Golden Dragon Shining

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Everything posted by Golden Dragon Shining

  1. Non-duality

    Posted 24 October 2016 - 08:52 PM Sionnach, on 24 Oct 2016 - 7:16 PM, said: Purple is Marblehead's response What is the origin of non-dual thinking? That is a difficult question for me to respond to. I think that there really is no "origin" but rather it is an evolution of thought. In fact, I might even say that it is an evolution to "no thought". Observe, acknowledge, let it go. does it mean there is no right and wrong? From the "no thought" perspective that would be correct: there is no right and wrong. But I doubt we can hold that perspective in our every day life. We will always return to dualistic thinking, that is, acceptable and unacceptable, useful and useless. But we should at least acknowledge the "what is". Anything else would be illusion and delusion. After acknowledging the "what is" we can then place our subjective valuations upon or observations. What is wrong with judgement? Nothing really. I have a number of times stated that I judge. Chuang Tzu even gave us a story about judging a man's worth. But our judgments should always be based on reality and not our learned prejudices. and do you see the inconsistency in that? There's no inconsistency, really. In the situation above we can judge it to be strange. If we go any further than that we would be placing our learned prejudices and values on others. I think that would be something we should not do as long as there is no harm being done to others. I consider myself somewhat of a Taoist observing Nature to find what is true and what isn't. Yes. The truth. For us, the individual. The truth will allow for the possibility of peace and contentment to enter our inner-most essence. There is Nature then there are things which fall out of harmony with it. Yep. Taoism speaks to that repetitiously. This is actually a very deep concept but I won't speak further to it at this time.
  2. "Multiculturalism", "Diversity", "Equality" = soft kill method Time to stop being INSANE
  3. Recent Racist Trolling and Trolling against fundamentalism and morals

    @ Marble UN
  4. Germany: Nearly 40 Per Cent of Under Fives Now ā€˜Migrant Backgroundā€™

    "Gang of 17 migrant men in horror sex attack on two women in church square in Germany" TWO women were sexually assaulted by up to 17 men, thought to be asylum seekers. By Simon Osborne and Monika Pallenberg PUBLISHED: 11:34, Fri, Oct 28, 2016 | UPDATED: 16:53, Fri, Oct 28, 2016 Equality is dangerous lie
  5. Recent Racist Trolling and Trolling against fundamentalism and morals

    What a foul mouth and mind you have. You are the embodiment of all you've spoken in your pathetic attempt to delegitimize international crimes committed by zealots of your own tribe. You are not innocent collectively, you are not perpetual victims. Largely the initiators and financiers of red terror globally (and other, with religious fanaticism). Just the other day a UN correspondent spoke of US, Saudi, Turkey and Israel being behind ISIS (terrorism), false-flags. Hiding misdeeds, scapegoating, creating false narratives continually pushing agendas in the shadows. The world is starting to see. You are either ignorant or complicit in crimes against humanity. There can be no peace on earth while one of the most violent and cunning religious groups are left unexposed. "Israel has admitted pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others, without the consent of their families ā€“ a practice it said ended in the 1990s ā€“ it emerged at the weekend." Facts are facts, ^ these crimes must be exposed. What kind of person are you to try and bury this information? disgusting.
  6. .

    Vaccines can cause kidney and other organ damage, injecting viruses directly into blood stream, genetics from other animals etc, aborted fetus tissue etc, causing "auto-immune" problems, it's devilish. Some metal and parasite detox may help Accumulating/ becoming more troublesome overtime
  7. Hillary and Trump

  8. Hillary and Trump

    Tolerance, equality? Most violent of them all. These are the people who preach love, equality etc beware Every Communist/Marxist/"Progressive"/"Liberal" revolution has been the same worldwide "Equality" = mass graves "The Red Terror was a campaign of mass killings, torture, and systematic oppression conducted by the Bolsheviks after the beginning of the Russian Civil War in 1918."
  9. Recent Racist Trolling and Trolling against fundamentalism and morals

    US military, peace hm? Does that include the Vietnam War?
  10. Germany: Nearly 40 Per Cent of Under Fives Now ā€˜Migrant Backgroundā€™

