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Everything posted by Jedi777

  1. bruce lee for strength

    no he was hit by a Tai chi and or qigong master--the master told him if he didnt come back in 24 hours he would die--Master Lee had a big ego but he didnt go back--that is a short version I know anyway
  2. Diabetes Treatments

    good info nomad
  3. Diabetes Treatments

    this will do help get his book!
  4. bruce lee for strength

    good stuff with out weights---
  5. Yes Santiago we are in a Boddhisattva Lineage---but I find most people cant even come to terms with the word Arhat LOL. thanks for your insights and blessings Brother!
  6. YouTube Darshan

    Thanks for the great clips!!
  7. sykkelpump You seem so argumentive----I never said it arises in the spine I said it is located near the base of the spine and lower abdomen I am not a liberty to say exactly where. I love how you can make an assumption that I Just had some chi exp LOL----My Master is A REAL MASTER OF KUNDALINI HE IS AN ARHAT! I am not going to get in a pissing match with you ---you can do that with many others here good luck! Well said Santiago Thanks for sharing with us!!
  8. yes we all have active kundalini or we would be dead--its a matter of degree. Many layers of kundalini are in the body located near the spine and lower abdomen. I have had many kundalini exp--I would say no one here has had a full kundalini activation of all levels.. If so I doubt they would not be wasting time posting here. So many mis info and misunderstanding of kundalini abounds--that is what a Teacher who has Mastered it to a great degree is what is needed!
  9. not if you do it wuth the correct teachings like Santiago teaches or Master Choa's Arhatic yoga
  10. blue orbs

    Lord Shiva is Blue because it is related to the blue pearl in the center of the head.... BLUE PEARL: A brilliant blue light, the size of a tiny seed, that appears in meditation; it is the subtle abode of the inner Self. Date: 10/30/2001 15 people have told of their experiences with blue or blue light or blue pearl. ) Thank you all! ******************* I sometimes see a blue light/mist when I meditate...other time a bright electric blue flash. I've heard of this 'blue' light associated with kundilini and spirituality but have never been able to find much info on it. Does anyone have any informaton about it? *********** Were you refering to the "Blue Light, special?" from K-Mart???? ************ The Blue Pearl is a sign of enlightenment as I recall. Muktananda writes in *Kundalini the Secret of Life* "In the center of that effulgence lies a tiny and fascinatingly beautiful light, the Blue Pearl, and when your meditation deepens you begin to see it, sparkling and scintillating. Sometimes it comes out of the eyes and stands in front of you. It moves with the speed of lightning, and it is so subtle that when it passes through the eye, the eye doesn't feel its movement. "The vision of the Blue Pearl is the most significant of all the experiences I have described. Everyone should see this Blue Pearl at least once. The scriptures describe this Blue Pearl as the divine light of Consciousness which dwells within everyone. It is the actual form of the Self, our innermost reality, the form of God which lives within us. ... within the Blue Pearl are millions and millions of universes. The Blue Pearl contains the entire cosmos."
  11. David Verdesi

    Santiago!! I like how you tell it! Peace Brother Looking forward to my DVD's The Secret book you wrote is very good! I highly recommend it!
  12. ---

    I dint think he was saying a spiritual initiation is on the mp3 I think he is saying an into to his teaching--but energy can be transmitted through cd's and video--so no big deal
  13. anyone ever heard of this guy?

    wise words mwight
  14. ---

  15. ---

    Patrick Brown why are you so Disrespectful! grow up
  16. blue orbs

    its not that uncommon research the blue pearl--thats a hint
  17. Thanks Vortex! I know I will be there some time--or if Santiago would travel to our new healing center that would be cool--hint hint
  18. Questions about Energy and Practice

    Hey Hundun what do you mean by this If you had a bad exp with Pranic healers Im sorry about that. But Pranic healing its self is way more powerful and advanced than most Reiki. I am a Reiki Master as well Reiki is a great healing art but most Reiki people are not taught how to take care of themselves and how to become powerful healers. Ask Santiago about Pranic healing. I know he understands the power of Pranic healing. I have seen many what some call miracles with pranic healing and reiki. Peace Jedi777
  19. manI wish I could be there --but one day I will
  20. what Pendekar William Sanders said is mostly correct--but Im not sure in this case we will have to see what Santiago says-I know the power is real --anyone who does true chi kung or inner power training does
  21. Questions about Energy and Practice

    also, i wouldn't be so quick to work with a pranic healer. most of them are no more adept than reiki healers Hundun that is not even close to being true!! Santiago thanks for stepping up--I know you will help him Let me know how it goes.