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Everything posted by Limahong

  1. hello

    Hello there - No One in particular. Anyone there?
  2. Hello Benevolent People

    Brevity the soul of wit or nitwit (asked very innocently and courteously)?
  3. hello

    Hi Sandokhan, I will take this opportunity to confess that I did not go fishing (i.e. surf TDB site). Just plain lazy. Waited to be fed with fish and you swam into my ocean. Praise THE Divine. Your sharing is fantastically wide. I can only go for bite-size. I am instantly attracted to this from you: “Kundalini is the divine femininity which cannot be awakened by the usual methods (asanas/mudras/pranayama). Yes, the energy of the auric lower bodies will be moved, using different techniques, but Kundalini cannot be awakened as such. It is an awakening which comes from above, a gift from divinity, and not something one brings about using one's own forces. The lower supernatural powers are: awakening of the astral third eye (thalamus gland; the spiritual third eye is the pineal gland), teleportation and such. However, the higher supernatural powers are: super-intuition, geniality, the gift of prophecy. These are feminine forces, only to be bestowed by the divine femininity in one's heart according to one's virtues”. I can identify quite comfortably with the aspects in bold. My questions to you are these: THE Divine will bestow you the gift only after testing you? The tests – difficult trials and tribulations? Level of difficulties – can drive you to the edge of despair? If I am not clear with my questions, please let me know. Thank you. - LimA
  4. Hello, here finding a way out of depression

    Hi Sub, Please be steadfast. Your life is yours and nobody else's. When you are in depressed pain, only you can absolve it; This encouragement from Cold is worth revisiting time and again: Be gentle and patient, get and stay active physically are effective. - LimA Be gentle and patient, get and stay active physically are effective
  5. Hello, here finding a way out of depression

    Hi Sub, PLEASE have a quick cursory understanding of Buddhism asap before Vesak Day on 10 May 2017. If not for anything, just try and understand the "Four Noble Truths". Reading up on these truths may not be easy for a first timer. Can someone(s) reading this posting help Sub with a basic understanding of Buddhism philosophically in any way you can? Thank you. S Sub - you have come across as a person who is honest with yourself. This is your STRENGTH. Brother/sister - please follow my footsteps by walking out of depression forever on Vesak Day. Blessings to you. - LimA Something on Vesak Day (Wikipedia): - On Vesākha Day, Buddhists all over the world commemorate events of significance to Buddhists of all traditions: The birth, enlightenment and the passing away of Gautama Buddha. As Buddhism spread from India it was assimilated into many foreign cultures, and consequently Vesākha is celebrated in many different ways all over the world. In India, Vaishakh Purnima day is also known as Buddha Jayanti day and has been traditionally accepted as Buddha's birth day. In 1999, the United Nations resolved to internationally observe the day of Vesak at its headquarters and offices.
  6. Fascinated by Taoism, slowly building discipline

    Hi OldSaint, Visited your Path-Notes Blog. Many, many new concepts. I am humbled. What is nondual? Examples of nondual things? What is IME? Apology - one ? too many. - LimA
  7. Learning to surf the Ocean of energy

    Hi Jonesboy, From your flow of thoughts, (1) the Ocean is Me (2) Me = Body + Mind (3) Energy = sexual, chi, prana, friction from the palm, yin, yang ... Yes/No? Please advise what is meant by 'only with permission'. - LimA
  8. Hello, here finding a way out of depression

    Hi Sublimation, Just great that you are engaging. You have come across to me as a sensitive guy much in touch with his own feelings. Your sense of self is descriptively good. Will be in touch more. Where I am now, it is 2am. Time to put my head on my pillow. Sub - you sure can. Just think of sunshine and the rain more often. Good night. - LimA
  9. Fascinated by Taoism, slowly building discipline

    Hello s.s., As a yogi, can you align jing/chi/shen with the seven chakras? I had tried the pc muscles, perineum ... all in the name of exploration; and I totally agree with OldSaint on this: "Whenever you see a technique that forces things it's extremely important to make sure it's being used in a balanced way....the way this is often used is not balanced". For me - one thing led to another as I do not like things done "forcefully" against nature. Can you imagine the consequences of pressing the perineum and linked them to a mighty river clogged for hydro-power? No wonder OldSaint addresses himself thus, he is so wise - "simple is powerful". He must have reached this conclusion from various experiments and experiences. And to top it all he says - "source is simple". Don't know what he means actually. But I will try and second guess with this my 2 cents worth - maybe his source is referred to the mind. Why mind? Mind over body. Mind over pc muscles. Mind over perineum. Mind over ... Comments please, OldSaint. - LimA
  10. Hello, here finding a way out of depression

