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Everything posted by Aetherous

  1. Tao is Simple (explaination)

    Typically, traditions all around the world (including Taoism!) state that mastering oneself is the key, and mastering the forces of the world is secondary. They all tend to say that when you master yourself or come to know yourself, everything else falls in place. It seems that your tradition is great at dealing with issues in life. But that has nothing to do with realization of the Tao. It's like pulling leaves off of a branch that's obstructing your view, rather than cutting down the branch altogether. I wouldn't call you a Taoist master.
  2. I find this stuff very interesting.
  3. Salvia Divinorum aka Diviners Sage

    It seems some people have different experiences with it. When I smoked it (20x extract), I REALLY tripped out. It was worse than acid. I held the first hit in, and within seconds my whole reality shifted. It was a totally strong hallucinogen, for me. But one of my good friends smoked it. He smoked it a lot. And nothing happened to him! He just sat there, and as we looked at him anticipating him to freak out, he just looked back at us and asked, "What? Nothing is happening." We tried it numerous times over the weekend, and it would never do anything to him no matter how much he smoked or how long he held it in. Weird.
  4. What are you listening to?

    I love Lord Melody. 2MXrqromiLI One of my favorite songs: MGieq4_sf6E
  5. The Devil

    I agree.
  6. The Ultimate Fu Is....

  7. The Devil

    It could have been that he was just messed up on some drug, and his state of mind freaked you out. The "real" devil tends to not scare people so much...historically, he tends to primarily focus on tricking someone into doing something wrong. Like Jesus' temptation in the desert during his fast, and then in the garden before he was to be crucified. Or Eve's temptation regarding the 'forbidden fruit'. Or Job's temptation to curse God for his misfortunes. The devil is considered a fallen angel. A being of light, who works against mankind and God. If he appeared to you, he'd probably appear very nice and convincing...or not appear at all, and just be that little voice in your head that says, "do it, you won't experience any negative consequences".
  8. Third that.
  9. Salvia Divinorum aka Diviners Sage

    Have you done it before, Mal? My personal experience with it was pretty intense, and each time I did it, I wanted to do it less. VERY sobering, after the come down. In retrospect, it seems like that plant was the reason I don't do drugs anymore.
  10. Tai Shi ~ Internal Breathing

    Based on my experience (take it for what it's worth to you), embryonic breathing isn't a practice you can do. All that can be done is set up the conditions with other practices, which enable it to take place. It's where the breathing stops due to the energy flow, and the mind is in an enlightened state for at least a split second. In the yogic tradition it's called kevala kumbhaka. Not inhaling, not exhaling, not retaining the breath. I don't know how this fits into the historical definitions. It'd be interesting to find out...
  11. member here!

    Welcome. I'm sure we'll benefit from your experience.
  12. how to repair the damage done

    The italicized parts are ones which have to do with self diagnosis which are wrong. The bold parts are good info to give. You don't have a clear understanding of these terms (kidney, jing, dan tien) and how they work. If you did, you wouldn't be having problems. The advice to go see a doctor of Chinese medicine is great. Seriously, you should do it. And stop doing whatever practices you're doing.
  13. good "energy" toys ~$50

    I would get one of these...probably will some time. OcGqhFUhjmU&feature=related
  14. Robes in Taoism (history)

    I really like that last Gong Yi! Very cool looking.
  15. The Human Purpose

    If this is all considered to be true...then an enlightened person is like someone that drops out of school, becomes a CEO and is on a permanent vacation in the Bahamas, sipping pina coladas.
  16. tooth regeneration

    I just got tooth soap in the mail. If you type in "AWARD" when ordering, you get 10 dollars off your order. Barely tastes like soap, and it leaves a clean feeling in my mouth...whereas with normal toothpaste, right after brushing my mouth would feel like shit. They say that you should use the whitener too (especially for tea drinkers), so I will be getting that as well as the breath freshener. I'm truly trying this out. So to help the pH...just eat more fruits and veggies, right?
  17. Positive vs. Negative Energy Projection

    No definitely not, but temporarily bypass it. Which in my opinion is useless, since who wants it to be temporary?
  18. Positive vs. Negative Energy Projection

    I agree. To maintain high levels, it seems you have to be purified.
  19. Positive vs. Negative Energy Projection

    Some practices allow the practitioner to be boosted into very high levels, without the character cultivation first. Red Phoenix from Kunlun is one such practice.
  20. You have to find out for yourself. But I'll give you a hint: anything having to do with reptilians, Atlantis, royal bloodlines controlling the masses, Mayan calendars and 2012, alien abductions, conspiracies in general, Armageddon scenarios, dimensional theories, etc...has NOTHING to do with truth, enlightenment, religion or reality whatsoever.
  21. Take up more hobbies so you don't have time to think about it. Staying busy is the thing that I've noticed works the best, without the mess.
  22. Something you must know about Tao Te Ching

    I will check out D.C. Lau's translation. Thanks.
  23. It started out entertaining, but when he started posting about the Elders and the Infinite Creator, I knew he was full of it. It doesn't work that way at all.
  24. Something you must know about Tao Te Ching

    Yes it does, unless there is evidence to suggest otherwise.
  25. A Powerful Voice Of Reason

    Good observation.