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Posts posted by Jedi777

  1. believe me he knows where he stands. You are not him nor have his ability nor his humility nor his level. Its not a false humility. He has true "ILMU GURU SEJATI" (True Inner Self power). It is the highest form of Ilmu Kebatinan and development. But even with such things he recognizes that it is coming 100% from the true source within & with out. ALLAH is much more than what we can "comprehend"....


    Let me ask you something "gold is heavy"..can you create planets yet? Can you create life out of nothing?


    How about more mundane things???


    Can you cure cancers? Aids? Can you cure people of their ailments with out effort? Can you treat 30 people or more a day and not sleep and not get tired and not be affected by the energies, karmas etc you take on?


    What Pak does is almost "saint" like in my book.


    Even in true Bon po the highest tantric lama offers his abilities and all his attributes to the highest "non" conceptual mind both within & with out. There is nothing higher than complete self surrender to the ultimate DIVINE nature.


    The Sufi calls it ALLAH. Islam is that "surrendering" the real Jihad is killing ones ego & negative nature.


    ALLAH is much more than just what we comprehend as a "God" or the "true self".


    I am positive you do not know yet what ALLAH knows. I make no such claims either.


    Peace & God Bless


    WOW Fantastic post Santiago!! I couldnt of said it better!!

    How are you my friend?


  2. Okay, what you should do is stop thinking of the guy. Constantly thinking about someone creates a psychic cord that links you two. And the nature of your relationship is very toxic. Whatever you think creates thought-forms that attach to your aura and chakras. So if the nature of your thoughts towards each other his hate-oriented, your auras will be filled with negative thought-forms and will have a negative effect on other aspects of your system. So, first things first, ignore him. Whatever he does, do not react, not even in thought. Whenever you think about him, try to steer it into a positive thought. Visualize the two of you in peace, happy, smiling. If you give out happy and peaceful thoughts, it will reflect on your aura, and it will repel his negativity. So think of good thoughts and smile. This releases good energy.


    If you are inclined towards Western Mystery Traditions, I would suggest you learn the Qabbalistic Cross and the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP). This is a standard ritual for aspirants of the Western path. It is very easy and simple, and can be done in less than five minutes. The Qabbalistic Cross brings down spiritual energy and imprints it on your aura and grounds it in the physical plane. The LBRP is for protection. It is basically constructing a protective circle with pentagrams marking each direction. Then the pentagrams are empowered by reciting certain names of God, and then invoking archangels, and implanting a hexagram in your system. Don't be intimidated, it's very easy to perform. Not only does the LBRP protect you, it also purifies you of unwanted influences. So it will help you recover from PSTD. If you want to push it further, I suggest you also try the Middle Pillar Exercise. This is very similar to the microcosmic orbit meditations of Qigong and Yoga. I can suggest a book that will best help you learn these:


    "The Middle Pillar: The Balance Between Mind and Magic" by Israel Regardie.


    If your inclination is towards Eastern Mystery Traditions, you can turn to Yoga and Qigong. I myself am an aspirant on the Eastern path.


    For your predicament, the simplest thing I can recommend, as I did in a previous post is the Meditation on Twin Hearts. It activates your heart chakra and crown chakra, brings down tremendous amounts of spiritual energy that will flush out negative energy from your system and then subsequently energize your chakras and energy body. When your body is cleansed and energized, at the end of the meditation you are guided to ground/root yourself. It really is amulti-purpose and multi-faceted meditation. Additionally, it fortifies your aura so negative energy will be repelled. For more info about this meditation and free online guided audio, please visit . Try it and if you like it, I suggest you take a course on Arhatic Yoga. Arhatic Yoga gives you more advance and powerful spiritual practices that proceed after Meditation on Twin Hearts. .


    If you are interested in Qigong, I suggest you learn Mantak Chia's Inner Smile and Microcosmic Orbit Meditation. . The Inner Smile cleanses and energizes the organs, which according to Qigong theory is where negative emotions are lodged. The Microcosmic Orbit Meditation stimulates the front and back major channels of the body which circulate chi. This removes blockages and will help you recover from physical, emotional, and mental illnesses. This will also strengthen your body and aura. I've read several of Mantak Chia's books and I can recommend:


    Awakening Healing Energy Through Tao by Mantak Chia

    My personal preference is the Meditation on Twin Hearts and Arhatic Yoga meditations. You should see what works best for you.


    May you be blessed with divine light, love, and power.

