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Posts posted by sagebrush

  1. in yoga class tonight I thoroughly enjoyed the lesson gifted from the universe.


    I will start by stating I do really enjoy the instructor. She is easily approachable, knowledgeable, most the time there are may things during class that are light hearted and fun laughable.


    Tonight though I enjoyed the tongue in cheek universal insistence on "sound"!


    During yoga there is music on in the background. Usually Krishna Das, Deva Premal, or Snatam Kaur etc. Tonight I am sure Jagjit Singh was on--I was in my groove!

    Feeling very strong. and loving the music as well.


    The yoga teacher says: well I hope no one is attached to this music because I am turning it to something else. I snickered because I was liking it, but oh. well.....I can switch gears----


    well she turned it to Deva Premal....but as soon as Deva song was over the next song AGAIN was Jagjit Singh  :wub::P but a different one this time. So, my joy here. not sure why other than I really like him and that the universe decided...or call it what you unfolded as such. Jagjit was gonna be heard!



    fun class tonight and it was vey uplifting on Monday evenings!









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  2. well Jim D. I would like to say that I have read some of your words/sharing and I can see that now that my addition of the inserted dragonfly is completely off based.


    I know you seem to be serious and I am too a bit but maybe on this occasion you can overlook my landing on your post previously.

    • Like 1

  3. So it seems to me all with any grouping of individuals has its plus and minus.


    I have plenty to add to AYP comments.



    For myself it is not important to know about or of Yogani.


    The secrets of Wilder book is one that I have not completed. Have you read the book?


    From my lifes experiences...I cannot relate to starting celibacy in high school on an Olympic scale.


    I was busy doing other activities. :angry:


    But the way I can offset "his" mystery is to imagine that as I shop in a local grocery store-

    do I know the owner or CEO of this store?


    Might be a simple analogy to resort to.....

    you are shopping for an energy system?

    or you are shopping for food to create energy?


    Do you get put off my not knowing Sam Walton? not saying you shop at Wal mart..this is just analogy....


    in the is all a smoke screen and bullshit across the boards. until I get my wretched mind straightened out

    and peel back some fat..


    what is your dilema





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  4. kitch-in-window


    no wonder I can't get anything accomplished

    cape flattery

    in Washington state

    will get me no where other than shi shi beach

    on the Makah Indian Reservation

    navigating over the driftwood especially on frosty mornings-not easy


    hard nut to crack

  5. the dance of come here and go away is

    similar to the chapter of the entity and the intention and the sword-

    now an understanding

    so a double edge sword and

    Lakshmi can now but down her butter knife

    swing on the vine

    of my lies...some  truth too

    get tuned into the breath and

    surrender to reading the manual

    and slices of blueberry pie

    and chanting om namah shiva will certainly

    help aid my plantar fascitis


    to the best folks I know who do not exist

    'reading is an act of love


    the way I get through it is-

    the ear and listening and not stopping there

  6. it was about that there is a significant amount of knowledge here

    and that it was not a possibility for it to be lacking.


    now: please allow me to share


    I am back to the technique of walking away, did so a few days ago on a work related situation. it was not done so without consideration and preparation so as to not leave the other party in a bind. very empowering and it frees up my own time to focus on my business and getting credentials in line.

    yoga series starts Thursday more active asana which will be helpful

    I needed to take sometime off and work toward optimizing my health and push through uncomfortable issues elsewhere.


    not sure of sri chinmoy

    in sync with the praying mantis on the Norfolk pine-

    just a morning oddity

    plus acceptance of pm yoga the evening before and clarity on seeing


    not happy about many yoga things

    but happy to have found something to aid







  7. sternum-rx350


    wanting to draw comparison to this voice/page number/

    I just can't believe that this was a concern from her---


    my artistic needs

    healing my body/purification

    80/10/10 pipe dream


    natures delicacy

    two bees sleeping on coneflower/echinacea

    sleeping bees-darling


    writings from field mouse

    the heart seeking love outside itself

    blades of truth- most favorite recall but oh so harsh why not just stop there

    ivans poem warbler-best in teahouse book



    my artistic drive:

    stop treating my business like a passion and make profit


    donating more $

    ayp plus after cleaning the stalls


    how do I thank thee?

    shut my trap


    sound bite-

    from now on I will call you england

  8. I have unsuccessfully tried 3x to copy and paste a youtube share link and it is not working.


    Nine Voices/Longwalker


    by YES


    and it has nothing to do with hash smoking and madame blavatsky


    ......simply gerard tonight....and his post

    .."they give forgiveness meaning

    new ways of letting go"


    nine voices-singing as one


    HIS voice this dialogue.


