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Everything posted by EmeraldHead

  1. A question on a serious note, do immortals find young children to be cute? I mean children have "potential" but, are they a SAGE? .. On the other hand, sages are STILL HUMANS! ..
  2. Would a sage find babies cute?

    Yes I hid them :D I sometimes talk about things that are not known to most people and I don't want it to remain archived. But mostly it was off-topic. Sorry if I stressed you :/
  3. Māndukya Upanishad

    Thanks, this guy has good understanding. Something clicked with me in this one. Again I notice there is something about his energy but again I cannot find anything, hmmm...
  4. Psychic vampirism and Qi

    to my knowledge those that do, do it after they've build up the ladder and achieved the primal and main goal of those that do not. So not to say they are an entirely different practice in the same room.
  5. Psychic vampirism and Qi

    You can't use tree or animal qi. The body won't automatically transmute it to human chi. It will just pass it along for raw voltage. That is also saddic nonsense, to drain other beings, irrelevant of what form they hold. You will simply never reach the Dao or higher stages than normal like that. I know a couple Left Hand Path principles that are simply nowhere in books or videos similarly the most powerful techniques of building them involves making them yourself. This vampire stuff is just slow and nonsense. It's also totally invented. Vampires drain raw matter not energy and their bodies are obviously non regular human to be able to do that. History new agegised. Also the equation does not refer to post-natal resources and also refers to the states in their absolute non-sense not the immediate I-think-I-can replicate it sense. Jing refers to hormones matter as well. That post-natal shen is not different from it's chi. It is the same energy. Shen or MIND, in the equation, refers to pre-heaven qi. Jing to qi refers to reaching what the hindus call tejas field stage, or shen field by qiqong terms. You max all the chi in the body. Because anymore is too much on the physical body and start to convert it all to that yin shen/lowest astral energy. If you are celibate this requires 12-14 years usually. All 3 dan tiens active, and shusuma is the last to open FULLY. That is energy may always be flowing in the meridian but little and unrefined energy as well. So if your jing or body is weak and fragile or OLD it will take longer, because the toxins waste that post-natal jing subtle substance thus wasting post-natal qi in the game. So each component in the equation is an entirely new essence or entirely source of samadhi/presence and quality of awareness with almost entirely different physics from the adjacent principle. Each is a whole new world to you, as well as whole new and entirely different set of abilities or siddhis unique to that level of physics possible. Cultivation is cosmic evolution not celibacy and stopping thinking. It's best to gather chi from the air and soil when you do. That's what you do through celibacy anyway, by breathing and absorbing what the food you eat absorbed. You can also emit a ton chi and capture it on camera. Replaying that video or keeping the photo open in electronic format which refreshes itself usually at least 60 times a second, will re-emit the energy for free. This can be done with all 5 hindu koshas. Jing to Qi is simply about getting healthy and transcending the pull on the mind to well...daydreams, nonsense subconscious desires or 'earth'. So you must seek this line of thinking when working in the post-natal worlds. You are swimming in a sea of all energies, but usually only the physical body and it's level of samadhi/mind is developed in people so they can usually manipulate and perceive these energies without practice or specific training. No. Not enough chi. Far from enough. Most people would outlet sexually with all that mixed and horny and marked chi. Energy is awareness at the end of the day. . . or Will by some other systems.
  6. Truth Of Casual Sex

    Where did you get this idea from? The amount lost in a night stand can be easily regained in 30minutes by pulling from the air. Of course the hormones may not support everyday ejaculation though. In hindu terms you are upset about the weakening effect it has on pranamaya kosha. In daoist terms you are upset about the post-natal chi lost. However that is just the mode of being of normal people. How many times are they not angry or let emotions sway them and throw post-natal shen about wasting it? Even more the preheaven resources are usually messed up in normal people through their unwholesome states of mind. It is simply the mode of being of non cultivators with weak energetic developments that anything they do is a furthering away from the elixir and Dao. What about being sedentary and the killing effect it has on annamaya kosha / hormones and flesh ? Being sedentary is actually bad to be 'celibate'. Just like you eat food like 3 times a day to constantly replenish your food sheath so does the one with the Dao constantly replenish and circulate all the energies he is made of, as part of his everyday lifestyle. That is what makes him an immortal. We give/spend time with sick people. Why should we be grumpy communists about our energies? If however you are starving of some energy yourself, that may be the case you two are sick. However the elixir is found inside you and the Dao is found everywhere and anywhere, we must constantly seek virtue and harmony with/in ourselves.
  7. Qi vs Virus

    dna process all the higher shens with it. this is why tantra works. it can electrify all forms of qi in the creation.
  8. Would a sage find babies cute?

    I like what you said. ^ Sometimes harsh words are needed but the sage need not say them for he can teach without words
  9. Would a sage find babies cute?

