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Posts posted by sagebrush

  1. It doesnt have anything to do with emotional charge. Thats just your speak.

    I was tearful...not really crying.

    it was a few moments and the moments are gone.

    JEEZ US!


    Whats up with a normal part of church service? You dont attend church. How can you make statements about what does or doesnt go on in a church service?


    I thought Dao bums was about simplicity.

    This group could complicate a gnat fart


    Who said I was seeking good emotions? I take what shows up. like rain or sun


    I go to church to listen what is being taught from the bible yeah and my mind drifts now and then consciously or unconsciously.






  2. No it wasn't boring at all. This was about 2/3 minutes of my thought process.


    Church begins with singing along with the band/choir-which I enjoy. 


    Then on with some announcements including helping world wide organization doing charitable works in poor regions decimated by Isis or natural disasters. 


    It provides a sense of purpose and community.


    I enjoy one of many pastors and benefit from the sermons and teachings from the bible.


    Always pleased when I get myself up and out of the house and attend church. I feel more positive and more happy.


    People are friendly even behind the oppressive masks and social distancing.


    I care not to open myself up for FURTHER ridicule and negativity that is pervasive on this forum especially on the God topic.

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  3. I am learning to be careful about what I ingest as far as books are concerned.


    to say that I got sad over not getting what I want is stretching that moment that I experienced.


    it wasnt about not getting what I wanted.


    I thank you for the recommendation although I am not likely to read it at this time. I am immersing myself in THE WORD OF GOD.

    and I find that very fulfilling.


    that experience was like a quiet little tender rain--



  4. 25 minutes ago, Taomeow said:


    Cognitive neuroscientists uniformly agree with taoists on this one. 


    Emotions absolutely come before thoughts and arise as soon as life itself.  The origin is the simple dual distinction of  stimuli into "pain" and "pleasure."  Without such discernment life is not possible.  Even unicellular organisms exhibit their ability to tell the difference between pain and pleasure.  E.g., if you take a saucer with clean water and introduce some amoebae to this medium, then add a tiny drop of ink, the amoebae will all swim vigorously away from the inked side of the saucer toward the side with clean water.    


    All subsequent, more and more complex emotions are ultimately traceable to the application of this one criterion -- what supports life vs. what threatens it.  Of course an artificially complicated environment, especially one that demands repression of emotions as a prerequisite for being accepted, creates many artificially complicated emotions, convoluted and thwarted and irrational.  And, ultimately, it creates thoughts, the last  refuge and the last remaining outlet for emotions that haven't found their expression.  Thought is a way for them to get transformed and dissipated.  Thoughts are valves releasing that pressure.  

    I had this experience today in church where I am seeing this person sit ahead of me many pews. She looks like someone I want to see.

    I know its not the person I want it to be-but I let myself think it was this person. The texture of hair matched, the color of hair matched, slight build..and  then emotion of sadness/tears began briefly. 

    So I have to disagree because of my own experience this morning. My thoughts came first then the emotion followed.


  5. once again proving to myself that I dont need in this conversation



    spiritual foolishness has NO place at MY TABLE



    see its real simple. start from beginning:


    the energy up my feet and lower legs is the problem. thats the little crumb that is a lie.


    IT was not me.


    not interested in that treat. I think that is major misconception here.



    and I can accept it as a mistake.


    and I make plenty of my own. dont need anyone elses help comments or suggestions


    not more mantras and Buddhism.


    I have accepted Jesus Christ as my savior. truly.

    the rest of the stuff is side tracking bullshit







    • Sad 1

  6. overall its best I dont give time and attention HERE.


    curt and cold perhaps but its necessary to go tend to my chop wood carry water.


    and I am NOT open for anyone to think they can insert ideas based on their own understandings of heart/mind.


    so in a nutshell: I disagree with everything


    clean my room takes precedence 

  7. discernment


    and the serenity prayer


    my apology for interrupting mopai neigong thread



    chop wood carry water

    damn thats always good


    false power is gaining the whole world and loosing your self.. 


    and I will say again:


    there is no greater Spirit than the Holy Spirit-Jesus Christ/Son of God


    I wont argue the point-that not necessary.




    God Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can

    the courage to change the things I can't

    and the wisdom to KNOW the difference.



    My apology to Opening post and convoluted trail.



























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