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Posts posted by awaken

  1. 1 minute ago, liminal_luke said:


    For what it's worth, I've long suspected that you know what you are talking about and have something very valuable to teach.  I don't sign up myself because I don't fit your requirements.  I'm still very much interested in practicing for good health and I'm not willing to drop some of the other things I do.  It might be true that you are better suited to practice than teaching but that's not a bad thing!  Even if you only teach one true student (and I suspect you've taught many) I believe your efforts are worthwhile.


    Just my perspective.



    You made the same mistake as another person, whether I have taught many students, you should go to QQ to ask instead of guessing here.

    Yes, I am opposed to people who practice for the purpose of health to follow me.





    I hope that the people who come to learn are those who aim to refine the golden elixir.





  2. I didn't claim to be an Arhat, so don't dig a pit for me to jump into.

    I didn't ask to sit on the grass, I said that the aura in the natural environment is stronger and it is easier to practice.

    You should read my article carefully, I never said "sit on the grass and practice"

    You asked me to ask, so I asked, how do you usually practice?






  3. 1 minute ago, liminal_luke said:


    I think it's because you regularly tell people that they are "low level."  Whether or not your assessment is correct is besides the point.  People want to hear supportive, encouraging words from a prospective teacher.


    You are right, I expect you to learn and help me teach, I often feel that I am not a good teacher.


    I may be stronger in practice, but teaching is less encouraging.

    So at QQ, one of my students is now teaching beginners.

    And he did teach better than me.






    • Like 2

  4. 16 minutes ago, Wilhelm said:

    The main discussion in this thread has been that there is many interpretations of the 'classic definition' of Samadhi, as well as Arhatship.  So I believe it is extremely relevant to know what you interpret the 'classic definition' to mean.  I appreciate that you claim authority on this subject, but we have talked about others who have claimed authority (such as Trungpa) so it would help to have some way to differentiate your claims from their claims.


    I have read your thread (as I'm sure many others have) called 'The reason why a person who only has qi in his lower abdomen can't understand the WuZenPian' and it seems you are misunderstanding what myself and many others are practicing.  Although breathing into the lower abdomen is in a sense a part of the practice, there are many other parts, and you haven't written anything to show that lower belly breathing is always incorrect (the alternatives seem to be shallow chest breathing or having no awareness or regulation of the breath) - so I for one haven't seen any reason from your words to change what I'm doing.


    I didn't claim authority, you say that because you don't read the Agama Sutra.

    If you have read the Agama Sutra, you will not think that I claim authority.

    You want to know what an arhat is, but you don't read the Agama Sutra, which is very absurd.

    I wrote a lot of things against belly breathing, I don't know why you didn't see it at all, I think it's because you are too poor to understand.

    Or maybe your general direction has gone horribly wrong because you've been chasing specific methods.

    I've said many times that when you're chasing specific methods, you're doing it wrong.










    (the alternatives seem to be shallow chest breathing or having no awareness or regulation of the breath)


    --->>> Of course not, it's so wrong




    When I say I'm against belly breathing, you're thinking what kind of breathing to use.
    I'm going to tell you that when you're thinking about breathing, you're doing it wrong.
    Is your focus only on breathing?
    Do you have nowhere else to put it but to breathe?
    Don't you find that your attention is so narrow that you can only notice the breath?
    Do you think human beings can only focus on breathing?
    The point is not the position of the breath, but the use of your attention.




    Just because you don’t read Buddhist scriptures, you don’t know that Buddha doesn’t teach breathing, but Buddha teaches the use of attention.

    Please check the Buddhist scriptures about the influence of "seeking and waiting" on the four meditations.

    You have to look up the Buddhist scriptures yourself to know that what I am telling you is not the authority I claim to be. You can't be lazy and not read Buddhist scriptures, put yourself in a state of complete ignorance, and then go around listening to other people's nonsense.





    • Like 1

  5. 17 minutes ago, Wilhelm said:

    This would depend on your definition for Samadhi.

    Are you an Arhat?


    Of course not my definition, but the classic definition, my definition is bullshit, it doesn't matter at all.

    If you want to judge whether I am an Arhat or not, you have to practice to become an Arhat first.

    Don't get caught in the death loop anymore, practice quickly.






    Arhatship is the fourth stage.
    You have to practice at least to the first stage, right?
    The first stage is the ability to see light.
     The purity of the Dharma eye.



    Why is no one asking me how to practice?

