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Everything posted by yuanqi

  1. Advaita and Buddhism are the Same After All

    I thought Drew left body back in 07 or 08. LOL Or was it someone else on this site that said they were getting ready to exit and then bam day 40 or 49 or whatever came and nothing happened, then they sought help out on here to figure out what they "missed" ROFL. I cant remember who it was, but man that was funny. Of course i never said anything back then but this thread brought it up in my mind so i was wondering who that was. Must have been reading "the wandering taoist" a little too much i think.
  2. The Eyes and Soul

    The liver is Yin actually.
  3. As Yogiraj Lahiree Mahasaya stated in one of His 26 diaries- Through excellent Pranayama when a yogi goes beyond the Anahata OR the Omkara sound then he is free from all aspirations. In this aspiration free state, kinetic mind merges into the still mind. Then remaining in the state beyond body consciousness, food intake becomes redundant.
  4. A couple of quick questions

    yeah and eventually the meds stop working and you end up on shots regardless. too many other natural substances and glandulars you can take to help with it before hand.
  5. Supergreens and ph balance

    I have been taking it since the 90's. i take just one big tablesoon each day. i have tried others. if you read mitchells story, read about the company and how it was founded and the techniques they use from beginning to end, including growing and harvesting, to storing it you can see it is better than others out there. its organic, its made in a kosher facility, he uses state of the art equipment. co2 extraction and refractance window drying are two big things he does. the guy is a real healer whos medical case was documented at ucla, he grew bone and nerves after an autoaccident. plus he lived on pure synergy and carrot juice before putting it out on the market years ago, kinda like a test or trial. i have not tried any of his other products, as has been said it is expensive, not stuff you find at a local market unless they buy directly from him and even then there isnt much profit margin. he didnt want it out on every walgreens shelf apparently. people are big on probiotics these days, well this guy was making something you could live on before that was chic. LOL you want a real drink that has probiotics and you can live on then try living fuel. these two products are expensive, both were made to live on, the latter is a good product as well. www.livingfuel.com the chiro i worked with supplies it to his patients down here and when he goes on a fast or wants to detox he will just take it for about a week and nothing else. i like the reason the guy invented in the first place, which i think you can read online, was for his daughter apparently. these are great and are different, a true green superfood would be pure synergy, something with alot of minerals, vitamins, probiotics, enzymes, amino acids,herbs and some superfood would be the pure synergy, he has a green drink too but i like the superberry original. metagenics is a compnay i am set up with and they have a phytocomplete formula thats pretty good as a green superfood, but i dont think you can get it over the counter, perhpas some retailers sell it but i know it used to be only for practioners to buy. so from my experience, living fuel is a great meal replacement type of superfood that can sustain you. on another level and straight greens and herbs etc pure synergy is a great formula. i am set up with alot of companies that have a lot of stuff for the wholistic practioner, some are superior to others but they all have good items they each make. but i really like the two i mentioned here that ANYONE can buy. what i dont like is eventually they get into all this other crap and manufacture it too. mitchell has done well and only added a few products over the years, i remember when the only product offered was pure synergy and testimonials from people like Ram Dass got me interested as did mitchells recovery at ucla. the living fuel dude is starting to get into more and more stuff, but IT WORKS and taste great. i bought a vitamix a while back (still have a champion juicer too) but i like to mix it with some fresh veggies in the vitamix and get the pulp. (which should never be left out when juicing anyway according to my teachers and professor at my old school dr. j e williams, who wrote some interesting books as well, viral immunity etc). since its in powder it cant be juiced. LOL and mixes nicely with other things but you dont have to take it that way. it does work and does surpress the appetite for about three hours as well. take a look at the kirlian photos on mitchells site. and the company logo. he is the man and takes pride in what he offers, different than alot of crap on the market. i would have to stop taking it to tell you how i feel on it LOL its been so long. i know that if you take too much like a tablespoon right off the bat you will end up with diarrhea, start slow. let it feed your body on a cellular level like its supposed to and dont overwhelm it with a large dose in the beginning. i always felt more energetic, brighter, thought clearer and had an overall sense of wellbeing on it, as did anyone else i let try it. even when i worked construction those guys would want some after trying it as it helped them. i also think it helped during my schooling. couldnt have gotten the gpa i did over 5 academic years as i dont function well in the a.m. without it. LOL its not about exotic or fancy or just thinking the high priced stuff is best. i am a consumer and a practitioner, i know what i can get as both, i know what i have tried that is ok, what works and what is superior. i would think from an intuitive level that if i muscle tested my patients for others and muscle tested them for pure synergy i am sure the latter would win out most of the time, regardless of the patients constitution or problems. BTW the mushrooms in it are there for a multitude of reasons but these are cancer fighters among other things, particularly reishi and maitake. Cordyceps or dong chong xia cao is the bomb for many many reasons. very expensive if the real thing.
  6. A couple of quick questions

