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Posts posted by Sharerp

  1. 15 minutes ago, voras said:

    @rideforever Very interesting thoughts. I would actually say that after this experience I did became more calmer. It did messed upped my head in some degree, but it wasn't in the bad way. My world view just shifted drastically, but it was like after this all pieces just fell together and many things became clearer for me. And this picture I a really good representation of what I saw :)


    @Sharerp I'm not saying that I got some powers or something. It just did happened for me and I'm looking for a right answer. I don't want to prove anything for anyone just myself firstly. And sorry, but you can't really objectively compare our videos. I'm not pushing this piece of paper from one finger to another, you can even see how I'm barely touching it, when it moves from finger to finger, no pressure applied. At 0:08s you can see that it kind of swirls, when I put my both finger near of each other. I just did pushed a little, when I had felt, that this energy is leaving me. If it could be possible to reproduce it like in my video, that would be fine with me and I would move forward, believe me, but like I said your video is just entirely different. But I still want to thank you for your time.

    Im not saying your experience is not real, but i think the paper thing is bullshit. 

  2. 19 hours ago, voras said:

    I did uploaded my video, which I took last week, when this small piece of paper stuck to me. I know, that it maybe looks silly. And I do know about static electricity, but I could not reproduce something similar another day without meditation by rubbing this piece of paper to wool or something similar. I really tried.


    I started to film this a little bit less than after 2min, when it was already stuck to my hand. In those first minutes I just did observed it myself how it moved from one finger to another and around my hand.




     I did that without any kind of powers and my hands dry

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  3. 17 hours ago, Hancock said:

    If looking for long term I suggest you try a variety of jobs and decide which suits you best. Because people often think things are going to be great and find it's not, but they are trapped because that's all they know to do and it pays well. I suggest play the field a bit an experiment, try many temporary jobs. 


    A life tip is never to leave one job even if you hate it, til you have secured a new job. An open a savings, 15 percent of your check goes into that and it's not touched for four years. It gives you something to have that grows over time to build your life however you want it in the future, when you want to transition into things or when things get rough an you need to pay bills but we're suddenly fired or an emergency or illness took you out of work. But hopefully that won't happen an at the end of four years you have a hefty sum that will assist with big life purchases or you can continue to grow. Whichever you decide.


    Another life tip is to balance your meditation and cultivation with life experience. You go out and have fun and be human. If you don't have life experience then you will have regrets til you do an it'll interfere with your practices at some point. I took a couple years off because even though I was making progress, my teacher told me something was holding me back and sent me away.til I figured it out. I was a virgin, never had a real job, I was socially shy, I never drank, or smoked, or been to a party, I never had fun with. A group of friends, I never had a partner, all those things til my teacher came after my teacher said "keep our teachings filed in the heart , but go out there and live life because you've gone as far as you can til you do." 

    It helped I travelled, I learned a lot, I was duped, great and terrible experiences. As my now passed on mentor would say, I had a wonderfully terrible time."

    I went out a boy an came back as a man. Part of it was to learn how to continue practicing while interacting with the world we live in. I didn't have the benefit to go to a monastery an devote my life, so my teachers method helped me learn to find a balance and become more than just a spiritual.being, it helped me become a human being in every good and bad sense of the word.


    Ultimately though people will give you answers, Damn good answers that worked for them,  but in your own heart you'll feel the way to go about things that are best for you personally.


    I wish you well in whatever you do. An remember this, "No matter your spiritual attainment, no matter if you can do great things, no matter if you're more aware and perceptive than others, no matter what - you are still human." People who lose track of their humanity go insane thinking they become Gods or saints or even Buddhas when in truth they are just self deluded because of their growth has given them access to things most can obtain by continuing forward on a spiritual path.


    Best wishes fellow traveler

    Wow... Thank you, now im trying to be more social and open beacouse i am in a similar situation of the one which you were


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  4. 12 hours ago, Arramu said:

    Something that gives you time or let's you at work at home, like in IT/software development. My opinion. Also, you can work at the pc while in horse stance and probably on a grounding mat. That would be pretty badass :)


    I'm joking. Make money, don't seek to work for a company.Try to open something of your own, make sales, and get free time with it so you can practice/research a lot!

    I actually have played LOL on horse stance XD

  5. 12 hours ago, Hancock said:

    Try forest or park ranger if y'all have those. Helps with good areas of meditation an you don't deal with people much so after your duties you'll be able to meditate an cultivate


    Starting a small online business. Gather things cheaply at garage sells, thrust shops, and sell them online. It's not a main source of income but it is helpful.


    Taxi driving gives you time between fares to meditate or study, an you make decent money over time.


    Another one is to find a temp agency and work as a day labourer.


    Being a Security guard also gives lots of free time.

    I always wanted to try being a security guard or a bouncer. Ill probably try those jobs part-time while studying. But long term im looking for a more academic oriented life

  6. 2 hours ago, Rara said:

    I've been self-employed ever since leaving university. I've bounced around from gigging music and working for promotional agencies on the side to present day where I've managed to hustle myself into a recruitment role where I can work from home (that took me 6 years to get to)


    Being paid well for doing less hours is what you're after, but it will take time to build. But above suggestions such as temping usually pays well enough (because the agency will appreciate they can't offer work all the time)


    Beware of cabin fever if you do work from home. I get very lonely these days so have to find new things to do! Thankfully I have a Tai Chi class and some old martial arts buddies who I see every week. Sometimes though, I have to go to the local shop and make small talk just to get me out of the house lol

    I cant let myself work from home, bcz i have always been antisocial, so studying/working away from home is a way to keep me connected with the world

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