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Everything posted by qicat

  1. The reality of Tiny House living

    I live in Bay Area and I am getting out of it. The junkiest houses are pass 1M and the rents are starting at 3.5K. Traffic is horrible ( you never realize how much it affects you until you sit in traffic for 45 min to go 5 miles..) and quality of life overall is just plain bad. I was thinking of getting land and putting something on it, but permits here in CA are prohibitive ( vs moving somewhere else and getting a house with land price wise).
  2. The Five Mantras

    Do you know what does each mean and what does it do?
  3. Counterbalancing Good & Evil

    nooooo, nooooo, noooo... you are actually onto something... If I understand what level are you talking about, YOU WILL BE AWARE THAT "IT FEELS BAD", but your OBSERVER will say "hm... interesting, this is how I feel now...." and you continue observe and harness the power of the emotion. The energy generated is astonishing. Sifu and I were working on this lately. At first I did not get what he is trying to do ( as why are you making me feel annoyed, I don't want to talk/do about XYZ, let's do ABC, but when I applied it to other situations, gosh, that's like unlimited supply of energy ( internal organs) simply from observing... so... if "noob" triggered anybody, instead of going the usual "pattern", try to get the energy out of it. ( btw, Karen I think did just that:P)
  4. I had a dream last night where I was told to be a vegetarian... Where have you seen vegetarian tigers??? Me either... Dreams are weird. p.s. oh, and qigongs... last Saturday I got full dzogchen empowerment. VERY strong thing from the Tulku. And I thought you are allowed to eat meat in tantra...
  5. Hi Bummies:) Anyone care to bring some light on mass kalachakra initiations holding by Dalai Lama? Have you been at such meeting? What was your experiences? What exactly is happening there? ( from personal perspective, there are enough youtubes to watch). What about avalokiteshvara teachings? Have you been to one? Do they go together or separate? Anything else you care to share? Gracias, Meow.
  6. what are the 3 most important...

    well, that's easy:P 1. Reveal how to load LD 2. Reveal how to open MD 3. Reveal how to work with UD ( without going cuckoo) will the student use that knowledge is another question... ( that's what I am finding about myself so far... lots of work to do and theory had been transmitted, but practice is long and hard and I am somewhat slacking... Tired of stirring the pot perhaps and need rest?...)
  7. The reality of Tiny House living

    I actually WANT to build my house with my own hands and tiny house seemed like a good start. I have taken woodworking classes and I enjoyed it. I was looking at 2 weeks bootcamp to build a tiny house this summer. However, as I started to dig deeper into this, it does not seem tiny house is what I need right now. However, it is fun to look at their designs...
  8. My heavy left foot

    do you see any resemblance to your "itches"? If yes, then you need to clear bladder meridian. I suggest good acupuncturist.
  9. My heavy left foot

    yes. Most likely you have K1 blocked. I have had similar issues and I understand what it feels like. I think because the point is blocked the earth energy is not getting in and the heaven energy is not flowing down the Earth. You need to "poke" the point somehow. One of the Sifu's students actually stepped on my foot when I got this during a taichi class. It released the energy block. I think TCM people here can pinpoint exactly what pattern are you having ( i.e. eye/wrist/foot). I would attempt, but do not feel I have enough clinical experience yet to suggest.
  10. Emptiness (sunnyata)

    Over the years, I have found that many practices give me this "Open.Clear.Awake" state. It is different from "yoga high" /"qigong high" states. What worked for me: 1. Kryia yoga ( 45 min +) 2. Qigong certain sets ( ones that go into emptiness, not "spiritual highness"). 3. Buddhist Puja's ( i.e mantra->prostration->mandala offering->mantra) at the temple. It's a different state than intentional "fire burning". It's a different state of getting "high" on kundalini yoga. It's exactly what it states -> clarity,alertness,awakeness ( even if it is 5am or 11pm).
  11. Buddhism and spiritual protection

    https://www.amazon.com/Tantra-Practice-David-Gordon-White/dp/0691057796 "Tantra in Practice" p.400 The Demons. Discussion about buddhist approach to demons and subdue. I see a lot of parallels with Daoists' teachings ( see my PPT on Qi Deviations). Demons are "maras": external and internal. Gcod system seems to be a "facing your demons" practice. Use at your own risk ( and assumes empowerments) Original text name "The Great Collection of the Teachings on the Noble Practice of Severing the Demons, Perfection of Wisdom". But since not everybody is equipped for such practice, there are other ones: p.489 of the book. "Ritual Manual for the Protective Fire Offering Devoted to Manjursi, Chuin Lineage". I assume you can ask any lama for such rituals if needed? ........ Personal observation on this stuff: I was feeling someone "off" today ( the weather perhaps), but around 4 pm I somehow started to look at the Buddhist calendar I picked up overseas. I noticed as soon as I finished going through the calendar and reading mantras on its pages I was feeling like I just had a nice long meditation. The calendar was empowered at the temple and it stated on its last page specifically what to do with it once the year is over ( i.e. either return to the temple or burn it with the provided mantra to release the energy).
  12. What is Dalai Lama doing?

    r u talking about this kid? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gedhun_Choekyi_Nyima
  13. What is a Buddha?