    when i was in school i did a case study on patients with diabetes, some on meds, some on shots, some not on anything. also focus on it alot in my practice. an A1C would be what i would get as it gives you an average of your sugar for the past 3 months or so, so you can see if you are borderline or not, actually i dont like the term borderline, either you have it or you dont. LOL however, the western folks now have something called metabolic syndrome which is a pre-cursor to diabetes mellitus. check out the info on it. then again i heard an announcement on the radio(i never listen to the radio so it was meant to be LOL) about SHIFT WORK DISORDER, you can talk to your doc about it. LOL dont like the shift you work, or work late at night, get on some meds from your doc to help you out. LOL crapola. but there are articles about metabolic syndrome on the net. docs dont know whats going on and it doesnt fit into a box they can check off, so make up a new name. but from what they say it is supposed to be a pre-cursor as i said.
  7. Supergreens and ph balance

    well most of their research and belief is that the body has buffers that act against the acidic nature of foods and substances and help maintain control, what you said is accurate and I agree, I am just stating what they all said in school. they would say if you drank a coke, or orange juice or ate any citrus it would kill you without the buffers that are naturally in your body to control the acidity and thats what helps control the PH. for someone that has a diet that is highly acidic, i would probably recommend some supplementation as well and a change in diet. the body is magic LOL Yes Mitchells stuff is high, but it is better than anything i have tried over the counter and better than what i was taking from xymogen and pure encapsulations which are professional formulas i sell on occassion. i used to buy stuff from NOW but with what i can get as a practitioner i dont use the over the counter stuff. the funny thing is people with doctorates and phd's work in the lab at the companies i use so they have a pharmaceutical type of plant and research facility but manufacture nutriceuticals and there green superfood still isnt as good as mitchells. LOL
  8. Supergreens and ph balance

    subject is very complicated, i had many teachers in school with Ph.D's in biochem, biology, nutrition etc and they all claim there are somethings to make a person more akaline, but they also believe the body thru diet can fix the situation since its PH cannot very much or you will simply die. LOL You have positive and negative feedback loops that control the homeostasis of the body and they beleive that under most circumstances the PH will be what it is supposed to be, even though it might be considered more acidic/alkaline than someone elses. One thing is for certain-the dude at quackwatch is a dumba**. i read his articles on TCM and acupuncture and he is a fricken moron. he is as narrow minded as they come and is a MD but was a shrink. now some of the things he post about people need to be considered but his overall mindset and lack of proper research is obvious. i mean the guy said in his acupuncture article that he couldnt tell any differences in the pulse but the TCM people said the person had this or that. well guess what? he wasnt trained to feel 28 different qualities, 3 levels, and 12 different organs in the pulse. LOL anyway, had to put my .02 in there about this guy. alot of the stuff on the market is crap, most of it is such a small dosage it couldnt be good for anything. many of the items are knock offs of Mitchell Mays stuff called Pure Synergy, not only is his story unreal, but so is his product in my opinion. I love it. http://www.synergy-co.com, he is probably one of the very first that came up with the idea of a superfood like this and his is superior to even the "pharmaceutical grade" i get as a practioner let alone to anything else on the market available to the general public.
  9. A couple of quick questions

