neti neti

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Everything posted by neti neti

  1. The Natural Yoga

    Hmmm. Tempting.
  2. The Natural Yoga

    Without your being aware that you are, there is no God. Thus, consciousness is itself God. And thus, "God is my devotee." As a self-identified body-mind complex you shall only do as you are so led, in accordance with your particular inclinations; free-balling, or otherwise.
  3. The Natural Yoga

    I'd say experience is available. As consciousness is all-pervading, one has the potential of assuming any role, including that of being an instrument through which life seems to do its living... or dying. But even that presupposes an actual other living or dying apart from consciousness. Realizing the source of consciousness, is to be beyond knowledge and ignorance, departures and arrivals, life and death, experience and nothingness. The "I" which wakes from dream or sleep exists prior to the dreaming or waking experiences. That "I" declares it slept well within its source of not-knowing-ness. The direct experience that you are is indisputable. Being that from which this sense arises, is ineffable.
  4. "Listen to the "Master Key." I shall tell you what Knowledge is in one sentence.


    One in whom conceptualization has ceased is the Jnani."


    ~Shri Samarth Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj

  5. "There is a game of madness, and it was decided that you must keep on playing this game win or lose, pleasure or pain, and you must keep experiencing it. You call it pleasure, but it must be killed. There is real happiness in killing the enjoyment, but people keep up the imagination, which is really only suffering. If you have killed the enjoyment, that is good. However, the killer of enjoyment must also die."


    ~Shri Samarth Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj

  6. "The primary urge or movement that arises in Brahman is God. That itself, is what is called God, and it is the Primal Illusion (MoolaMaya)."


    ~Shri Samarth Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj

  7. "All differences are due to ego. See what a strange thing has happened! God is sacrificed before the goat."


    ~Shri Samarth Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj

  8. Jivanmukta & Videhamukta
  9. I'm a bit surprised to say the least. For someone who once basically dismissed my Guru's teachings as pointless, it seems odd you've considered his recommended reading list... not to mention now having the motivation to assemble a compilation of direct pointers.
  10. 2.19 Recognising that all this and my body too are nothing, while my true Self is nothing but pure consciousness, what is there left for the imagination to work on now?
  11. It's actually all quite natural and simple to be oneself. Self can spontaneously reveal its nature through sages like Ashtavakra, and Self can spontaneously reveal its nature through do-gooders like the great Swami. None are attached or in bondage, and there are none more advanced than another. There is only Self in all its wondrous manifestations. False conclusions by intellect arise due to limited bodily identification. It easily leads to making judgements upon mere appearances, projections upon other bodies also imagined to only be individuals.That which speaks contrary to Reality is just the imagined self's confused musing from a romanticized perspective that Self has ever somehow been beyond Itself.
  12. What are you listening to?

    I can't help but imagine Michael Jackson as the lead here. A classic nonetheless...
  13. What are you listening to?

    Cool, moment. Glad you can appreciate its depth. It truly does seem like a lot went into that production. I enjoy the genre, but I really appreciate the ones that have dedicated film, animated or otherwise, for the entire album. Their vision shows through, and work like that must have been in the making for quite some time...
  14. "It cannot be understood, and cannot be known, even if it is explained. It cannot be imagined. Words cannot communicate it. It cannot be described."


    ~Shri Samarth Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj

  15. "You are coming daily and asking me to tell you how you can catch yourselves, and I have agreed to do so. I know that you are not lost. I know it very clearly and therefore will supply you with your own address."


    ~Shri Samarth Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj

  16. "It is foolish to try to see the sun with the light from a torch."


    ~Shri Samarth Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj

  17. "No second has ever been able to enter. If it is felt that some other has entered, this is only delusion. In the totality of doubtlessness, doubt is the second thing. That doubt multiplies and becomes a mind full of doubts, and the Illusion of the world appears."


    ~Shri Samarth Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj

  18. The I of the storm

    We enjoy wandering, and rarely stay put where all questions are meaningless.
  19. The I of the storm

    Your being is an open fact, without question. You exist prior to your very own direct experience, obviously, else the question could never be posed. Investigation does not apply. Beyond the mental sphere, we can only admit to encroach upon the noblest story of speechlessness. As the sole subject, your observation of objects can only reveal that which you are Not.
  20. The I of the storm

    An answer is within each question. An object demands a subject. Only you say I'm awakened. Every idea is false.
  21. The I of the storm

    Just knowing you are suffices.