    Hi Sublimation, Happy Labor Day to All. We have belabored and we need a rest. And to all mothers - THANK YOU for the labors. Without these pains, we won't be here. Love you all. Now with all necessities over, I would like to apologize for thrusting Vesak Day upon you without first ascertaining your background. I am a free thinker and I believe in THE DIVINE. Presently I embrace both Buddhism and Taoism as philosophies. Please be rest assured - there is no malice aforethought. Happy holiday! - LimA
  11. Hello, here finding a way out of depression

    Thank you Stosh for coming on-line for Sublimation.
  12. Hello, here finding a way out of depression

    Hi again Sublimation, At the end of your above introduction you had indicated this: "So i got a bit into Daoist and Buddhist thinking and ideas. At the moment I am doing none of the above but looking forward to do so maybe". I do not wish to be patronizing but the three words will get you nowhere (out of depression). May I suggest that you ventilate yourself more (from now till 10 May 2017) at this forum for fellow Bummies to share with you our 2 cents worth? You have already taken the first step; Can I be pushy? You owe yourself this - the removal of the inertia behind the three words. A great weekend, - LimA
  13. Hello, here finding a way out of depression

    Hi Sublimation, The way you are putting pen to paper, I believe you will be out of the dark woods anytime soon. All the above postings from fellow Bummies are great. But can I also suggest that you look inwards? Someone at this forum has a quote on looking inwards as a means to "awaken" oneself. I cannot locate it now; if someone can – please share it with Sublimation. Thank you. How well do you know yourself? Do you love yourself? You accept that you have masculine and feminine energies within your own psyche? Are you into any religion? No more questions on religions. I respect all religions. I am a free thinker and I believe in the Divine. I had personal divine experiences What/who is the Divine? To me the Divine is just simply “unseen goodness”. I am into philosophical Buddhism and Taoism; they help in my thinking which is pragmatically experiential. Why am I focusing that much on myself? I am a depression toughie. I now wear depression as a badge of honour. I spent two years in deep depression – total darkness (eclipse of the soul). Love of family and friends saw me out of it. They fed me with sunshine and rain – literally. Sublimation – I am telling you my story because I know where/how you are now. Fear not – everything happens for a reason, I believe. Just (a) believe in the Divine and yourself and ( challenge Buddhist/Taoist thinking. I think you will be out of depression next month. Why? Because 10 May 2017 is Vesak Day (some refer to it as Buddha’s Birthday). Why Vesak Day? I walked out of depression on a Vesak Day. What happened? On that day I went to thank Buddha as I could spell the word “wriggle”; and remembering it was Vesak Day, I wished him “Happy Birthday”. Then? I snapped out of depression the very next moment – just like that. There were a lot of things I cannot explain and I am humbled thus. Please get ready for 10 May 2017. All the very best Bro (or Sis) - you surely can. - LimA
  14. Learning to surf the Ocean of energy

    Our thoughts/actions revolve, evolve, resolve, absolve 
 around words 
 their Taoist flipsides 
 noun, verb, adjective 
 past, present, future tense 
 So let us choose our words carefully otherwise 
 I always believe this – pity the (wo)man who knows more 
 or talks too much 
 Heaven/hell are (wo)man-made words. Yes/no? Heaven forbids and hell breaks loose. So how? Maybe we should just silently use body language e.g. a bear hug, a pat on the back, a ruffling of loved ones’ hair (for baldies a pat will suffice) 
 When I meditate I like to reach emptiness/void where no word exists. So ocean of energy or ocean of words? Anyhow don’t maditate with/on words.(But your guru uses mantras, right?. So how? I don't know - your problem not mine.) - LimA Don’t maditate with words.
  15. Learning to surf the Ocean of energy

    Hi Marble, Or are you Simon & Garfunkel’s rock thus: "I Am A Rock" A winter's day In a deep and dark December I am alone Gazing from my window To the streets below On a freshly fallen, silent shroud of snow I am a rock I am an island I've built walls A fortress, steep and mighty That none may penetrate I have no need of friendship Friendship causes pain. It's laughter and it's loving I disdain. I am a rock I am an island Don't talk of love Well, I've heard the words before It's sleeping in my memory And I won't disturb the slumber Of feelings that have died If I never loved, I never would have cried I am a rock I am an island I have my books And my poetry to protect me I am shielded in my armor Hiding in my room Safe within my womb I touch no one and no one touches me I am a rock I am an island And a rock feels no pain And an island never cries I really hope not - LimA
  16. Learning to surf the Ocean of energy