    Babies can have a positive effect with the higher shens, essentially transmuting trapped mind in desire energy. Even more so, a sage essentially charges his environment to higher heights just with his presence. Because the higher awareness is scarce mostly, he has plenty to spare and no chill for himself.
  10. Is she doing wei-wu-wei?

    no man stop making money on this stuff you lot. if you can weis without any wei then you I can beat you up and you can continue to calculate the total money people own in your head untainted. It is simply mind beyond the body. I can poison your food to make your brain sleepy and muscles soft and you would ask for more coz I picked a tasty dish its not something beginners can do for a split second or you can cultivate by working out everyday and doing qi kung thinking you're the next Bruce Tzu
  11. Would a sage find babies cute?

    what about the impression? Okay let's see this scenario: Very high level sage, one with Dao sees a junior Very EARNEST in his cultivation, talented and making progress but an awfully long way to go. The sage can see so many imperfections, yet he can see the spark of what he once was or probably a spark of something he never can understand and never hate. Let's assume the sage is having a lazy day and messing around, drinking and being in a good mood when he sees this fellow. Would he help him or would he see the TOTAL of that fellow cultivator as being just his imperfections and lack of progress? I mean they reach an unconditioned existence so surely they can project love just as they project willpower/endurance. (tell me if my English doesn't make sense)
  12. Would a sage find babies cute?

    semantics. no c'mon I know you practice western occultism and concentration practice. thats not what I told you about. I meant besides your own children which you naturally have a causal/hormonal connection with normal people, everyone around, find children attractive or not unpleasant because they are PURE, in comparison to themselves at least surely the kids never mean no harm, but they channel what early Daoists called 'higher shens' and have very pure bodies and modes of function BUT WHAT OF THE SAGE?! He can directly all this 'mystical' secret phenomena even. He knows the ins and outs The sage is very pure and free of impediments is his mind. Something else entirely would he still be attracted to children? I mean they are just undeveloped creatures...it's like taking a homeless bastard, shower him, groom him, now see how people react to him. but the wolf does not change what does a child have that a sage does not ? what could a sage find interesting in a baby ?
  13. In this thread, what awareness is and it's nature has been identified. But now, how does one let go of ignorance that is the absence of guidance of awareness? - i'm not asking a trick question
  14. What is Jing ... really?

    This for example, the daoists say 5 things not 4. emptiness and dao are distinct. even lao tzu has his 5 steps of existence, not 4. The emptiness elixir and the dao elixir are totally different. I remember reading an article from purple cloud blog just last month. In regards to the Elixir Dao, he completed the process of Refinement of the Void and the Unification with the Dao " http://purplecloudinstitute.com/saints-sages-part-vii-張三豐-zhang-san-feng-1247/ Instead you just call it one and using some hindu lineage for it and then call it light. Light is still external from/known to you - a kosha. Atman is beyond the koshas. Anyway, I will stop because I am off-topic.
  15. What is Jing ... really?

    you are cooking systems into one meat ball here
  16. Yes, Kabbalah likes to say this by pointing that the self is beyond logic. More like the eternal drive of whatever logic is present. Like the sun in the sky always being above.
  17. Yes, I have a similar clinging towards this subject. For duality would be like perception which is done in a mechanical and causal way by the mind and body. And non-duality is just awareness. Naturally allowing infinite rate of perceived information to come and process it the same, thus you are "aware" of the real image of the world and not of an incomplete 'illusion'. So to call it unreal is as dramatic as calling dukka as suffering.
  18. Connection between tao and christianity

    Nice :1 Here's Jesus's words on it. A mater man has made the inner as the outer AND the outer as the inner.
  19. Blood Qigong and External Alchemy

    I don't know but to save someone you can give blood. Not piss, semen, spit or flesh, but blood.
  20. Mantra/tantra for sex

    Yes I do. And many on the internet do. No ones going to give stones to a faetus. Most techniques you as for require atman/adam kadmon. People with atmic progress are very sane, mature and smart. They look down on earthly weakness. Regardless to do most techniques you begged for requires a strong force of consciousness, so build massive chi first. All 3 dan tiens active. Then you can worry about the higher kayas and annunakihood. Don't pm me.
  21. Mantra/tantra for sex

    Sorry to be annoying but this is not tantra and he says that. His blog of consists of mere mantras of yantras/sigils, as he mentions. This is NOT the tantra/magic/cultivation system in any way. I like that you describe vashikaran as to enchant because it implies the other person is not forced to do what he will do. Vashikaran is merely hypnosis and real act of hypnosis does not force or entrap in any way by it's physics mechanics. This is why this can only be done on those weaker than you.
  22. Mantra/tantra for sex

    You don't have that much siddhi yourself, mate. . .
  23. Mantra/tantra for sex

    Whats wrong with this one?
  24. Xing and Ming cultivation

    A contradiction: "xing cannot be realised" but you also say "xing is in the heart" or "you can wu wei all the way (as in you can ming all the way)" .... In my opinion, xing isn't in any part of the body or part of bodily cells. It is outside the body or timespace because it is the spirit. To clarify, preheaven as well as postheaven seem to be bodily focused area/level of mind IMO, so they are both ming. After all, too much sex depleted preheaven as it does with postheaven, doesn't it? body energy! So again to what I said above, if it is a bodily thing you are realising it, you go deeper in consciousness. So xing would be more like trauma, for example^ too much sex, depletes ming .. or exercises ming (bodily) power while it can help release xing trauma...or watching yourself/everything in your daily life and you find yourself in what you do and say. You find the same thing you had seen maybe when you were a child. ----------- Also, about Wei Wu Wei, how can you perform a non action from a level of mind or awareness that is still fuelled by, sustained by and rooted in the body? Xing must be like pure space. So in Nei-Ye it say "it accumulates in the chest of the sages", so rather it expresses itself in the physical world through the chest than being 'stored' there or anything that would imply you can 'move' it around the body, etc. Xing has to be in your other lifetimes/souls as it is here untinted, effortlessly, like the Dao.
  25. Qiqong exercise for increased focus?

    Do trataka. Don't close eyes take brakes, when you see double too often, instead.