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Posts posted by Desmonddf

  1. Greetings.


    I would like to start an exchange of knowledge with the colleagues from this forum.


    As an acupunturist i'm familiar with the concept of the Sanjiao - the triple burner- a meridian and organ (Fu) of the TCM system of organs (ZangFu).


    This Fu would be a "virtual" Fu, which has a myriad of functions or not many at all, depending on how one interpret literature.


    As it also happens with most TCM ancient texts, those are no rare paradoxal and contraditory.


    So, some say the SanJiao's primary function is to circulate the liquids in the body (the JinYe), whilst others say it also has a number of other much important functions.




    This structure is traditionaly divided in Upper Burner, Middle Burner and Lower Burner, just like the dantian.


    The difference is, the SanJiao doesn't have a center.


    While the dantian has focus points on the body, the SanJiao is a all-encompassing structure, like this :




    So, it differentiates from the Dantian quite a bit.


    Now, there are structures in TCM which are very similar to the idea of the dantian, with two of them sharing even the same rough locations.


    Those are the seas of qi - points in the body where qi accumulates in great amounts and which can be used to greatly affect the flow of the body's qi as a whole.


    Such structures would be located at the acupoints RenMai 6 (Qi Hai - Sea of Qi), RenMai 17 (Dan Zhong - Chest Center), Stomach 9 (Renying - Man's Prognosis), Du Mai 14 (Da Zhui - Great Hammer) and Du Mai 15 (Ya Men - Mute's Gate).


    I will post images showing the location of those points bellow:


    RM6 - Qi Sea










    ST9 :















    Now, as we can see, at least two of the Qi Sea points are located in the same place as two of the dantian - the lower tian and the middle tian.


    But three of them doesn't seem to have any relation. Plus, we don't have a point which would correlate to the upper tian.


    The closest thing from that would be the upper part of the inner route of the hearth meridian, which brings qi to the brain, or maybe the extra point yintang (emotion's palace), which is located right in the middle of the forehead.




    That, or we could strech on the theory of the brain being called by TCM the "Sea of Marrow" and try to relate it to the sea of marrow points, which are DM16 and DM20.


    My question is :


    Do anyone know if there's any direct relation between the SanJiao, Seas of Qi, Heart Meridian, Yintang point and Seas of Marrow with the dantian?


    Is it a concept derivated from any form of knowledge from TCM's physiology ?


    I have tried to make experiments myself on this, but even if the relation between the lower tian and RM6 seems very promissing, it can be just a superposition of structures, or maybe one is deeper in the body than the other.

    Specially when people say things like you may "harden" your dantian or "rip" it if you do certain techniques the wrong way.


    "Ripping" one's RM6 in a way it can't recover naturaly (as it does normaly) would pretty much spell death. Hardening it would give birth to abdominal masses, including cancer.


    Those kind of things seem too serious for the only consequence of "crippling" one's dantian to be becoming unable to practice qigong.


    But, if these concepts aren't related, then, what is the origin of the knowledge on dantian? Where does it comes from?

    Is there any more knowledge about it?


    For instance, about related structures which may lay dormant in the body and how they interact with the other energetic structures we have ?


    Thank you all for your attention. Please enlighten me.

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  2. Hello Desmonddf, and welcome.


    Your membership is approved and we're happy you found your way to us. We look forward to accompanying you on some of the way that you still have to go.


    Please take the time to read the two posts pinned at the top of this Welcome page and take a look at the forum terms and rules. This covers all you need to know when getting started.


    For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until you’ve posted fifteen times in the forums, you’ll be a “Junior Bum” with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day.


    Good luck in your pursuits and best wishes to you,


    Marblehead and the TDB team



    Hi Desmonddf,


    Nice to have you here.  Yes, I'm sure you will be able to share much of your knowledge with us.  And you shouldn't have much trouble finding discussions to get involved in.


    You are welcome to jump right in ongoing discussions, revive an older thread, start a new thread of your own, or start a discussion in the "Newcomer Corner" sub-forms to expand on your introduction or ask general questions to help you get started.


    May you enjoy your time here.




    Thank you very much.



    can reiki be done with one person, or is the energy of another required to be bale to practice reiki?


    It can be done with one person only. It's called "self-treatment". Reiki is based on heavenly energy channeling, so one can treat oneself with reiki without the need of someone else's energy, yes :)

    • Like 2

  3. Hello.


    My name is Desmond and i'm from Brazil.

    I'm an acupuncturist in training, reiki master and qigong entusiast. I also study other kinds of esoteric knowledge, including hermetic kabbalah, tarot, astrology, some traditional mediunic (channeling) religions of Brazil, ayahuasca and other less relevant themes.


    My objective in the forum is to discuss qigong and neigong practices and knowledge, looking to fill in the gaps in my knowledge of the subject, while also occasionaly helping others with whatever knowledge i have and can share.


    Thank you for having me.

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