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Posts posted by Aetherous

  1. You know what, I've had the same question as's actually a great question.


    Thanks sheng zhen for this:


    As for tao-cultivation I dont think it is needed that your girl is into it. The only thing that is needed is that she lifts your heart when you spend time with her, and that she can accept all the weired things you do

    It is anyways YOUR cultivation, YOUR relationship with the tao. Your partner dosent need to go through the same processes. I believe that if you keep this integrity, your development will only enhance your relationships.


    Very nice.

  2. Yup. In addition to the old content, from looking at the table of contents, it also contains:



    Five Elements: The Jongs of Maoshan (the 5 elements standing qigong)

    I-Jong, the first posture

    The Five Elements

    Maoshan travelling hands (I think this is spirit travel)

    The secret of the golden flower of Maoshan

    Red sun: opening the heart (this practice rocks, I just tried it yesterday)


    I look forward to getting it in the mail and checking it out!

  3. Putting your attention on the soles and perineum might help, but I've always thought that concentrating your attention in your body isn't good for energy imbalances. That was just my personal experience, it might work well for you.


    I'd say go for long walks daily, preferrably barefoot, in a nice setting. Laugh with friends, and focus more on your social life. Drop everything spiritual or energetic for the time being. Make sure you don't sit cross legged. In every moment, contemplate what's physically true. If you are remembering something that just happened, cut it out and just chalk it off as just your imagination, and life your life here and now.


    Of course it's good to remember things, if you need to. But if you're remembering shutting a door on a demon or something that may or may not have happened, just forget about it and focus on what's real.

  4. Was Aleister Crowley ever able to actually accomplish anything substantive?


    I read an article where someone asked Aleister to show them real magick. He said he couldn't do much, except he did show the guy something...they were walking behind someone and Crowley matched their footsteps, and tripped...the guy in front of them tripped and AC quickly went over to help him up.


    So apparently all he could really do was that...


    He did perform the Abramelin thing, and apparently was successful in contacting his HGA. That's where the Book of the Law (I think?) came from...he was just transcribing what the HGA said to him...and apparently with that system you learn how to summon demons and control them, making them do magical things for you.


    The house that Stairway to Heaven was written in was once owned by Crowley, where he unsuccessfully performed the Abramelin ritual. He left like halfway through and apparently it's supremely haunted...a few people have committed suicide in there.


    But did Crowley gain power over demons, and was he able to make them perform supernatural acts? I don't think so.

  5. Holding fast to the center would mean forgetting about this TS personally, I look at it and see the work of people who held fast to the periphery. Why do we need stuff like this? My answer - we don't at all.


    I don't understand what you wrote, but that's a cool dream. :)

  6. It's not a big problem...unless the dentist decides to forget to numb one side of your mouth and starts digging into sensitive tissue, like one did for me!


    But it's truthfully not a big deal...I say get em out.

  7. Yeah Max moving people is NOT hocus's real energy dynamics going on. If you don't believe, whatever, but at least try it out for a while to see for yourself like I did, before speaking.


    Something more about it: when he was pulling someone's head to the ground, I felt my legs rush and kind of buckle, as did someone standing next to me. How is that hocus pocus? At times it felt like the earth was shaking, and I would get this scent that came from the kunlun energy which smelled like lotus. People I trust got stuck to trees, and pulled in different directions, depending on how open they were to the energy.


    I was hardly open at all at first, but I've spent a few months cultivating it now, and am able to say at this point that it's not bogus. So it's kinda...laughable...when someone who has no experience is making claims about a worthwhile system's authenticity.




    Anyway, about kunlun and kungfu...they totally go hand in hand. It's pretty much just some kundalini exercises (even vinyasa yoga and stuff) that doesn't go well with all else is basically fair game. Basically.


    Martial arts go great with it though! Go for it. Why be worried about whether Max will think you're too violent or not? Are you?

  8. I think if you have the ability to plant your own food, that's an awesome thing to do. Saves so much money in groceries, it's easy enough to learn, healthier for you, and it makes for a peaceful environment. Even if you just have a little herb garden, that makes cooking so much better.


    I got a job landscaping for the summer, and that's also a great kungfu without the fighting. So gardening kicks ass...I can't wait til I have my own property!


    For how to cook for yourself (which many people actually don't know how to do), a good basic book is "How to Cook Everything" by Mark Bittman. A person could probably spend a year or more just trying different things from that book every night. So cooking for yourself is a great idea to learn how to live more naturally.


    One other thing which really interests me is how to live off the land. There's a book that's mostly for the US called, "Stalking the Wild Asparagus". It goes into pretty good depth about how to make real and decent food out of stuff like acorns, cattails, dandelions, etc.



  9. I don't see why someone would make this video. If it's a brainwashing group, which obviously it is due to the hypnotism and NLP, then what is the purpose? Maybe it's just an amateur trying to see if they can do something? I have a hard time believing there's actually a legit group, like the Masons, making videos like this trying to influence people. And I have a harder time believing it's someone who truly believes in the stuff...just because it's so hokey. Why talk so fast? It seems like a deliberate attempt at trying to influence people, and it's just poorly done.



  10. Yep great thoughts T.I.!


    Just a tip: with kunlun (and in my opinion kundalini exercises) you aren't supposed to get a heat sensation in the head. If you do, fine, but it's not supposed to be thought of as a good know?