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Everything posted by Mig

  1. Venezuela?

    they talked about them because is a strategic area as it is Ecuador, nobody talks about Bolivia or Central America countries, they are less important though they are having similar or worst problems. As for Central America countries, still old banana republics.
  2. Ttc 56 - Talk or not?

    i wonder in the original text says yan=talk and not the verb Dao?
  3. Don't we all have needs and desires? As about wants, that probably you can stay away especially in a merchant system where they push you for wanting, wanting constantly.
  4. Martial Arts From Home

    Why spiritual cultivation is necessary? Back in the days practicing martial arts were for body guards or hitmen n even the arts were not appreciated by the society. Self learning can be misleading and can even hurt yourself so it's better to learn from a book, video n most important from a experienced practitioner. Solo training for fighting is useless. Need to have a sparring partner.
  5. where to start?

    You don't fly, the airplane flies so you just sit there during the flight
  6. Taodeching on contenment

    What is contentment? How do you describe contentment? Happy? Gay? Peaceful?
  7. Is Wong Kiew Kit for Real?

    It seems to be a personal opinion his shaolin roots. Maybe someone should ask one of the kung fu forums about him since the style he practiced is Hung Ka kyun (Hong jia quan) a southern boxing style, pretty well know among practitioners
  8. What happens after death?

    You are missing rationality LOL
  9. Yuan Shen

    I am perplexed at how some terms are defined. I hear often, "for me" is that what the original definition in Chinese says? If that what the Chinese text says, could you provide the source or text in Chinese? Thanks
  10. What happens after death?

    1. I always wondered why we think about death when nobody knows what that is. When you are in the wilderness, you realize what happens when a living being is gone. When is gone is gone. Also, I noticed we as living beings are scared to die even for those who pretend they are ready, it is part of our being condition to hang in living. Myself, I see as we get older, the years are counted and it can happen any time. In your 50s and under you don't even think about that until something really happens in your health when you become concerned. Bottom line, when we die, we die, we are gone and our memories of our experience will be remembered for little time, after that nobody cares and it was just a memory we spent sometime here. 2. I don't think after life exists, it is a promise to keep you dreaming or hoping in this moment. Sexuality varies from individual to individual and since humans tendency to harm themselves mostly by eating they damage their internal organs and sexuality is affected. Sorry to disappoint you but I am maybe too practical and others seem to have similar view.
  11. Yin Yang symbol

    I've tried to find a comprehensive explanation of the yin yang symbol. All I have found is generalization and not really instructional as to understand correctly the term, its origin and how it developed in the sign we already familiar. Here I found something that I found intriguing so if anyone can tip on this, I would appreciate it. http://www.chinesefortunecalendar.com/YinYang.htm If you have any references either visual or textual, I will thank you. Thanks,
  12. Yin Yang symbol

    I wonder what the yinyang school says about the symbol??
  13. Yin Yang symbol

    I thought Laozi's teaching is real and practical. I don't understand what the sauwastika standard character in Sanskrit. "卍" has to do with Daoism or the yin yang symbol.
  14. Yin Yang symbol

    Need some thoughts on that description as I look at the symbol. Thanks.
  15. Why must the Dao De Jhing be translated right?

    Thank you. I understand there are a lot of books in Chinese though I would imagine that there should be an authoritative scholar book that you may recommend based on your experience and readings.
  16. Yin Yang symbol

    Thank you 謝謝
  17. CH. 67 - Three Treasures

    I am sorry, I don't understand, where is the third treasure? If I read correctly both in English and Chinese bao is treasure. Dunno if I missed the explanation of the third of why humility when the original text doesn't explicit announce the proper word
  18. Yin Yang symbol

    So what's the rationale behind the symbol?
  19. Why must the Dao De Jhing be translated right?

    Could you name few of those? Are those commentaries close to what we read in books today or even in this forum?
  20. Why must the Dao De Jhing be translated right?

    As translation goes, I find some closer to the original and little information about the cultural impact that still in people's lives, language and traditions. Such information usually is omitted and then we get caught in our way of seeing stuff and making a new spiritual way in understanding Daoism. As much as we discuss, it seems to me that there is the practicality of each chapter especially chapter 1 to use it in daily life and embrace other chapters. Furthermore, I haven't hear anything about the Chinese scholars commentaries in which at least maybe 64 are the best. (cf. The Way of Lao-Tzu, Wing-tsit Chan). Is there are a reason why few people talk about commentaries and annotations?
  21. CH. 67 - Three Treasures

    Awesome job n thank you. In your opinion how do you understand the third treasure n how to apply it in real life. I still don't know why there's no noun ??
  22. Horse Stance - Pelvis Tucked In

    In some martial arts, horse stance varies. In my experience, you sit on horse stance, feet parallel and lower your stance so your knees are aligned to your feet then tuck in, back straight, fist on chamber . The stance shouldn't be too low nor too high, just in the middle until you feel your legs after five minutes or so. The idea is to remain on horse stance for at least half an hour to an hour. HTH
  23. Yin Yang symbol

    Thanks a bunch and the reference is extremely helpful. I am also interested in those resources in Chinese to compare and find out more about the origin and how it was shaped. In the link you posted there is a reference of the first link I posted in the beginning. I am getting there to understand better the symbol and happy to know that yin yang is only mentioned once in the DDJ and the order of the words have kept the same in any dialect of China.
  24. Yin Yang symbol

    excellent findings and very interesting, still haven't found a different comprehensive explanation of the symbol yin yang.
  25. CH. 67 - Three Treasures

    Would that mean not being arrogant? I was just curious as there is certainly other metaphors or references about the Dao or other chapters.