Golden Dragon Shining

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Posts posted by Golden Dragon Shining

  1. "posting anti-semitic rhetoric, as well as heated race and gender related memes and videos." in moderation logs

    in which links to entire threads were given as evidence, nothing specific. Maybe I am missing something :P

    Granted my email needs updating :P

    Maybe DAO should make part of the conditions to joining this forum Pro Semitic, I guess I am anti-Sem again for posting about Arabs/Pakistanis/Muslims raping and torturing British girls, I guess that makes it "heated race" also. Can't talk about reality. 

    Can't talk/ show evidence of hypocrisy in culture.

    All these present cultural programs/ experiments/ social engineering a large part of peoples experience today, can't bury it forever, as much as some people want to. A month later as what I was suspended for continues to be proven a correct assessment and valid warning.


    Did Communism ever threaten Taoism? Maybe Taoists should have been more active in political affairs, maybe 60 million Chinese would not have been killed, you can't change the world though right? Well Communists did for the Chinese and Taoism. 

  2. banned/ suspended, disallowed, prohibited, blocked, same same, unable to access the site.

    No specific reason/ vague allusion to things in my opinion. Neither a request to edit/ remove anything. Anyhow.

    I should probably avoid off-topic.. haha


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  3. 20% of homosexual men are HIV positive (40 times higher rate than average population), the African American homosexual 50% at risk of HIV. I can't see such behavior as normal/ healthy obviously and why it continues to be promoted as such.

    CDC statistics. The LGBTQ etc community seem more and more to be pushing pedophilia also.

    Pesticides have been shown to modify sexuality in frogs, fish, birds etc in females it causes different cancers. Interesting was that the same company that sells the pesticide also sells the breast cancer treatment. It's all natural though right?

    A recent discovery is showing that parasites may be playing a significant part in this behavior too.

    Needs to be looked at reasonably. Doubtful that is going to occur here.


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  4. I change the world every day :) everyday I work on myself, building health, knowledge, insight

    I come from a European Pagan tradition of heroism, courage, truth as it's ideals. Not one of retreat, "nothing can be done" That is why Europe is a rare gem, while others live in filth/ poverty etc we keep striving. Now we just have to completely throw off the judeo-christian (including marxist/communist/capitalist branches) yoke and the stars our ours. To be what we are suppose to be.

    If people came to say your village and were burning it to the ground, you would do nothing? say nothing?

    If you lived in poverty, trash etc you would not clean up your environment? these things are not changing the world?

    You cant fly they said, you can't reach the depths of the ocean etc etc etc

    “He who who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right” ― Confucius


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  5. It's like the 1400 white British girls being tortured and used as sex slaves by Pakistani Muslims going on for years as the police apparently didn't want to be called fking racist. Insane. cowards.

    Let's all be "spiritual" though right? and only talk about nice things :) that's how you reach enlightenment by being a coward and a fool.

    Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal. Widespread organised child sexual abuse took place in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England, between 1997 and 2013. ... An independent inquiry into child sexual abuse in the town, led by Professor Alexis Jay, was established in 2013 for Rotherham Council.

    Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia


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  6. After Trump won the election I was seeing threats of violence all over the internet against Trump and supporters. I was banned I GUESS, no warning, no example as to why...soon after warning white women in particular to be careful as there was open very hostile intentions toward them after the democrats lost (a lot of them are psychotic, a number of liberals I've met have spoken about their mental health problems). Soon after I was banned a young white girl was attacked at school for being a Trump supporter. A man was attacked in traffic and other. And now we have this...

    "Chicago police are investigating a video appearing to show a man tied up and assaulted while attackers shout ‘fuck Donald Trump’ and ‘fuck white people’"

    “Video of a brutal act towards an adult male with mental health challenges made its way onto social media,” Johnson said. “The images in the video put on display the brazenness of the offenders who assaulted the victim and then broadcast it for the entire world to see.”


    So again I WARN, be careful

    and fk off with your liberal PC NONSENSE, it has NO foundation in reality, and you a leading people to harm.


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  7. Well Nature sure doesn't go for survival of the weakest.

    I'd rather work with nature than against, I'd rather eat a natural diet and live a long, happy, healthy life than the opposite. 

    Fascism is like Taoism. Working with the laws of Nature. It sets ideals to strive toward, opposite of the present victim culture. It is like the hierarchy in nature, everything is playing it's part, so the ant is equal to the eagle in that regard, each vital in their own ways. Not everyone is going to be a neurosurgeon or fighter pilot. And say the farmer is as important. 

    Fascists from my understanding valued merit, so a false/ useless aristocratic class they didn't see as having merit, aristocracy should be the "rule of the most excellent", toward philosopher kings.

    Here is a quote from Julius Evola, I guess people consider him a Fascist.

    "Modern capitalism is just as subversive as Marxism. The materialistic view of life on which both systems are based is identical. As long as we only talk about economic classes, profit, salaries, and production, and as long as we believe that real human progress is determined by a particular system of distribution of wealth and goods, then we are not even close to what is essential." Julius Evola, Men Among the Ruins

    I have only read snippets of his work, I like this quote anyway.  Don't really like his paintings.

