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Posts posted by sagebrush

  1. a list of 77? that is funny!

    first large crack in my smile today!

    thank you!!

    now why not 78 creative things? or 71?


    I do not think I need a list of that many creative things to do--let me rattle off ten

    top of my head


    sycamore tree bark art

    more photography

    write a children's book -;)

    frame my maps  collected from various travels or bucket list travel destinations(usa)unaccomplished mountains

    seasonal wreath making out of balsam fir limbs

    hunt for wasps nests

    collect more fossils hunt for fossils

    sneak up on the beaver take photos

    drive my mother to church

    create an incredible meal for my son

    write a poem about ......

    paint the interior of downstairs a different color

    go visit my neighbor with parkensons in care facility

    print my logo/card



    not 77 but easy enough to pull things together




    I have visited a tax preparer-accountant fellow Jay several months ago-he gave me hope that it is doable!

    he is open to solving the dilemma at a lesser price than my other tax man-


    ok I like that though yes-discipline is the way to serenity

    how about 77 ways to serenity? :-)

    in case discipline goes a little longer by the way side.........


    ok any problems of your own that I can assist you with? wife? peace of mind? spiritual prosperity? looks like topics for the cover of Vogue magazine!

    • Like 1

  2. I sort of agree with you but then I think that it would be best to try to "cultivate" fun. then from having some joyous times I will be ready to take on my list of procrastinations...mostly worldly crap like taxes-long overdue. I have made it much more difficult by avoidance.


    so joyous times-how to create that? ok simple.


    perseid meteor showers.thursday/friday

    • Like 2

  3. why do you get to ask the questions?

     not being rude or disrespectful.

    not intending to


    there is nothing I think about the most-everyday stressors like taxes, money, paying rent bills, getting new truck, opening 529 for college

    people I have met along the way

  4. not heard of eustress before.


    I woke startled to the sound of something breaking early this morning-


    my first thoughts of what it was-

    some kind of bubble with the sound of a breaking teacup in it--- :wacko: active imagintation


    then I remembered that I put a bird bath out with it filled with bird seed and that this was tipped over-


    peered out the window and the raccoon was fleeing the scene.

    • Like 1

  5. yes probably all the above-


    I caught myself in a moment of joy and I am willing to share it:


    I was making my way up the steps this morning and found myself using my two hands to climb the steps very quickly--so on all fours

    I had my arms inwardly rotated so my fingers faced themselves.


    this was a natural frog

    and at times I enjoy being silly when under severe distress mentally--


    try it-

    and don't laugh :wacko::P

  6. -yeah well not so-


    the praying mantis was on the Norfolk pine the morning someone had posted about sri chin moy.

    I do not care if you believe me. I never saw it again after that day.

    I forget the yoga practice related to the eyes going in circular movements in order to draw energy up.--but the night prior in yoga class we had done an exercise where we used the eyes and did a slow tracking of circles--sort of headache inducing.


    interesting that you responded in purple- it takes me back to that day-

    that is the color of the memory because of the satin house coat.


    why did you choose purple

  7. yeah-


    in my heart of heart I try to encompass the idea that we are all ONE-which we are-but not look that way-but people drive me nuts.


    I can be pessimistic at times-like looking at your info about short skirts and bikini is real in I don't think that is your interest I think you made it up as a distraction :ph34r:


    I have studied particular styles of writing and I can't be fooled! ;)


    Not big on forums. not good in conversations. It is good exercise though to try to engage in reading other posts but I get tangled up either not understanding or I drift around with too much on the plate


    I do not collect the rocks like I used to years ago--I probably had gathered over 100-gave a few away over time and kept some of my favorites. If I see one around I keep it but I am not up trolling beaches for them. no beaches here. ;)


    I do find fossils frequently. found a cool one of a seashell heading to the movies a few weeks ago-perfect indentations-it practically jumped out at me!


    installed shepards hook in the hillside tonight with hummingbird feeder. it is not very high up off the ground maybe 4 feet but stands off by itself so no cat can be hunkered down to pounce. those birds are so fast I don't think a cat would be successful.


    hoping to photo them if possible from the window on the couch-


    I get angry at my kid some-it is not so helpful-but I think the yoga is helpful to settle the locating the space for me to take care of myself and work at being and being calm.


    had I not gone to restorative tonight I would have gotten very sore from all the days labor--but the yoga help to alleviate that stiffness that sets in and get tuned into inside the body for rest and extended holds.


    allowing me to have more energy for the rest of the evening, focusing on the pranamayakosha ? and then letting go of the thoughts about me, female, worker, parent, etc.....

    this does take practice

  8. the remarkable discovery was three hearts in one week-on the journey of life.


    one was a gold heart I found just pulling organic dirt out of a bag to use in a big pot on wheels for a Norfolk pine-

    so it was fine to find a little tiny heart the size of the head of a pencil eraser in a huge bag of dirt-maybe 25 pound bag.