    I have talked so much about how to practice, how far you can reach, why no one wants to practice?
    Why do you still insist on practicing lower abdominal breathing?
    Who was brainwashed by a fake master to become like this?





    There are a bunch of people who get duped by false masters who teach lower belly breathing, but still a bunch of people who insist on practicing lower belly breathing.




    On another topic someone mentioned being deceived by false masters.
    It is because there are too many people passing on wrong cultivation methods that these false masters have room to operate.



    Every wrong direction is encouraging the generation of false masters.



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  6. 9 minutes ago, Wilhelm said:

    Thank you for your answer.  I am not sure if it was a poor translation, but it reads to me as if you are saying


    "Once you attain a certain level of skill, you can determine someone else's strength in concentration just by reading the words they write - or read what is written about them." (Because I am assuming you read ABOUT Trungpa as opposed to reading his book)


    To me this seems a ridiculous proposition, but it could simply be that my level is too low to understand why.  Can you really discern the concentration abilities of everyone who's writing you read on the internet?  If I had shown you some text created by artificial intelligence, would you be able to discern its concentration abilities as well?


    And without precepts, or Sila training, how can you say you're pursuing the Buddha's Threefold Training of Sila, Samadhi, and Prajna.  Meditation is obviously key, but it is only part of the training.


    Thank you again.

    If I ever seem to have attained Arhatship and find myself on the first thing I will do is immediately disbelieve my attainment!



    I read his book.

    His book was posted online in Taiwan.

    I am not talking about concentration, but samadhi ability.

    Have you never entered samadhi before?

    I am not a Buddhist.
    Of course, if you join a particular religion, you have to abide by the rules of that particular religion. But I didn't join Buddhism.

    Let’s wait until you really reach Arhatship, everything you say now is just dream talk.









    I find you totally disbelieving that I can judge another person's samadhi.

    I also began to discover that you have absolutely no ability to cultivate.

    Because I have told you so much, you just need to actually practice, but you just refuse to practice.

    Like you, I would call it "talking but not practicing".

    You put yourself in a loop.

    You don't practice, so you can't understand the words of others who have practiced. Some practitioners tell you that after you practice, you will understand. But after you listen to it, you are still unwilling to practice. You just want to know how other people know. Others can only know it because they have practiced to a certain level. But if you haven't practiced to this level, you just can't know. It's that simple.








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  7. I don't quite know what's going on, it looks like another fake master.

    But what I want to say is that I saw Zhang Boduan and Jinghua secret text mentioned earlier.

    The book Jinghua Secret Text was not written by Zhang Boduan, but a forgery, please be careful.






    I said many years ago that almost all inheritances are fake, so I hope you all be careful.
    In the name of inheritance, almost all of them are fake.

    Lineage should mean inheritance, right?





    In my own teaching, I never privately chat with students.
    Chatting privately with the opposite sex is very dangerous behavior, especially in the online world.



    • Like 1

  8. 54 minutes ago, Wilhelm said:

    I am not fond of Mr. Trungpa or his legacy either, but I also have two questions about your analysis.


    How can someone's ability in Samadhi be discerned without interacting with them?


    Also, if life experience has nothing to do with qualifications - how is one supposed to perfect their Sila (morality training, as part of the Threefold Training)?


    Could not a teacher skilled in Samadhi but devoid of Sila be equally as dangerous?


    To be clear - I'm speaking in generalities and don't know anything about Mr. Trungpa other than the story of his life and the name of the school he left behind.


    Of course you can't see it, because your level is too low.

    But I can see it.

    If you ask me how to tell, I just read his book.

    If you want to know why, you have to level up yourself.

    It is impossible for you not to improve your own level, but want to be opportunistic to see it.

    That’s how it is in cultivation. If your level is too low, you just don’t understand anything.

    Regarding precepts, a person who practices meditation every day, like me, my life is very boring, eating, working, practicing, sleeping, people like me who live a boring life, don’t need any precepts.










    Trungpa is not the only one who does not practice well enough to be called a master. There are many such people.

    The only way is to improve your level.

    There are no shortcuts.






    Just like your subject, if you attain Arhatship, will you still ask this question?


  9. 17 minutes ago, Barnaby said:


    I don't really know what other things he did, but the story of his escape from Tibet is extraordinary.


    I'm not condoning anything. But that sort of ordeal can leave a lot of scars.


