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Everything posted by qicat

  1. Turd eye opening

    what lineage are you? who is your teacher?
  2. I swear I asked this question before here, but could not find the thread... So... please fellow Bummers, remind me again what is it about patience, how do you cook and what do you eat it with. Any references to TTJ, i-Ching, classics, etc. ( i.e old texts) are welcome. Personal experiences are welcome as well. How do you train patience? If you need to do something, how do you do it with patience ( if the world is crashing on you), how do you do "patience" but not "check-out", "indifferent" or "lethargic"... meow p.s. winner gets a cookie.
  3. Turd eye opening

    that's funny I am reading your topic right now trying to understand who you are and there is a big flash of purple/rainbow energy. You have strong protectors, I think you are on a very much right path and what you are seeing is what they want you to see/understand. Keep writing. Very entertaining and informative. p.s. I am not looking "into" you. I am very careful about energy boundaries. But I guess they wanted to reveal themselves.
  4. Turd eye opening

    beautiful conversation, thank you it's like me and me talking to me, but via you guys:) -bullshit, this world is f*cked up, let's get on a different bus! -of course you would...but this is not why we are here for. Train your mind so it does not effect you. (observes mind in RL ( i.e. outside meditation) and is surprised at how much stuff is there. Humans are the most fascinating subject from energy perspective. Hopes that radio has also positive music on. There is no balance right now in the world, too much dark crap ( see nice post above about depression rates) meow
  5. Fasting - how to

    Hi Bums! I would like to go on a fasting thing to lose weight and detox. If you done one, please share tips and tricks. I am particularly interested in containing(?) energy, as I have no interest in "flying high". In fact, I think I have started eating meat and more meals for that particular purpose of "not flying high". I dunno what they put in kale salad, but that diet sure makes you "off". However, seems sugar and meat are piling up and I need to get rid of it. Not interested in any "spiritual" stuff at this point, just to detox. Meow
  6. Fasting - how to

    yes thank you I have observing my eating habits for few days. For example, last night, I was meditating and the topic was "food':) And I saw that I need to eat cucumbers and tomatoes. So today I made a salad... For me, food has deeper psychological issue thing. If I understand correctly, they were not exactly feeding us well in an orphanage. So something deep seated I need to track down and bring to the surface and look at it. It is weird though - now I can afford any food, yet I don't want any food, so I am just mindlessly eating stuff ( and chocolate). I am not even into sushi ( poke) anymore... which is extremely weird. I heard real hunger comes from the throat, not from your belly. All current youtube on fasting does not really look appealing to me. However, 8 hours of fasting sounds nice vs. psychologically beating yourself for starvation... just kitty rambling...
  7. yeah... and center of the skull and every nerve... "I almost died last week, I don't want to do this!" "But you did not die?..." what can you say on that... /********/ I am not sure why one needs "evidence" of qi. Just rub your palms and see what you get. Just walk around another person and sense what you get. Just go to any Mall and feel all the crapy energy. Go to the forest and feel all the "nice" energy...Your belief system puts on an armor which is difficult to work with ( as if a qigong healer is trying to heal). p.p.s If you want a real qi kick, go to any energy vortexes near you and do some qigong... Don't forget to get a grounding wire, lolz.
  8. A dinner, a heart ache, and wishful thinking.

    i do kiva stuff. 58 countries so far...sometimes I do have my doubts as I don't give money freely away, but it is a lending thing, but without access to capital those women would not have a chance to even start a business. However, I see a lot of instability and non- sustainability in the projects they ask money for. I was surprised though I was able to lend in China and USA, as I thought those countries would not be a third world category...I am still hunting for Burma projects, but Kiva does not operate there. I have heard it is the poorest one in the world.
  9. Fasting - how to

    yes, that's exactly what I don't want:) Thanks for sharing your experiences!
  10. Sifu says that if something is not being revealed yet, it is not time yet. No need you push. Your spirit teachers will reveal things when it's time. p.s. Aren't you the one with a new baby ( on the way?) Again, perhaps at this point of space and time "advanced spiritual development" is not something you should focus on, but more like "build a house, plant a tree, support you woman" kind of thing all while doing it mindfully?
  11. A dinner, a heart ache, and wishful thinking.

