Golden Dragon Shining

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Posts posted by Golden Dragon Shining

  1. Marine Le Pen is very racist ! and way worse than donald in racism !!


    If you don't accept her you are just a patriarchal authoritarian misogynist nazi!


    Can the moderators remove this person who doesn't agree with me? thank you :)


    I am really tired of 90% of the board not agreeing with me.

    • Like 1

  2. A great victory friends, the power of informed individuals and alternative media! against a hideously corrupt system, mainstream media with billions of $ at it's disposal, here is to prosperity, truth and justice.e2ea87f3b9a4e8476de097e293038770.jpg


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  3. I don't think he is going to fix everything, I am 50/50. HC is devilish though, see the above Syrian Muslim video.

    America has no obligation to Mexico or Mexicans.
    America has no obligation to Muslims
    America has no obligation to China

    The American governments obligation is to the American people.

    America should withdraw all international military presence. These conflicts were created by the likes of HC.

    Guatemala–Mexico border

    In 2006, Joseph Contreras profiled the issue of Guatemalan immigrants illegally entering Mexico for Newsweek magazine and pointed out that while Mexican president Vicente Fox demanded that the United States grant legal residency to millions of illegal Mexican immigrants, Mexico had only granted legal status to 15,000 illegal immigrants. Additionally, Contreras found that at coffee farms in the Mexican state Chiapas, "40,000 Guatemalan field hands endure backbreaking jobs and squalid living conditions to earn roughly [uS]$3.50 a day" and that some farmers "even deduct the cost of room and board from that amount."[1] The Mexican National Institute of Migration estimated that 400,235 people crossed the border illegally every year and that around 150,000 of them intended to enter the United States.[2]

    Gun and drug running

    The border with Guatemala is the primary source of military grade weaponry - including anti-tank rockets, hand grenades, plastic explosives, and grenade launchers - used by the Mexican drug cartels. The weapons are typically stolen from Central American government munitions stockpiles.[3] A 2010 U.S. diplomatic cable disclosed by WikiLeaks states that Mexico does not have sufficient resources to patrol the border with only 125 officers to monitor the entire 577-mile border.[4] Mexican officials confirm that they do not have sufficient resources as they have been concentrating their efforts on fighting the cartels in the North.[5]


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  4. WASHINGTON, D.C. — A review of FBI Director James Comey’s professional history and relationships shows that the Obama cabinet leader — now under fire for his handling of the investigation of Hillary Clinton — is deeply entrenched in the big-money cronyism culture of Washington, D.C. His personal and professional relationships — all undisclosed as he announced the Bureau would not prosecute Clinton — reinforce bipartisan concerns that he may have politicized the criminal probe.


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  5. I could have posted different texts, I figured Alex Jones did a good overview on this though.

    This type of stuff has been going on for a long time, very happy knowledge of it is starting to get into the mainstream.


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  6. "Gang of 17 migrant men in horror sex attack on two women in church square in Germany"

    TWO women were sexually assaulted by up to 17 men, thought to be asylum seekers.

    PUBLISHED: 11:34, Fri, Oct 28, 2016 | UPDATED: 16:53, Fri, Oct 28, 2016

    Equality is dangerous lie

    • Like 1

  7. What a foul mouth and mind you have.

    You are the embodiment of all you've spoken in your pathetic attempt to delegitimize international crimes committed by zealots of your own tribe.

    You are not innocent collectively, you are not perpetual victims. Largely the initiators and financiers of red terror globally (and other, with religious fanaticism).

    Just the other day a UN correspondent spoke of US, Saudi, Turkey and Israel being behind ISIS (terrorism), false-flags. Hiding misdeeds, scapegoating, creating false narratives continually pushing agendas in the shadows. The world is starting to see.

    You are either ignorant or complicit in crimes against humanity.

    There can be no peace on earth while one of the most violent and cunning religious groups are left unexposed.

    "Israel has admitted pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others, without the consent of their families – a practice it said ended in the 1990s – it emerged at the weekend."

    Facts are facts, ^ these crimes must be exposed. What kind of person are you to try and bury this information? disgusting.