    He is for Spiritual values above material, type things. Traditional living.

    Here is a speech by Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascist, speaking against exploitation/ globalization, they were strongly Anti War.  Really most of it is about Autarky/ national self sufficiency/ self-determination. 

    Regarding hierarchy and National Socialism. Adherents of Judaism were not persecuted because of hierarchy they were put into camps for being Communist agitators, cultural subversives, who had just recently taken Russia in bloody revolutions backed by Wallstreet. Communist aims in their own words was/is to destroy western civilization. They put millions of people in Gulags, millions murdered. Americans put Japanese in Camps and so on. Judea declared war on Germany.

    Also you need to look at the aftermath of WW1, the Germans were stripped of everything, mass suicides, people starving, woman of all ages going into prostitution to survive, because of the devalued currency it was exploited by the world, and other groups were profiting from this prostitution of Germany. How would you feel that became the fate of you mother, wife, daughter? Brothers , Fathers unable to provide, no work, killing themselves . Absolute miserable conditions. WW1 is skipped over. The whole thing was economics, the British empire didn't want any viable competition. Churchill himself says it was all economics.

    It's a huge topics haha.

    may have to return to later,

    Happy New Years!


  8. Show me one country that does not or has not had classes? Communism by Marx eliminates classes and it has NEVER been done. It is a show to try to appease the with the name communism but it is NEVER put into practice. As soon as there is a bourgeois there is no communism.


    Next thing you are going to tell me is that North Korea is a democratic republic. LOL


    There is no such thing as equality so it can never be practiced. There will always be class. Consider sports for one, different grades based on ability. Some work extraordinarily hard to achieve what they have, others able can't even bring themselves to walk once a day. It would also be like saying everyone's opinion here is of equal value, which is false. Some are more appreciated than others, some have more knowledge, experience, better presentation etc of a higher class. The same in physical appearance/ability. In nature in breeding animals compete in strength, colour, feathers, collections, nest building etc, Nature wants the best, health, intelligence, beauty (as an expression of health) not equality.


    "It is the great inequality to make unequal things equal" ~Aristotle


    The equality they want is cheap labour, it's a capitalist system, it's a lie/hoax, a fools hope etc





    And apparently national self sufficiency, a nation making it's own products, produce etc, against ^ this exploitation is evil?

  9. Communism has been put into practice many times and 100 million+ people killed for it.

    Fascism was something that really worked that is why International banks allied their Communist and Capitalist branches to defeat it, can't have nations breaking away from Usury, being free, highly successful, great leaps in technology, public health, education, arts etc That is why it is buried in a mountain of lies, it's a blueprint for success and breaking control of international usury.




  10. Today anyone you don't agree with is a fascist

    I saw recently/ last week someone saying the promotion of beautiful art/ architecture is Fascism.

    Fascism is about high order, beauty, hierarchy of merit, virtue, health, strength, protecting heritage, environment, animals 

    Hardly anyone is an actual Fascist today sadly. All the misery of the world is because of Communist/Capitalist "democracy" promoting ugliness in all it's forms with words like equality, love. An extension of Judeo-Christianity. We need another Pagan Rebirth to finally throw off this dark age. 

    That the trash art/ media today is equal to classical, that a grossly obese person is beautiful, that a man in a dress is a woman, and so on. Eroding at wholesome family values. People are rapidly growing tired of this nightmare parade.



    If only we could separate/ divide the nation in 2. 

    The Marxists/Capitalists can have their miserable, corrupt, diseased world and the real Fascists can have their beautiful, healthy, organic, agrarian  classical civilization.


  11. Here where actually some posts about full moon and its effects on energy.What wondered me is that its written that it is considered the "old way". There is also a story about somebody who did eat like that in a cave , his eyes where shining so much that people got afraid of him and then a monk came by and told him to come with him to eat some rice again :) .Maybe its really a method that is not fitting in modern society.But i think there must be a way because i didnt want to do it, it came naturally.I always found very interesting that my interests change so hard with the diet.I think its really like how you described it.cooked food and salt make you domesticated :) what do you mean by 2017 ? Is it a special year for you?

    The Old Way is the True and Only WAY :D the monk who told him to eat rice must have been a demon in disguise, just denied him Immortality cunning creature of shadow. It is like another tale of a woman near immortality 200+ years of age, an army to capture her, just the smell of rice was vile to her, later she ate the rice, become sick, aged and died.


    The "new" ways are corrupt ways I think, keeping people bound. His shining eyes remind me of the Shining Ones. Most today believe we are at the pinnacle of human development/ advancement? I think the opposite and agree with ancient Taoists and the ancient Pagan Greek Hesiod, we've fallen from a Golden Age, to silver, bronze, brazen. A few have reversed this.


    I can make it a special year :D ha



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  12. I experience similar before a full moon, you are first i've heard/read to speak of this also, though mine will be difficulty in sleeping/ burst of creativity *shrugs* ha, so it seems there is more energy at that time, less need/want for food.


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