    Whether a person can become a qualified master is absolutely related to his Samadhi ability.
    It has nothing to do with his life experience.
    He may be a person with a wonderful life and stories, but it is also a fact that he passed on the distorted Dharma.




    He also founded schools to mislead more people.




    Seeing such a person usually gives me a goal to strive for and gives me more energy to write more books.





    Many people here should be misled by him, because the dualism topic you discussed before is as distorted as he said.




    Dualism, emptiness, Vajrayana, everything he said is very problematic, because his Samadhi ability is too poor, so he distorts all the content.





    So you guys were talking about this guy.
    I haven't studied this person, but just read his information and one of his books.
    This person's level is not high, so it's not surprising that he would do those things.
    When we regard the magic stick as a master, and then question why the master behaves so absurdly, does it make sense?
    He is just a "magic stick".
    The English translation of "God Stick" is very strangely translated, which means a person who uses theology as a fraudulent means to make money.




    I just read the second book written by this person. This person is really low level. I really can't understand why he became a master in the western world.
    I would define him as a type of false master.
    He completely distorted the meaning of Samadhi.

    After I read his article, I realized why the Buddhist articles in daobums are so distorted. It turned out that it was influenced by such a master.
    What a pity.
    You really have to let this man go, he is misleading too much.
    It is better for you to directly read the Buddhist scriptures.





    This person's description of the ten bodhisattvas is simply nonsense.
    Especially the eighth place, which is clearly described in many scriptures, but he actually said it in another way, which has nothing to do with the scriptures, which is really inconceivable.
    Don't you all read Buddhist scriptures?
    Does no one know he's talking nonsense?

    Such a person who knows nothing about meditation is actually teaching Vajrayana?
    It's incredible.





    That's why I said earlier that to judge whether a person has really achieved success in cultivation, one must look at his meditation ability. If we have practiced to a certain level, we can usually see his level by reading a person's explanation of meditation.
    Of course, our own level of meditation must be higher than that of this person before we can tell.
    So I have to work hard to cultivate, so that I can distinguish between true and false.




    You really don't need to read any more of this man's books.
    Too much misleading in it.
    Also don't suggest that your friends read this person's book.
    He may have contributed to the transmission of Buddhism to the Western world. But the Buddhism he taught was a very distorted Buddhism.





    I saw this guy again talking about the relationship between Vajrayana and devotion.
    I must be very honest and say that Vajrayana has nothing to do with devotion.
    Only the fake Vajrayana, that is, the Vajrayana that uses the method of visualization, has anything to do with devotion.
    Because that is a false method, you need to brainwash yourself, and you need to believe in the guru, so that you can foolishly brainwash yourself.




    I saw him talk about mandalas again.
    I really don't know what to say, almost everything he said is wrong.
    Everything is wrong except the noun itself.



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  11. 5 minutes ago, Magister Ludi said:


    One might be able to make such judgements of others, but can one make such claims for one's self? 


    If he has really achieved something, there is no problem with him saying so. At most it makes you sound unhappy.
    If he hadn't achieved it, he would be lying if he said so. Of course lying is out of the question. This is tantamount to fraud.
    So the key point still depends on the degree of his samadhi. You should post his article to me.




    In my experience, there should be a 99.9 percent chance he's a liar.
    But before reading his article on samadhi, we cannot deny that 0.1% possibility.




  12. 8 minutes ago, Magister Ludi said:


    If one were an arhat, would he/she publically declare him/herself to be so, on YouTube or otherwise?  


    Would an arhat ever say to him/herself something such as "I have attained the four fruits and have therefore obtained the status of an arhat?


    Can one who desires to attain the level of an arhat be one?


    Would an arhat even know him/herself to be an arhat?


    What you said is not the point.
    We need to see whether there is arising and ceasing during his practice, whether he is free from arising and ceasing, and whether he has the characteristics I mentioned.
    So you see it's the person who claims to be like that. If you show me his article, please show me his description of samadhi, so that I can judge.




    The judgment of Arhatship depends on the degree of his samadhi.



    • Haha 2

  13. Arhats are the four fruits.
    The characteristic of the first fruit is the clarity of the Dharma eye, in other words, the ability to see light, which is the first fruit.
    Guowei doesn't know which word in English, so there are strange words.

    The second result is to start to leave the desire realm.
    The Desire Realm is the state that produces illusions and blinding sun rays.
    The second fruit is to be able to leave the desire world and maintain the state of samadhi. This state is after the opening of the mind orifice.

