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Posts posted by Aetherous

  1. saturn-square-15.jpg


    With the magic square of Saturn, all numbers add up to 15 in any direction (even diagonally, which the picture doesn't show).

    Not that I have any idea what this means, but it has to do with 15.

    Also, this magic square is the same exact thing as the luo shu square. I have even less of an idea what that means.

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  2. I think bone broth will help especially, and beef will help some.

    A lot of the foods you listed might be more for other types of yin. For instance, pears are for lung yin, so they wouldn't help so much in your case. But in general it'd be good for you to eat a balanced diet, aside from blood and yin nourishing things.

    Stopping meals for the day at 3pm might not be a good idea if you're already blood and yin deficient, where you need more substance. That would be better advice for someone who had a problem with food stagnation, dampness, and phlegm.

    It'd be best to consult with your Chinese Medicine practitioner about this. They can keep track of how things are going for you. And importantly - they can give you herbs that will help the process along greatly.

  3. 7 minutes ago, joeblast said:

    "In the Land of the Yellow Vests a mighty fire will topple a Lady,
    Then will the Orange Man in the West lay waste to another Alliance,
    and out of ignorance the Hawk will turn into a Pigeon
    and ignite the Apocalypse of the Yields."

    Nostradamus, Quatrain 875




    Personally, I'm hoping the apocalypse of the yields means the end of the central banks of the planet, but that could just be wishful thinking :D  Who knows, but I've contended for a little while now that if these threads of treason and human trafficking are fully pulled to their last, it will bring down the central banks.  Its just a matter of will they really do it?


    You're joking with the quatrain, right?

  4. 51 minutes ago, manitou said:

    To see others as opponents is to believe you are separate from them.  It merely affirms the ego, which as we know is a block to enlightenment.  Or do your teachings teach differently?


    I used the word "opponents" because it fit the vibe of what you said:



    I take it this comment is a bit lofty for some, lol.


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  5. 1 hour ago, manitou said:

    Polarization and deeply held opinions are greatly limiting.


    That opinion sounds greatly limiting. I wonder why you're holding onto it, if you truly believe it.


    1 hour ago, manitou said:

    The enlightened one accepts all that happens.


    According to whom? This doesn't seem accurate, considering the actions enlightened beings throughout history took. Considering what they taught.


    1 hour ago, manitou said:

    Why have a firm opinion?  It does nothing but blind you to other possibilities.


    That opinion sounds rather firm! What about the possibility of there being nothing wrong with having opinions? It's good to not be blind to that one.


    1 hour ago, manitou said:

    I take it this comment is a bit lofty for some, lol.


    It's not wise to think so highly of yourself, and underestimate your "opponents". Because what appears lofty to you:


    Might appear far below the perspective of others:


    • Like 1
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  6. I'm not trying to dissuade you from your goals, but think for a second about what physical immortality would be like.

    Everyone you know would die. You'd meet new people, and they'd die as well. You'd be stuck here without them, constantly meeting people who are destined to grow old and die super fast, as you stay the same. You'd have to constantly move, so that no one found out you were this undying freak...or you'd have to stay away from society entirely, hiding in some remote area. It's hard to be hidden in our modern world, where our every move is tracked, such as when we spend money. You'd need to be off the grid. Imagine that after many years pass, humans evolve into looking different than they currently do, while you still look the same...or imagine that something like a meteorite hits the earth and kills all human life...then you're stuck here in a wasteland with no one else around...doing what?

    Basically - what's the point in being immortal? Why would you want to be? It might seem like a cool trick for the first 100 years, but shortly after that it becomes horrible.

    There are stories of people who are immortal, in the definition that they live much longer than normal humans. Maybe it's true, or maybe it's just a myth. But either way, if you're thinking of trying to become it, you might as well ponder what it'd actually be like.

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  7. 50 minutes ago, OldDog said:

    The problem is not that we have differing views but that we fail to realize that any view has a little bit of truth


    This sounds nice, and is accepted without question by those of us indoctrinated by postmodernism...but it isn't accurate. In reality, some ideas are more true than others, while others are simply false. It's not a truism that every viewpoint has some truth to it.

    There is such a thing as being too open minded, where under the guise of fairness we constantly doubt the obvious truth, but are overly accepting of lies. Not a good way to be.