    cravings are one of the questions that we ask during our intakes in TCM. craving sour foods is a liver imbalance as that is the flavor associated with it. sugar imbalance is a whole other deal in TCM. Liver qi stagnation equals alot of things, but can be and is usually caused by stress. liver detox is a good idea for you. actually diet in TCM is something rather new as my professors from China with PH.D's didnt know that much about it, doesnt mean you have to have proper amounts of salty, sweet, bitter, sour, acrid substances in your diet in perfect proportions as thats not possible anyway. thats not what it means. it is the fact that certain organs are associated with certain flavors, crave salty, means kidney issue,herbs that are salty enter the kd channel often, doesnt mean you need to add more salt to the diet LOL get my point. The tastes in TCM are the Properties of the herb itself. however vinegar makes you feel better or helps you because it is sour and that sourness will help the liver. most often though an herb with a sweet, sour, bitter property in TCM may not taste that way. wu wei zi is a good herb, that is no question. and one of its flavors is sour so one would think you can use it for the liver, and you can however if you do its mainly for the eyes but most dont, but it is in some classical books for this reason. Current reseach may indicate it is great for this or that, but if using TCM herbal medicine, then you should treat using TCM THEORY, research is great but that gets away from how the herbs are used and why. The fact of wu wei zi being sour ALSO means it is astringent, its not in any of the TONIFYING categories, its in stabalze and bind category. so it is more often used in cough or leaking lung qi etc, it is also used for calming the mind or spirit by virtue of it entering the Heart Channel which is a secondary function, also to bind kd qi, for things like leakage of urine or sperm etc. if you have excess heat in your body (which meditation can build) then wu wei zi wouldnt be great for you nor should you take it when you have a cold/flu that hasnt been cleared properly. So take what is offered with a grain of salt. Too many people go to the Chinese market or even to supermarkets and healthfood stores and buy this or that, chinese herbs and the like. people buy ginseng and use it as a supplement, well do they know what pathologies they may have, if you have heat, then why would you take anything but american ginseng?? if your cold or yang def, then why would you take american ginseng and not chinese or korean? People used to buy ephedra (ma huang) to lose weight and ended up with heart issues. well you know why? because it is only used for asthma relief and to induce sweat when sick, when the asthma attack is over, or sweating induced then it is discontinued. because of people going and taking stuff without the proper knowledge the FDA banned ephedra where even I cant get it and it is one of the strongest and best herbs in its class if not the best, nothing comes close actually. now the FDA has made our medicicnes dietary supplements so we are under their eye, which is good and bad, gives it recognition but then they can ban whatever they want because of people misusing and not understanding the medicine. so again, take what is offered to you as advice then follow up with someone that actually knows what it going on with you and the medicine they practice.
  10. Kundalini

    exactly, bunch of BS as demonstrated above. LOL too many BS artist around in general. actually heard someone talk about being in Nirvikalpa too, even here. bunch of crapola. dont believe everything you read, especially when it comes to esoteric meditation sciences or any meditation science in general and more to the point what most western teachers, MASTERS and the like that supposedly know something talk about. crap crap crap (and i am a westener LOL) then again, alot of fradulent East Asians on the market to. so the worries you are concerned with you need not be, its everything else you must be worried about. We have waaaaaaay to many MASTERS of the western background running around as it is. And to be quite frank, you shouldnt have to save up money to have your Kundalini awakened by a REAL teacher/master. remember that. Unless you want to travel.LOL and dont take bits and pieces of this method and that method from different schools of thought, stick with one. if it is a REAL one and you get a REAL teacher (IE.NOT FROM A BOOK OR ON THIS BOARD) it will be what you need. good luck.
  11. The LDT and being sick.

