is a bit dissimilar than simply highlight part of sentence while leaving the whole sentence intact? It's all a bit too pedantic maybe but as long as said font click options are freely available - then you can be brash about ignoring the content of the thread as much as you want - doesn't bother me. You wanna keep discussing syntax formatting issues as etiquette of a system (the interwebs) created by the US Empire military that is spreading genocide and ecocide on Earth? Nice touch! Silicon Valley has the highest concentration of toxic waste sites leaching into water anywhere in the US. Meanwhile the US military is the number one polluter on the planet - and again it CREATED the interwebs! So social etiquette on the interwebs is quite fascinating. For example if I post images of 2-headed depleted uranium babies on this site then they're gonna get censored BUT I did personally go get arrested to protest against the largest manufacturer of depleted uranium in the world - headquartered in liberal progressive "MN NICE" - twin cities minnesota, US Empire! So maybe protesting to get arrested is not the best "etiquette" while censoring the images of the product of nice friendly etiquette is much more appropriate. Yes the interwebs is kind of confusing I guess but at least we can take comfort that it's all being stored and monitored by the NSA supercomputers. Have a friendly "appropriately" properly formatted reality for you.
  10. Question about breath retention

    So now we can finally move on to your 2nd incorrect assertion with no evidence to back it up. Wim Hof. Now I'm quoting my training manual. and and is complete.
  11. Question about breath retention

    hey Joe where'd you get that "direct experience"? My point earlier was that my training manual emphasizes that holding breath AFTER EXHALE activates the vagus nerve. So now I've proven that indeed Master Nan, Huai-chin emphasizes holding the breath AFTER EXHALE. The person challenging me also claimed that Wim Hof does not hold the breath AFTER EXHALE. In my experience he DOES teach to hold the breath AFTER EXHALE. Now - we can defer to my training manual for references - from science. I'm talking about discovery the general "principles" that make this stuff work. Not some hazy personal experiences that you had in your closet or something - or even what some misty-eyed hoary great master said in the days of ole. No I'm talking about modern human biological psychophysiological GENERAL PRINCIPLES that are cross-cultural. So if my hypothesis is correct then I should be able to find science that corroborates my claim - and I do as the above quote shows. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189422/ For those out of the loop - VN is Vagus Nerve and PNS is Parasympathetic Nervous system. therefore - Crosscultural and scientific and yet - meditation! oops. And by the way - if people want to use my click choice options on this site as their personal excuse to ignore the content of the post - then I do not hold that against them ANYMORE than I hold it against someone for choosing to ignore the content of my posts that use "normal" font sizes and colors, etc. thanks for your understanding in this matter.
  12. Question about breath retention

    OH if that's the point you're trying to make - then by all means - have your "point." A lot of people have read the Bible also - and a lot of good it's done them.
  13. Question about breath retention

    Oh you might be dealing with a defective product here! I'll contact my manufacturer to see if I can get you a full refund!
  14. Question about breath retention

    just because you are projecting a cultural bias onto large fonts in no way impedes my choice to simply use another click option offered on this website. Am I breaking some kind of law? haha. Nice try though. CAPITOL LETTERS IS NOT THE SAME AS SCREAMING DESPITE PEOPLE MAKING SUCH A BIASED ASSUMPTION. Let's play with our perceptual biases why don't we? Maybe that's why I did it - to bring out the inner child in you. have a nice day. For example Burmese as a language does not use any interpersonal pronouns. Does that mean the language is inherently devoid of true subjective qualities? I doubt it. I worked closely with Burmese refugees. Perhaps you'd like to have a discussion about Neoformalism - and the difference between syntax and grammar, etc? Or should we defer to Chuang Tzu that the language of humans is no different than when we listen to the sounds animals make, pondering if they have any conceptual meaning? hahahahah. hahahahahahahahahahahahahah there I think I made my point.
  15. Question about breath retention

    So I went to the comments of the above vid - to cut and paste the whole transcript to the vid - for others. Then I found this comment: https://seriousbuddhism.wordpress.com/2017/04/15/hu-song-nian-the-dharma-door/ and to read the link:
  16. Question about breath retention

