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Posts posted by KuroShiro

  1. 9 hours ago, freeform said:

    One of the first crucial milestones for any Taoist internal practice is Sinking The Qi.


    In most modern interpretations this is done by telling the student to focus on a point in his abdominal region. Or to imagine a ball in there or something like that.


    This does nothing of real value. It also does almost the exact opposite of sinking the Qi. But it’s quick and easy and still sells books/videos/online trainings/seminars - which, let’s face it, is the objective of most ‘teachers’ in this ‘industry’.


    The real process of sinking the Qi takes time and correct methods. It also takes transmission from an authentic teacher (otherwise it just takes much more time). It can initially be achieved in anything from a few weeks (with the help of a teacher + correct methods) to years (with correct methods only). This is regular daily training. And this is not talking of having a stabilised sunk Qi - it’s only the initial sinking - which needs to be repeated constantly until there’s some consolidation and anchoring in the lower Dan Tien. This takes more time.


    Why this disparity? Apart from the fact that it’s a pretty hard thing to sell (you’ll have to do hard work over many months to even sink your Qi - the very basic thing you do before any actual qi gong can start). There’s also a huge fundamental misunderstanding. 


    “Qi follows Yi”.  This is generally accepted now, and for most people means that if you place your mind in your hand or imagine a glowing circle in your palm that the Qi will flow there. It’s further supported by the fact that if you actually do this, you’ll start to feel sensations of heat/buzzing/movement in your hand. This is not Qi! This is the nerves in your hand being stimulated by focused attention! And yet most people get stuck with this for decades - completely wasting their time (I guess it feels interesting, so maybe some entertainment value there at least)


    The real meaning of that phrase is that the quality of your mind (your yi) moves the Qi.


    Now, quality of mind is a whole big discussion on its own... but this is where Ting (listening) and Song (releasing) come in. Once your yi is Ting and Song, it’s natural action (when undisturbed) is to gently flow downwards through your body. It flows slowly like honey and over time it penetrates deeper into your body (at first only near the skin).


    If you have some Qi in your Dan Tien (this is where transmission from a proper teacher comes in handy) it is drawn to it and begins to settle there increasing your Dan Tien consolidation over time. 


    This is sinking the qi. If you ‘observe’ or ‘place your mind on xxxx’ or you ‘imagine’ - then the Qi just moves up to your head and heart - where it lives for most people most of the time anyway.


    Hopefully that’s given a new perspective to the subtlety of genuine internal arts. Remember this is only the very beginning basic fundamental - sink your Qi. As you progress and things become more complex, it becomes obvious (hopefully) why you need a teacher that has achieved this and clearly sees all the pitfalls and necessary corrections. That’s the process of learning in these arts - almost everything you do is wrong, but bit by bit you make less and less mistakes until you get Gong :) 


    Interesting, thank you.



    9 hours ago, freeform said:

    If you have some Qi in your Dan Tien (this is where transmission from a proper teacher comes in handy) it is drawn to it and begins to settle there increasing your Dan Tien consolidation over time. 


    This is sinking the qi.


    What about sending the Qi from the LDT to the ground and below, is that sinking the Qi as well?

  2. Do you know if the Central Channel is one of the Qi Jing Ba Mai?

    Could you please define Heart field?

    Does cultivation/working with the Central Channel has an effect on the Heart Field?


    If Heart field has to do with Love I would say it seems this is also addressed in Daoism.

    It seems to start with truly loving yourself, it grows from there.



    This photo came up searching Heart field, it's a beautiful book:



    • Like 1

  3. On 9/29/2018 at 5:51 PM, vonkrankenhaus said:

    YinYang is about polarity.


    Qi is movement between the poles of any polarity.


    Is Qi movement or is movement "within" Qi?



    On 9/29/2018 at 5:51 PM, vonkrankenhaus said:

    If we destroy the Polarity, we destroy the movement.


    On 9/29/2018 at 5:51 PM, vonkrankenhaus said:

    No Movement = No Qi.


    Are you sure about this?


    This seems to make more sense to me:

    No Qi = No Movement


  4. 7 hours ago, Marblehead said:

    Yeah, Afghanistan has been invaded by just about every power that has ever existed but it still remains Afghanistan.


    And the strange thing is that Afghanistan has very little resources.  No idea why anyone would want it.