    do not meditate when you are sick. you are forcing it in the dantian? you need to expel it. in TCM we expel it by releasing the exterior not pushing it inwards.
  12. oh and THE blood formula is si wu tang. add that to the one i posted for qi and you now have 8 treasures. good for qi and blood, however, one needs to be blood def in order to use blood tonics. same thing with qi and everything else. LOL but you asked and si wu tang is the main formula for blood, si jun zi tang is for qi and both together are ba zhen tang. si wu tang shu di huang-tonify blood dang gui-tonify and invig blood, mostly moves it though bai shao-tonify blood chuan xiong-move blood
  13. Yes san qi is what is called pseudo ginseng or noto ginseng, it is unique in that it moves blood and stops bleeding as well. sounds contradictory but that is what makes it unique, however, it doesnt build blood. Real ginseng doesnt build blood either for the most part and is WAAAY to often used by people going to the markets or over the counter. One needs to know their constitution to decide which ginseng is right for them otherwise all it does is cause problems in the long run. Salvia (i am thinking you mean dan shen as there are other salvia's), if it is dan shen is good to move blood, not tonify it. it is used for many reason but primarily to invigorate the blood to help with clogged arteries, it is so good they have it all by it self as in dan shen teapills. although some have san qi in it as well or bing pian but in very small doses. Jue ming zi if that is what you mean is good to clear heat, like in liver fire and descends liver yang, also used to lower bp and cholesterol from a western perspective, in chinese medicine though we mostly use it for expelling wind heat (cold/flu with heat signs). The lycii i guess from what you said is the gou qi zi or chinese wolfberry, good for tonifing blood and great for the eyes. put it in stew all the time, its great and more or less harmless. as far as a spleen tonic herb there are a multitude. if qi needs to be regulated then take something like chen pi (dried tangerine peel), if you need it to be boosted there is a formula call si jun zi tang, 4 herbs, great qi tonifier and used for sp qi xu. has ren shen or ginseng, most use dang shen in it instead and double or triple the dose in the formula, easy to find, bai zhu, easy to find, fu ling, easy to find and gan cao also easy to find. then you have yourself THE sp qi tonic formula. called four gentlemen.
  14. Too much Hot energy in the Dantian

    For the above two quotes- the dantien is not exactly a small pt. it runs from ren 7 to ren 4. the three finger thing isnt accurate but i wont get into that right now. the point ren 7 is 1 cun (less than one inch)below the umbilicus and ren 4 is 3 cun (less than three inches below and found by using FOUR fingers, this is part of the confusion). 3 fingers is actually closer to ren 5, since the points function is to regulate water passages a qi and alleviates pain, i would suggest acu pressure/puncture at that point. the main pts of the lower dantien are REN 4 and 6 especially ren 4 as the original source qi (yuanqi) some call it prenatal, ren 6 being postnatal qi. ren 5 is also the gathering point of qi of the san jiao channel. so other than saying it hurts, its hard to say what is going on as there could be many different things that affect this area. this is good for starters, as for the diaphragm, anything from qi stagnation, to phlegm, heart, lung and stomach, spleen or liver can cause problems in that area. qi blockage or stagnation is what would come to mind along the ren channel. so open the ren by using lu 7 and local pts with acupressure/puncture. more information means better results and help.
  15. Kundalini

