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Everything posted by qicat

  1. hey all of you, look... I found one of 8 immortals!!!! https://www.spiritualselftransformation.com/about-us/bio kitty is in love now... isn't he a dream? https://www.amazon.com/History-Universe-Psychic-War-Times-ebook/dp/B01M6YS7QR/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=sl1&tag=satrimono08-20&linkId=0d32addbbabe6c8eec0bb72b95c36f38
  2. here, I gift you mud detecting glasses...
  3. hm... I did not start the topic... so perhaps you should tell Voidisyinyang to call a person you publicly admit has connection to Celestial Masters. ps. On a separate note, why Mud Foot... something subconscious coming up? New Agey?
  4. here is from wikipedia ... 4th century BCE... must be New Age technically... if you are one of the Immortals with Voidisyinyang.... than yeah... every thing is New Age to you...
  5. Why? He is a Daoist Abbot. Is that New Age now too? How old are you exactly?....
  6. hmm... isn't it the same thing? kitty disappointed.... It can be difficult to know where to begin. If you have never experienced this transmission at the speed of light, it can be difficult to grow. Seeker, look within and bless yourself. Our conversations with other storytellers have led to an unfolding of hyper-perennial consciousness. Reality has always been full of lifeforms whose bodies are nurtured by coherence. Who are we? Where on the great quest will we be recreated?
  7. wowzies... this deserves to go to "Cheap Wisdoms"... We must learn how to lead perennial lives in the face of illusion. Eons from now, we spiritual brothers and sisters will grow like never before as we are aligned by the biosphere. It is in invocation that we are aligned. Conscious living is the driver of transcendence. The goal of four-dimensional superstructures is to plant the seeds of inseparability rather than greed. Knowledge is a constant.
  8. well.. actually... since I am not really familiar with New Age BS, based on his comment I started to look more at it online. Not exactly sure what I am looking for though... as there is no really "Manual on contacting Celestial Masters" so far on New Age internet... but who knows...
  9. http://www.indiana.edu/~p374/Analects_of_Confucius_(Eno-2015).pdf http://course.zjnu.cn:8080/ddxfzx/userfiles/file/20110510203651234.pdf http://www.ln.edu.hk/econ/staff/daodejing(22 August 2002).pdf what, library closed?
  10. the problem with that pdf 1) it is not edited 2) it is plagiarizing lots of things without proper references and formatting 3) it is a "dump" I think it( his pdf) could help a lot of people, but unfortunately, author's "non-desire" to make it "readable" kind of killing it...
  11. Cannabis Legalization Movement