    Folks, there is nothing wrong with knowing what you know, and standing your ground regarding it.


    3 hours ago, Song of the Dao said:

    That is what the groups are attempting, teaching people how to treat others well who hold different opinions. They in no way want people to have no thought or hold back their opinions.


    But they're saying "polarization", which means taking a stand one way or another/having an opinion, is the great threat.


    Just not when it's their opinions; those are fine.


    3 hours ago, Song of the Dao said:

    I guess I will ask, being that we have the freedom to choose others well or not, why do so many choose not treating the other well. I say it is not an opinion, but how they attach their identity to their opinion. So if I call their opinion stupid, they think I am calling them stupid.


    Yes, this definitely seems to be part of the issue of incivility.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Song of the Dao said:

    It is more about holding your opinions loosely.


    I appreciate you sharing the article, so don't get me wrong. I'm just discussing it, rather than disagreeing with you.

    But I'd rather just focus on being civil, rather than dishonestly self-lobotomize.


    There are certain types of people in this world, who will always try to make you give up your independence of thought. They create a fictional problem (the world is in chaos), and present a solution (stop thinking and chaos goes away), all of which has an ulterior motive - they're just trying desperately to quell the ideas they dislike, in order to promote their own. They do it under the guise of promoting better communication and civility between people, but it's actually just them attempting to be the most right. For instance, the authors interject the fraudulent political notion that this is a time of rising authoritarianism; they've betrayed their stance.

    If you know the truth about something, there's nothing wrong with having that as your ideology. Don't let people tell you to stop thinking, and stop having a stance - they're just trying to weaken you in order to bring you down to their level. They can feel free to take their own advice, and not polarize by having any opinions.

    Having opinions, or holding them strongly, isn't the cause of incivility. Everyone has the freedom to choose whether to treat others well, or not...that's independent of what they believe or the fact that they have/don't have beliefs.

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  9. 12 hours ago, 2ndchance said:

    Seriously, what the crap can you truly learn in Universities, High Schools, Elementary Schools and such which can truly evolve you into a spiritually enlightened human being at the highest possible speed?


    Spirituality is just one part of life. In order to make progress in spirituality, after a certain point we need to have balance with the other parts of our life, and just be normal human beings.

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  10. 7 minutes ago, GSmaster said:

    If you disagree, with anything I say, just move on.

    I have calculated this thread to 12 pages of discussion and it won't give any results beyond wasting my time on 2 people who have zero potential in cultivation. 


    I am always right. You don't like the right answers, go with the wrong ones, atleast they are hard earned and not given for free.


    If you're saying things that are plainly not true, others are free to point it out. Welcome to the concept of a discussion forum. If you want a place where you can tell others false things and have it be unquestioned, feel free to make your own forum and delude the people who would go there.

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  11. 37 minutes ago, GSmaster said:

    Yes, but you never know when you get heart attack, or cancer, or celiac disease, or tumors, or brain stroke, or any other disease which is caused by eating bread / sugar / milk. 

    You could still live a hundred of years of life, just being sick every once in a while.

    Its like a roullette.


    You could avoid all of those food items for your entire life, and still get those diseases. And probably live a shorter and less healthy life due to avoiding them.


    37 minutes ago, GSmaster said:

    After I said all this, I am going to make some toasted bread with cheddar cheese, garlic, onion, herbs, sea salt.

    And enjoy it.


    Hell yeah.

  12. 32 minutes ago, GSmaster said:


    Toxins are toxic in any amounts


    This is kind of semantics, but what you're saying is essentially untrue. Something is only "toxic" when it's an amount that causes harm...if it's not causing harm, then how can it be called "toxic"? Let's say if someone has 5 drops of vodka - absolutely nothing bad is going to happen to them.


    32 minutes ago, GSmaster said:

    It is not like there is or ever will be a healthy dosage of alcohol, nor there is a healthy dosage of white sugar, nor there is a healthy dosage of bread.


    Yes, there are healthy dosages of all of those things. I mean, unless a person has celiac disease and can't have typical bread...then they probably can't handle any sort of dose.

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  13. In terms of "toxicity", dosage has to be taken into account.

    Even water, which is healthy for the body, can be deadly if you have enough of it in a certain amount of time.


    Sugar is the current enemy of the diet industry. But in smaller doses, it benefits the body.

