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Everything posted by Papayapple

  1. Idiot question: How to learn "WISDOM"?

    It's an anti-idiot question! And it's a simple one, and even most simple questions are posed here by the oldest guys here soo.... I echo that question too all the time. I only know of 'Insight' in Buddhism being what I think you could mean by wisdom. But wisdom is probably something more. Still: “Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music. Music is THE BEST.” -Frank Zappa.
  2. leg crossing habit

    is anybody suffering from crossing their legs either at the knees or at the ankles? As Im typing Im struggling not to do it and keep both my feet flat on the ground recently i realized this habit has been totally screwing my leg tendons. my knees and ankles get twisted in this position and this has been causing similar pain to when I tried sitting in lotus posture. It is also bad for your posture in general so I decided I need to quit it. Has anybody know why my legs keep needing to cross? Its odd but I also get this while laying down. Preventing me from sleeping on my back. I suspect theres something wrong with my pelvis. maybe there's something I could do? Or perhaps it is just purely a mental habit?
  3. Daoist attitude to diet in the modern world

    Wow can you tell more about that plant? What does it look like? Must be huge. Didn't you ever had deficiencies because of drinking distilled? The argument is that being a perfect solvent it is potentially sucking out all your minerals, not just bad ones you know. I've developed bad teeth(lack of calcium the dentist said) last year after several months of drinking distilled. But I also did a prolonged fast and later was on 100% fruit/raw vegs diet and didn't use toothpaste hehe. So I don't know what was the cause, but my joints have also became somewhat weaker after that.
  4. Daoist attitude to diet in the modern world

    So you think that distilled water is picking up more plastic than regular and that's why it's dangerous? Isn't all bottled water first distiled and then remineralized? I was drinking distilled(the hardware store ones) for a few months and then stopped because jungle spirits told me to LOL. True story.
  5. leg crossing habit

    OK thanks A&P but in this case I'm talking about sitting in a chair at the desk(not meditating) or at a bus stop. Any kind of crosslegged position is off limits for me now. Actually it is fairly easy to control after few weeks of reminding myself about it. But it's only one of many postural pathologies I have. For example I tend to stand on straight legs, knees actually bending in another direction(backwords). I have to keep consciously bending them forward to avoid pressure on the joints. And yet it is still so uncomfortable for me to stand like that. And to have both feet parallel facing forward. It's really a drag!
  6. Stretching for mobility, flexibility, wellbeing

    I have found that swinging yoir arms and legs and running are very effective ways to stretch. And safer for me actually.
  7. A happy occurrence

    What would that look like? You mean seeding good karma?
  8. A happy occurrence

    yeah me too! Cash flowing from everywhere recently!
  9. To be or not to be

    Just keep doing what you're doing and be open to opportunities and when they come take advantage of them regardless of what others may think of you. Works for me.
  10. Sitting meditation not comfortable

    Does it make sense that if a person wants to have good posture than the abdominal muscles need to be engaged constantly? I found out that if I don't 'tense' my abs and midriff my back muscles are overloaded and pretty soon I get pain and begin to bend.
  11. What are you listening to?

    This guy is incredible:
  12. How to Avoid Crippling Passivity in Taosim

    I couldn't find the thread I was thinking about but I found this one, I hope it will fit here: Few days ago I've been in a situation in which I feel I should have acted but didn't. A birthday party. Lot's of youngsters. I just came in and picked a glass of lemonade. I started talking to a young gal friend whom I didn't see for a long long time. Actually I didn't know most people there, and those that I knew I haven't seen for a year or so. So I was a little intimidated. So I'm talking to her and a dude walks up to her and SMACKS her in the cheek. Not hard, but still. It wasn't nice. And says something. It was as if he didn't know how to grab her attention any other way. So it was very very rude, and she was shocked and embarrassed but it didn't look like a terribly vicious attack. Given that I usually try to stick to my business and more importantly I sensed no real danger to her or me I just told the dude: "hey! this is the last time you've done it to her" in a sort of wimpy, wobbly way. Because I was soo surprised. OK so nothing happened. But I felt so guilty afterwards for not immediately hitting that bastard with all I've had. I still feel. Really I should have smashed him. That's what should have been done. So she said she's her friend and it's ok but remained surprised and I could see her being insulted by that. Later on at night when some guys got drunk one of them pushed her out of the conversation ring with a shoulder. Like it was kindergarden you know? Once again I didn't act. It looked innocent, but at that point I knew this tiny girl was being regularly "bullied" by her male friends. I am sure I would have acted appropriately had there been more dramatic blows toward her. But that smack man, I kind of think it was enough. Not even with a flower should you hit a woman! So what was it? Why did I hesitate? I'm afraid it's partially because of my passivity(pussivity really) which comes from a distorted understanding of wu wei. Or maybe I acted OK and instead my guilt is coming from an egoistic need to be a hero? What if in reality I didn't feel sorry for her but just wanted to hit an asshole and validate myself? Yeah, that would look cool, cinematic almost. That's the problem: why do I feel guilty? How do I figure it out and prevent it from happening again? This is no different than other situations where I had an opportunity and froze for some reason(fear?). Damn why opportunities always come when I'm least prepared?!
  13. where to start?

