
Junior Bum
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Posts posted by orange

  1. On 6/13/2019 at 4:04 PM, zen-bear said:

    Ever since I started teaching FP Qigong in the early 90's, I've advised students who can't assume the half-lotus or crossed legged seated position to sit in a straight back chair.  that is next best.  And it still imparts full benefits of the MSW series, as you've shared.  The key for successful practice of MSW is (1)  keeping the legs still and relaxed on the ground and (2) most importantly, KEEPING THE BACK STILL while you perform the natural movements each meditation with total relaxation.  (and keeping the back still and in good vertical postures with crown of the head stretching upward and chin tilted downward ever so-slightly).



    I have a question on Sifu Terry's advice on using a chair.  Is it okay to lean against a straight back chair, or should one sit more towards the front of the chair without leaning and without any back support?  Thanks

  2. This is my obligatory first post  :D .  I have mostly been involved with practices derived from Hinduism but I am very open to practices from others.  

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