    hahaha, you sound SOOO MUCH LIKE ME. In April, when nuke "crisis" was kind of heating up, I was telling my Sifu the same thing. "If you guys are so powerful, with all those lineages, how come you cannot connect to them and sidetrack them so they don't destroy the Earth" ( and whole speech like yours, "blah blah blah" on high horse). And he looks at me and says, "How do you know they don't? Look, the things heat up and went nowhere...right? Do you have 100% confidence nothing is being done?" the trick is to change yourself. And world will change. But it is extremely painful. it is easier to go around and point things to others ( especially if you have real gifts on this). It is much much harder to have discipline to work on yourself. Ask me how I know...
  12. I dunno. I heard a lot of people can "sense" things, but are not "seers". I was told being a "seer" is rather not that common. Perhaps that's your case? I would not dwell on it.
  13. Fasting - how to

    that sounds cool I was not sure I want to do 40 days fast right now. thank you.
  14. Dr Barry Morguelan

    seems legit go for it
  15. pick a system in which you have faith in without faith none of the systems will work. it's that simple all qigongs are the "same" if you understand the "master template". perhaps i-ching would answer more to this as cycles of being born-maturity-death in nature you want to reverse the cycle you have to work you will not gain youthfulness and immortality by watching a video or eating a "secret pill" for 9.99 perhaps you should look into "female qigong" google searches and find some teachers ( female) near you? if she is 50 and looks 25, perhaps it is worth studying with her? and if she is 25 and looks 50, perhaps it would not worth it?
  16. You will get immune disorder. ( autoimmune). Here is the schedule: phase 1: human lives without any awareness. Time frame any. phase 2: human gets hit with "first bells ringing". Time frame: some get it in teens, some in 20s, some in 30s. I think it depends on location, culture, etc. phase 3: human starts "searching" outside of their point of reference. Usually finds something quick. In the past it was probably harder, but now with internet and google, I assume one would find their symptoms/issues in a matter of hours. phase 4: human starts to engage in practice. Meditation, taichi, reiki, yoga, whatever western/christian version of "healing", "happy thoughts", etc. Time frame : weeks to few years of "regular practice". First "ball of crap" is usually cleared. Crap can be anywhere in the body ( any body: physical/energy/spiritual) phase 5: human either loses interest in practice ( issue is healed) or human hits "second bells" where sh&t is so so much harder and nothing which worked before does not anymore. I.e. meditation does not calm, yoga does not do, christian priests suddenly presented in a strange light/ etc. Time frame: any, from seconds to timelives. phase 6: option 1: human gives up and spends 10 years in "oblivion" hoping to wing it". Immune decease develops and human dies from "hospital care" or tired of "beatings" goes back to practice and works through mounted crap. option 2: human is warned about option 1 ( i.e. you can take a break for 10 years, but you will still have to deal with this sh&t). Human is screaming and complaining yet is working towards "love and light" which does not seem like reality anymore. Those who had been there before tell human that it is possible to pass through this and there will be relief. source: my conversation with Sifu yesterday. I assume there is no need to say who is whining and complaining and scratching at option 2 and looking to see if perhaps option 1 is a better deal at this point. p.s. aint all cupcakes and rainbows p.p.s. The toxic heat is in my lungs and head right now along with psychosomatic pain all over the body. Random acu points are opening and shooting pain out and it gets better, but then another one opens and does it. I have noise canceling headphones on as not to take any outside energy right now. It helps with sleeping. Although sleeping is very painful too, like "psychic surgery" continues, only my being does it itself in a dream. Draining lots of black blood (? not as thick as oil but close) out of my fingers and taking black bugs out. Since we did meditation yesterday, I assume it will last about 24-48 hours. Note, this is a process about 5 month into almost weekly 4-6 hour a day sessions. Not sure if it is possible to turn this cat into a tiger. Please do not feel sorry for me nor send any energy ( I know some of you kind souls), this is just a process described very well. Thought I would share about "toxic heat" part, so people do not freak out when it happens. I just reiterate, I hope you have a good teacher by your side when you do this. Frying your brains aint good. I thank God every day I have knowledgeable Sifu. I don't tell Sifu how much I appreciate his help though. Don't want to look so desperate I guess...
  17. note how many of those symptoms have a resonance with people's topics on this forum with something like this in the topic "Help, I did <meditation XYZ> and now I feel symptom <ABC> and option 1: went to the doctor and got drugs, option 2 : was hospitalized , option 3: did nothing and still have that pain/headache/eyeache/etc... I don't even know where I am going with this. Maybe it will help somebody in someway. I dunno.
  18. Luke, I am not questioning the effectiveness of the system. What you wrote is valid and validated. Yet what is not included in those workshops, yet is included in the study is an alarming chart of "issues" which shows up with time. Yes, for 6 and 12 weeks of workshops, the "happy yoga bunny" effect is in place. This is why I think the studies like this are important. And I also believe that any resonable meditation teacher should disclose it in some form to his/her students at the beginning of the journey. p.s. It is interesting to see reported "issues". All of those symptoms are described in the medical qigong books and corresponding treatments. Thus, ancients were kind of aware that "happy meditation" has it's dark side...
  19. Lets Talk Obama - Was he a good President?

