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Everything posted by Aetherous

  1. Who is /are Max's Egyptian teachers?

    Thanks for the thanks, it motivates me to continue being polite. Yup. Well it may be common, but I've practiced it and it's actually probably the most powerful thing I've done. Maybe it helps to have had the transmission? It felt like my body was dissolving and huge bliss surged up. I wasn't even pushing the envelope with yeah I've only done it once but it was so far the most intense and fast method I've found. It's not that important to me. It'd be an issue if Max just made up this stuff by just reading books, but he spent years studying with his teachers. The system works great...that's all I really care about.
  2. Who is /are Max's Egyptian teachers?

    This was something one of Max's teachers told him about his system. And perhaps that teacher didn't know of every system that he was most likely comparing it to just a few other systems. I'm not sure about whether one hour of the practice is equivalent to a hundred years....but I practiced kundalini yoga for about 3 years, and did pretty intense meditation for about a year and a half before that....and kunlun definitely has more results in a hell of a lot less time. But I'm not going to be a person who will make that claim that one hour equals one hundred years, because I have no idea if it does. I don't know if it's been called the fastest way. In my opinion there could be faster ways formulated. I don't know if it's ever been implied that other methods are inferior, either. It's just called the "quick quick path" because it's fast. Does that mean there aren't other quick quick paths or quick quick quick quick quick paths? Well you can say the Red Sun practice in the kunlun system is more powerful than the other practices, and it's probably true...but it doesn't really have to do with putting down other's just telling the truth. Although I haven't tried the egyptian stuff yet.
  3. Good Methods of Physical Healing?

    I agree with what other have hinted at: there's no magic bullet. There are just magic incorporating everything that's healthy and sticking to it is going to be your best bet.
  4. What my practice have taught me

    Hey John, I just recently had a money issue as well. Just like you I was really down for a day...what a long day that was. But what I found is that spiritual progress helped very little when facing serious stuff in life. I can't say for sure personally whether I would've been able to cope just as well before or not.
  5. Who is /are Max's Egyptian teachers?

    Patrick Brown, I'm impressed! Nice post!
  6. John Changs 1st Westener Student

    Thanks for your answer, Jim. It's great that you are willing to help people who want to learn, so thanks for that as well.
  7. Who is /are Max's Egyptian teachers?

    WYG, I agree a lot of it sounds absolutely ridiculous. I still don't believe much of it at all, but I'm open to see what's true and what isn't. What I've found so far is that the practices themselves rock...have I ever said any more than that? Why assume I believe in all the crazy shit as well? Aliens, egyptians, etc....I buy into none of that. The way I see it, is that it doesn't matter in my practice of letting go of conditioning. A lot of people who do kunlun have experiences which strike me as really odd. On AugustLeo's journal here he talked about channelling info on practices from spirits...I like him, and I don't want to be judgemental, but things like that go against my grain. I just have no experience with it. Even at the seminar, if people were having orgasmic stuff happening and screaming and laughing, I was weirded out because I wasn't experiencing it. So when I come across something which seems strange with this stuff, I just admit to myself that I don't know whether it's true or real, and I just wait to see. If I start experiencing spirits giving me practice tips, or if I start having screaming orgasmic rushes...then that will be part of who I am and it won't be as strange anymore (ehhh kind of lol, at least TO ME it will be less strange). So anyway...don't be sad that people are falling for Max's beliefs, or something. That's not happening. This isn't a religion or a philosophy. It's just a practice that people can choose to explore, or not. So just because people are practicing it, and getting good results, doesn't mean that anyone is falling for anything. But yeah it's probably best that you avoid the topic altogether, in order to keep from being banned. Just a suggestion...
  8. Who is /are Max's Egyptian teachers?

    WYG, I still question tons of stuff about Max and the practices. It's good and healthy to not believe in things you're told. What you're doing is different. To be honest you'll probably be banned again soon...I have no say in it but it seems highly likely. It seems like you're afraid of the kunlun system, so you're always trying to make it seem worthless or bad. The smart thing to do would be to leave it alone and be humble enough to just admit to yourself that it's just not for you, not for now. If you have questions about it, asking them in a different way would work. Not in a way that is kind of hostile.
  9. 3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:3-5
  10. Xeno, I didn't mean to offend you, I meant to help you see that you're full of it.
  11. on taiji

    The best hamstring stretches I've found: 1) Place your left heel on the ground with the toes up a little forward and to the side. Keep that leg straight. Bend the right leg, and while sticking your butt out, reach towards the left toes. You should feel the stretch in your left hamstring. Repeat both sides. 2) Lie on your back. Put a belt on the bottom of your foot and hold onto each end. While keeping the other leg down, slowly bring your leg up while keeping it straightened. When you feel tension don't push past it, just hold it there for at least 10 seconds. There are theories that you should simultaneously strengthen while you mobilize...but with the hamstrings I think it isn't that big of a deal. The puppies just need some anyway I've found these two stretches to be the best.
  12. new kunlun book

    Red Sun is actually quite powerful. Give it a shot!
  13. Xeno is like a person in a wheelchair who doesn't know they are in a wheelchair.
  14. Kunlun benefits?

    The kunlun forum is only for people who've been to a seminar. If you didn't notice, the person who started this topic, asking the question, is just looking into it. They can't go to the forum, so this is the place to talk about it.
  15. Kunlun benefits?

    I've been thinking about this the past couple of days, and perhaps there should be a warning...because it's not a panacea, or at least it isn't in the way you might expect it to be as a beginner. 1. The magnetic feeling is pretty much constant. It's a choice: if you want to permanently have access to this energy, then go for kunlun. If you are unsure of whether you want something permanent, think more on it. Because it does change your life. 2. People can experience healing, but I haven't in a few months of practicing. I've even developed this horrible knot in my back which isn't fixed by getting massages, heating the area up, doing warrior wellness, etc. This knot might be the parts of myself that I don't want to see. The thing is, I've never had knots in my back this is new. To be honest it sucks. But it seems that kunlun has brought it up for me to deal with eventually....the reason why I mention this is that perhaps you won't experience miraculous healing like you may expect. You may have to heal yourself by letting go of whatever kunlun brings up to you. So yeah, pretty much what everyone mentioned is right though. It's with you all the time, and when you open up to it, bliss happens. Bliss is kind of like's hard to describe but when you see someone experiencing it, it makes sense. At the NJ seminar, I saw Dionne opening up to it, and by the look in her eye I could tell what the exact sensation is. But bliss won't make you happy. A lot of the time, it can bring up melancholy feelings, if you have them stored away. Anyway, do I personally think it's worth it? Hell yeah. I finally have a grasp on energy work, and have a great cultivation method! I did kundalini yoga for 2 years and hadn't experienced this much progress! So I love kunlun...I just thought there should be more that beginners are aware of.
  16. Excellent Push Hands

    It seems to me that her opponent just has horrible balance, and that she's quite good.
  17. Something new to 'live through'

    Yeah it's not a philosophy to adopt. Then you have people going around saying, "I'm enlightened, I'm not the body or the thoughts!" While still hugely functioning as the body with thoughts.
  18. Good Free Kriya Book

    I read this one...yeah it's good! I like the author.
  19. Something new to 'live through'

    Yeah the book is kinda ridiculous, but the method...simply being aware of awareness, is the most profound method of meditation I've ever come across...if you can practice it correctly. The books instructions are fairly good, but it takes some time and ingenuity as well. And of course, the extremely intense desire for liberation!