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Everything posted by 26sol

  1. Two interesting details here,one is pompeo denies DIRECT involvement of the US.The other is that fishermen alerted the authorities and even assisted their capturing.I am so surprised about this part, I expected the Venezuelans would assist bring Maduro down and then carry the heroes on shields and offer them their prettiest maidens.
  2. "U want more facts? Here it goes for europe. Some countries are very affected, others are perfectly well:" South Korea had a very elaborate plan,they used all the private health resources in conjuction with the public health system,they had an imminent lockdown and they made countless tests for covid.Philippines duterte threatened people who break the lockdown with shooting. About Europe facts let me tell you about my country Greece.We had a quick lockdown,severe measures and the people actually respected the measures.The reason of the severe measures was probably because the health system in Greece is in a bad condition after all the years of austerity and the government knew it would not stand a chance against a violent outbreak. This is why,in my opinion,the rich countries in Europe were not quick to take measures,because they thought their strong health systems would stand the hit,so they chose the death toll against the economic damage. Another point is that not as many Chinese travel to Slovakia or Bulgaria for example as in France and Italy.
  3. While tv networks around the world are big money's propaganda machines,most conspiracists are the usefull idiots stealing attention from the big conspiracy in plain sight,the concentration of wealth and power by a small cast of people. People love the illusion we have control and our denial is strong as ever so...prophets and truth holders will always find fertile ground,wheather they wear tinfoil hats, maga hats or suits. We also love to think we're special and we matter more than the rest of the flock,therefore the sheep accusation.
  4. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    "two gives birth to three" I think this is best portrayed by the vesica pisces the area where opposites find common ground and creation takes place; and maybe the opposite is the masonic checkerboard,where the opposites never find common ground and just succeed each other in a state of oblivion; and maybe these two states are phases of the cycle like inhalation exhalation
  5. Defining the Left and Right

    survival is one of human's primal instincts and one of the basic rules for mammals is that you are more protected in the herd than alone.I think the herd mentality of people is exploited by the ones with power and authority and turned into a black-white fallacy,as a war monger once said "you're either with us or against us".I think this black-white macchiavelli play is depicted with the masonic checkerboard and its best representation is the USA,the country built from secret societies from ground up,where you can only"choose" black or white,right or left.I'm not saying its all mind control conspiracy,its actually a very well constructed play based on real human problems and thats the genius of it. The black and white is a perfect play that tosses responsibility from one to the other and gives people the "right to choose".But choosing the ones who think for you and define your life is a "right"we should not be proud of.The left-right fallacy is ment to give people the illusion of choice and someone to blame,while the real question should not be 'who do I want to rule my life' but 'do I want a ruler or self determination' In reference to Taoism I think left and right conflict is the non lntegrating yin and yang
  6. Swallowing saliva

    hi fellow bums,last few months,I always keep my tongue on the roof of the mouth right behind the teeth and I,m salivating excessively which I read in here is a good thing(?) But with the excessive swalloning of saliva comes the gulping off too much air which brings bloating and short stomach aches.Sould I not keep the tongue at the top all the time?
  7. The Microcosmic Orbit

    hi,is it ok to do MCO using locks?(root lock in particular)
  8. [TTC Study] Chapter 42 of the Tao Teh Ching

    isn't it interesting that this is also the start of the fibonacci sequence? 1,1,2,3...
  9. a wacko scenario I have in my head, is that this is part of a big plan that starts with a staged UFO disclosure.Terrorist attacks and the fear of them has made people feel less safe but most importantly,they have allowed governments to take drastic measures that shrink our freedom,you see our safety is their only concern. About my scenario,there will be a UFO disclosure(already started) but not in a way that will make us wiser but more afraid.Aliens will be considered a threat, there might even be a staged attack.Existence of a hostile advanced species will make us face a fear of a dark eventuality. Governments will invest in that fear and will come up with a way that will give us more chances against the powerfull enemy. The way is AI singularity,our only chances will be facing them as a hive mind.If we actually get to that point,this will be the actuall start of the alien AI overlord takeover.Palantir and the cryptocurrency I think are the first stages of the takeover.I don't believe this is the endtimes,as many unconsciously look forward to,but a great opporunity to lift the veil and claim our freedom. Of course this is only a scenario(all rights reserved).One thing for me is solid as rock:DO NOT TRUST AUTHORITY
  10. Gun Control and Shootings

    an anarchist would say no government,power to the people.A neoliberal would say less government,keep only the good stuff, police, army the "legal violence",and power to the CEOs
  11. The body of humanity

