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Posts posted by Jedi777

  1. WOW my Kunlun practice last night was powerful! I do 15 min of standing Zen and then do Kunlun--I could tell it would be powerful because the force was flowing strong all day.

    As soon as I sat down I started moving like a snake my spine and whole body! I had some back pain from arthritis and injuries so I put my awareness on it and the movements changed to focus on that area and things went wild--I could hardly keep on my chair!! Then I just let go and my hands started going in all kinds of ways! Then they did some things like circles and rotating it felt great! Not much heat or much bliss feelings yet but I can tell its working on cleaning my channels and centers. I am looking forward to more exp. Can any one else give a detailed exp like mine and what are the long term exp of some of you?



  2. I am happy so many of you have read this. I read a few threads about Master Choa so I felt I needed to post this. I truly like this place and the energy here seems very positive. Tons of great info and discussions. I hope to learn and share many things here.




  3. Hi all I did my first kunlun practice last night. I was impressed---I have been doing qigong and arhatic yoga and pranic healing for over 15 years now. I have spontaneous movements during qigong.

    So withing 5 min of doing my first kunlun my waist started moving then my spine and then my neck they got stronger and more intense as I kept going. It happened much faster than I thought it would. I guess its the hand position and the feet being on the balls of the feet. I also felt some heat and and I saw clouds of violet and green and gold but I see these anytime I meditate or do qigong. My lower back pain is much better today as well.

    So that is that for now. I hope I exp much more.



  4. Hello users


    I'm TrashFilter. I have been studying Qigong 2-3hrs a day for about 5 months now.


    I have produced some home made clips on youtube of basic Telekinesis and i have been studying empty force for 5 months so my external chi is beginner. Quite fascinated in anything to do with reestablishing our link to our powers and awareness.


    The site does have some good info, and i look forward to learning more and practicing a lot.



    hey TrashFilter whats up--I would love to see your youtube video please add the link