    Every person is different. For some, they may not even benefit from sugar and have bad effects from taking any. For others, they may need it. For the person who needs it, if they take the right amount, it's not toxic but is good for them. Same with any other thing that people normally ingest.

    All of this is in the realm of foods, which are generally "non-toxic"...people can eat them every day and live a relatively long healthy life. But there are substances out there where if you take a couple of grams of it, it's life that's real toxicity.

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  14. On 4/13/2019 at 3:57 AM, Vajra Fist said:

    The reality is a innocuous, peaceful practice. 


    I recall the books by Li Hongzhi being very culty and weird. It was more like a religion than a form of qigong.

    Here's what looks to be an official summary of Falun Dafa.

    No offense meant to people like you who enjoy practicing this, but when things involve unique beliefs rather than simply a physical exercise (such as belief in an intelligent entity called a Falun, which is implanted into your lower abdomen by the master, Li Hongzhi), it can be defined as a "cult" by some people.

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  15. 3 hours ago, J Warg said:

    How can a 100% unsensitive-to-the-invisible person can become more sensitive to these other realities?


    I'm not all that psychic, but from what I'm taught I think the biggest key is living a pure life.

    Purify your home by always having it clean. Purify your body, through bathing, a very clean diet (as little meat as possible), making sure your bowel movements are normal. Maybe getting basti enemas. Purify your spirit through prayer, shunning any negativity in your life and in your reactions, practicing spiritual disciplines and being dedicated to that. Your mind through meditations which bring clarity and peace. Your location, by not living near other people. Etc. You have to learn from spiritual teachers, and diligently practice what they say, and there might be methods that are specific to developing abilities, or it might just be a side effect of doing all of this together.

    Don't believe everyone who says they have abilities, and question what you hear about this stuff. Your experience is what's true for you, not some tall tales.

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  16. 23 minutes ago, thelerner said:

    Here's a question.  When do you need to strengthen the blood? 


    For woman would it be after a period?

    For men, after ejaculation or when feeling weak or seasonally? 


    When it's deficient. Chinese Medicine practitioners perceive blood deficiency in the pulse, tongue, and with signs and symptoms.


    Or people can do the folk medicine and longevity approach, where they just continually nourish their blood regardless of whether they need to or not. There's something to be said for that, too.


    Sometimes practitioners do cyclical treatments, where they follow the rhythm of the body, and nourish blood after the period is over. Postpartum is considered the worst time of deficiency, no matter what.

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  17. If you have thoroughly sought out the truth, and tested it in every way, then you have no reason to doubt your position. There's no such thing as a 100% smart person, so whoever takes the contrary position might be wrong. You could question them to see their reasoning, and maybe learn something you hadn't thought of. Other than that, doubting yourself is a weakness.

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  18. On 4/12/2019 at 4:53 AM, lifeforce said:

    I've noticed in my interactions on the forum, that anger is pouring out. I can't seem to get my points across, as if others aren't on the same wavelength and this has led to frustration and resentment.


    From my perspective, most other people in that thread for some odd reason jumped on the wrong bandwagon. Sometimes the social tide just starts going in a certain direction, and it's not right but it's the way a number of people go. I viewed them as behaving very strangely in that moment, too.


    Maybe one of these days I'll think about trying this sacred secretion thing. I tend to question the necessity of that specific timing, and still wonder about how people came up with this method or where it was really from... but it sounds like you've gotten some good experience with implementing this so far.

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  19. On 4/12/2019 at 6:13 AM, J Warg said:

    The “magus” mentions beings like elementals; I have also read about these creatures in other books / articles under the names of thought forms, larvae, etc.


    In the book Daskalos says:


    We give birth to such elementals with our thoughts and sentiments. Once 'projected' they have an existence of their own and can affect those around us that 'vibrate' on the same frequency


    It seems like he's using the term elemental in a unique way. Here's the typical understanding of an "elemental":


    As far as I know, they're not created by human beings at all. Another name would be used for what people create, such as: thought form, tulpa, double, etc. But elementals are said to be spirits/creatures of the four elements.

    I don't have experience with them.




    Also, in terms of anyone I personally know who sees things...they mostly either speak of ghosts, or their guides, and auras. Maybe they're full of shit and are just making up having the ability to see these things...perhaps with true sight, a person would be aware of these other classes of beings like elementals. I don't know!

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