    the other two hearts were rocks one with the shape of a heart on it--small too like fitting on pencil eraser head-the heart size on the rock


    the other rock is on the edge of the rock-and then three gold lines running long


    all three are on the back of the stove top.


    since then I stumbled on a heart shape in a leaf---so I photographed the day light coming through the heart on the leaf===many times---because the heart shape was not exactly perfect I was able to move the camera a certain way to make it exact.


    another remarkable discovery is sunflowers groing from the black oil sunflower seed-so it is a double purpose seed

    first attracting the birds here, then it sprouted sunflowers...many more are growing.


    another remarkable discovery is the variety of dragonflies in the area...not sure of the cameras abilities at this point in time. the macro setting gets grainy at one point and a dragonfly tends to not let me too close-although they seem to like to be photographed--staying put for several minutes.


    on inspection of the photos I took on the last journey I took a photo of a dragonfly and a dead carcass of a spider-once reviewing it when I got home I noticed there was a bug under the dragonfly, one the same stalk of cattail. very cool because I had  not observed it during taking the picture.


    the remarkable discoveries continue-

    nature is full of wonder :wub:

  9. haiku-


    Lallation is the term used in understanding why Japanese have a difficult time with pronunciation-"L" is is generally "R" ex: the word-election might sound like erection


    Lalla was a mystic hindu poet. :wub:

    • Like 1

  10. the only thing I have mentioned about a bird was environmental effects because the male cardinal has no feathers in his cap.


    sadly enough, I saw a second one there is some bad chemicals I am sure they are accidentally ingesting or maybe a mite disease...I don't know.

  this morning too.

    a split eared squarrel

    chipmonk----stuffing its jaws with seeds *you*



    damn shut me up!

    I have loaded up $90 of vitamins

    Vitamin D-

    Gaia brand was not available I had to switch brands to bluebonnet! :-)

    next thing  you know I will be fit enough to push the pram in a straight line down mulberry street!

  11. no, the shape of the state that I reside in is WV


    if you spread out your hand-

    bend the pointer finger

    leave the middle finger extended

    then bend the last two

    turn your hand over to face you now.


    it is not meant to be inappropriate-it is not the middle finger-not eluding to that-but yes it is in the thoughts-

    it is the shape of the state I live in.




    spent time outside and no need to call the police????????


    just hyper connective with channels of art.

    I spent the day in nature-

    lots of beautiful photos...I will post later.



    disjointed at times yes----

    delusional-briefly under mental duress.


    I hate to go on and on about myself but I am going to say that the photos are extraordinary!!!!

    a great place to loose myself and submerge myself into the world around me.


    went to the hidden beaver pond(my secret)

    it rained hard

    could not relax

    but the sound of the rain was great

    I balanced on a dead tree snag---over a pond(beaver house)

    the pond is layered with these tiny green things in bloom

    so the whole top layer looks green

    like a chia pet

    I finally sat on the snag

    and let the rain soak my legs and shorts

    I had my camera under my rain jacket

    not much action at the pond and I was not settled...but it was refreshing to allow the rain on me.

    I left to go to a cave where there is a waterfall.

    yes! it was getting better..

    stretching my legs, walking a wide field to get there

    took lots of photos there...the curvature of cave roof and the water coming over the edge and a vine hanging off the side

    I saw a crawfish completely out of its hole

    wished I could have snapped that photo-

    too fast.

    then I left -

    no longer raining

    took a walk back down the field noticed a mowed swatch of a path---

    and the day kept getting more beautiful photos.

    I zero'd in on a leaf holes in was the shape of a heart--took lots of those-


    scared  two deer and took a long shot of one it turning back around to rest.

    saw Japanese different groupings mostly looking like they were mating

    dragonflies, variety of winged bugs on a milkweed pod.

    I skirt the edge of the wide field once I turned back around from the mowed path.

    lots more dragonfly photos....beautiful wet rocks in stream bed

    circumnavigated a pond twice

    more dragonflies

    lots of colors, style, shape

    I took a great photo of one then the reflection of its shadow in the water.

    so beautiful-

    snapping turtle--his nose was facing opposite of me in the water and I did take picture.

    there was something odd about the photo though-

    I think a fish hook?

    it looked metallic and nothing I have seen before-the angle was weird.

    a spider skimming over some pond grasses

    they say you have to take 50 shots to get a great one-

    50 of mine were WINNERS

    I am modest too.

    I just have the EYE for it.

    my new hobby along with gentle yoga.

    tempted to take tomorrow off again.


    if I was delusional would I be able to call police department?

  12. ok









    deep lateral rotators


    first letter of each word



    G- gemellus superior

    O- Obturator intermus

    G- Gemellus inferior

    O obturator externus

    Q- quadratus femoris


    Picasso did not paint the melting rubbery clock ....btw