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Everything posted by Aetherous

  1. A Powerful Voice Of Reason

    VCraigP, I agree with your point of view, actually. 100%. I've experienced a lot of extremism first hand, and of course I don't like it. But I think that Bill Maher takes it way too far and becomes extremist, himself. "Plain fact is religion must die, for mankind to live." That's not true. It's not actually rational to say so (in the 'logically sound' sense). Religion has gone on for many years, and actually mankind has flourished lately. We're lucky it has, because now we have many people who question the insane things that the extremists have done in the name of their religions. Now we think more clearly, and have societies which aren't bound as much to the church, so people can speak freely. This is all great, and we're at a critical turning point in human history. From my point of view (arguing against the death of all religion): I am not saying blind faith is needed, and that truly questioning is the opposite of faith. I'm just saying there's something to many religions that's true and great, and to want to kill the whole of religion just because things can get taken too far, is too extreme for my taste. A little faith is not horrible. For instance, I believe in God and it does take some faith. My faith hurts no one. You can have faith and also question. Denial of one of the two is the root of extremism. We truly can have both. You can have faith and NOT believe in an apocalypse and base your actions around it. In order for this website to exist, and for us to learn the things we do, religion had to exist. I am thankful for it! Because I've found a great peace in my heart. Without religion, that wouldn't have happened and I would've just focused on more mundane things. Religion has truly improved my life (so has reason). The purpose of religion is to be loving and kind towards others, and to have an enjoyable life. The purpose of Maher's argument is that religion makes people nuts, so they're incapable of being loving and kind towards others, and having an enjoyable life. The two goals are the exact same: to be loving and kind, and enjoy life. Right?'s a good question to ask yourself when you're discussing this topic: am I being loving and kind, and enjoying my life? Or is anger taking over, and is life not so beautiful?
  2. just got a new book hoping some one knows it

    Dr Yang Jwing Ming's books are pretty good for a basic overview, but they aren't firmly rooted in his direct experience. So the nuances of the practices aren't covered, and you actually miss out on a lot. Now, I haven't seen this particular book, but I do have his massage book and the Root of Chinese Qigong one. He put a lot of work into them, but personally I would sell them back if I could.
  3. Just saying hello

    Hi Madison, I like visiting you (you're a city in Wisconsin). Welcome!
  4. Winnie the Fu

    How does she do it!?!? Brilliant as always.
  5. Abstaining from masturbation

    Spiritual practices burn up karma by bringing it to the surface for you to deal with. Your current issues are what you have to deal with to progress. Although you should go get it checked out, I'm guessing it's a problem that's going to elude both traditional and alternative, Western and Eastern doctors. I don't think masturbating more will help you out at all in terms of healing. It's a tough situation.
  6. Taoism Hats

    Spam can be good material as well as bad. I think your writings are good...but it's all about how much of it there is. You are being rude by not posting in the personal section that Sean made for you, and by posting multiple times in a day on similar topics, so that the main discussions page is overrun with your posts.
  7. Taoism Hats

    You could put all of these different Taoist wardrobe posts into one topic, so you don't spam the discussions forum. That would be polite.
  8. To all seekers of truth

    Nice. It seems you have some personal experience.
  9. Something you must know about Tao Te Ching

    The evidence is sketchy for both sides, but the tales that were passed down is that it was Lao Tzu. That makes it more likely.
  10. Something you must know about Tao Te Ching

    Where is the evidence that it was several authors? As far as I know, it's just a theory. I tend to stick to the traditional tale that's passed down, rather than what scholars "what if".
  11. Positive vs. Negative Energy Projection

    Be positive towards negativity.
  12. Dark Night of the Soul

    Thank you for sharing, dizzyspirit. What are you seeking, exactly? I think it's good to define what you are looking for in precise terms, from mysticism. It's good to be totally honest about what you expected to happen when you started in the first place. Also, what you expect now.
  13. Dark Night of the Soul

    How would you describe your dark night? Tell us your story!
  14. ^_^

    ( ^ _ ^ ) Welcome.
  15. The FU that is annoying

    Mak Tin Si, I see your behavior as rude. Sean created a personal forum for you to post everything, and you continued to post tons of topics in the discussions area. You're just making his job hard by pissing off most people's creating a lot of drama, so why not just follow the advice and post everything in your personal section? You have been posting multiple threads on the same topic, like ghost busting ones. I think yesterday there were like 5 different threads on the same subject, with just a slightly different story to each. If you're going to continue to post on the main discussion area, please at least combine posts of the same topic into one thread. It'll be easier for people to find that way, as well! Make all of the altar posts into one thread, and just reply to the thread with info about a different kind of altar. That kind of thing would be a lot less rude...if you're going to continue to not listen to what Sean asked you to do, which was post in your personal section. Lostmonk, Your post is very full of disgust.
  16. The FU that is annoying

    I agree 100%, exorcist.
  17. A Powerful Voice Of Reason

    Word. It's pseudo-rationality.
  18. Different Altars to Worship

    Yea I noticed that right after I posted, and edited my post.
  19. Different Altars to Worship

    LOL bump! Hilarious.
  20. Winnie the Fu

  21. A Powerful Voice Of Reason

    There is a quiet truth that inspires the religions of the world. That can never be diminished or shut up...but it'd be a good thing if the loud lies that comprise/compromise the religions of the world are shut up and diminished. All of these religious people miss the point entirely. ...and I don't consider this guy to be a good voice of reason. Real reason is more open minded.
  22. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Trying to help some more... I suggest not talking about this in public forums from now on. Just drop it, and only speak of it in person or on the phone. If I was someone obsessed with stalking someone, if I saw these reactions from them I'd keep at it. But if the person dropped it, I'd get bored. So I think if you just give it no energy anymore, it'll help.
  23. Who Makes The Best Organic Jasmine Green Tea?

    It's an oolong and not green, but this ROCKS. The balls unfold into long needles. It smells great, and tastes like it smells.
  24. Scoliosis fix (back problem)

    No imagination necessary. The butt sticks out (a little bit) naturally when there's no tension.
  25. Wizard Wang Liping?

    So, in order to be wise we should not give all our money to teachers that charge too much.