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Everything posted by qicat

  1. buzzing sound

    Basically if you want to explore this further I would find someone who teaches Shengong and ask few questions/sit with them for awhile. Also, in the book, JAJ is specifically stating the difference between hearing Inner Sounds and mental illnesses. But if I were you, I would not go around telling friends and family you hear roaring dragons:) But I would definitely discuss it with the qualified teacher. If your spirit is refined enough, you can travel to those realms. But you are already in Greece, very nice place itself:)
  2. buzzing sound

    Did it resemble sound as.. 1.The Banging of a War Drum ( also sounds as "Awakening Thunder") 2. The Hiss of the Dragon ( also sounds as "Pouring Rain") 3. The Roar of the Tiger ( also sounds as "Roaring Surf") 4. The Sound of 1000 Cicadas singing. If you hear any of the above, you are good with the inner sounds:)
  3. Western and Eastern Society made tears a TABOO which is NOT To Be Spoken Of. If they see tears on your eyes, they shred you to pieces. "Boys don't cry", "Don't be so sensitive, girl". I actually do not think God ( whatever Divinity you bow) wants any of your tears. On energy therapy level, tears are the mechanism to release energy. Note, not only bad energy, but good energy as well ( i.e. tears of joy). As a super sensitive fluffy myself, I cry a lot. Many times for no reason. Like when I see a cute bunny on TV... I know, right... So, perhaps exploring the path of "Tears and God" is valid, but perhaps chasing rainbows is a better alternative? meow
  4. Taoist and Buddhist formula of cultivation

    I bought a book for $50 on amazon. Worth it. PDFs if you find any is an old version and some stuff is not included there. Plus, I always respect authors' rights to be paid for their work.
  5. Taoist and Buddhist formula of cultivation

    https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Teachings-Chinese-Energetic-Medicine/dp/0991569016/ref=pd_cp_14_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0991569016&pd_rd_r=PVGYPNDK0393AVRMTNT3&pd_rd_w=8BJex&pd_rd_wg=RTaVt&psc=1&refRID=PVGYPNDK0393AVRMTNT3 Chapter 17 Dao Yin Breathing methods. Contains Shaolin ( Buddhist) and Taoist versions along with explanations of healing properties and danger associated with it ( i.e. contradictions is some symptoms exist). If you are not asking just from "empty talk" purpose, I suggest you try both methods and see for yourself... Best way to learn IMHO...( and find what is suitable for YOU). meow. p.s. Don't get old books version (2005). It was added in 2015 version.
  6. 14 alphabets? let me see so... there are few common alphabets in modern world... Latin based Cyrillic based Arabic based Asian based Meso-Americans (? not sure on their alphabets before Spaniards...) that makes it 5 known current alphabets... okay... Egyptian based alphabets Hindu based alphabets Runic based alphabets that's minus 3 either... dude... I cannot go that much back in history to trace your 14 alphabets...perhaps minus Romans ( but that's Latin?), Greek ( As Atlantis version), Lemuria...that's minus 3 known alphabets also... still did not make it to 14... I guess it proves that CAT in the HAT is way far removed from the Rat... poke poke poke
  7. isn't there a guy on your shoulder how records everything you have done in your life and when you are at the last bus stop he reports everything to those Celestial Bureaucrats and you are judged accordingly? I think it's the same guy in Egyptian version ( as a feather thingy) and Christianity ( you know the story). But I think if he wrote in his book "Ervin lied to Nazis to save a Jewish child, that's minus two karma points...goes to level 24 sector 7 next time to learn about... carpentry... because he had not done that one yet..." Are you getting the point?:P:P:P /********/ Fair warning though, if you have anything close to kundalni thing going, it is strongly advised NOT to lie. I have heard many first view accounts on how people "on the ride" said if they intentionally lied the energetic consequences to them were horrific ( but mostly angina:P )
  8. Interesting question... I am working on MD level with what are you describing and I must tell it hurts like hell, it is easily to get discouraged and the only thing you can do is to keep going. Now, I do have a Daoist master watching over me, so it gives me some peace of mind, but I must admit, it is SOOO hard. It is much easier to play "magick" stuff and "field trips" vs trying to heal yourself. In western world it is diagnosed as PSTD/clinical depression/etc. In eastern world the amount of psychic surgeries I had is already too much. Now, I kind of learned how to do it myself by watching Sifu ( more like energetically picking up an understanding of the process), but it still hurts like hell. LD energy is level lower than MD, so you are dealing with sexual stuff as well. I would go with the grounding things first... But if it is a "real rapture", I think I would clear the wound and start filling it with energy which would support the structure but not overload it ( i.e. not burn further). And then I would do it again and again and again until something would change. I would also look at herbs as they might have a formula for this already...What else...Not sure I would go to a healer I have not worked with on this. Too delicate. Also, not sure if you are a boy or girl, but if you are a girl, than it is kind of a monthly "rapture" anyway, you might look into healing things of that nature...
  9. lolz, gotcha:) kitty traps:P https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Pillars_of_Destiny meow.... /*********/ But on the topic... I have heard that woman actually can progress on the Path faster and get together with God. However, my search for that "enlightened woman" so far was fruitless. I have seen many teachers, yet I am to see a female role model for me. Sifu told me to pray more:P But to be honest, I have not seen too many enlightened males either. So I think gender here is not a critical variable in the formula selection. I think even 4 pillars play more role than gender in this case. Unless of course you have learnt how to transcend those energies such that they do not effect you anymore... But then you are technically a demigod...Who is genderless by definition ( i.e. yin-yang together)... But anyways...
  10. 1. U r funny. For starters, cats have nine lives...Plenty of curiosity to fulfill... 2. On all 4 pillars? 3. If you wish was well intended, he already received it.
  11. I have no idea. I doubt this statement is true though as "ALL LADIES OF THE ALL HUMANITY ARE MORE IN TOUCH WITH THEIR FEELINGS THAN ALL MALES". It might be true at your particular circle. p.s. Sifu told me to watch for when I make statements like "ALL men/women/cats/insert your own... ". Apparently there is something in this statement that does not go well with authenticity...
  12. Useful or Useless?