    12 minutes ago, Lost in Translation said:


    I'm glad you mentioned this. From our human context (75 year life span, give or take) the notion of a million years is beyond our capacity to imagine. We simply can't imagine how long that is. And a billion years, or fifteen billion - well, that's just fantastical. I've heard people ask why there is death, or why - if we reincarnate - there is forgetting. I think the answer is self-evident: we can't comprehend the scope of eternity. If we were forced to maintain a single, contiguous consciousness for that amount of time it would drive us insane. So death and forgetting is a blessing.


    Come on, Humans have a very good imagination.:P

    Death and forgetting is a blessing? Please tell me another truth, I'm not liking this one.:lol:


    If you ask a child why there is death he/she might answer because there is birth.


  5. 23 hours ago, Jetsun said:

    No matter how much you tame your mind thoughts will keep on thinking just as your lungs keep on breathing, it's a function of being human. 


    Are you sure about that? :P

    I've read about interesting and extraordinary things such as lungs that stop breathing and it seems that hearts can stop pumping too. This would make taming the mind to be without thoughts look like child's play. :lol:

    • Like 1

  6. 11 hours ago, Cheshire Cat said:


    According to the theory and practice of bates method, myopia and astigmatism are caused by chronic muscular tensions. Those tensions can be cured with the practice of simple eye exercises. But apparently, meditation -with all its power to relax- can't cure eye problems.


    There are many neigong books which stress the importance of having healthy eyes and even suggest improbable exercises in the attempt to offer a cure.

    I think that the book "the secret of the golden flower" is very significant because it plainly states that the eyes are "the handles of the big dipper" and the Ming version of the text goes even further by explaining that it's not easy for the blind to achieve the result.

    The eyes are connected with the energy system and if your vision is impaired, your energy system is equally impaired: certain pathways may be inactives and the currents may run in different directions.


    it's not easy to heal the eyes and MCO can't surely do it.


    I saw a documentary that seemed to come to the conclusion that myopia is caused by too much close work and lack of sunlight. Don't remember if they talked about astigmatism.

    Do you know if the Bates Method works to heal myopia and astigmatism?


    If we're talking about Neidan, the Classics seem to say that the physical body is not the Real Body so I'd say eye problems don't matter much, though I could be wrong.

  7. Thanks for this thread.



    6 hours ago, Spotless said:

    Also - there are many types of Samadhi - and there are many types of thoughts - so many of which would not easily be characterized as 



    I was told there are 3 layers of Samadhi. I think meaning a progression? Would you agree with is and also could there be many types within these 3 layers?


    • Like 2

  8. 5 hours ago, liminal_luke said:

    My mom tells me meditation is not for her.  She tried it and, when her mind didn`t go silent, she decided to knit instead.  Her nuno felted scarves are beautiful.  Still, I think she may have given up on meditation prematurely.  The idea that a person isn`t doing it right if they continue to experience thoughts is an obstacle for many.  Most people who put time in on the cushion continue to think.  I think it`s not helpful to tell people just starting a meditation practice that their mind will become silent because that`s unlikely.


    Knitting is a form of meditation. :)

    Quick google: https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/01/25/the-health-benefits-of-knitting/


    In case you haven't yet try to introduce her to standing with open eyes meditation - Zhan Zhuang. Standing is easier than sitting. Check out The Way of Energy or The Way of Healing. Starting with 3-5 min daily, simple pose - hands on LDT, preferably looking out through a window. Master Lam Kam Chuen says it's ok to watch TV in the beginning. Her mind will become more silent, guaranteed.

    • Like 1

  9. On 8/26/2018 at 8:08 PM, rideforever said:

    If you meditate whilst in bed horizontal, where do you look for Heaven & Earth ?


    Could you please tell me what do you mean to look for Heaven & Earth? Is this related to visualization?



    On 8/27/2018 at 3:36 AM, dawei said:

    My Crown was heaven and my root was earth.   I never separated that to 'where is heaven and earth'.  That may be a good first step to non-separation to try.    In Medical Qigong, we would then use the Taiji Pole (think a central connector from crown to root) and we would see heaven washing down with earth in an inner ripple washing up...


    Off topic:

    Are you talking about a Central Channel connecting Baihui and Huiyin? I think I remember reading a thread here where the consensus was that this channel is not one of the Qi Jing Ba Mai?



    On 9/14/2018 at 9:04 PM, Kara_mia said:

    If consider triad in  human body, then heaven is a head, earth are legs, and man is a body between these to.


    Best regards,



    Yes, I've learned this in Kung Fu theory. There's also Heaven, Earth, Man in CCM.

