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Everything posted by Bodhicitta

  1. Plato and Platonism 101

    Thomas Taylor the 19th century Platonist and translator wrote a creed that is helpful in getting an outline of Plato's major insights.
  2. Interdependent Totality in Buddhadharma

    A fine translation and commentary by Master Hua on the Avatamsaka Sutra Preface by Ching Liang:
  3. The Five Eyes according to Buddha.

    A little Q & A with Master Hsuan Hua: Q: How do I open the five eyes and the six powers? Master Hua: What in the world for? Why would you want to do that? Q: To walk the Bodhisattva Path. Master Hua: Why do you want to do that? If you know what you are walking it for, then you know how to get the eyes and powers. Look at a baby. He knows how to drink milk very naturally. If you can cut off desire and put down all worldly dharmas, and can be adorned with the myriad virtues, then you can get them. If you only know to seek shortcuts, forget it. It's not possible for you. Q: How can you cultivate the world-transcending path at home? Master Hua: Layman Pang of the T'ang Dynasty succeeded in cultivation while at home. Don't forever be asking "How? How? How?" Use your time well. Don't ask about the five eyes and six powers. This is like climbing a tree to look for fish. You won't find any fish there.
  4. Pure Land Buddhism

    In the case of Amita Buddha's Blissful Realm (Sukhavati), yes in many cases. But if one has vowed to be a bodhisattva who helps all beings to become bodhisattvas and finally buddhas, then one only stays in the Pure Land until one decides to go to some lower realm and help out beings. But the rebirth of such a bodhisattva is under his control, no more being caught on the karmic wheel of cyclic existence.
  5. Favorite translations/commentary on the Gita?

    A recent three volume commentary by Swami Ranganathananda; aimed more at modern Indians, but full of wisdom for all.
  6. Salutations

    A Mahayana aspirant; having taken refuge 35 years or so ago, with Master Hsuan Hua. Fond of many aspects of spiritual thought & practice.