    OK I'll repeat the part of my sentence that you ignored. at first NOW ARE YOU claiming that I misquoted Master Nan? So let's be clear. You are claiming that the above quote is a lie? I worked as a professional transcription typist for a law professor. I also worked as a DEAF phone relay transcriber. So I'm pretty good at typing out quotes. Let's type out the WHOLE talk. So this is what the two of us have transcribed so far - assuming you did a good job. I'll listen again to make sure. Then I'll add in the rest. Oh wait - someone already posted the English translation - must have been my friend in Australia who did the original translation...
  17. Dealing with heat

    Actually Wim Hof also cools his body if he needs to - that's how he ran a marathon in the desert - I think Namibia - with no water or something. The San Bushmen are the original source of this training and they live in the desert. good luck. I did this training becuz I knew we were doomed due to global warming. Now it's happening - over the next five years things will escalate rapidly.
  18. Climate Change

    https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/national/2019/03/14/520626.htm the shit insurance journals come up with! hahaha. Dude - watch out - the real world might sneak up on you!
  19. Climate Change

    wow you studied Ebonics? Here's your "model" that you "buy" https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333988067_Oscillations_of_the_baseline_of_solar_magnetic_field_and_solar_irradiance_on_a_millennial_timescale now here's my model: http://arctic-news.blogspot.com/2019/07/most-important-message-ever.html from Dr. Carmen Solana posing as Sam Carana now back to your model: oops - Zarkova long been debunked.... https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2018/jan/09/the-imminent-mini-ice-age-myth-is-back-and-its-still-wrong and yet?
  20. Question about breath retention

    I'm glad you are clarifying how you read it. So we can quote from the vid you posted again. But essentially Master Nan says that at first you can use some force to retain the breath after exhale. 3 mns: Then he says the breathing goes away after awhile and with no breathing then there is no mind. So this is called Immortal Breathing in Daoism or also Foetal Breathing - in Vedic hindu yoga (whatever) it's called Nirvikalpa Samadhi. So for true Vipassana you need to achieve Nirvikalpa Samadhi or the Emptiness first. So what happens is the body fills with qi so that the body 'breathes" with qi instead of physically breathing. The Qi is able to create whatever chemical or material energy the body needs - water, nutrition, air, etc. Ramana Maharshi states the mind controls the breath - so if you stop the mind then you are stopping the breathing. The key point I am making is that when the breath is held AFTER exhale that activates the vagus nerve (versus after inhale). The Vagus nerve is how the energy is stored up inside the body. So I cite the research in my free training manual linked in my profile below. thanks. So normally the mind - observing the mind on its own - the mind is too weak. In Western medical science it states that a person can not hold their breath till the pass out! Why? Because the anterior cingulate gyrus overrides the prefrontal cortex intention to hold the breath! But if you have strong emotional energy than you can have the jing power to increase the brain power. When I was in first grade I held my breath till I passed out, thereby disproving western science.
  21. Question about breath retention

    i.e. AFTER exhale. That's the actual Master Nan quote at 1 minute from that video you posted. Thanks for corroborating the other evidence quotes I posted.
  22. Question about breath retention

    oops -someone can't read two sentences?
  23. Climate Change

    This threads obviously too long for you - you need to go back and read the whole thread as you're repeating debunked claims again. NIce try though.
  24. Climate Change

    Non-peer-reviewed manuscript falsely claims natural cloud changes ... https://climatefeedback.org/.../non-peer-reviewed-manuscript-falsely-claims-natural-cl... Claim: During the last hundred years the temperature is increased about 0.1°C because of carbon dioxide. The human contribution was about 0.01°C. Claimed by: Jyrki Kauppinen, Pekka Malmi, Paul Joseph Watson debunked. https://climatefeedback.org/claimreview/non-peer-reviewed-manuscript-falsely-claims-natural-cloud-changes-can-explain-global-warming/
  25. Question about breath retention

    I already researched what Master Nan said about breath retention - I've quoted it on this forum. I'll see if it's on my blog. You are making an assertion without any evidence to back it up. I just found my blog post. So now I have the evidence to back up my claim. https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2019/03/master-nan-huai-chin-on-yuan-qi.html Master Nan taught - his direct quote! https://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/Nan-Huai-Chin-To-Realize-Enlightenment.pdf page 5 and this: Master Nan through bill bodri: http://www.meditationexpert.com/meditation-techniques/m_pranayama_breath_work_techniques_for_meditation.htm and this - on the same method Master Nan taught: https://terebess.hu/zen/Gregory-Peter-N-Traditions-of-Meditation-in-Chinese-Buddhism.pdf I hope that is clear enough. thanks