Trash Filter

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Everything posted by Trash Filter

  1. Once Enlightened, One Can Fall? - Kunlun Question

    imo kunlun is almost exacly like qi gong,. Just do qi gong is same thing. I did have a wonderful experience once however with some of there seated exercises.
  2. Bliss, how does it feel?

    Had a nice bliss sensation once that was esp memorable. Like being with a band of heroes and the feeling was like how you would miss not being with them in a cool comrade way. The other methaphor or whatever could be like a beautiful lady kissing a shower screen through a hot misty bathroom screen. Crazy, but it was lovely.
  3. Differentiating Yin and Yang in your body

    If you are really serious about learning yin and yang differentiation, start building your foundations up. When i first started serious meditation I was doing a lot of stake exercise, and keeping the mind clear. I would meditate standing for 1 hr minimum everyday+ other things. I'm not of advanced age, but its sort of the exercises where lot of experts start. As for meditation techniques being dangerous, i have heard of people who have had severe malfunctions, esp when they start too young. We all really don't know enough about the intricacies, but be brave and try and be logical. Goodluck
  4. emptying or filling ?

    Indeed When your mind is full of crap, constantly arguing and analysing pretty philosophical circling you never can truly comprehend human supernatural powers or divine, and can only complain, use a lot of fancy words and judge on a level equivalent to the average person.
  5. emptying or filling ?

    It doesn't take a genius to know that practitioners that use power over people is undaoist behaviour. In fact you forget that people who have no supernatural power have power over people more so (using money, politics, weapons, drugs, violence instead), yet you do not comment on the real issues. Your real issue is claustrophobia of human potential, like Galileo proving the Earth was round and the rabble could not see the benefit and only wanted what they wanted to see- absurdity. People who are ahead of their time (supernatural), will always be frowned upon by jealous, conservative and status qou. It has been like that for centuries, from ancient times to inqusition. Little do they realise, these clever daoists enjoy discovering the mysteries of the self, just like someone with talent in soccer can practice soccer, it is very natural. Jesus, Buddha and Krishna used their powers to help others. They were not egotistical and were very Dao. So many of other powers are harmless and help our lives. We can make an automobile a tank or an ambulance car? It is a tired argument.
  6. If you please Mantra68r, could you please ask which laboratory Max got his dna tested and it showed it was modified? What are the details of this, as it is written in his book to be so. I look forward to your stories Sincerely TF
  7. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Interesting and exciting, some of us already thought as much
  8. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    To Mantra68, Please enlighten us on the nature of how Max's dna was modified, which lab he was tested for this, as it will assist us all? Sincerely TF :l
  9. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Answer: No idea?? Ok so you ask Max about golden dragon body, but you cant a simple question like that? DO you even really ask him anything, or you just make it up?
  10. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    If you please Cameron or whoever, could you please ask which labortory Max got his dna tested and it showed it was modified? I read in the Kunlun book this to be so.
  11. emptying or filling ?

    So all people who happen to have powers as a by product of meditation training are egotistical and unenlightened? Ridiculous, what are doing on an energy forum??
  12. emptying or filling ?

    what a freak Of course there is ego, we are human. How about we do nothing at all, and perish. No ego
  13. emptying or filling ?

    It upsets me sometimes that people are so against masters who can do great things (probably jealousy). They have no problem with the greats like Buddha, Jesus and Krishna who all had to use their beautiful powers, but when it comes to normal folk who have developed their abilities they start saying they are un daoist (who were very much delving in extrasensory) and they are inconsistent in understanding. 2ndly, who are we to say that people who attain these levels are focused & out of touch with the dao in the first place? Does anyone on this forum truly understand what it takes to be able too use these special human powers? You will find we have to be in even more tune with the dao! The energy community needs people who are moving the boundaries and help each other along, and it looks like that is the way its moving regardless. Like I said, energy powers are mutually inclusive of Dao. It is how we use them, that is more controversial. from the hands...Don't concentrate on the finger, when it is pointing to the moon. There are many applications of energy.
  14. emptying or filling ?

    imo it's a very lame, tired argument, which limits progression. People have capabilities which in today's society are considered supernatural and frowned upon, because the lack of focus on these faculties. If you have legs, we should learn how to walk? Because that's why they are there. Same goes for human extrasensory faculty. Anything short of not enlightening the self, is lazy and we are not practicing enough. Of course, everyone has their own lesson in this life. A lot are content with relearning a very old, very worn average path. Power over people is one example. Others seek more, and work hard. Granted to you, extrasensory faculty is but a side effect of a grander realization that should be the ultimate focus.
  15. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    I agree Been doing some of this tummo stuff without knwing already, will try and get a copy of the book Thks for the help Shindoin.
  16. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Hi Shidoin, i like your posts in general. Ok. What he say about the other levels, were there any hints?
  17. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Hi Don't know how you are able to share your affiliation to Mo Pai, but it's great your out in the open. I have a question: What method do you use to complete level 1? Supposedly you must fill your dantien with yang energy, then compress it in the next. Thks TF
  18. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    POOSH that energy guys, only $10000
  19. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    I watched the whole clip. Some spine stretching trying to focus breath on the bonelets. Some stuff about poo-shing energy up under the leg and then what appears like some prince like feeling and flirt of men and women volunteers.
  20. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    In my opinion and experience both David Verdesi money making program and Kunlun are both like cults with money making and/or ego center. In max book he claims his dna modified under a prestigious lab that no one knows. Whilst David charge $1000 of dollars to teach tai chi, as well as $100s just to go on a forum which he never visits. People got stop wasting there time with cults and more on practicing, but it's their choice. The really shouldn't make claims if they don't prove.
  21. Hello everyone! I humbly ask any tips if your familiar From your experience, what ratio of time do you distribute towards stand on stake and sitting lotus meditation in a day? And explain how it came about for you? Thks Champs
  22. Opening the Chakras

    Was reading that you can fill a chakra but its not the same as opening it permanently. How do you guys try opening chakras? Example: Is it breath retention technqiues while focusing on the areas?
  23. Like many others, have been inspired by John Chang's ideas. In your opinion, wht is the best method to build up yang energies? Example: Lotus meditation, with maintained absolute empty mind (absolute meditation)? Cheers
  24. BEst way to build the yang energy in dantian

    the short story Chk out my practise in journal area. Thats basically all i do. Still trying like everyone else though to get the best quickest effective efficient way etc
  25. Hello from Oz

    Study from book, study from clips, and have a few mentors who help me around the world. Been looking for good master, very few in OZ, prob goin to chk out Foundation dnt knw... Takes very long time to learn with a lot of what seems like plateaus(dnt even knw if its best way), but i have moved from blank range to be able to move people from distance. 5 months training is extremely weak though, can only move non resisters, used different people.