    I think that severe Kundalini problems are most often displayed in the unguided dabbler. It isnt something for dabblers and unfortunately the majority of people doing initiation, especially in the west are NOT qualified to do so. So most become what could be termed "dabbler". Granted things do arise after awakening and throughout the practice that could be considered "problems". If a person tends to have emotional or psychological problems then alot of times these are enhanced, addictions come to the surface as do alot of things.But these come about because of Kundalini purging the Nadis and it IS a purging process. After this it is no longer. If one is initiated by a true Yogacharya/Master then not only do you have that persons protection and guidance but the Kundalini was awakened properly by that persons spiritual power and guided appropriately, this is the biggest difference b/w someone that can do it and those that only think they can do it. I have not met anyone that had it done properly that is schizo. The master/guru protects and guides you. Sounds like crap but it is the God's honest truth. People may have slight depression and struggles but this is normal regardless whether you are on a spirtual path, you can just deal with it easier if practicing in my opinion. Sometimes you may have a healing crisis as something was dormant and is brought to the surface. These things are temporary. I see internet sites that deal with Kundalini sickness/syndrome etc etc etc and I honestly believe that if the K was awakened properly and the person practices properly then there is no need to have a site like that. The Guru/Master is who you would contact if you had an issue, not the internet and other dabblers, if one has to go to the net to find out something and get support instead of their actual master/guru then a true Guru/Master didnt do the initiation obviously, or worse yet is their is no Guru/Disciple relationship. When it comes to Kundalini this is important, you can find people doing "awakenings" for 150-500 bucks on a weekend, this is what I am talking about. There maybe several that supposedly can do the "awakening" there and you may or may not ever hear from them again, or in a few years with money made they are gone. My Guru has only authorized ONE person to do initiations and that person has practiced for over 30 years. We are talking full days at a time he sits. Not a couple times a day (like me LOL). This is how hard it is to be able to become eligible and reach high enough in your practice to do initiations. And guess what the rate equates to about 5 US dollars, but if you dont have it and you are sincere then no problem. I like the way you described it as mature. Dont know if it is a proper term or not either but when referring past life practice it would make sense.
  16. Kundalini

    Tell you what. If it was as easy as trippin to see the blue pearl, i would stop practicing and just start trippin on a regular basis. The problem is it isnt that easy.....
  17. Working on the solar plexus

    BTW in regards to the points i mentioned earlier. You can also try this, although it would work better with needles. I forgot about it before. LOL Using a little more esoteric approach and 5 element acupuncture in particular part of the problem could be that you had a situation that was difficult to process, in this case digest. Then in turn led it to get stagnated and it affected the heart. This can cause that type of problem. An easy and simple fix would be using the entry/exit points. For this you could use the exit point of the spleen (spleen 21) then the entry point of the heart (heart 1)then inorder to separate the pure from impure use the entry point of the small intestine (SI 1) this will allow you to digest it, work thru it, separate it, and excrete what you dont need. These are powerful when done right, when i use them in 5 element acupuncture the needles are placed, da qi (arrival of qi) is felt, then the needles are taken out, usually with a slight twist (clockwise) to lock it in. Could also use stomach 42 and entry point of spleen and the rest in that order. This treatment can be felt and it can sometimes be painful once the qi has arrived, like a very strong ache, might have emotional stuff come up as well. I like 5 element and i dont use it all the time but for emotional/esoteric/psych/spiritual type of stuff it works wonders. Although the points are in Deadman, the spiritual use is generally not at all. This is that type of treatment. Good luck.
  18. Working on the solar plexus