  12. so.... r u immortal? purrrrrrrr or is it all just "theory"? why do you reject "Divine" if you are immortal ( as a result of your training?)
  13. btw, since we are on the topic... have you ever wondered why no "light" mental disorders have any "real" treatments in western medicine? I.e. if I am "stressed" they advice talk-therapy ( no medications), yet when I to acupuncturist, I get special needling pattern and some herbs and I am as new next day... just wondering....
  14. OK, HAIL ALL I OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCE VOIDISYINYANG A CELESTIAL LIBRARIAN!!! seriously, your book compilations are interesting... thanks
  15. well... that's why Sifu "benched" me... he basically told me until I connect to "divine", all of this "child play" is useless and dangerous. I was kind of mad at him for that ( for a little), because "go find God" seems like an impossible task. So, I am diligently going through all human religions books in order to figure out what this "God" ( divinity, etc) is and how to "find it". As far as spirits, yes, they are everywhere. When one spirit is "impersonating" another, always look them in the eyes. Since eyes is a seat of the Soul ( shen), you will see who are you really talking to. You also can request their "name". Three times ( otherwise, they might "lie"). As I said, there is a whole "divine court protocol" to this ( at least in Daoism as I understand). if anybody seen God/Divinity lately, tell him/her Cat was looking...
  16. well... it's a combination of "places, people, things, intent, etc..." otherwise, I think modern psychiatry labels it with psychosis. I guess you might say that "when cat goes to religious services and diligently does the work, she is psychotic ( in terms of catapulting to other dimensions"). However, since it does not happen outside of practice, I have a reason to suspect that perhaps old grumpy hogs were right about some stuff... perhaps... /*****************/ Celestial Masters as a sect I have full suspicion ( believe) is exactly what it is. If you ever read any Chinese book with all those flowers/lakes/magpies/etc you would know that it is all encoded yet mean exactly what it is. I guess one have to have a personal experience in order to understand/feel deeply is a better term/ that people who wrote those books were going from personal experience.
  17. I dunno about this particular master, but yeah, I have had personal experiences with this. It is interesting though, as when I was at Indian Kirtan and the singer told everybody he will call his Guru, I saw "Ganesha". Once, at yoga studio, I think it was Shiva's b-day, and yoga teacher chanted his mantra, I did kind of spoke to "Shiva". When my Sifu worked on me with medical qigong, he called 64 dakinis (?) and Goddess. At least, that's how I "saw" it. At the temple, during pujas, I can "see" the deity which is being called. At the Christmas service ( all nighter), I did see a "baby Jesus". What is interesting about all of it, is that they all appear to be 3D living bodies, not holographic projections ( if you ever saw anybody's thoughts - it's a projection vs. "real"(?) thing). What else... I did see "Old White Man" with a staff and a deer when I was in North Mongolia mountains... To be fair, I have seen couple beings which would be classified as "Lucifer" or "Devil" in Christian religions, but he is an interesting being. Because he is lacking something. And he knows it. Sifu told me not to call spirits and not to participate in such activities. Because I do not know the "proper protocols". He told me few things of proper "introductions" and steps, and I am kind of studying that for now. You have to be an initiated priest of your religion to have protection which would shield enough from some unpleasant stuff. So I think. And I am not a priest ( yet?) Oh... one more... I believe I saw the full lineage of the Gelugpa school. Sifu and I did a private lesson and at the very end of the form they were there. They all were holding one mudra. When I told Sifu about it, he scolded me and told me that when Celestial Masters appear, I have to do proper protocol and listen and learn instead of being a cat I am ( look,squirrel!!!!). Focused attention is important in this... but yeah... if you go "outside of the circle" with this and tell people you have these experiences in meditation... well... it is wise not to...unless you want to be label with "issues".... purrrrrr
  18. Tibetan prostrations

    btw, there is an energy thing going on with prostrations as well. Like when you do hands forward or hands behind your neck when you are lying down... certain way to put hands ( touch with elbows, etc)... there is so much embedded in the practice from energy and spiritual perspective... but for westerner of course it looks like physical form and nothing going on ( but weight loss...) sounds so much like a state of modern yoga and .... gasp... western qigong/taichi.... I guess because not so many people are/will be able to wake up their energy body, it is not dangerous if one does "form"... but things sure get sh*tty when one is more genetically/karmically sensitive to this... btw... when I am on temple grounds, I see something I call "Padmasambhava"... it's a big green being... But perhaps is a protector of the land... but I think we are on good terms with him/her... meeoooooowwwwww
  19. Tibetan prostrations

    but it's not just prostrations... you have to do accumulations: 1) prostrations 2) mantra 3) mandala offering 4) meditation after 100,000 each will make it 300,000 total. In about 3 years they say one should finish... I have started in April, but the progress slow so far, even I am attending webcasts... it's a tantric system...
  20. Best Qi-gong practice

    where are you located? ... maybe I know few people who might teach you... maybe not... that's an interesting approach... what kind of spiritual issues do you have?... Can you please add here google link search? I am not sure what are you referring to as "complaint"... puuuuuuurrrrrrrrrr
  21. Has anyone here switched bodies with someone?

    love your avatar....
  22. What is this ability?

    I dunno the technical term for all this stuff, but yeah, I think it is a very common thing ( in very small circles).... It kind of sucks though when you feel their sickness. I am still working on barriers to that. Also,one time I was so mad at one guy, I imagined I was strangling his throat... well... it kind of felt as I was strangling my own throat, so I have not done anything like that after. It's like because it is a mirror, if you do good things, you feel good, if they have crap, you feel that crap, if you try to harm them, you are harming yourself... if you heal yourself, you heal them... but yeah.. nothing special.. part of the job description.