  10. On 12/3/2017 at 4:27 PM, Taomeow said:

    As for taoist Chinese medicine, I spent six weeks in the company of one such rare practitioner in Xian, he is indeed Wang Liping's taoist disciple but his medical training was fully indoor and traditional, by two prominent lineage doctors/taoist masters, and he also topped it off with a modern med school diploma just to be "in the loop."  I have a recording of a 3 1/2 hour interview I did with him, which I might finally make public, now that my technophobia is under control. :)



    I would love to see that, did you ever make it public? (please, please say yes :))

  11. 20 hours ago, andrew1139 said:

    I am asking specifically about the qi which is used in qigong and neigong: what is its source? Is it generated in the body? Is it in the air? If so, does it come from the sun or is it produced by plants, when they release oxygen?


    It's said Qi is the fundamental substance constituting the Universe. Sometimes translated as Vital Energy.

    Qi is in you and all around you.

    What is its source?

    I think that no one would be able to answer that, that's one of the Great Mysteries.

    • Like 2

  12. 11 hours ago, Bindi said:


    If there is internal conflict within a person then I would say Yin and Yang are not united or balanced, yin and yang are looking in opposite directions and have different objectives and different methods. When they are united they share their essence with each other and work cooperatively, their two different but complementary functions combine and order can be restored. 


    “When the qi of yin and yang are not in harmony, and cold and heat come in untimely ways, all things will be harmed.” (Zhuangzi ch. 31) On the other hand, “when the two have successful intercourse and achieve harmony, all things will be produced.” (Zhuangzi ch. 21)



    Harmony, Balance / Disharmony, Unbalance, is it the same as United/Not United?



    6 hours ago, Bindi said:

    Yang fire is used to extract the yin from the yang, likewise water, which is yin fire, is used to extract the yin from the yang...This alchemical interaction reminds us that there is yin in yang and yang in yin, and the interactions involve unravelling the tangle of mundane yin and yang energies and reuniting them in their primordial pattern.


    Harmonizing Yin and Yang: The Dragon-tiger Classic

    edited by Eva Wong pages



    Yes, Yin in Yang and Yang in Yin and what about Yin in Yang in Yin in Yang... and Yang in Yin in Yang in Yin... also if we look at Tai Ji Tu and Wu Xing aren't the old teachings telling us Yin/Yang are united?

  13. 21 hours ago, dawei said:

    Realize all explanations are from yin and yang perspective, for the most part.


    It is like a camera focus that can only show clearly the foreground or background but not the entire picture (ie: unfolding).


    What one sees is accompanied by what one doesn't see. 


    20 hours ago, Bindi said:


    All explanations, or just for the most part


    Are you saying my explanations like most are from yin/yang perspective, or all explanations are from yin/yang perspective? 


    A camera focus is either/or,  foreground/background, but yin/yang are complementary and simultaneous when they unite. Uniting yin/yang would be to see foreground and background at the same time, and how they relate to each other as well as to other dual pairings like heaven/earth. 




    Camera focus works with aperture - foreground and background shown at the same time. :)


    Focus/Aperture; Distance/Focal Length; Yin/Yang


    When are Yin/Yang not united?

  14. 2 hours ago, Alchemistgeorge said:

    I'm looking for practical / practice-able information on the Chinese healing system known as San Ren Dao (善人道 "Way of the Virtuous Man"), most famously expounded by Wang Fengyi (?)


    It seems like this system provides methods of healing by releasing or processing buried emotions? This is done largely through  contemplation?


    I'm not sure if this is a synthesis of Daoism/Buddhism/Confucianism or a Confucian system, my apologies if I have posted this in the wrong forum.


    There are two books by Wang Fengyi available in English and another about him, do any of these provide the kind of information that would allow one to practice this system? Are there other resources available in English - other books, websites, DVDs, youtube, classes, etc. There seems to one two week retreat each summer in the US.



    • Let the Radiant Yang Shine Forth: Lectures on Virtue by Yousheng Li

    • Twelve Characters: A Transmission of Wang Fengyi's Teachings by Wang Fengyi 

    • Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature: Hua Xing Tan  by Wang Fengyi 



    It's a very powerful system.

    I have only read Twelve Characters, I have Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature to read as well.

    Check out Dr. Heiner Fruehauf youtube videos.




    Also Sabine Wilms (Twelve Characters translator) site:





    • Thanks 1

  15. 5 hours ago, Spotless said:

    When you can see them - as I do - you will see that they are all to a certain degree working in everyone - particularly if you mean "just open and functioning to a certain degree".

    If you are alive - your basic chakras are all "just open and functioning to a certain degree".