    singing as one


    it is passed 10:00 and I am to be in bed  by now :-)

  9. I don't have any pattern down but I notice in my own field of work--

    I think I use intent on a clear in what I would like to accomplish. my career is about project completion-then payment.

    so I have to execute things in sequence in order to finish project. now in my field of work I can do it without much in I do not have to interact with others...or report to a boss ...or go to meetings.....I don't have to focus my mind on any rigid statistics/numbers/ work is a physical doing and very tactile.


    but I notice intent I think first----because I feel best to accomplish a lot in a day.


    so my intention is the paint the bathroom today---I do set a goal about what I think I can get accomplished in a day.


    then for visualizing--

    I might see quickly the first few steps I need to do to get the ball rolling....then it kind of unfolds..


    this is not everyday-but when I am focused in especially on longer term projects.


    so for me I think intent comes first-as far as my scope at work


    I do enjoy reading other threads as well, but sometimes I am working at figuring out a few of my own obstacles.


    I do find reading here very informative but at times overwhelming like too much information overload.


    I am not so sure on the sharing part-if it is productive for me.


    maybe I need to just read here.

  10. well I was cloud watching again this evening. Son has membership to a gym nearby. I take him there and at times hang out in my car. other times errands. Got a friend of his a membership as well so they can do boy things together-but that is not always insync.


    So the sky is pretty. the clouds were moving in smaller patches not the direct contrast like the other day on class. so in class it was sky blue pure with boiling white billowing.

    this evening was less intense deep blue. but the evening sunlight was reflected on some of the shapes were present but the coloring was pretty.

    I then set the phone to tend to other mind directional things and it was distracted by people in the parking lot.

    I see pain bodies...including my own.

    but a man humped over from his cervical area-looked terrible-

    overweigh gals leaving the Mexican restaurant joking about training and margarita drinking.....

    then something made me cry- I can't remember what---

    then my son had come out to the car.


    shapes are just in clouds at times. its a fun thing to do at times. like sitting tonight watching lightening bugs...

    everywhere in the yard and trees. pretty spectacular. I had my sister come out and sit with me.


    I think to me when I take the time-the sky is expanding and peaceful and I like that it is constantly changing.


    the actual images that I saw was nothing in particular meaningful but as minds do-it interrelates to other words.

    but the c shape was really like a plastic 5 gallon bucket opener-which I have never bought into-- mostly because I got smart enough to stop dragging heavy buckets of paint around. I only by single buckets.


    I caught myself trying to will the clouds to finish the heart shape-but ha that was funny.


    I do agree about the yoga and the instruction. I think from my inner perspective that I have such little joy moments that

    I was doing something where I was free momentarily....


    I am attentive to the instructions.

  11. I would like some input from others. I have only my own personal experience and I can only speculate the meaning of this transaction.


    During yoga class yesterday-restorative yoga...


    I was focused on the general movements of two tennis balls in pressure points.

    moving the ball to a spot and then resting/relaxing there for a few minutes. moving my knees like windshield wipers...or gently lifting to partial bridge-so to deepen the pressure...


    I was FULLY enjoying gazing out the window above my head. The sky was BLUE...then I noticed beautiful white puffy clouds billowing rapidly..the cotton ball kind...maybe cumulus..I don't know really. The contrast of the white and blue which is something I enjoy about the sky here-and the lush green of so many trees...makes it very pretty...


    anyway...enjoying the view and then begin focusing on the shapes of clouds forming....almost a heart shape..the top portion of the two rounded sections...but it did not form into the shape. this went on for briefly two to three minutes..maybe four.


    moving the balls another inch...paying attention but just briefly allowing my mind some focused fun==how could I not be paying attention to the feeling of two tennis balls pressure pointing down my spine---not exactly unnoticeable. not painful--just edge.


    then something that looked like an  opener to a five gallon plastic jaws-curved c


    then an outline of a person.


    I was relaxed and entertained and the moments passing seemed to me-joy. I enjoy that


    eventually-not sure why or how the instructor made a comment to me:


    hey sagebrush, stay in your body.


    I just laughed where the hell else would I be? Then I said I was just enjoying the clouds outside.


    a few others chimed in that they had their eyes closed-maybe two verbally spoke out loud.