    But the second fruit is unstable, and it will still fall back to the desire realm.

    The three fruits are solid samadhi and will not fall back to the desire realm.
    Therefore, the three fruits will produce a variety of mandalas.

    The four fruits are Arhats.
    The above three fruits will also have the phenomenon of yin and yang recurring birth and death.
    Arhats who have reached the state of four fruits are free from the repeated birth and death of yin and yang.
    Therefore, a large full moon, immortality, and golden elixir will be produced at the beginning.

    For a person to call himself an Arhat, he must be able to achieve the definition in the Buddhist scriptures, which is to escape from birth and death in practice.

    Of course, he must first know what birth and death are, so that he can escape from birth and death in cultivation.
    If his cultivation fails to achieve birth and death in cultivation, it is impossible for him to escape from birth and death in cultivation.









    The description of the state of samadhi I mentioned, I doubt how many people here can understand it.
    Because the first fruit position is to see the light, not to mention the later part.




    If a person doesn't even have the most basic second fruit, then he wants to judge whether others are Arhats, which is impossible.
    Because the second fruit is a major breakthrough, the opening of the mind opening at the beginning is the second fruit.



  stages of awakening


    I found the English translation part




    The term "fruit position" is not used at all.




    Stream-enterer is the first fruit.
    The characteristic of people at this stage is that they can see light, but when they enter samadhi, they will fall into the desire realm, so they often see illusions. And there will be dazzling sun rays in the illusion. Sometimes it is not necessarily the glare of the sun, it may also be street lights, or car lights.




    Once-returner is the second fruit.
    People at this level can also see light, and also have illusions and suns in illusions.
    But besides being the same as the first fruit, a person at this level can sometimes escape from the illusion of the desire realm after entering samadhi.
    The characteristic of a person at this stage is that he thinks he is awake, but his body is actually asleep.
    He sometimes has the first stage of Yang Sheng, that is, when he wakes up, he will see a more intense black liver light or rabbit marrow light.
    And when he wakes up, for him, he is awakening from the awakening of samadhi to the conscious state of daily life.





    Non-returner is the three fruits.
    People at this stage can also see the light, anyway, they can see the light after the first fruition.
    But people at this stage will not fall into the world of desire.
    Therefore, people at this stage will no longer see the illusion of the desire realm and the sun of the desire realm.
    This person's samadhi is the same as the two fruits, transferring from one awakening to the other.
    However, people at this stage are more awake, so when they wake up again, mandala is easy to appear.
    The appearance of the yang mandala can be said to characterize the third stage.




    Arahant is the four fruits.
    The characteristic of people at this stage is that they are free from birth and death during cultivation.
    The first three fruits all have birth and death. Especially the extinct part is very obvious.
    Even if the second fruit and the third fruit are transferred from one awakening to another, there is still cessation.

    But people at the stage of four fruits have not been eliminated at all.
    His samadhi is to wake up from one wake up to another, complete awakening can achieve the conversion of consciousness.
    The characteristic of people at this stage is that there will definitely be a super big full moon.
    Needless to say the latter, Immortals and Jindan both appeared at this stage.





    So my teaching must be to teach students to recognize what is yin and yang, and what is birth and death. This is the correct way of cultivation. I'm not teaching students how to breathe, how to focus on the lower abdomen, which is a ridiculous way of teaching.



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  14. 12 hours ago, Wilhelm said:

    Thanks for going into so much detail.  Yes I believe this is the same as what was being talked about already in this thread - the lights that were achieved by the three people I had mentioned.


    And I'm sorry to hear about those poor carrying method and transfer method practitioners.  I'm glad there's no one here claiming to use those methods!


    You are really too polite, there are several people who practice carrying method here, but you say no.

    The white light I mentioned, the two people I shielded should be impossible to achieve, but since you said so, I went to read the descriptions of the two of them.

    They didn't say anything specific, one of them said there were four different white lights, but he didn't say what the difference was. The other only said two different kinds of white light, and the third was a brief ecstasy.

    I assume that you are a person who can't see the light, so you can't tell the difference between what I said and what the two of them said. I don't think it's appropriate for you to draw the same conclusion hastily.

    Light is not just white light. If a person can only see white light, it means that his third eye is immature and can only see black and white.







    • Thanks 1

  15. The lights I talk about are all achieved by me, not by me practicing some methods to obtain these lights.

    I don't use any method for that.