    But all Buddhas are the same. I.e. is the the same "being" manifested in physical (?) body. I have not "seen" Buddha ( perhaps because I am not looking?), but at ngondro retreat I got very clear understanding of the lineage of Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava. I can 100% confirm that true lineage holders do carry "the seal". As a noob, I have no idea what was actually was going on, but I think it was an introduction to the lineage mandala. Where all Buddhas are the same Guru. Which from energy perspective ( how it felt) it made perfect "sense", although it is hard to describe with words. Also, every human ( sentient being) is a "buddha in making". I am finding it hard to believe one human/being can generate enough energy to pull all sentient beings out of samsara of six worlds. I am reading sutras and what I am getting is that it is encoded thing, that "offering millions of merit to every drop of Ganga which is a universe" will not release the beings, but putting mantra into their heads will. ( I.e. energy work vs. physically loading everybody's checking account with unlimited money, giving them their dream boy/girl, fulfullign every wish...) I.e. getting humans to a state of rigpa and showing them freedom from suffering is the actual Buddha work, not material stuff... p.s. I am curious to read this few month from now, I am sure my POV might change on this.
  14. What is Dalai Lama doing?

    I highly respect HH Dalai Lama. Please don't get me wrong. However, after spending 9 days at introductory buddhist retreat and understanding how much work it takes to get through the stages and how you simply won't be allowed by the lama to participate in certain activities until you have completed previous ones and have gotten proper transmissions, I am wondering why such high tantras are publicly available. I actually would like to go and get one, since I have taken the refuge and vows.
  15. What is Dalai Lama doing?

    "An Army of God", "spiritual warriors"... basically X-Men trilogies ( comics) in real life....technically humans, but if I understand "seed of Buddha" correctly from energy lineage hookup, then seems to me it is a pure "pollination" for the "next" time. It kind of reflects with 144,000 of the "Jesus" army. I.e. 144,000 of those who will be "worthy"... Just some random thoughts on current states of what each religion is actually trying to do and how it relates to actual energy as a science ( or a weapon???)... https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS520US520&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=144+000+in+the+bible link to 144,000 "sealed"
  16. What is Dalai Lama doing?

    http://www.kalachakranet.org/ the war is coming... so seems to me they are initiating proper seeds into very wide field? Any buddhist scholars around here to explain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalachakra ? Gracias...
  17. What is Dalai Lama doing?

    thats public info I am asking on a deeper level: are they creating an army for next reincarnation?
  18. Tea gongfu

    I could taste his tea when I read this. It's that "perfectly brewed" cup of tea... nothing in comparison to tea bags they use here...Thanks for sharing... gotta go to Chinese store to pick up some teas now!
  19. Thoughts on this ? Anyone ?

    sleep standing?
  20. I have been having not so great luck lately ( starting this year). When I was traveling, my bag spent a week in Beijing ( but returned later to me). When I got home, I got rear ended at the stop sign ( yet only concussion and no damage to the car). When I finally decided to use debit card ( instead of points accumulating credit card), my account got stolen right away and they took money somewhere far away ( my credit union refunded me money). Yesterday I got a layoff notice... Yet when I finally got tarot cards today ( I have not done it with physical cards for a very long time), the energy is good... Universe is trying to push me somewhere... but I have zero clue where... Tarot's usually tell concise truth. Am I being tricked by the cards this time?....
  21. ( definitions are here: https://www.google.com/search?q=enlightenment&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS520US520&oq=enlightenment&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i61j69i60.2038j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=spiritual+enlightenment) Based on the recent topic... First, let's get count of Awakened/Enlightened around here. Then, let's understand what it actually means from their personal perspective. Bonus question: can one enlightened/awakened "see"( recognize) another one without having to use words? Extra bonus question: when one says he/she is "Awaken/Enlightened", what is your first reaction? Celestial cookies for right answers will be served with high mountain tea shortly. -meow *Modified poll to be anonymous to encourage participation.
  22. but Silicon Valley tech salary has its own appeal... money is a hard thing to fight... when your bank account gets low...
  23. I don't... lolz, but sitting on cross-roads getting weird...
  24. I read your sentence twice. And both times it was "enlightened wheeler"... I never thought I have dyslexia, lolz...