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Everything posted by DanC

  1. 8 Brocades

    After looking at my daily routine I have come to the conclusion that I have too much going on and need to simplify. I have decided to go back to basics and learn the 8 Brocades (Ba Duan Jin), I have ordered 8 Simple Qigong Exersices for health by Yang Ming Jwing. The book outlines both seated and standing forms of the 8 Brocades, Im going to opt for the seated version which will be done twice daily and thats about all I will do, maybe some simple Qi massage after my seated practice. I really needed to just focus on the simple but still powerfull techniques as I got overwhelmed getting into Winns CKF tapes, I may at a later date include some quiet sitting meditation as well. What do yall think... Daniel
  2. Curious if anyone is family with this sexual qigong technique in Ken Cohens book "the way of qigong". The book states whilst standing in qigong stance with palms open on inner thighs, inhale clench fists raising palms to naval region whilst whilst trying to raise testicles upwards and inwards... My question is do you have to clench the perineum, I've found clenching the perineum or pulling the abdomen slightly inwards raises the testes.. The book doesn't elaborate.. Any feedback appreciated.. Dan
  3. I was browsing my book collection recently and came across Michael Frosts "choosing life, guidelines to avoiding extinction".. There is a practice in the book called "meditation on the Lower triangle", just curious if anyone has this book or has done this practice.. It looks like it could be a kundalini yoga kriya.. Thanks
  4. Meditation on the Lower Triangle

    Yes the lower three chakras are considered the lower triangle in the yogic system.. http://www.pinklotus.org/- KY Meditation for the lower triangle.htm
  5. The Universal Form

    I was recommended this form by a poster on another forum, its a short Chi Kung set devised by a master in Shaolin Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism named Master Tan from NYC, the set can be either performed to energize the body and strengthen the muscles or performed for peace in a more tranquil Tai Chi style, it takes only 3 minutes. I purchased the DVD for $5 off Amazon and got the book for $11, Im going to give it the 100 day gong trial to see what I feel like at the end. http://www.tandao.com/main.html Click on universal form. DanC
  6. The Universal Form

    Amazing thanks for taking the time to reply in detail. I'll break the dvd out again and start playing around with it.. Cheers
  7. The Universal Form

    I just logged in yesterday after a while away and seen this reply, can't believe I made this post 13 years ago, time flys.. This has peaked my interest in the universal form again, would love to hear more about the benefits you received from practicing this set.. In the book he just calls it a form of exercise but doesn't refer to it as a qigong, he does state it can be applied as qigong but that is beyond the scope of that book.
  8. Damo 12 fist set???

    Here is a link with pics scroll down you will see pics and descriptions.. https://www.energygatesqigong.us/exercises-meditation/da-mos-yi-jin-jing-exercises.html
  9. I found this set in a book I have, the explanation isn't all that detailed, the set looks pretty static all done with clenched fists, it's part of the yi jin jing or a variation of that.. Is anyone familiar with it.. Ive seen it also under the name of sinew metamorphosis..
  10. Hi All, I have a few questions for the resident Zhan Zhuang practitioners, I have been suffering from CFS for the last 4 years and have been gradually improving, I have just recently quit work and have taken a whole year off to get my health back on track as I was working a hectic job and really struggling with work and managing CFS.. Im currently working with a great acupuncturist who is really helping me get my body back into balance, Im at the stage now where Im exercising daily, just gentle walks along the beach at the moment but Im looking to take my health to the next level and start rebuilding my strength and energy.. Ive chosen Zhan Zhuang as I have 2 Lam Kam Chuen books "Everyday Chi Kung" and "The Way Of Energy" and I used to do it around 10 years ago and felt its benefits.. My question is where should I start, "Everyday Chi Kung" is a laid out programme of seated Zhan Zhuang that eventually leads you to standing but "The Way Of Energy" gets straight to the point and starts with standing, Im sure standing generates much more Chi and will help strengthen my legs which are really deconditioned. Any recommendations will be appreciated, any other books or DVD's that may help me please let me know. Danny
  11. Fragrant Qigong

    I was looking around and found this PDF on Fragrant (Xian Gong) Qigong, requires no attention to breathing or visualizations you just simply do the hand movement. Anyoone familiar with this system and what sort of results did you get.. It really seem simple. http://www.qi.org/fragrant/frag1.PDF Daniel
  12. Hi, Just curious if anyone has any experience with Mark Cohen's "Inside Zhan Zhuang" DVD, how is his ZZ practice different to Lam Kam's, I love Lam Kam's simplicity in his books as its very user friendly.. What makes Mark Cohen's practice different, is his ZZ from a different lineage, different warm ups, postures etc etc.. Thanks Dan
  13. thanks I'll check it out
  14. Qigong calisthenics

    Anyone know of a good book/DVD on qigong calisthenics , something that is easy to learn and is done for fairly high reps, simple qigong that doesn't require a lot of skill. Things like arms swinging , slapping, spine stretches etc etc
  15. Qigong calisthenics

    Hahaha very cool, where I walk along the beach path I would end up walking into a cyclist or skateboarder..
  16. Qigong calisthenics

    Thanks for the suggestions, I actually just looked at a DVD I bought a while back "qigong recharge" and it's a mix of joint mobility and tai chi qigong, but will look into the other suggestions as well. thelerner, funny you mention breath holds, I'm getting into buteyko at the moment and practicing reduced breathing during my daily walks with good results.
  17. Im trying to track down and old Peter Ragnar DVD or book which outlines his magnetic weight ball Qigong, in particular the Cranes Nest and Dragon Scooping Qi exercises.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.. Dan
  18. Peter Ragnar weighted ball qigong

    I tried he said it's also unavailable , he has a new course now, but I've been told the older courses are the ones to get..
  19. Peter Ragnar weighted ball qigong

    Just bumping this again incase somebody missed it, I think the title of the book and DVD was "The Art and Science of Physical Invincibility"..
  20. Yu Yong Nian book?

    Has anyone read Yu Yong Nians Ebook on Zhan Zhuang, if so is it suitable for a beginner, Im reading Lam Kam Chuen's books but I like to read a bit more detail on the inner workings of the practice I am doing..
  21. Book to learn chiqong ? Begginer

    Zhan Zhuang has not been mentioned, simple and yet very powerful, check out "The Way of Energy"..
  22. Zhan Zhuang questions

    I have another question, I do mindfulness meditation and some basic yoga stretches everyday, is it best done before or after Zhan Zhuang??
  23. Zhan Zhuang questions

    weird how it was left out of the way of energy, I might try get a copy of the way of healing too, bit more extra detail and goes into healing quiet a bit more..
  24. Zhan Zhuang questions

    He is a true master without a doubt, I have another question, in "The way of Energy' you finish with Wu Chi, in "Everyday Chi Kung" you finish with a circling down movement followed by sealing, is this necessary as its not a part of the routine outlines in "The Way of Energy"..
  25. Zhan Zhuang questions

    Thats amazing that you get the chance to train directly with him, he is the real deal..