neti neti

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Everything posted by neti neti

  1. Now we disagree. It's more like two apparent realities which are really one, and the ability for us to reconcile the apparent differences relies upon proper understanding.
  2. Yes, and it seems some choose to not 'see' when the words are dissected and supposed differentiations are obviously more like mere apparent degrees of separation.
  3. Almost as consistent as the never-ending comparisons of traditions, ad nauseum. Lol.
  4. I do, just not in the way you're thinking I agree.
  5. It's disingenuous to believe it's my opinion when the Vedas themselves admit the futility of description. I believe the masters shared their relative experiences, and they are not invalid within apparent diversity. The disciple will be led to the teachings which most resonate with their particular facet of consciousness. If my conclusions are disturbing, then one should prove my shallowness by actually acknowledging the explanations offered regarding the degrees of difference that seem to be found. Otherwise, one can only assume there is misunderstanding, or that there is simply refusal to acknowledge said explanations since they don't comply with their ideas that the supposed differences ultimately have any substantial reality, or the reluctant conclusion that one seems to belie their intentions here.
  6. Any experience of the Absolute is by definition, impossible. And I do not deny that may be the experience one cognizes in KS, however it is not proof positive that the nature of the realization differs in any major way.
  7. Yes indeed, you beat me to it... I guess. The problem seems to be that some will only glaze over the surface of such explanations, evidenced by erroneous conclusions based on that incomplete understanding. When genuine contributions to productive discussion are ignored or, what seems to be purposefully twisted in favor of argument at times, that's usually the point where I just try to gracefully bow out.
  8. Correct in a sense. But that's only one doctrine of approach to creation theory dependent upon the aspirant's disposition. It is not the end all be all explanation for the energy of consciousness, so to single it out proves a lack of understanding. All these doctrines are abandoned and known to be fictions in that flash of spontaneous "'God-consciousness." The sage may relate the experience in relative terms, but they are not Absolute. The apparently HUGE differerences are therefore ultimately meaningless. It's beyond me how one can single things out like this and not realize how the totality of Advaita philosophy does indeed celebrate diversity within the unity, and yet goes beyond both. Unless of course one has some type of agenda, or is simply uninterested in truly investigating the nuances of the teachings.
  9. The world made of words is rife with contradictions and misunderstanding. Without discernment and self-control, their very use constitutes enrollment into the bondage of duality's emergence, dragging us deeper and deeper into the energy illusion. One must become uninvolved in the images created by all these words, such that the mind's frantic movements can be stilled and remain steady. Then and only then, shall such a yogi qualify to be as the "Lord of the Wheel" which is synonymous with abiding as Parabrahman.
  10. I never said it was. I referenced it as a reminder for you, since you insist on focusing on how the "endpoints differ." I'm unsure if you misunderstood my response or are just willfully ignoring it. Either way, I shall just hold my peace.
  11. Right, I was only pointing to how the emergence of creation is by sound through the 'hidden mother', according to KS's Matrikacakra. Was hoping that would hit home... since, according to Trika philosophy, the only way for "differences" to arise is through the creative matrix it claims is responsible for the birth of all things, which are made of words! It seems that will be ignored though in favor of pointing out more differences. Oh Maya!
  12. There is none besides the distinction between the void and the knower-of the void. Knowledge which can be known and the ignorance of the void have differentiation in appearance only. In the ocean that is one's Self, the fullness of the void overflows with potentiality. Submerged in the centering of one's awareness, pearl clutched in hand, the Blazing Calm of one's bliss reveals both silence and sound alike as being of the same nature.
  13. Indeed, the prize would seem to be the pearl hidden in that immersion of silence. From the most subtle sound of Matrika, to letters, from letters to words, from words to differences.
  14. In essence? The same plunge.
  15. I think the realization is one, and its experience only appears to differ.
  16. It isn't of surprise that one can single out apparent differences among traditions in the process of pitting one thing against another. There are as many traditions as there are opinions concerning their interpretation. It can be fascinating to explore the many viewpoints, like seeing through another's eyes. However, comparing the appearances of those supposed disparities rarely guarantee the discovery of any substantial meaning, aside from the glaring revelation that they're all pointing to the same thing.
  17. An argument can be made that the very difference is but a perception in itself.
  18. The Sutras appear to differ in 'stages', 'awakenings' or more accurately - upayas('means'), of approaching "God-consciousness". The tradition assigns levels of quality regarding those approaches in accordance with the respective Sutra, ordered from "superior" to "inferior". Siva is identical to each jiva, and identical to the means through which they aspire to become established as Siva("highest" means or "lowest" means). So to extract one line from one approach and conclude there is any notable contrast in the experienced "results" between traditions, seems pretty sketchy. This exactly.
  19. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." ~T. S. Eliot
  20. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "A man is the facade of a temple wherein all wisdom and all good abide. What we commonly call man, the eating, drinking, planting, counting man, does not, as we know him, represent himself, but misrepresents himself. Him we do not respect, but the soul, whose organ he is, would he let it appear through his action, would make our knees bend. When it breathes through his intellect, it is genius; when it breathes through his will, it is virtue; when it flows through his affection, it is love. And the blindness of the intellect begins, when it would be something of itself. The weakness of the will begins, when the individual would be something of himself. All reform aims, in some one particular, to let the soul have its way through us; in other words, to engage us to obey." ~Emerson, The Oversoul
  21. Reality vs. Unreality

    I believe this illustrates well the nuanced meaning behind a statement like, "the world is unreal." This leaves too much room for assumptions, the limitations of language strike again. A more accurate one-line expression would be something like... "The world's appearance has no reality unto itself apart from whom it appears to."
  22. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "By constantly monitoring thought itself, it will not only lead you nowhere, it will give you a headache. So try not to do that; instead, try to do something that's way outside of the box. Like, someplace that, if you were to see how far away from the box you were, you wouldn't even be able to tell what that box was anymore, compared to the landscape that you're comparing it against." ~Reggie Watts
  23. Compassion Helping Oneness : What a Stench

    Meanwhile, power to truly enact change remains among those seeking to control both sides those "at war" seem so fervently distracted by. True responsibility, the ability to respond rightly, is to be responsible for everything we do AND everything that is done to us by the "others", such that we may choose to not be a victim of anyone, but ourselves. Let us unite then against the common enemy we share, that face we all see in our mirrors, the so-called "compassionate helper." Legend has it that if one listens closely, there can still be heard the footsteps of those running away in fear of themselves.
  24. Reality vs. Unreality

    If there were, can it be known? Is the individual equipped to know it? Can one distinguish or pinpoint that which makes pinpointing possible? Perhaps we're blindfolded and just pushed in the general direction of the donkey. Thankfully, there's a long enough line of guests at this party helping us stay on track towards realizing the goal. Perhaps the only possible knowing of the truth, is in being it.