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Posts posted by Aetherous

  1. 47 minutes ago, awarenessrules said:

    How can I correct this issue to have equal weight on both feet?


    First of all, comprehensively stretch the: hip flexors, quads, hamstrings, adductors, IT band, and piriformis. All of these need to be super limber.

    If that doesn't help, then see someone who specializes in Muscle Energy Technique for the pelvis and sacrum.

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  2. 2 hours ago, whitesilk said:

    Technically I wasn't blaspheming because I did not speak evil of speaking in tongues, just that I doubted it's reality at the time.


    I personally think it would require a knowledge that the tongues were truly from the holy spirit, and then rejecting or opposing it.


    It's possible for someone to lie... or someone to be fooled, themselves... and to claim to you that their incoherent babbling is the real speaking in tongues. In which case, there's no problem doubting that and speaking against it. Perhaps the holy spirit would even direct people to speak out against the fake thing.

    So how do you know the difference between a fraudulent case, and a true case of speaking in tongues?

    In my personal interpretation, the determining factor is having true knowledge of what the holy spirit is and how it works. Being able to discern the true from the false case. If you don't really have that knowledge, and you don't truly discern, then can it truly be said that you committed that sin? "And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." - Luke 23:34 ESV

    At least I would hope that would be the case. Who knows. Maybe one still does commit it in ignorance.

    Regarding the eternal sin being about Jesus, there is this verse: "And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come." - Matthew 12:32 ESV. It might not be about accepting Jesus, and it seems that it's about opposing the holy spirit.

    Did the Pharisees in the verse have knowledge that Jesus' exorcisms were done by the power of the holy spirit? Who knows. Perhaps he just gave them a stern warning to not oppose the power of God. Or perhaps they did know, to some extent, and were trying to slander him for their own purposes, such as maintaining religious which case, they were consciously acting against God.

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  3. This is not an excuse, but "all fall short". It's not within human nature to be the perfect Christian, although Jesus did say to try.

    For some people, they might not be so on fire about the teachings, and might be basically a simpleton...but going to church reminds them of ways they can be a better person, or connects them to God/the Holy Spirit, and goodness ends up showing in their lives more or less. Hopefully not less.

    For me personally, I see that society thinks there is a free pass to denigrate Christians in every moment, so being a rebel, I tend to stand against that and want to speak positively of them. But I do think it's true: many don't read their own book enough, and if they do, they just give it lip service and don't truly take it seriously. However, it's very easy to say that about them...but a little harder, and more fruitful, to say that about myself.

  4. I think it's fair to defend oneself and society against the onslaught of actual identity politics, by having discussions about it.

    The movement to get male-to-female trans people competing against women (or similar crazy things) is actual identity politics, and opposing it is just what sane people do. (People who were born as) men have an unfair physical advantage against (people who were born as) women.

    Sure, let's respect trans people and make them feel welcome in the world, but let's also understand what respect is...versus what going overboard trying to appease antagonistic people is.


    Unlike freeform, I do not believe that shedding one's identity is spiritual cultivation.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Nungali said:

    Perhaps.  But reversed it can be a different situation. 




    But we cant ignore the stats ....... saying that more women are abused by men , does not in any way IMO negate the  fact that men get abused too .


    I personally find it interesting how society views, and tells us to view women...versus how they can sometimes be.

    Also, I wasn't saying that women are abusive and men aren't, by any means. Just sharing a real life experience which the OP caused me to remember, which when you have enough of them, can shake you out of your cultural programming.

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  6. When I was a live in property manager, we got a new female tenant...and within the first month, one night we all hear this wailing sound at 3 am. I roll over in my bed, try to wait for the ghost or whatever it is to shut the hell up so I can get my rest, but it keeps wailing, and then I get a knock at my door.

    It's the new female tenant, and she asks me to help remove her abusive boyfriend from the premises. Oh, okay, the sound isn't a ghost I guess. Solves that mystery.

    I go into her room to find the "abusive boyfriend" sobbing on the floor, with drool and snot dripping from his face into a puddle. He's incoherent, and I continually tell him that he's got to get out, as I'm under the impression that he hit my new tenant. It takes about half an hour to convince him, and we step outside to talk.

    Anyway to shorten this up a bit...come to find out that she beat him. She had done it before, and it happens every once in a while if he doesn't appease her. He stays with her because he cares about her, even if it hurts him.

    Men should never let their girlfriends or wives be abusive to them, just as it is vice versa, where women should leave their abusive male partners. People need to have some self respect.

    Honestly, if a girlfriend is pouring boiling water on you, it's way past time to defend yourself and then leave her in the dust. How can someone be so weak and submissive, so as to let it happen to themselves?

    They all need to practice some zhan zhuang and learn to stand on their own two feet!

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  7. My personal interpretation: if the original instructions say something like, "perform the bow and arrow exercise as if pulling a 70 pound bow", then we have to think why they would add that part about the weight of the bow. It must be because we're supposed to pretend as best we can that it actually is that strong of a which case, what do we do when we pull a bow that heavy? I think it changes our breathing...I would not think that we inhale during the opening pull (or maybe we do, probably would be best to actually find a heavy bow and see what we do naturally when pulling it). Usually exertion is accompanied by either an exhale or a breath hold. Practicing it the modern way, doing gentle movements and timing the breath, is interesting but it may not be the original intention of the exercises.

    So, some people might want to find the first time the method was written down, and see what it says. The exercises in baduanjin are also found in other groupings of exercises, or even on their own, and sometimes have different instructions.

    Alternatively, we can alter exercises to suit our purposes, if we know the effects of changing different aspects. But sometimes experimenting can lead to disastrous results.

  8. If Chinese herbs can nourish the blood (and they can, more so than pretty much anything), then perhaps for vegans and vegetarians it's simply a matter of continually taking those herbs in the right addition to all of the supplements they need to make up for their dietary deficiencies.

    There are also carnivores with blood deficiency, by the way. There's just a correlation with not eating meat and having blood deficiency, but that doesn't mean eating meat will necessarily fix blood deficiency.

    I spoke with one practitioner who said that he encountered a vegan patient whose liver blood was surprisingly healthy. They took Whole Foods Garden of Life raw meal replacement at each meal, in addition to whatever they maybe that product is useful for this; I haven't experimented to see if it's true and am just kind of taking his word for it.

    Liver blood is really something that promotes a long life. People can be vegan and healthy (veganism has been shown to reverse heart disease, for instance...and it usually shrinks the waistline), but they won't live as long because of their blood deficiency. Deficient blood could also cause infertility, which is something that healthy young people need to keep in mind.

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  9. A transmission is such that, if you were to learn on your own solely from a book, you'd have a vastly different experience in comparison to learning with the teacher giving the transmission. You'd have a lesser experience, or an off the mark experience, on your own. But with a teacher, you have the genuine experience and learn in the right way.

    There are different forms of transmission, many of which don't make sense to me...but they do something.

    Always go for it, if that's your chosen path.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Aetherous said:

    to create in himself one new man out of the two


    Going simply based off of the translated language, part of this could imply there was an old man, which is cast aside and which he no longer is. The new man may not have been either of the two (because it's created new). It's also solely "in himself", so it's not referring to the "one flesh" concept of uniting male and least externally speaking. I'm not sure of the Bible ever teaching about the two genders being internal within one person.

    I'm truly interested to see if anyone has other verses that speak of something related to this notion of "the two".

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