    I understand your point. And you are right. There are dangers in almost all systems. However, I truly believe that IF you find the right, instructor, master or Guru (whatever name you want to give to that person) and HE/SHE awakens the Kundalini and then you practice correctly that there is very very little that could go wrong at all. The reason being is during the diksha the Guru opens everything himself, it takes HIS spiritual energy and power to do it and not only that, it takes HIM to do it properly. After this you are under His protection of sorts, even if your 10k miles away. It takes a REAL system, and a REAL Guru, then it take you as a person to practice and do it they way you are supposed to, and as often as you are supposed to. Granted when i was initiated everything was fine til i got back to the states. then when i was practicing my head was feeling heavy, almost like wrapped in something and i was finding it difficult to wake up in the morning, i mean i would wake up but wouldnt really be "awake" til the afternoon. I also had many situations pop up with my work and the loss of money that has never happened and it was i feel a test, so i kept on keeping on and practiced and things got better, the head thing only lasted 2 weeks or so. this is normal not only in my lineage but in others as well when kundalini is truly awakened. doesnt happen to everyone but it does happen. No one i met that was a disciple of my Guru was ungrounded at all. quite the opposite. my brother disciple and i both feel that spontaneous awakenings are quite rare, sometimes thru practice it can happen, sometimes thru major trauma but it generally doesnt stay that way, the problem is it just doesnt happen that often although here in the west people think it does. if you look at the names of historical figures that were considered to have theirs opened spontaneously they were generally reknowned saints and extreme devotees of something, more so than the average person walking around. i think this is when one has problems and seeks help, or thru improper practice. It is VERY difficult to find someone these days that is not only authentic and authorized to do initiations and wake the kundalini, that topped with the fact they may or may not do it to just anyone that shows up makes it even more difficult to find. basically what i am saying is i wouldnt trust anything found in weekend workshops ( 1 or more), the internet (great info sometimes, but without someone to guide you equals dangerous) and books (alot of great books out there but you cant learn properly from books) i would imagine as a whole that everyone that has issues that are severe with kundalini are either hallucinating, learned from a book or someone that wasnt worthy, had enough karma that its causing the problem now, were initiated by someone that doesnt have the authority, or were experimenting. Generally the person that did the initiation would be there to answer questions for you and guide you, help you etc. the problem is places like SRF ( i love yogananda dont get me wrong) Swami Hariharananda's place in Homestead, FL they have a "yogacharya" do it and he isnt your Guru, just generally a westerner that has the "power" to do it. LOL so who then answers the questions, neither one practice the authentic lineage of Kriya as it is, Hariharananda didnt have many of the higher Kriyas and although there is a picture of him as the main person at Sri Yukteswars ashram in Puri, thats only due to past politics, matter of fact it also states there that his "successor" isnt authorized to take over the lineage so going to homestead would be a place that could cause problems, srf doesnt teach authentic Kriya either as Yoganandaji didnt teach it to the westeners as they couldnt do it so he changed it. and then you have Shibendu Lahiree that carries the Lahiree last name, he is the one that is really dangerous as the great grandson of Lahiree Mahasaya he goes and does initiations throughout the world, problem is (even though he has his Great Grandfathers 26 diaries that detail everything) he was never authorized to initiate others, he wasnt his fathers chief disciple. So he has no power, is giving partial techniques and couldnt know how to fix it when someone gets screwed up. these are just a few examples of how hard it is to find ANYONE that is for real, it took my years and years all thru the Taoist thoughts and systems to eventually this. I met some real taoists, been to workshops and had certifications from them personally but what most teach is a watered down version and alot is already public knowledge. so as you can see there are reason why people get hurt screwing around with something that very few actually, truly know about and can help you after the fact. these workshops and other things IMO are a joke, I would never ever ever go to one and expect to come out with anything (i have been to many in the past), they are money makers. if you do come out with anything, then is it permanate, if it is, is the system whole and does the person have what it takes to fix anything that goes wrong later. cause something surely will. i feel completely protected when i practice, after the initial awakening issues things passed as i knew they would, my Guru protects me and my practice and is avaiable to answer my questions and check my progress (although its another trip to India to get checked LOL) I never even considered that anything truly negative would happen because i knew He was the real deal. I was aware of all the bad press kundalini gets, its again caused by people that have no clue for the most part, or their karma was such that it is causing major problems, but generally i wouldnt even say thats the case. i think its half assed systems, experimentation and every joe schmoe out there writing books and having seminars. I know how all this sounds and its not directed towards you, i just get sick and tired of these toads out there screwing around with peoples lives and all for the buck. are there a few good qigong teachers out there sure. it is safe, pretty much. but even now, you see all sorts of american masters popping up because it has such a footing now in america. a laugh at most. especially ones that make up their own systems and trademark the name, heck even a few chinese and others do that. in this country you damn near half to or someone else will get your buck. I also agree that there are alot of arguments about Kriya and lineages etc. What I KNOW is there are only a few that one can find that teach the authentic methods, the ones that really work, and they may or maynot except westerners anymore (my Guru doesnt), not because of hatred or anything mind you, His words are this- it's like pouring Ghee on ashes.He had a few over the last 50 years come from Europe and find Him, then afterwards they go home, they lose contact with Him and no longer practice, so He feels its a waste, especially of His spiritual energy, of course no Americans to my knowledge, except me, and that for several reason, but I also happened to know someone that is close to Him, so that helped my case. But there are only a few that are out where one can find them, everyone that talks about stuff here in the West in regards to Kriya for the most part do not have a true lineage, or authorized Yogacharya that initiated them. Real practioners are hard to find, trust me, i have looked for years. They only know bits and pieces. So I try not to even listen to them. enuf said about that, sorry for the rant.
  19. Kundalini