    http://public.tableau.com/views/TaoTeChingWordAnalysis_0/WordCloud?:embed=y&:loadOrderID=1&:display_count=yes&:tabs=no http://www.kenflerlage.com/2017/03/word-analysis-tao-te-ching.html
  13. My enlightenment experience.

    wow, beautiful tango of polarities... thanks for sharing p.s. I suggest not to go to the stores. Use google express/amazon to avoid issues with shoplifting.
  14. I would like to learn more about western herbs. Can anyone recommend good schools? Thank you. p.s. I would like it to be a level above what I can find in the "common" B&N books ( as I already have those). I am looking for spirit plant connection/health benefits/herb cultivation/harvesting/etc.
  15. Hello, here finding a way out of depression

    Meow 1. Did you get checked for "soul loss"? If you have no idea what it is, google it and see if symptoms match. If you got most of them, go find a local shaman ( ask your qigong master for references, btw, they might know a shaman/lama/Sifu who might do this thing) and ask him/her for soul retrieval. You technically have nothing to lose as you medication is probably cost more than a session or two with the knowledgeable person. 2. How is your diet? Again, google is your friend. I am sure some "red flags" will show up as soon as you get first google results. 3. There are qigong exercises aimed specifically for depression ( lungs). Again, google is your friend, but if you go to a shaman, I am sure they will give you some "homework". 4. I already mentioned lemon balm. Make a tea and see how you feel. ( It should feel as your heart is warming up, "lifting up" spirits). Meow
  16. Hello, here finding a way out of depression

    https://www.google.com/search?q=lemon+balm+magical+properties&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS520US520&oq=lemon+balm+in+magick&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0.4711j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=lemon+balm+depression meow
  17. lobotomy via psychiatry!

    Stosh, you need to read full article for this. I cannot post it here in full ( in respect to the authors and copyrights). The model sounds logical and JAJ referenced him ( Mr.Woods) in his books. If topic starter is looking for "practical" purposes, this reference might be helpful.
  18. lobotomy via psychiatry!

    I have found an interesting article here in regards what the topic is ( as mental health from TCM perspective). I will quote some of it and you can check the book on amazon ( https://www.amazon.com/Living-Authentically-Daoist-Contributions-Psychology/dp/1931483205/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1493838553&sr=8-1&keywords=living+authentically) p.s. the guy has a practice. I assume if you have something acute, you might find him on the web and ask for a consultation... p.p.s. One person I know ( who does lots of qigong and is a practitioner) did a treatment on me and I got suicadal thoughts after. Since I am constantly monitoring my state, I figured that out and went to Sifu and he "sealed" some stuff and did some other things most of people would not believe, but...Anyways... since I am doing research on qi deviations, this book came up and this guy with 2000 clinical cases. If I ever in Nashville I will probably stop by for some mentoring on how to deal with this stuff. p.p.s. Since I could not copy and paste the whole article ( in respect to the authors), feel free to ask questions about this. He has treatment protocols for dealing with this as well ( but I would really leave it to the hands of professionals).
  19. I am interested in BaGuaZhang

    what's your location?
  20. Confronting repressed emotions

    mmm.... ...tiger just happened to be a BIG THING in Daoism... Repressed emotions of grief ( lungs) would go with a Tiger... Repressed emotions of anger(liver) would be a Dragon... Since we don't know details... perhaps he made peace with his tiger ( i.e. grief is slowly gone?) Who knows... p.s. I assume you have never seen your spirit animal? p.p.s. Your culture might have different animals, btw.
  21. Confronting repressed emotions

    tiger is a protector. ( as your spirit animal) Literature says: Tiger ( as part of Twelve Earthly Branches)->East/Yin/3/3-5a.m/Great Yang/Lungs/Breaking Ground/Wood Tiger ( as The White Tiger Constellation)->pertains to the energetic power of one's "Sensation"/Jian Bing/The White Tiger ( 7 Guardians of the West) Tiger - represents the spiritual energy of your Po ( Corporeal Soul). Energetically embodies the internal animal nature, that unconditionally guards and protects with an unbridled passion for survival. but overall, we,cats, are rather complex creatures.... compared to dogs:P
  22. I dunno. I am so yin it sucks. Need to fill in yang, but it's so hard to find good clean good yang these days... ( please don't go into long discussion on yang qigongs, I can lecture you on those myself.)
  23. It had been going on for me lately also. Usually it does not mean anything good. I was tired of this "warnings" ( usually a car in front of you on freeway showing it's "butt") and I told mySelf, "so yeah, is it all you can do? Why do you do this? Can you do like 777?" Of course the next car had 777 after. And again 777. I was like okay, that's a way to "move things forward". But actually, I think I was driving near "bad" spot in Monterey and thus "666" showed up. As soon as I passed it ( it was traffic on a "deserted highway" in a middle of nowhere) 5 miles in 40 minutes feeling extremely weak, agitated and energetically drained - the 777 started showing up and my trip back to San Jose was a breathe ( took me less time to go 40 miles up vs 5 miles east).