    Hi Marblehead, Just returned from a trip to Thesaurus; the weather there was just great - bright sunshine + very slight drizzle + cool breeze. Whilst there, I was told that ‘Rock’ can be a noun or a verb. As a noun: Rock = Pillar = Mainstay = Stalwart = Tower of strength. As a verb: Rock = Astound = Shock = Shake = Stun. Apparently you are rocky noun, but which/what kind? - LimA
  17. CityHermit!:Hello

    Hi CityHermit! You have come across as a beautiful hermit. Why? I see you as a true stand-alone. You find fault with yourself before you find fault with others; you understand yourself first before ... I think you already have Taoist roots, Why? You are paradoxical - a hermit in the midst of a city. Yes/no? When it comes to quotations, perhaps you can use "parenthesis". Proper citation will be good, if possible - LimA
  18. CityHermit!:Hello

    Hi Cold, I am Hot living in Singapore at the equator. But OK for now as I have you to chill out with. I like your witty ?s as coming from a savior to me as a nitwit, Please save me from dying foolish. I visit Thesaurus when: (a) I want to find the yin (or yang) of words ( I crave to show off bombastically © I need to sadistically fix someone nasty with words (the pen hurts deeper than the sword) (d) I want to write a very serious letter to my pa-in-law (and keep my ma-in-law out) (d) i walk my dog with myself as a walking dictionary The weather at Thesaurus? It largely depends on my mood. Some days - beautiful sunshine; some days - wet and rainy (stormy even); some days - .... If you want an expletive fix, don't go to Thesaurus. Cheers! - LimA
  19. CityHermit!:Hello

    Hi Marblehead, We can be hermits just about anywhere and I think they are acceptable by most as such. Why? Most hermits are not intrusive and most mind their own business. A self-respecting hermit will not be intrusive. Otherwise he/she will 'dead-mit' (CityHermit = part real & part pun) in the hermit community (hermits and community? strange pairing? no because part real & part pun), An intrusive hermit will be ostracized for being - invasive, disturbing, indiscreet, meddling, pushy, interfering, unpleasant, insensitive ... (I have just visited Thesaurus). CityHermit has come across as a nice hermit - humble and respectful (and shy of course). I am a part-time hermit. Why? Because I am not hermetically sealed. Why again? Because I do not want to be uptight by being air-tight. - LimA
  20. Learning to surf the Ocean of energy

    Hi Ocean, I am tickled by Kar3n's - 'Be the ocean, not the surfer'. Presently I am not an ocean or anywhere yet within the 'Ocean' i.e. 'The Dao Bums'. Why? I have not gotten myself a fool-proof life-jacket yet. Then 'who am I' or 'where am I' when it comes to water? You really want to know? Well - I am about 70% water and sitting quite squarely in my bathtub. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean. So please don't get drowned. - LimA
  21. Hello everybody

    Hi cohomology, I think there is a link between computer programming and .'naturalist' Taoism - both binary, Former - 0 & 1; latter - yin & yang. You think so? - LimA
  22. Greetings

    If the next new Bummy calls herself/himself - Daydragon91 - we will have another newborne Bummy - Perfect1000. Any takers? New names are lucky names. Why? Font size - 18
  23. an appealing forum

    If not now, then when? So it is now, then how? From when => how. ‘Now’ = a temporal process? If not us, then who? So it is us, then what? From who => what. ‘Us’ = a personal undertaking? So a Buddhist (Taoist) path = a personal undertaking as a temporal process? (When + How + Who + What = WHolistic equation)
  24. Hi Cold, Cool - agree everyone is unique. Each of our chosen paths - a road less traveled. But when I started to explore Taoism, I took a generalist approach as I knew next to nothing then. Now I am more selective - I'm skewed to philosophical Taoism. As for the divide between Woman and Man, there is no division for me. I'm both - but more man than woman as physically I am a man. - LimA
  25. Hi Marblehead, Happy Easter. When I put my mother, wife, daughter, sister ... and the Divine in the same sentences, I touch base with the goodness of yin energies. Good Yang is nothing without good Yin. - LimA