    Thats why i put the LOL on there man. RELAX its all good. Like i said two different paths. I enjoyed our debate and conversation!
  20. Kundalini

  21. Kundalini

    So you are perfected huh? And have that perfect vision. Thats a huge accomplishment! And at such a young age. As an acupuncturist among many other things and as a devoted Kriyaban, I can say that I am quite grounded. LOL
  22. Kundalini

    I understand your point. I wont go into a lecture about how the flow goes up and down. escaping the cycle of birth and death and reaching stillness, the void, whatever you want to call it from any view point is also self (soul) realization. this can never be considered self hate. LOL apparently you really like the root chakra and based on your post you are stuck in it. thats fine. i was pointing out originally that you can sit during meditation using kundalini unlike what you had stated. you are mixing my words about physical/spiritual/material. re read the post or read deeper. seeing no duality means you cant tell the differene between a hot shower and a cold shower in one aspect. so i beg to differ. i appreciate the effort though. kinda like chuang tzu dreaming he was a butterfly, or was he a butterfly dreaming he was a man. couldnt tell the difference. i got the point. I stated that you have to have the physical body but it is about the spirtual. yes one energy is a denser form of the other, everyone knows this, for that matter it is all the same energy and your soul is part of that same energy and lives forever. this is the point of soul realization, to become one with that energy, truly one. hence using kundalini to reach it, which means you must leave the 100,000 vibration of the root chakra(earth essence) for at least the anja (1-9 vibration) if not the sahasrara (stillness 0 vibration) at the moment of death. so you are no longer in the lower chakras, get my point. what are we using here, we are using something that is universal energy, or life force that makes up all things, kundalini,prana,qi etc, what are we using it with, the body. so right there you have something physical and something non physical. i also dont daydream about my practice. what i speak is from DIRECT experience, or the very least words from my Guru. there is no illusion on my part about what i stated. if u dont agree thats fine. dont have to. each path is different and to each their own. luckily this post is about kundalini so we are all good here. LOL perhaps not everyones goal is the same. some want a peace of mind, some want sidda's, some want to be absorbed in the physical. maybe a new thread, site, anyting, should be started about just spiritual pursuits, i will keep myself there. move on up from that muladhara! namaste
  23. Kundalini

    Kundalini awakening should be the start of your spiritual journey. Like yin and yang kundalini has two aspects, one actually manifests this worldy existence and the other leads a person to the highest truth. Yogis and Taoist among many others use what is called "kundalini", or the concept of it in their meditations and they are seated. It should be used to help you realize yourself. Your true self. The atma. You and the universe are no different. Yes a true awakening is life altering. Although it happens physically, it is entirely spiritual. The reason it is symbolized as a snake is because it is like a serpentine coil at the Muladhara Chakra. It is the Primordial Female energy. The Muladhara can be seen as the Earth Essence and has the most vibrated state as you proceed up thru the chakras to water, heat/fire, air and space it becomes less and less vibrated, once you are at Ajna its almost still, once at Sahasrara you reach 100% stillness. So as you can see it does ascend, it is spiritual. 100% stillness is Brahma. Complete mergence with the Void, God, Brahma, Stillness whatever you want to call it and escape from the cycles of birth and death comes from reaching at least Ajna at the moment of death. So you do have to have a body that is material, but the goal has nothing to do with the material.
  24. Kundalini

