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Everything posted by sagebrush

  1. End of Seeking?

    I am getting somewhere Lost in Translation. In practical matters I had advice from a roofer. I need to remove my insulation, then add sheetrock. studying types of sheetrock now. I am not interested in meditation. I do sit on a swing and have a cement figure of Buddha and take delight in the fall weather and the glories sounds of bird chirping. I look forward to days in my imagination of tending to my soil. it may never come or I may have a glorious garden, herb patch and self contained hillside of Russian sage and whatever else I plant. So you can bet that when you toss out the word "excuses" just realize that I was interested in other stuff...sometimes nothing and sometimes something. maybe you are speaking to your own excuses and not pointing fingers. I do like saffron spice and another Donovan ...
  2. End of Seeking?

    I like the bitch of a which one and the extra added bitch of a red one now going to find my mouse and the red eyed albino rabbit in the crook of the PIANO ledge... yes the yin rolled it out for me
  3. End of Seeking?

    well out my window I see a chipmunk and I know damn good and well what that means
  4. Is enlightenment really desirable?

    here I the way I see it-simply put- just like weather I do not think it is possible to have only sun(is happiness the only thing I should want) of course everyone wants happy-and it is nice to be happy- but you are going to need a little rain. I want only sun I go live in desert-but it rains there too. occasionally and snow too. and why would you ask a forum about higher purpose. who here really will know? really. is there anyone here who believes they know? how do we know how zhuangzi felt?
  5. RIP Boy Scouts

    it is amazing how often I do not even need to participate in discussion-it can happen without me.. that being said...I find a twinge of controversy and I have to sink my teeth into it........ easy bake ovens were around in the 70's. so this would have made our busy baker atleast 20 years of age..... hmmmmmm. I HAD an easy bake oven and I was born in the 70's. please explain....
  6. RIP Boy Scouts

    if you dig a hole in the ground and burn a log-- it creates an ash hole. :-) aka....campfire A CORRECTION: the interview was with a female NFL coach...the first ever in NFL history but two other women as football players(one linebacker and one kicker) joined the panel maybe college level(not sure) I was busy working and it is Megyn not megan
  7. 7th chakra experiences

    in my own backyard examining praying mantis its body matched the hydrangea it was light brown on the top and lighter green on the body the hydrangea had the beginnings of the crispy dead leaves and then still live leaves pale green so there are only two crowds to pick from: those sitting on their ass watching the competition and the other group sitting on their zafu solving the worlds problems? there must be other options
  8. RIP Boy Scouts

    well it is clear you have a point of view from the last few posts. I am aware of situations where a female wants to join a male team....I just saw on the tv with megan Kelly? an interview with a female now a member of NFL.( it was on at my work) I get more uptight about plastic bottles and over consumerism and waste. I do not think a 50 year old man should be allowed to join girl scouts. maybe participate some but not be enrolled as a member. participate as adult maybe driving a SAG wagon for camping.(support and gear) I do not think of those kind of issues and then get all in a stance over it. the world seems pretty weird and too often I want to be off in the woods or thinking about being away from it all. thinking about an herb garden and a garden. I do not think I have to be retired to begin working on one. can't say I like star trek innately. been guilty of banging my head against the wall a time or two-sure,
  9. 7th chakra experiences

    the legs looked not healthy and bad circulation swollen
  10. 7th chakra experiences

    whats the quotes for? couture? :-) ytoday not only was I bitching under my breath to myself about a bald man I was astonished to see some real bad looking legs on a man he might need someone like you
  11. 7th chakra experiences

    then where did you dispose of the bad energy? and why do you spell color colour?
  12. 7th chakra experiences

    what was the problem with the friends leg? its ok to be skeptic
  13. RIP Boy Scouts

    wondering why the Brownies got overlooked?

    I don't have interest in the video although I watched. its not meant to be offensive toward the person who may be interested in the video. I am having to take a crash course in baffles for attic ventilation. removing old insulation because of condensation on attic walls and replace with sheetrock. chop wood and carry water.... I am not spending time on a meditation cushion while I am restructuring a home built in 1900. if you want a tingle you are welcome to hang out with my electrician while he removes an old fuse box......
  15. The Bible doesn't talk about God

    nice lyrics Joan thank you
  16. The rabbit on the moon

    rabbit on the moon native American thing? never heard that before. sometimes there is fact checking. I am not really inquiring though on Lady chang-o Just liked the self sacrificing rabbit roast. similar to welsh rarebit or welsh rabbit variations : according to google search aid buck rabbit and blushing bunny, hot brown. reminds me of the movie the edge with Anthony Hopkins and alec baldwin a line about why the rabbit is not afraid of the panther...... native American thing.....
  17. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    took me a minute: dog god that is funny but now there needs to be where cats rule superior to dog. especially chi kat..... hahahahaha off to chop wood
  18. does not make a bit of common sense for me. I do not believe that would be the response..... sounds illogical.
  19. simplify

    ladder jacks planks------------------------- pitched roof
  20. a rule of thumb for choices

    I find it only fitting and proper to insert something that I feel one of my spiritual teachers would chide you with: it would be to then" give Johnny a jelly donut for being such a good boy" because something comes along to upset the apple cart regarding the rule of thumb. wondering if I can possibly get by in this lifetime without knowing what a tweet is? sounds disgruntle but its not. clichés after cliché. Roger please be specific not generalizing. because what is the feeling good about really about? see many contradictions here. what is good for the goose IS NOT good for the gander.....necessarily.
  21. What exactly is emptiness?

    no I am not a stone head
  22. What exactly is emptiness?

    no its like I am type casted...yes a bit poured in cement as well. and the role is bizarre. I am suppose to drop my guard and trust people and surrender oh and share... my thoughts pertaining to spirituality all in the name of divinity and transparency all the while being called just about every derogatory name in the book--- :-) emptiness---> who can say? and what for? there is so much in here emptiness is not an option as far as I can see. and I have trepidation with the ring leaders
  23. What exactly is emptiness?

    I posted a recipe sometime ago containing pine nuts. It was stuffed green peppers. meatless kind with quinoa and feta and spinach and pine nuts among other ingredients. I thought for sure someone would make the recipe. that is what my problem is........ totally off topic but frustrating apparently I am chiseled in stone that is who I am
  24. Learning to surf the Ocean of energy

    I do not think it is that simple. its both yes and no my tonsil is inflamed. enjoyed the music