    " it's normal to be ill and you can live ill : so it's not illness it's a condition of living " oh well,what can you do?all is Dao! This is the cynical view,if one lives like this, it is almost sure one will survive and it is also possible one will have success but one can not grow,no matter how many spiritual facades one wears.It is very important to point that the cynical way works perfect for authority and the status quo. " illness is going to kill you if you don't treat. " I can relate to this,but must clarify that we must not try to change Nature, only ourselves.I believe we must embrace Nature but not emulate Her.Nature will allways be there and maybe the reason why,is that she has no compassion and empathy.Existence as a whole is her goal and She has no interest in individuals.If we where to emulate Her,we would lose our humanity.
  12. from wikipedia Panentheism (from the Ancient Greek expression πᾶν ἐν θεῷ, pān en theṓ, literally “all in God” is the belief that the divine pervades and interpenetrates every part of the universe and also extends beyond time and space.Unlike pantheism, which holds that the divine and the universe are identical, panentheism maintains an ontological distinction between the divine and the non-divine and the significance of both. In panentheism, God is viewed as the soul of the universe, the universal spirit present everywhere, which at the same time "transcends" all things created. While pantheism asserts that "all is God", panentheism claims that God is greater than the universe. Pantheism is the belief that all reality is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god.Pantheism is mentioned in a Papal encyclical in 2009 and a statement on New Year's Day in 2010, criticizing pantheism for denying the superiority of humans over nature and seeing the source of man's salvation in nature. which of these terms better describe Dao,or none?The way I see it nature/universe is Dao but Dao is beyond nature. If that is the case must humanity transcend nature in order to embrace the Divine?
  13. panentheism pantheism and Dao

    Makes sense if there is one ocean. The main reason I go with panentheism, is that Nature has all these patterns and tools which could be the software Dao put there in order to not be obliged to be around all the time.Of course software has to be operated every now and then.
  14. What are you listening to?

    putumayo presents is a huge and magnificent collection of ethnic tunes from all over the world
  15. Watching The Birds

    as far as I know most northern frog species,tree frogs included,get through the winter being actually frozen and going in suspended animation
  16. Watching The Birds

    beautiful thread how about gulls?they are so common but this doesn't make them less awesome.I was at the sea few days ago watching the seagulls and at some point my eye sticks at 2 of them flying very close to each other, spinning around making loops and all sorts of crazy stuff.Then they flew one behind the other, almost touching but never actually did,they took turns on who would be first and they competed who would go closer to the sea,few times they actually touched the water with the tip of their wings!such posers,its not even the first time I see them showing off,what majestic creatures
  17. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    time and time again,when I watch an american show and a soldier appears,the words 'thank you for your service'are almost standard.My question is this.Is this just the way mainstream media and the art industry want to portrait the military or is this a widely accepted view for the military? also does the majority of the american people agree with the wars?
  18. Defining the Left and Right

    There is no left right divide in authority,authority is right and far right.Authority is there to maintain power for feudalists,it has done so successfully for thousands of years.The so called left parties are modern neoliberal(look at Greece,Us,Italy and so on) and the right ones are neoliberal with fascist highlights. The right left division is only true among the common people.The rights are cynical survival machines,the left are wishfull thinkers and idealists(not that black and white just being spartan). The closest mindset to nature is the right wing open market mindset, big fish eats small no compassion,no virtue,the only importand thing is existence for nature ,power for feudalist.This has worked and will work for ever(for nature),but this is not living,this is surviving.There is also one derailing from nature of big importance.There is no authority in nature,there is leadership.The most capable,the strongest,the smartest is proven by constand trial and becomes leader,whereas in human world the ones that assumed power millenia ago,kept it with the use of nepotism,authority and religion. I believe nature is only part of Tao.I believe that Tao is not only about existence but also about love compassion and wholeness.I believe that human's challenge is not to just survive but live with love and compassion towards nature and each other. The left wing is a response to the lack of compassion of the right,its very healthy but its full of wishfull thinking and lacks realism,still a beam of light though. I am an anarcho atomist, ατομο(atom) in Greek means:no further divided, also means person.I believe being an atom(person) is the most importand thing in the spirit path,meaning being ones true self.Every single human is in his/her own page regarding spiritual evolution ,therefore there is no universal manual for enlightenment no religion that works for everyone,it worked for the one that came up with it but not for everyone.Same thing applies to cosmic life,no rigid system can apply for the whole of the people without individuality being compromised.
  19. Do these 2 practices lead to the same result?Can they be combined?What are the differences and similarities?The first difference,which I believe to be very importand,is that in kundalini,Shakti sits dorment in the lower abdomen whereas in taoist alchemy the prenatal qi(is that the analog of Shakti?) can be generated and also extinguished.The other major difference I see is the channels in which prana/qi travels,in kundalini its the ida pingala sushumna and it looks like the staff of Hermes which in taoism is very different,does it actually matter?Last question are root locks used in taoist alchemy?
  20. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    I agree the fall is inevitable but should we fall saying oh well all is Dao what can you do,or must we fight a fight that can't be won just for the shake of trying?
  21. Going vegetism and beyond

    yes also drink their blood and dance around their dead bodies,even better cultivation