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Posts posted by sagebrush

  1. Hi Newbie- you may even find  out that you are not even interested in qigong. or maybe you are-


    Not ever saying teachers and teaching a practice don't deserve money for time and effort.


    In my experience it was and is easy to get caught up in someone else's practice/journey. free or paid

    this is easily said around friends and family who also have their ideas of what should be going on....


    I did some qigong and then eventually went to a PAID nutrition camp/health ministry and then I reached for Jesus Christ.

    Those teachings are free.


    Lots of people in business intend to do good-it can become problematic, though.



    Qigong might be your thing though and I hope you find something that works on many levels.


    I picked up an outdoor class qigong long time ago and it was free but I insisted on paying.


    so maybe something is free and you end up paying for it or something has a cost and you get it free not intended.


    who is to say whats on your path











  2. I tried twice to post a photo of a new gadget telescope.


    its not working.


    are there new limitations of this? I am certain my photo was of correct sizing.


    any suggestions


    thank you

  3. WORDS


    So innocent and powerless

    as they are,

    as standing in a dictionary,

    how potent

    for good and evil

    they become

    in the hands of one

    who knows how

        to combine them.



    -Nathanial Hawthorne


    it is not a favorite quote. I saw it on a nightstand in the form of a book marker and liked it.



  4. 8 hours ago, dwai said:

    Thanks. I don't know much about Bibles.  But I know some of my Christian nondualist friends refer to The Sermon on the Mount as a good example of Nonduality therein --


    In fact even at a very superficial level, when I hear/read references to statements attributed to Jesus, such as "My father and I are One" or "The kingdom of Heaven is within you", it seems very clear to me what is being referred to here -- The Nondual Self --- that is foundational knowledge for Hindu Nondual traditions (not in such language per se, but what is being pointed towards). 

    I began reading what you posted. I will read it entirely.


    tried to paste something in the introduction...everyday in his meditation he prays that he may overcome 

    the sense of ego, that he may abstain from fault-finding and criticism of others and that he may acquire -love

    and sympathy for all.The Vedantist cannot sit down to meditate until he clears his mind of hatreds and 



    I send a thank you for posting that and a thank you to your Christian nondualist friends as well.


    I like the mosaic as well on the cover.






    The Sermon on the Mount according to Vedanta
    • Like 1

  5. 6 hours ago, dwai said:

    Meditate on it instead of resisting it. What is the NIV Bible? Never heard of it :) 


    Ask yourself, “what is it about nonduality that irritates me so?”



    New international version vs KJB King James bible

    King James bible is old language like thou, thy....thouest goeth before me....

    etc etc

    the New version is less fancy old school terms:D

    • Like 1

  6. Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,


    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;


    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand'


    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame


    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. 


    From her beacon-hand glows world-wide welcome, her mild eyes command


    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.


    "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she


    With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming 




    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.


    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


    Emma Lazarus


    Poem titled The New Colossus located on Statue of Liberty

    a gift from France to the United States long time ago...1886


  7. I just do not agree. I read through what was written, I will read it again slowly.


    It feels like I have read it so many times and that somehow it is like brainwashing.


    Why is it so bad if there is a separateness of you and object. I like me over here  and a you over there. and once it gets odd-


    then its weird. I think it is also unnecessary.


    I like being separated. I like duality.


    I do not think any knowing is possible  with out being conscious of it in general.

    I agree on that.

    Does someone have to get fully vested in Advaita or non duality.


    Can you give me part of the NIV bible that express this?   Maybe through another lens or angle.


    I think this MUST be a meditation technique or necessity for some people.


    If my questions or participations are not welcome in this forum. Please just use english directed to me.


    meditation is not going to save my soul.


    we are all welcome to belief what we want or not.


    I think as a spiritual forum...all questions or counter questions are permissible ?


    This seems to be pretty much the most important aspect of meditation beginning and non duality school.


    Its almost irritating like if a trees falls in the forest and no one is around does it make a sound.


    it does make a sound.