    no He taxed us to our eyeballs. Very very hard times. No way to buy a house, no way to keep what you earn, 0 deductibles, crazy healthcare costs, failing infrastructure, overpopulation ( schools are getting 1 out of 10, 3 out of 10 marks). Nothing was done to make things better. Useless wars. Useless help to corporations who hated him ( openly republican if you look at the data). NSA and spying stuff. I remember how exciting it was in 2008 when he won. I remember thinking WTF more and more... p.s. I have no hopes for Trump ( even if he starts WW3, isn's End of The World is kind of predicted anyway...) It is easier that way to have no hope that there would be sane president who actually cares about the country and its people... oh... wait... do I sound like quoting Tao Te Ching now...
  20. I used to love sushi, but now I am more into sashimi and poke salads. Whatever they make into sushi rolls these days is anything but fish... However, that's where I see a trap : going deeper into meditation will make anyone "unstable" if "normality" is used a benchmark. And this is what not being disclosed by "watered down" systems of McMeditation, but is said upfront by teachers of eastern traditions in lineages counting thousand years old. Why Vajrayana is counted as most dangerous one? Like walking on a cliff with your eyes tied? Because it is the way it is. Why in Daoism mental( shen) training is one of the last ones, after one mastered physical and emotional bodies? I predict as Westerners have more and more stress, the more and more they will turn to branded meditation as stress reduction and the more and more mental health and physical health issues will come up. Unlucky ones will end in hospitals racking up bills for treatment which would not be working ( issue is not in the body). Lucky ones will read research as one presented above and hopefully will figure something out. p.s. When things got weird for me, I was lucky to get a Buddhist shrink who kind of explained to me what siddhis are. If I met one who did not have buddhist education in addition to his western psychology, I am not sure I would still be functioning right now. When you run into something which is outside of your frame of living, it is very taxing on the brain to accept that version of reality. If you don't know what I am talking about, try watching this movie without a judgement... I wonder how long you will last from either accepting or denying his point of view ( earth is 6 thousand years old) https://www.isgenesishistory.com/
  21. yes. This is 100% correct. This is why I do not understand why it is not being openly told "In the West, meditation is largely misunderstood and misrepresented, especially among New Age and non-spiritual participants." I guess then there would be no one willing to learn? I am glad to see more scientific research is showing up. I was thinking about getting back to school and perhaps do a PhD on this. The danger I am seeing to the general public is that while they think they are getting ( and paying) for "love and light", the reality is more closer to straight path to psychotic episodes. If you are a meditation teacher, are you being honest with your students or do you go with "New Age" sell? My Sifu told me right away, "Cat, things will get shitty. One week you will come to me and say you cannot do it anymore." Lama told us , "Don't do wrathful practices, westerners cannot handle it." Yet you type "meditation" in google and you get gazillions "Be happy in 12 nano seconds... for 100 dollars, with a discount just for you for 9.99"... Something just does not add up...
  22. Taichi, Qigong, Neigong Advice Please!

    may I ask your length and depth of working with this? Qigong will yield negligent results if body, energy and mind do not work together. Basically, if you practice qigong and think about cupcakes, you just wasted your time. But if you practice qigong set/taichi/etc and trace your energy with movement and mind, the result will present itself. Yet you advice someone to skip one part and go directly to middle level stuff. With a new baby and lack of sleep and his wife not interested in sex I doubt he will be in a proper state of mind for the practice... Physical qigong however, might help at this stage of life... p.s. have you ever wondered why kabbalah and other spiritual studies were advised for men who already "build a house, planted a tree and raised their son"? I think there are lots of wisdom in old teachings and guidelines... Perhaps seeking enlightenment at this stage of life ( new baby) shows escapism from reality?
  23. Who has reached Jhana?

    of course you did