    The instructor was busy doing her own tennis ball therapy--


    then eventually she came over toward my window and closed the curtain.


    I was not defensive at that moment. I saw the pretty clouds and got my joyfix--by the time she closed the curtain...the clouds had gone to overcast and no more the actual closing of the curtain did not upset me...because the pretty cotton balls were over..


    but ya know.....what is the point of THAT? I at times like a stringent focus/instruction


    I was receiving a lot from the clouds.

    The reprimand is a bit odd--here in this class.

    not her style usually.

    I like input from the instructor, maybe directions verbally, I don't mind the cuing in to the breath, feeling this that or the other....noticing this or that....

    even suggestions to move my feet more closer together...tilt my chin---ujjayii(sp) breathing-whatever


    I am pretty attentive during the yoga-

    unless I have a headache---or feel discomfort which then I begin half assing movements/poses/whatever.


    Please share with me of some other view points. I am open.


    time for work-
















  12. I am susceptible to wherever I have placed my attention over the years---


    so inserting the word chi-

    although not unheard of,

    just not in synergistic alignment with my femurs.




    lots to learn when the winds are not blowing


    I think my philosophy is Beatnik---

    gone hindu

    running from yang-shame-blame

    nesting in energetic effects of yoga

    learning the manuals daily.

  13. Jim D--


    I have had experience having appointments with a psychologist.


    So I heard in a nutshell that basically I rent their good habits.......thought that was funny


    My psychologist was an angel. She still may be an angel but I don't go to her anymore. I moved out of the state


    and my issue was a relationship that was difficult to deal with----not sure why I tolerated it from this perspective here now.


    I had not learned to walk away-which is powerful. I used that technique in the relationship that followed.

  14. oh shit!


    that is intensity.

    and it feels like me.


    I took in a few minutes of a beautiful storm yesterday. lulled by the thunder, the downpour, the beauty of the water pooling on the patio and from my second story window looking down to the patterns of the raindrops making circles over and over again in the puddle...


    I got busy cleaning my room-papers everywhere, dust, avoidance of what I call regular life, bills, MESS.


    the storm settled down to a light rain....the colors of the trees-leaves-all shades of green were so beautiful-no artist in the world can duplicate the beauty with paint....

    one particular tree maybe a species of oak had the coolest bluish green leaves.


    the wind blew and the sound of the leaves blowing was followed by the sound of the left over rain accumulated on the leaves.

    I know from my hikes that rain stirs all the ground critters. eventually confirmation is the turtle making its way to a new location.


    fresh air coming into the window-lulls me then to sleep-a small nap--I wake to see the sun's heat hitting the cool wet room making clouds of misty essence blowing down in my line of sight.


    I don't WANT TO BE ANYTHING DARK-goddamnit.


    I don't want to be your lifes misery..


    why do things have to be so chaotic.


    what the hell is real and what is not real.


    the yellow flowers have dried up--although the stems are still tall and green.


    new pink ones take the place

    and there are no energetic synchronicities within me today and no symbolic richness...



    just simply pink flowers.


    I do not have a regular day practice. I want to work my way there.

    I enjoy and have benefits from yoga. I like the restorative yoga.

    maybe walking

    and maybe less forum-because it is a real button pusher to my psyche.


    now-many smart, experienced, intellectual, thoughtful people here---

    is the problem only located INSIDE my mind?


    or is something I am doing or not doing creating PROBLEMS for others???

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  15. I am going to chime in here on this topic because it seems to be part of my crux.


    Having some input from outside influences that I consider wise has been helpful-even if it feels like it is undermining me-I am learning not to take it personal but use it wisely inside my own head to strive for better.


    Even having the help from a professional. This is a tip I have recently embraced. Instead of me getting rid of a bad habit whether it is eating bad, or anything along these lines, begin just adding something healthier. I think the goal achieved will be something like this--I have added spirulina to my diet instead of this trying to stop drinking espresso at this stage.


    a thunderstorm has rolled in and I am off to enjoy that!

  16. Well Jim has started the thread and I wish to not take it over-improperly.


    I was making conversation back from where I stand.


    This is for learning. And it gets mighty uncomfortable.



    Maybe Jim returns and gives more of his perspective and what exactly he is referring to--


    I have to allow my thoughts out at times-and allow others in---


    just the idea of not doing things properly puts me in two modes: defense and a need to soften.


    so back to the original self concept heading--


    I have a concept of me--

    underneath that might be a little more peace