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Posts posted by sagebrush

  1. I do not feel like this is coming from a combative perspective but I have difficulty with your statement from my perspective.



    I think each person is unique. but that maybe you mean the everyday ego human stuff is overrated?


    and as far as other species go...just think of the tiny seahorse....geezz.....and the very fact that the males give birth is very unique.


    This subject makes me think of the Deserada...I think it is entitled.



    Off to work because I am not unique enough to have made my fortune to stay at home and stir the pot at Dao bums...

    • Like 1

  2. Lunatic

    The rise and fall of an American asylum


    I just visited the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in West Virginia. Creepy.

    The building  itself is the largest hand cut stone building in Western Hemisphere.

    I am reading the book now.

    It spans 150 years and goes as far back as Abe Lincoln time-so for me it is a real history lesson...


    My son and I took a walk through the asylum-sections were preserved like a museum. We did not take the offered tour-because it is not my thing...we saw plenty walking most of the first floor.


    A room had shackles so as to lock down in an x shape someone standing.binding the wrists and ankles.

    A long crib like cage where they would rock people to get them calm after raising it off the floor.

    Electrocution looking like chairs for some kind of shock therapy.

    Lobotomies were performed there as well.

    Framed straight jackets

    blown up newspaper article of escaped patients/convicts.


    They had in one room flags with quotes on them from staff or former patients.

    I took a photo of a few of these.


    My favorite:


    Well, see they would glance

    over at me, but no, I would just watch them

    and just dream about who they were


    And I kept thinking,

    "well I'm the king of this castle,

    here you know."

    "this is my home, you know.

    Come on in. I'll show you around."


    Fascinating but brutally sad some stories.

    • Like 1

  3. this is one of those topics that almost has me red in the face.....


    back in the day of childhood- we would chant "the smeller is the feller(fellow)"


    that is on a fun note!


    the  olfactory ability/or not is a strange one. I can't personally deal with perfume.

     or manufactured smells but I think what you may be intimating is much more intimate.:-)


    When you described the earthy scent-I have recall of a location in California in the foothill of the Sierra in a town called Springville. In Springtime, hiking the hills one would get heavy scent of fresh cilantro-although it was not cilantro.


    ok- purify, purify, purify...onward!


    and what have I entertained? a brief moment of a smell that is not what I consider me---

    the nose knows.

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  4. Hello-


    Is it necessary that I ask permission to post a photo here at the Dao Bums?


    I have introduced myself recently and mentioned a picture of a lily pad. I am going to work at getting it posted this evening. I think it needs cropped smaller, but first making sure if new members have the go ahead to do so?


    My intention to do so is for creative outlet.




  5. I was listening to the drone of cicadas for the last few days.natures soundtrack


    I thought it would be cool to make a recording of the cicada as I pick them up by their wings and remove them/throw them off my hair and shirt, then record the sound of frogs as they quickly jump into the pond when I walk around .....very similar. high pitch

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  6.   I came home Friday and my view out my bedroom window has been half mowed. I have made a sign that I will post before Monday-when they may return to cut more of the hillside.


    The sign reads: can you please not trim @ the wild flowers? (enjoying the beauty) Thanks


    hoping that if they return on Monday-do not mow here.

    but something made me laugh hysterical. but it was not funny.

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  7. come hell or high water I post the pic tomorrow. asking my buddy tyler to assist to save frustration and angst.


    inside this murky pond I see a murky past, but at the same time harmony, but yet laughter at one lesson and frustration with another.

    try a poem with snakes

    Silent Lotus's wife's name-unscramble it

    and see if you don't have crazy going on along side an evening with olive oil



    the furled lily pad has a shadow shaped box underneath.

    and the edges of the pad are dabbed with faint yellow.

    just like the color of the flowers on the hillside that open and close each day

    and oddly enough at the backyard feeder is a male cardinal that has lost his feathers on its cap.

    might post it tomorrow


    I WILL need sacred text after this.

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  8. I have yet to anything from the gita. I will admit something funny though, and I mean this is light jest...


    at the pond I have been frequently as soon as I approach or circumnavigate the edges little frogs get scared and jump in and I just out of the moment said ribbu gita. Is there such thing? I will have to google it. seems like I heard that word before.


    I am in big trouble.

  9. somethings about life do not feel ok.


    but with my camera and fresh air I was able to seize many wonderful images today that allow peace in my own heart.


    I wish I knew how to upload a few now in the cool pics section.


    many goals to be accomplished.


    I will describe the beauty and maybe you can try visualizing it.


    I was at a pond in a nearby cemetery. It is one of my new routes because I needed to begin to create a hobby other than accomplishing self hatred and depression.


    Anyway-took many lovely photos today. frogs, lily pads, the flower of the lily pad. Not sure if it is considered a lotus.


    but the one I savored the most is my last photo of the was a rolled up lily pad in the shape of a heart.


    IT could not get better than this.


    then the rain came making it all the more beautiful.


    I soon hope to post images.




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  10. Hello--


    I have read here at this forum many years ago and I have recently returned.  Very happy to have made my way here again.


    In essence, I place significance and bestow meaning on objects.


    So let me just quickly go with some  finds in the last few days on a level of profound yet simple confirmation. I am happy for the discovery.


    I literally planted a tree in a big terra cotta pot. It was a Norfolk pine.

    I opened 30 pounds of organic dirt and found a tiny gold heart digging through it.

    For me this means something significant. I still have it. I will not need to keep it. From here I was able to make an important discovery about myself and had something to say about it. I will continue to extricate meaning hopefully into haiku, or who knows what.


    Days later I found a heart rock on a rock path. I brought it home and will place it on my patio.

    I do collect heart rocks.


    Day after that another heart rock. This one has three gold lines running right through it-and

    parallel.  I did not notice the gold lines right away.


    I would love to post a picture if I am able to take a decent photo and get myself tuned in to uploading it eventually.


    Mostly nature delights me.





    thank you for the space with sharing--












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