    looks like my delusional dream of what I'll soon become
  14. extreme sensitivity to sound

    I've had a condition called hyperacusis which is basically a lowered threshold of tolerance for noise. It came in pair with a kind of a "broken speaker" effect in the ear particularly when high pitched sounds would reach me. It was horrible. It lasted about 3 years. For first few months I couldn't walk outside the house. Clock ticking was a torture. For the next 2-3 years I had to be very careful and was wearing ear plugs all the time. It started kicking in after taking acid of questionable authenticity... Did I mention I have had tinnitus even before that happened? So it was gradually going away(the hypersensitivity) but what helped most was acupuncture. It didn't clear it completely, and I still had this annoying broken speaker effect in right ear. I believe water fasting took care of it. I still have some mild sensitivity which is mostly because of all the trauma I have had imprinted when I had this incredible ear PAIN and migraines for such a long time. Physically my ears are fine, or so the doctors say. I believe it has to do with the tension in the head. I had a head scan which showed that one vessel is a bit too close to the nerve and when there's too much pressure it squeezes it. Or something along these lines. They say things like you should never be around total silence because the ears get weak or something. I've spent 3 years sleeping with rain or forest sounds from YT in the background. It didn't take the tinnitus away, but surely helped with the sensitivity. It's almost impossible to actively relax that thing. At least for me. No matter how much I tried to relax my body. So just avoid things that aggravate it like alcohol and drugs. And set your phone ring to something soft with no high tones pronunced. Hope it helps.
  15. What are you listening to?

    still this
  16. releasing tension in eyes and head

    HOHO I was just about to post an IDENTICAL question here. i feel lots of pressure in the forehead and above it in front top part of the skull. It isn't causing pain yet and my guess is its from overthinking...
  17. its hard for me to form the right question so please bear with me... The way things are- but in relation to what? To us? In our human dimensions? Or to themselves??. We often say things like : "I've finally seen it for what it is". Well how are you so sure that your not seeing it for yet another thing that it isn't??? Just another layer of delusion.. Or is it? Or is it that we all see everything exactly as it is, only it's changing all the time and it is all different for everybody? Oh forgive me my overactive mind I cannot sleep
  18. why is it possible to see things as they are?

    Wow. Just wow. Happy practice then
  19. Namo Amituofo - How to chant -

    So is that it? You just make a sound "nedaaana mdaana..." and when you need you take a breath? And that's it? Is that a beginner practice or advanced? I don't get it, it seems to easy...
  20. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "If you wish to gain merit and become one with the divine, then develop your virtue and extend it to the world. Let go of all conflict and strife. Practice unswerving kindness and unending patience. Avoid following impulses and pursuing ambitions which destroy the wholness of your mind. Neither become obsessed with circumstances, nor forego awareness of them. To manage the mind, know that there is nothing, and relinquish all attchment."
  21. Enlightened movies

    Oh my, I remember watching that! Pretty sad cartoon really. But I loved the episode when he was learning to jump high with that monkey.
  22. Enlightened movies

    I just watched the film. The story and it's meaning are profound, the acting didn't seem too good to me though. Maybe it's just a cultural difference, I don't know. But thanks, it made for a contemplative evening! Is there a part two?
  23. Does that mean stilling the mind to the point of no-thoughts is wrong? Why? Is Zen state a bad thing? And what is inherently wrong with being reborn in the animal form or a formless realm? Is it really marked by violence and fear? Is that inferior to our realm? What's the alternative?