
Junior Bum
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Everything posted by est93

  1. Hello

    Saying hello as required. What do people do other than be philosophical about 'the way' to consider themselves taoist?
  2. Hello

    Could you explain some of whats going on behind the exercise? like.. posture, stance and breath etc
  3. Hello

    ok marblehead so are you saying that wu wei can be practiced by making some time to stay still, observe our feelings and desires without following them?
  4. Hello

    cheers oldsaint. whats an example of a simple chi kung practice?
  5. Hello

    thanks marblehead, although sitting down shutting up and doin nothing is not really an option as i have things to do and communication is important and you are obviously doing something by responding to me and although not speaking verbally you are communicating to me so how literally should i be taking that approach?