    First, I can only speak of my own experience as it is different for everyone but there are some common things that are known to happen. There are also alot of people who say theirs is awakened and its actually not as it is a difficult thing to have happen in the first place. Surely it does happen without a doubt and I am not saying yours isnt, but most of the time it isnt actually "awakened". Alot of people seem to think it is after a few years of practice (as i once did)but after having it TRULY awakened I can honestly say that before it was BS, nothing but in my mind, hallucination etc, call it what you will and I freely admit it. My experience was different than what I had experienced before because it wasnt just practicing a bunch of techniques that you learn at a seminar, from martial arts teachers or in books. These things can be dangerous. This is what leads one to think theirs is "open". Read a few things about Kundalini and say, yep, i experienced that or i think i have had that happen etc. Improper practice is what generally causes Kundalini "syndrome, sickness". Granted there ARE things that happen when its awakened properly, good and bad, but these things are considered normal and will pass. For me it was blissful to be in front of my Guru in Kolkata and seeing a few others that are literally saints that are His disciples and being in that vibration as a whole added to my experience. Once I came back and started to practice, different story. The material world after this is even more difficult to live in as you are on a much more spiritual path, the universe, Karma etc knows this and you may have troubles that pop up as test. You are expected to pass these test with flying colors. Latent or previous illnesses can creep us as can other things, addictions, depression etc. These are being purged and once they are purged they are no longer a part of you. They do not last forever and are only part of the process. To me these are not negative. These are just part of it, improper practices can cause hallucinations, disease, mental issues etc. This is why it is so very important to have it done properly. Lets say you have had a spontaneous awakening, even though it generally wont be permanate, then what. What do you do with it. Keep practicing techniques learned from a book or from some fruitloop at a weekend seminar. LOL These cause problems. I have no idea what you practice and what lead to your experiences. However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with sitting during meditation provided you learned "how" to sit. I dont know what type of visualization you do or where/what you concentrate on, or if you are just sitting emptying the mind. Therefore its impossible to give you any real advice regarding that. As for diet, there have been some good things mentioned. You were a vegetarian and now you are going to eat fish. That is fine. Matter of fact vegetarianism is not suited for everyone. It should be based on your constitution (Chinese View Point). It damages the Spleen Qi, Spleen makes blood and transports and transforms fluids. So Sp qi being weak means less blood being made, less nourshiment throught the body, fluids not being transported or transformed and that leads to a variety of other problems. As a vegetarian you should supplement with Vit B12 shots, or at the very least sublingual although its no where near as good and dont take the pills as they are useless. Kidneys are the root of everything (Yin Yang etc) improper or experimentation practices damages the Kidneys, meaning weak KD yin, yang, qi, jing(essence). These things are all important. This is one reason why people have low back pain during meditation, ejaculation issues among many other things. Hope this helps somewhat.
  25. Working on the solar plexus

    BTW----anyone saying they raise Kundalini faster, safer and PERMANENTLY needs to be avoided. This is generally a Western idea as we love to rush things or look for the easy way. Those that practice the TRUE ORIGINAL KRIYAYOGA would not leave it and go study KAP or anything else for that matter. I am familiar with AYP and many many others. Problem is there is no one on the internet that actually was initiated by an authorized Yogacharya of Kriyayoga in the original lineage that is also offering initiation and themselves being authorized to do so. There are not many true ones left and you cant find the real deal on the internet and go have true initiation in a weekend as they are not seeking people, if they are then there is a problem. You must find them..and be ready...in their eyes. There are plenty of people offering it on a mass scale bases and none are worth the time or money, period. This is off topic I am aware. But when i read anyone say something about leaving Kriya and the words original,traditional,or authentic etc I generally respond and point out the fact that there is only one person known in America that has authenticity in the true lineage that gives initiation. He isnt my Guru as I was called to go to Kolkata where mine resides, but I can promise you there is no one else that is real here in america. Therefore, its not authentic, original or traditional etc and THIS is the reason they left it. And it isnt something that should be sought after for a simple imbalance or the like. Not trying to be rude, just want to straighten out the facts as there are so many wannabe's trying to make a dollar it is easy to become confused.