Junior Bum
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Everything posted by JDN

  1. there is an excellent book by Tenzin Rinpoche called The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep
  2. Buddhism and Taoism

    nice thrread I was doing a standing meditation moving energy around in the Lesser Energy Circulation. I had previously finished 5 peace movements and 2 tai chi forms. It came to me that executing forms and the various QiGong exercises is a discipline intended to gain control of the physical universe (forms of essential elements) through which we experience the world. Executing exercises such as the Lesser Heavenly Circulation which is truly a mind exercise to move energy and not physically moving the energy (as in effecting the movement by a physical act), is a discipline to gain control of the non-physical universe. Get control of your body/physical and mind/energy non physical in this fashion and you are equipped to gain liberation, which despite the multitude of confusing metaphors, is escaping the body into immortality. It sounds similar to the Tibetan Rainbow Body wherein liberation/liberation is achieved into eternity. Internal Alchemy is all the ritualized exercises to accomplish these masteries. Put this way it explains a lot about how and why different disciplines can be so culturally different and yet focus to the same end. The Sufi twirls, the Hindu meditates, the Shaman practices his rituals. But at the end, they are all exercises to train the intent to master the physical world of form and the non physical world of energy. Nothing I said invalidates any particular practice, they all should work,,,,,, but it describes a common thread that makes the Yaomani indian's world work as effectively as the Harvard scientist's. thoughts?
  3. Hello to the Dao Bums

    I love the site. I have done some work in Tai Chi and Qi Gong and am trying hard to understand Taoist meditation. I'm struck by the similarities between Taoism, Buddhism, and many shamanistic traditions. I was first struck by the up front description of how reality works in Tibetan Buddhism and worked my way to Taoism. Tibetan Buddhism claims its wisdom came from over the mountains some 18,000 years ago so It is my belief that Siberian shamanism which worked its way to North America shares a lot with these traditions. Also, I think it lends itself to pre-curser civilizations that fed wisdom to these traditions. I have read Dawg's thread several times and am fascinated by his description. I spent a very little time in a Thai forest Buddhist retreat just to try and learn their meditation. I hope to contribute. JDN