    Two of the three you mentioned were blocked by me.

    I forgot the reason for blocking the two of them, and I may feel that I have nothing to say to them.

    So I don't know what the two of them said, I just know that you talked about white light.

    There are many kinds of white light, not just one.

    When the third eye is first activated, there will be a flash of white light like lightning, which is the first type.

    After the third eye is activated, it will produce a white black liver light, which is the second type.

    The white black liver can be controlled by acquired consciousness and form a point. Practitioners of the transfer method often mistake this white light for the golden elixir. And cooperate with MCO operation to control this white light.

    When the third eye is more mature, it will produce colorful black liver light.

      Carrying method practitioners often focus their consciousness on the lower abdomen, so they will produce an orange-yellow black liver light. Some of them will mistake this for golden pills, and they will also use acquired consciousness to cooperate with MCO.

    When it reaches the desire realm, it will also produce white light, very dazzling light, which belongs to the third type of white light.

    At the second stage of Yangsheng, the white light of rabbit marrow will also be produced, a whole area of white light, which belongs to the fourth type of white light.

    After the samadhi is relatively mature, it will also produce the white light of mature rabbit marrow, a round and motionless white light, similar to a full moon, which belongs to the fifth type of white light.

    At the third stage of yangsheng, a large circular white light will be produced, which is the real full moon, which belongs to the sixth type of white light.

    At the stage of the immortal real person produced by the three stages of yangsheng, it will produce white light like a huge star. This is a mature golden elixir, which belongs to the seventh kind of white light.

    There are many types of white light, and unless you experience them all yourself, it's impossible to figure out what's going on.

    Sorry, I missed a white light.

    A white dot and a black dot appear alternately, usually before the opening of the mind orifice.

    There are also two unnamed white lights. One is that before the black liver light appears, there will be a lot of dot-like lights. The time will not be very long, usually disappearing in a few seconds. This is what happens when the third eye is first activated.

    The other is bad-qi light, a lot of dot-shaped white light like measles.

    There are too many kinds of white light.

    Usually, people with a poor level will only have one type, which is the white light of the primary black liver light.

    People who practice MCO are especially prone to this kind of white light, and others are not easy to appear, mainly because the practice of MCO will create obstacles to evolution.


























    Because the MCO training method uses the acquired consciousness, it can only produce the acquired light like the black liver light, and cannot produce the innate light.




    Although it is the same white light, there are acquired ones and innate ones, not to say that all white lights are the same, and the difference is very huge.




    Every kind of white light has its own time to appear. These timings are evolutionary timings.

    For example, the light of black liver belongs to the opportunity of acquired consciousness.

    Rabbit marrow light belongs to the timing of yin.

    Rabbit marrow round light belongs to the opportunity when there is yang in yin.

    The whole piece of rabbit marrow belongs to the timing of the first stage of Yangsheng.

    The great full moon belongs to the timing of the third stage of yang birth.









    The innate part cannot be exercised by any method, it can only be produced naturally through evolution.




    Therefore, as long as it is the white light produced by using the method, there is only one kind, which is the black liver light.




    Don’t think that the presence of white light means that the level is very high.

    According to many people I have asked, about one-third to one-fourth of them can see black liver light without any exercise in their teenage years.

    I hope you will not be misled into thinking that achieving white light is a very high level.






    If you want to know all kinds of white light, there is only one way, which is to achieve the ability of evolution.

    And evolution has no method.

    Any artificial method will create an evolutionary barrier.





    • Thanks 1

  16. 1 minute ago, Wilhelm said:

    I see.  To me it means neither.  Another word we sometimes use for practice is training.  In English you practice something so that you might achieve something - but the former is the activity and the latter is the result


    So when you said they were practicing light, you didn't know if they were producing light, did you?



  17. 1 minute ago, Wilhelm said:

    Ah ok - in English practice can also mean the process that leads towards achievement, and it goes without saying that visualization and realization are completely different (at least to my way of thinking)




    So when you use the word practice, do you mean to visualize or achieve?

    I must say that when I use the word practice, my Chinese meaning is to achieve.




  18. 2 minutes ago, Wilhelm said:

    You'd have to ask them - although Shadow Self included the Chinese characters for one version of the light that was practiced, he and Freeform also alluded to several higher states.  I have no knowledge on the subject so will not comment


    This may involve translation.

    Practice means achieved in Chinese

    But does it mean the same thing in English?

