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Everything posted by sagebrush

  1. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    its not necessary to all get along have your nonsense just don't think I will buy into it. and pot stirring is so overrated---- and so are childish emoticons and childish avatar images and not about to click on any links and read anymore rubbish today. fresh air, water, walks in nature, cleaning...
  2. Introduction

    no- the saying is fool me once-shame on you fool me twice-shame on me. I am so past giving a shit if anyone likes or dislikes what I have to say.
  3. Discovering Happiness - 10 Keys

    red wine- complete bullshit happiness. so sorry but put big x on your theory to happiness
  4. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    run the opposite direction from the man who thinks he has all the answers.
  5. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    did you photoshop the lady bug onto this image?
  6. simplify

    titns roars.......
  7. Letting go of attatchments

    I lack a few social graces- thank you for tea good day
  8. Letting go of attatchments

    yes- bubbling cauldrons are my specialty
  9. Letting go of attatchments

    go think about peace ;-]
  10. Letting go of attatchments

    you are incorrect about thinking on purification. it takes me a great deal of thought to concentrate on drinking water. a great deal of thought maybe not always but at this junction
  11. Letting go of attatchments

    I am attached to many things- sorting through
  12. .

    yeah...and pretend in the same breath that you are this starjumper with white hair and beard..... go look in the mirror and see for your self honesty if you look like your avatar. forgo the retro dactyl-lets just deal with the forked tongue. FORK YOU
  13. What are you listening to?

    deuter/lily of the valley instrumental and piano very pretty
  14. Ram Dass Died

    my response immediate was shed a tear. it just happened that way. my response was not beat a drum. my response is passed now. I can faintly recall an audio recording where I heard him giving a lecture. I listened over and over. various tapes were offered for free in a basket at massage school by the owner of the school. that was my fist introduction to ram dass
  15. What are you listening to?

    best heard on head phones and out-of-doors fresh air. its been posted here before but this is a thank you for an extraordinary player and song.
  16. Happy Winter Solstice

    happy winter solstice. thats nice to be reminded of that- thank you
  17. Manifestation through unwavering thought

    it can be written many ways. the story of the little bird flying south- but its wings get cold the bird falls to the ground. a cow passing by heaps some dung on the bird he is warm and happy in the dung and begins tweeting then he gets eaten by a cat. not everyone who heaps dung on you is your enemy not everybody who gets you out of shit is your friend and above all when you are in a heap of shit- keep your mouth closed. that is from sadhguru- pretty easy and practical advice with humor the unwavering mind though and manifestations---thinking its more complicated then the video can explain. I think it is misleading to say do this and listen tho this and get what you want. that is marketing
  18. Manifestation through unwavering thought

    this makes me think of a funny cartoon Pema Chodron shared she had in a video I listened to: - not sure of spelling but something along the lines of friending your self-maitre a man is kneeling at his bedside, looking upward, hands clasped in prayer and saying- " I have asked you as kindly as I can-to make me a better person!" apparently you cant be bothered. very funny no it is not in my opinion-- work on ourselves, harmonize and skip all the way down the lane to our Real Self. really? why is this not happening in this world that we all wake up to each morning?