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Everything posted by Aetherous

  1. breath rhythm for baduanjin (8 brocade)

    My personal interpretation: if the original instructions say something like, "perform the bow and arrow exercise as if pulling a 70 pound bow", then we have to think why they would add that part about the weight of the bow. It must be because we're supposed to pretend as best we can that it actually is that strong of a which case, what do we do when we pull a bow that heavy? I think it changes our breathing...I would not think that we inhale during the opening pull (or maybe we do, probably would be best to actually find a heavy bow and see what we do naturally when pulling it). Usually exertion is accompanied by either an exhale or a breath hold. Practicing it the modern way, doing gentle movements and timing the breath, is interesting but it may not be the original intention of the exercises. So, some people might want to find the first time the method was written down, and see what it says. The exercises in baduanjin are also found in other groupings of exercises, or even on their own, and sometimes have different instructions. Alternatively, we can alter exercises to suit our purposes, if we know the effects of changing different aspects. But sometimes experimenting can lead to disastrous results.
  2. The eye of the moon

    I've never seen someone like I have my doubts about that aspect of it.
  3. TCM - vegetarianism

    If Chinese herbs can nourish the blood (and they can, more so than pretty much anything), then perhaps for vegans and vegetarians it's simply a matter of continually taking those herbs in the right addition to all of the supplements they need to make up for their dietary deficiencies. There are also carnivores with blood deficiency, by the way. There's just a correlation with not eating meat and having blood deficiency, but that doesn't mean eating meat will necessarily fix blood deficiency. I spoke with one practitioner who said that he encountered a vegan patient whose liver blood was surprisingly healthy. They took Whole Foods Garden of Life raw meal replacement at each meal, in addition to whatever they maybe that product is useful for this; I haven't experimented to see if it's true and am just kind of taking his word for it. Liver blood is really something that promotes a long life. People can be vegan and healthy (veganism has been shown to reverse heart disease, for instance...and it usually shrinks the waistline), but they won't live as long because of their blood deficiency. Deficient blood could also cause infertility, which is something that healthy young people need to keep in mind.
  4. Learning Mandarin

    See if there are classes nearby. Best way to learn is through learning from someone who speaks it, who you can eventually converse with.
  5. Transmission: Useful? What? Where? How to?

    A transmission is such that, if you were to learn on your own solely from a book, you'd have a vastly different experience in comparison to learning with the teacher giving the transmission. You'd have a lesser experience, or an off the mark experience, on your own. But with a teacher, you have the genuine experience and learn in the right way. There are different forms of transmission, many of which don't make sense to me...but they do something. Always go for it, if that's your chosen path.
  6. Should an IS Traitor be Allowed to Return to the UK?

    Yes, let her back: life imprisonment. If you don't let her back, she'll most likely just sneak back in and cause potentially major problems. Or go terrorize somewhere else. Also, her baby is innocent. Let her safely have her child, and then protect the child from her. All problems solved.
  7. Does Buddhist meditation replenish yin qi?

    "Yin qi" is a weird term, not really sure what exactly that, hard to say.
  8. I think eating bone broth is good for kidney yin deficiency. Also good to go to sleep at 10 pm each day. For your information, winter is considered to be over already in Chinese Medicine. Spring started February 4th.
  9. Ba Duan Jin Energetics Visualization

    No, I don't think that's part of it. It's a physical practice; best to just move the body as instructed.
  10. Mystical Christian Thread

    Going simply based off of the translated language, part of this could imply there was an old man, which is cast aside and which he no longer is. The new man may not have been either of the two (because it's created new). It's also solely "in himself", so it's not referring to the "one flesh" concept of uniting male and least externally speaking. I'm not sure of the Bible ever teaching about the two genders being internal within one person. I'm truly interested to see if anyone has other verses that speak of something related to this notion of "the two".
  11. Mystical Christian Thread

    What do you guys think are "the two"? Any Biblical support for your idea?
  12. Mystical Christian Thread

    Also Revelation 2:26-28 NIV: "To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations— that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’ (a reference to Psalm 2:9)—just as I have received authority from my Father. I will also give that one the morning star." And 2 Peter 1:19 NIV: "We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts." I've heard that the Isaiah verse is related to Ezekiel 28:1-19. Not sure if they're about the same king, but both have to do with an excessive hubris (thinking one is more than just a mortal, or trying to be greater than the Most High) and loss of conscience...and they seem to use Satan as a metaphor for the king; or the king was identified as Satan/the fallen one. I think it'd be questionable to interpret "morning star" as being Satan, though, given the other verses. It's clearly a good thing. But it's definitely a tricky subject given the Isaiah verse.
  13. Loving Your Neighbour

    Probably even a more accurate barometer than one's family, is one's stepmother.
  14. Loving Your Neighbour

    Nope, I was just speaking about how I tend to be, in relation to someone who was a great example of love.
  15. Loving Your Neighbour

    The pastor's wife at my church growing up was one of the most kind people I had ever met. She always warmly greeted me (and everyone), had deep concern for us on an individual level, made the day fun and bright, was genuine. If you needed anything, I'm sure she would've given it without a second thought. Just a true friend. When I think about "love your neighbor", I think about her example, which is something I truly don't live up to...I tend to be more brutally honest with myself and others, rather than warm. She was never harsh like I am. While she knew right from wrong, I don't think she viewed anyone she came into contact with as irredeemable, as I often do.
  16. Idk about shamanic journeys, but I think 2 ideas are good: 1) Focus on the things that redeem them as a person. Let's say if they were once kind to you, but no longer are...focus on what they used to do for you. Or let's say they're not kind to you, but only to one other person...focus on how good they are to be that kind to that person. Or let's say you know of no redeeming qualities...imagine in a past life that they were the kindest person to you. Focus on that. 2) Imagine they're destined to endure the worst possible torment, for 100,000 years without ceasing. Keep imagining that happening to them, and think if it could really be real that they will go through that as a result of being unacceptable to you. If you truly keep envisioning it and thinking it could really happen to them, compassion will rise up for them naturally, and you'll want it not to happen.
  17. The world isn't an illusion, but our notions about it might be.
  18. Defining the Left and Right

    Yes, from what I've read, he was a true asshole.
  19. False lineage narrative with “Mooji”

    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Lincoln
  20. Tulsi (Holy Basil)

    Once I worked with an Indian who suggested that people with odd health problems should grow their own tulsi plant...beyond merely having it as tea, or whatever else.
  21. Bone Healing

    That can be a common experience with blood letting treatments.
  22. CLUB 27 ??????

    26 was supremely rough, personally.
  23. Seems like this thread belongs in the fiction writers subforum.