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Everything posted by Limahong

  1. What is Fear?

    Hi rocala, Some say... Others say... - Anand
  2. What is Fear?

    Hi natural, The Almighty had a hand with the branch and Authority? - Anand
  3. What is Fear?

    Hi anshino23, A practitioner is always in practice? We learn while we practise? So we learn to embrace fear in living/practising forward? I don't want to be completely fearless because then I will have nothing left to learn... In facing and overcoming fears, A master shed ~ invisible tears? By overcoming your fear ~ you are less likely to "die". Keep on practising but don't rush... - Anand
  4. Eastern and Western cultivation

    But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends of the earth!
  5. Subtle Clinging

    Hi steve, On a cultivated path of detachment ~ we attach more of everything? Until we become aware wuwei-lessly (without effort) that everything is reduced to nothing. EMPTINESS There is no worry in the empty world. There is no wordly desires in the empty world. So you don't have to worry about wordly desires. There is no worry of aging or dying. There are no causes or consequences of suffering. You don't even need a way to get rid of your suffering. There is no selfish "wisdom". Therefore, there is no selfish enlightenment. - Anand
  6. What Exactly Is Chi?

    Besides having a dislike for stealing ~ I do not like to split hair with those I hardly know.
  7. What Exactly Is Chi?

    I don't like to steal. If I borrowed the thoughts of others when I deliberated on issues ~ I always made references. Why reinvent the wheels ~ when the good words/works of others can be honored for sharing, going forward?
  8. What Exactly Is Chi?

    Hi Desmonddf, From myself and then I go in search of the best means to communicate/share with others. If I have nothing good... the way I feel in sharing ~ I will lie low. - Anand
  9. Subtle Clinging

    Hi dmattwads, Only the the western notion when...? - Anand
  10. Subtle Clinging

    When you have reached the other shore of the river ~ why do you still want to stay in the water? Unless you are on the river of no return...
  11. Hi Michael, I prefer to forget the Troubles and remember the Triumphs... with... But of course! HAPPY 20201! - Anand
  12. Unable to just “observe” thoughts- tips?

    Hi Paradoxal, Maybe we can sit together for a traditional native pow-wow... (without masks)? - Anand
  13. Unable to just “observe” thoughts- tips?

    Hi oglights, You write well and clearly. Your thoughts must be in order to write thus. My take is that you are shackled with "thoughts" as a WORD. You are touching base with yourself when you have recognized this ~ "One thing to note is that I do suffer from severe depression and anxiety... no improvement in this regard." You aware of the root cause(s) of your predicaments? If so ~ you are on the right path to recovery? On that path, may I suggest that you ~ In the above video... @ 1:01/3:19... NOTHING IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN A REAL SMILE STRUGGLED THROUGH TEARS 'Smiles' are less heavy the 'thoughts' ~ they are lighter by two letters. YOU SURELY CAN SMILE! - Anand

    Hi old3bob, My thoughts are especially with the families of those affected by COVID-19 this Christmas. PEACE - Anand
  15. To be or not to be

    Hi dmattwads, My immediate future is to have my head on my pillow ~ I am going to sleep. Good night. - Anand
  16. Troll energetics

    I am hallucinaTed... I AM HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE ~ WHERE AM I?
  17. To be or not to be

    Hi dmattwads, So we are (were) here, there and everywhere? If so, am I as lost as you are? - Anand
  18. Troll energetics

    Hi dmattwads, Aren't hallucinogens more targeted at the mind? A hallucinogen is a psychoactive agent that often or ordinarily causes hallucinations, perceptual anomalies, and other substantial subjective changes in thought, emotion, and consciousness that are not typically experienced to such degrees with other drug classifications. The common classifications for hallucinogens are psychedelics, dissociatives and deliriants. Although hallucinogens all can induce altered states of consciousness with some overlap in effects, there are quantifiable as well as vast qualitative differences in the induced subjective experiences between classes of hallucinogens which is due to differing and distinct pharmacological mechanisms. - Wikipedia If so, I cannot put a finger on your focus/differentiation re kidneys, Heart Xin ( 心?)... - Anand