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About onelotus

  • Rank
    Dao Bum
  1. Breath vs Mantra meditation

    please expound on the art of chanting mantra correctly!! thank you!!!
  2. Fascinated by Taoism, slowly building discipline

    to wrap up a bit and refer back to the welcome for sam sav... all roads may not lead to rome... and not all direction givers are sincere or correct. the bible "cell" leader was sadly misguided, and leading others from behind by talking about someplace he had never been. like pointing down a path that ones heard others talk about and giving directions that are repeated from people that have never been to the destination or even taken the journey full on... most "roads" circle the city of samsara and never really lead anywhere. most people, no matter how well intentioned, scholarly or even practiced, die a common death caught up in their mental constructs and ideas... sadly, this body may end up being one of them. the koan is so effective because it allows to mind to loosen... where the space of reaching and growing and striving in the mind meets with "uh"... that is the place of juicy unfoldment (says the lotus, haha) one hand clapping a high five with God one hand clapping the typewriter a slow welcome sam p.s. glad you like the mantra... om teehee ah hung, no rice, phet
  3. Fascinated by Taoism, slowly building discipline

    hi dear one lima, savvy enough to research just about anything, was encouraging your expression : ) sweet lotus buns! yes!!!
  4. Fascinated by Taoism, slowly building discipline

    made me lolololol!!!
  5. Fascinated by Taoism, slowly building discipline

    om teehee svaha, with rice throwing there is nothing more beneficial for speech than to speak of these things to encourage each other, teach each other and give feedback and support. samsara is still full of gunk and nirvana and the Kingdom of Heaven, closer still than our breaths. may we all pop open together!
  6. Fascinated by Taoism, slowly building discipline

    9 pound hammer is a great tune! "will jam for enlightenment" jing, qi and shen... what exactly is the essence and function of these in the body, also in the mind and what is their prabhav, or subtle function? without grasping at them, perhaps they would support the dissolving! (please forgive my ignorance, i will try to be a fast learner!)
  7. Fascinated by Taoism, slowly building discipline

    wow!!! was just writing on/reading the Great Discourse of Origination.... 12 Links and All... and pondering how selfishness and laziness keeps us swirling in what is not Nirvana, that is fabricated reality... including name, form, formlessness etc... labeling, craving grasping, potential existence and birth... etc.. Anybody got any ideas on how to break the chain of cyclic existence.. ? om teehee
  8. Fascinated by Taoism, slowly building discipline

    perhaps they, the "real" objects exist interdependently, lol...
  9. Fascinated by Taoism, slowly building discipline

    howdy, chiming in.... yes, thoughts are coloured... but because all the thoughts are projection, adornment of reality, they are not reality itself. this doesnt mean one does not see reality but as soon as we project onto it or adorn it, it becomes a version of reality with a (proportionately?) distorted view.
  10. Hello!

    prayer has many forms! welcome to the forum (newbie here, too!)
  11. one love

    thanks for the warm welcome!
  12. one love

    greetings everybody ___/I\___ found tdb googling a teaching to get others perspectives... currently getting a swift kick in the tuchus by one teacher, which this stubborn mind needs (yep another Buddhist type: rime, secret lineage with internal forms, dzogchen.) so came for support, lol! spent many years in some form of retreat or another, mostly self appointed. really appreciate the wisdom, time and sharing some of the reg's here express. the motivation in coming here is the dialogue potential to support stabilization through merging logic training, internal practice and purification adventures, er something like that... may we benefit each other with purity and awesomeness.