    It's the same with the MCO right? It's said "opening the MCO" but perhaps starting to feel the MCO would be more accurate?

    Incredible that you can see them, do they all have different colors as they are usually depicted?

  16. 22 hours ago, Spotless said:

    Awakening does not preclude emotion - though when you say "engage" it may be a loaded question. The nature of emotions - highs and lows changes entirely - yet I have seen all great filmed teachers shed a tear or become unable to speak - or have read recounting of students of great masters with "moods" and quick flare-ups now and then. 

    In "emergency" situations a general calm is present - gone is any panic.

    Panic is gone - vested emotion is gone.



    Interesting, would you say it's similar as when one is a baby/young child? The emotion appears, stays for a few seconds and then naturally disappears?

    Due to Qi Gong and Kung Fu practice I've recently experienced this general calm in an "emergency" situation, also no anger (some anger came later hehe).


    I would hope that after awakening there would be no more "emergency" situations.

    • Thanks 1

  17. Electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid: First multipole resonances and energy concentration



    Resonant response of the Great Pyramid interacting with external electromagnetic waves of the radio frequency range (the wavelength range is 200–600 m) is theoretically investigated. With the help of numerical simulations and multipole decomposition, it is found that spectra of the extinction and scattering cross sections include resonant features associated with excitation of the Pyramid's electromagnetic dipole and quadrupole moments. Electromagnetic field distributions inside the Pyramid at the resonant conditions are demonstrated and discussed for two cases, when the Pyramid is located in a homogeneous space or on a substrate. It is revealed that the Pyramid's chambers can collect and concentrate electromagnetic energy for the both surrounding conditions. In the case of the Pyramid on the substrate, at the shorter wavelengths, the electromagnetic energy accumulates in the chambers providing local spectral maxima for electric and magnetic fields. It is shown that basically the Pyramid scatters the electromagnetic waves and focuses them into the substrate region. The spectral dependence of the focusing effect is discussed.
    • Like 3

  18. 1 hour ago, Phoenix3 said:

    I can’t find anywhere on the western, english-speaking internet which discusses Shinto (神道), also known as kami-no-michi, and I doubt people on here know anything about it.


    I have sent e-mails to japanese tourist websites asking questions, but they aren’t very helpful (especially because I don’t speak japanese).


    I tried searching for any professors or lecturers at the East-Asian departments of universities whom I can email but I can’t find anyone. They all seem to specialise in the economics of Japan or something irrelevant.


    Where can I have a discussion about it?


    Shinto is the ancient traditional religion of Japan. If I remember right there are even older ancient beliefs from the indigenous people of Japan. Shinto is perhaps a synthesis of these older ancient beliefs?

    My knowledge is limited (there are some English books) what would you like to know?


  19. 10 minutes ago, Nathan Brine said:

    My understanding of the history (which is shaky at best) is that Wuxing theory developed as it's own school of thought during the Warring States period and was only later incorporated by "Taoist" lineages. During the Warring States there was the Hundred Schools of Thought that were each competing with each other. There was the Wuxing School and the Yin Yang School etc. And these were all basically contemporary with the DDJ, ZZ, Neiye and other proto-Taoist stuff. It was only later that certain lineages began to bring them all together. 


    Yin-Yang and Wu Xing theory is said to originate from the School of Naturalists but the history around this seems to be quite a mystery...:)

    • Thanks 2

  20. On 4/4/2018 at 5:24 PM, Harmen said:

     Liu Yiming's Zhouyi Chan Zhen 易理闡真 in itself is okay but Cleary's translation isn't. Years ago a few friends of mine wanted to translate Cleary's book to Dutch and asked me if I had the Chinese original so they could check Cleary's translation. When I pointed them at the errors that I found in Cleary's translation they tossed it aside and worked from the original Chinese text, occasionally glancing at Cleary when in doubt or sending me an email to ask for my opinion. The problem with Cleary's translation is that he does not explain or motivate his translation and the choices that he made. Neidan terms are not explained which means that the higher esoteric meaning goes wasted on the reader. Neidan texts always need a commentary to explain the important keywords. Cleary never bothered to give these which renders his translation almost useless. Even worse, he did not translate Liu's introduction in which Liu lays the framework for his translation, including images of the Hetu and Luoshu etc. This introduction can be found here http://www.qztao.url.tw/download/周易(上).docx, for those interested.


    This translation by Cleary is in my wish list, this is good to know, thanks.


    OK then, could you please consider translating it to English? :D