    You should know that visualization and realization are completely different, right?






  19. 2 minutes ago, Wilhelm said:

    Freeform, Shadow Self, and Taoist Texts have all talked about the light in the last two pages.  Technically I talked to them as well about it but I excluded myself from the group as I'm not currently practicing the light.


    To my knowledge all of them are active and dedicated practitioners.


    What kind of light did the three of them practice?




  20. There is a group of people who are curious about light, but they don't want to practice, they just want to guess.

    This group of people would rather spend thirty years guessing what light is than spend one hundred days practicing light.

    I sometimes wonder, what kind of obsession caused this group of people to behave like this?







    • Haha 1

  21. It's not that easy to be successful.

    Misguided people far outnumber successful people.

    You won't hurt me.

    Usually I block people just because they are stubborn and hopeless.

    You may have read many scriptures, but they are of no help to your practice. I can understand your feelings, because there are many such people.

    I was one of those people myself.

    If you want to succeed, you must let go of fixed methods.

    There is no fixed path to success.

    When you focus your consciousness on a place that you think is safe every time you practice, you are making the biggest mistake.

    Do nothing, do not live, is the greatest principle













    Even if you practice Qi for a lifetime, it is impossible to produce immortals in the classics.

    Shen(immortal) comes from cultivating Shen(awareness, consciousness), and the Chinese has been spoken very clearly.





    When you are practicing qi while studying the rainbow body, you will be very divided.

    Because you are looking for fish in the tree, this is a Chinese idiom.






    There are too many people here who think that practicing qi can nourish the fetus. This is a very serious mistake.

    Practicing qi cannot raise a fetus.





    If your wish is to become an immortal .

    You must give up the method of Qi training and change to the cultivation of Shen.




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  22. 9 minutes ago, Wilhelm said:

    That is not how it is in the West 

    An odd assumption to make.  I am not planning to list all the classics I have read every time I talk about them...

    On this much we can find agreement :) 


    On most other things I think we disagree, so no problem to stop this interaction for now.


    I'm not that great, I can't help the whole western world by myself.




    This is a dialogue between you and me. It doesn't make sense to drag the whole West into it.




    As far as I am concerned, I will not only read the Tao Te Ching, it is very narrow.

    I can read classical Chinese very quickly, so it is impossible for me to read only one Tao Te Ching.





    If you have read many scriptures, then you should know what I am talking about, you should not drag the whole West into it.

    I didn't drag the whole Chinese world into it either.





    I know that even in the Chinese world, there are very few people who can read and understand as many classics as I do.




    So what I am talking about is a universal value. What a person who is determined to practice the ultimate dharma will do, it has nothing to do with whether he is a Westerner or an Easterner.



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  23. 9 minutes ago, Wilhelm said:

    Did you know that in the West, for example (I don't know what the situation in the East is), the Tao Te Ching is almost universally seen as a philosophical text, with no implications for spiritual practice?  The most common alternative interpretation is that it is also a political text.  There are very few people here who read it and see its value in spiritual practice.  So have all these people who have read the Tao Te Ching and seen no applications towards spiritual practice made progress towards the Dao?


    I used this example because many of the other classics like the Yinfu Jing are largely unknown in the West.


    The Tao Te Ching only has a general direction for practice, without details.

    So if you only read the Tao Te Ching, unless you are very enlightened, you will not be able to understand the mysteries inside.

    As I said before, people's perceptions vary greatly, and you can't talk about all people as if they were at the same level.

    Maybe you can only talk about yourself, if you want to talk about all people, and treat all people as the same level, then you will make a huge mistake in logic.

    If you are a person who is willing to read the classics, it is absolutely impossible for you to only read the Tao Te Ching. So from what you said, you are not a person who can read classics at all, because you only know the Tao Te Ching and the Yin Fu Jing, and this is far from enough.

    Because these two books talk about big principles and big directions, unless you are very savvy, you won't be able to understand them.

    I don't think you are very enlightened, because you haven't escaped from qigong yet.










    Reading the classics may not lead to progress in practice, but not reading the classics but only listening to the bragging of qigong masters may cause more serious problems.




    Practitioners are like fish in the river, and successful people are like the horns of a dragon or the feathers of a phoenix.
    There are many pits in practice, but few people have the ability not to fall into the pit.




    If you only want to be lazy and succeed all at once, it is absolutely impossible.



    • Haha 1