    Spiritual_Aspirant that was well said GOOD ON YOU!

    I would of said almost the same thing--i just hope people here see what great words of advice have been given.


  3. Yes it is real. Pranic Healing is a refined, modified, and simplified version of many ancient energy healing modalities. Some of the techniques taught were not taught before. Crystals are only used as tools to amplify the energy. Salt and Water are used as energy disposal units. In pranic healing, you remove the dirty energy first before supplying the patient with healing energy. If you immediately energize the patient without removing the dirty energy first, the patient might suffer a temporary worsening of the condition before they get better. When removing dirty energy, you have to put it somewhere. Some modalities tell their students to throw it to the earth and the earth will absorb it and recycle it. This is true, but many students do not concentrate enough to aim sufficiently at the earth and will the energy to the earth to be recycled. So oftentimes, the energy lingers and might contaminate the environment or other people. Salt and water is very simple but a very smart technology. Water absorbs energy and salt neutralizes dirty energy. The purifying and cleansing property of salt has been known for a long time. So combining the two is a good choice.


    For more info, please visit

    Well said Spiritual_Aspirant! Good on you!

    My wife and I have been Pranic healers for 14 yrs and learnded from Master Choa and Master Co.

    Its a blessing and a way of life. The closest thing to being a real life Jedi :)

  4. Thank you for the Information. I will definitely look into that since they have some free clinics in my area. I'm not so sure about the quality of healing done by those instructors though.


    I'm looking for more individual private treatment sessions with a master healer. If anyone knows, please let me know.

    The Pranic healing instructors are of the highest quality you will find I know from personal exp :)

  5. Yes, MTH is very powerful. Although in my opinion, the Wesak Version of MTH, also by Master Choa Kok Sui, is more powerful than the regular version. This is just my experience, I cannot speak for others. The Wesak Version of MTH includes chanting of Om Mani Padme Hum, which is a very powerful mantra. For those of you who have tried this, what do you think?

    Thats funny that you mention that version of Twin Hearts I have it on repeat on my cd on my desk in my cube at work!

  6. This is the other Krishnamurti and I think he's fucking funny.



    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>



    I love him.


    And as he's dying:



    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>





    that is very sad--I feel sorry for him--so misinformed

  7. I love these first aid threads!


    Windblown, I'm glad you liked the suggestions.


    Chris, black rocks aren't just good for anxiety... they help ground normal daily negativities/energy imbalances and are yummy for everyone. I carry a tektite around with me as a necklace and I have an obsidian egg, a hefty obsidian ball, and some black tourmaline. I've not tried onyx, but witch recommends it so I'd imagine it's good too. Maybe it's placebo, but I really feel connected to the center of the earth with it.




    I'll look into serenadin.


    Your pal,


    the issue with black stones they absorb energy but they cant break it down and must be cleaned all the time--

    if you dont clean them with salt water or alchohol you are just adding to your problems

    green and orange stones are much better for cleansing and protection from negative energies.

  8. Man that Video was complete crap. I dont know why students continue to train in such garbage & delude themselves into thinking they truly have something.


    Im well aware how these schools operate after visiting dozens in my spare time all over java. They cannot just do it to anybody at will. They give you some big story that it only works if the attacker is truly angry or has evil intent towardws you. Those students you see are called SPECIAL because they can supposedly muster up the real anger etc to make it work.


    9/10 this stuff doesnt work. If you cant perform this skill anytime anywhere like real chi - then its not even worth learning. people often talk about the real masters but in 12 years & after meeting almost hundreds still nobody can do it in indonesia apart from john chang.

    WOW come on dude I was half joking with you lighten up!

  9. "well FMA's roots are deeply indonesian Silat."


    I think there are Filipinos who might disagree. Visayan, sure. Others? Maybe not so much.



    Do These Grown Men take this nonsense serious. These arts are 90% fake & give Silat a bad name. I have seen some Comedians in My time but this Demo below truly takes the cake ROFL :lol:


    I thought it was a great video---you just dont know the power of the force your doubt makes you week :)

  10. I'm having trouble meditating because of anxiety heart, feelings of being overwhelmed, worried thoughts...


    is there a meditation to help anxiety while I'm in the state of being anxious...I have tried deep belly breathing and it didn't work too well.


    i have tried qi gong and love it but I'm living in a temporary situation and there are no classes here plus I feel too anxious to read a how-to on qi gong and practice it

    This meditaion cured mine and countless others

    and its free!!! Try it!