    Ha! What is this? I don't hate anyone. Is the Mexican drug cartel Mexican? yes, oh no! he said Mexican!! ha Is the Italian Mafia, Italian? Are you Jewish Karl? I said I am a European protecting my people? Quite aware of my tribalism, in another thread making reference to medicinal science regarding the biological reality of race, different to the "social science" "theory"/ anti-science, political agendas. People promoting the subversion of Europe I consider criminal. I am opposed communism and capitalism, all kinds of exploitation the world over. Wanting self sufficiency, sustainability and harmony with nature.
  11. Germany: Nearly 40 Per Cent of Under Fives Now ā€˜Migrant Backgroundā€™

    @ Karl "It is not tribalism (/racist (as you interchange)) to say that one hates whites, heterosexuals, or men." Your standards are all over the place. Can't be taken seriously. You are not a deranged Socialist/ Marxist/ "Liberal"? @ General Reality sometimes isn't what you believe it to be/ informed it is. There was a German bouncer who thought accounts of attacks on Germans was "just right wing propaganda" something like that, until German girls were fleeing refugees/immigrants raping/ attempting to during new years celebrations, running to the bouncer for protection. Revealed: 1,200 women were sexually assaulted by 2,000 men in German cities on New Year's Eve "Algerian Hassan T whooped and cheered as he walked free from court after receiving just a suspended sentence for his part in the Cologne sex attacks" Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook // England // I am a European protecting my people, simple. The rest are ill-informed, scoundrels/criminals.
  12. Recent Racist Trolling and Trolling against fundamentalism and morals

    Weren't you in the military?
  13. Germany: Nearly 40 Per Cent of Under Fives Now ā€˜Migrant Backgroundā€™

    Ottomon Empire The Ottoman Empire, also known as the Turkish Empire, Ottoman Turkey, was an empire founded at the end of the thirteenth century in northwestern Anatolia in the district of Bilecik SĆ¶ÄŸĆ¼t by the Turkish tribal leader Osman. Wikipedia Capitals: Constantinople, Bursa, SĆ¶ÄŸĆ¼t, Edirne Founded: 1299 Area: 1.8 million kmĀ² Date dissolved: November 1, 1922 We are shown very little of history
  14. Hillary and Trump

  15. Germany: Nearly 40 Per Cent of Under Fives Now ā€˜Migrant Backgroundā€™

    Re: Berkley First couple of minutes
  16. Recent Racist Trolling and Trolling against fundamentalism and morals

    History should be an accurate record of events, interpretation is up to the individual, are you anti-Native American? I noticed you referred to them as savages? in the Ayn Rand thread. Are you a racist? Ayn Rand called Arabs "savages", supporting military efforts against them. Is she anti-Arab/ anti-Semetic? Becomes ridiculous
  17. Recent Racist Trolling and Trolling against fundamentalism and morals

    To achieve? A fairer account of history.
  18. Recent Racist Trolling and Trolling against fundamentalism and morals

    I've said nothing of the HC, nothing of WW2 either? I recall something about WW1 and the Balfour Declaration. I said genetics show they've origins in Saudi Arabia/ near Israel and they should make that a homeland and make peace with their neighbors, who they share common ancestors with. I mentioned Jewish involvement in the Bolshevik government and the mass murder of Russians, is it anti-Semitic to say that? Forbidden mentioning history? What if someone forbid you to mention the HC because it's anti-German? 1984: Memory Hole A small chute in the wall used to carry documents to a large incinerator, in order to censor information and or remnants of the past. Many no problem discussing Germans, Arabs, Islam etc You (and others) keep accusing me of the same things with no evidence, I am happy to move on.
  19. Recent Racist Trolling and Trolling against fundamentalism and morals

    Why do you comment then?
  20. Recent Racist Trolling and Trolling against fundamentalism and morals

    Ralis, show me the racism, show me what is anti-semetic? Also how can there be racism if race doesn't exist? etc,
  21. Recent Racist Trolling and Trolling against fundamentalism and morals

    Karl initiated those threads? Some responded *shrugs* History seems one-sided, some history is illegal to question in some countries, making it highly questionable. That of itself draws the attention of the curious, truth does not fear investigation.
  22. Recent Racist Trolling and Trolling against fundamentalism and morals

    Many are exchanging beliefs, who is certain what is what? Your feelings are your own business, you appear to be a grown man? I shouldn't assume these things today though, you may be one of the 40+ non-binary genders. A list for people unsure, Tyranny of feelings. ā€œThe truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.ā€ ā€• Lao Tzu
  23. Recent Racist Trolling and Trolling against fundamentalism and morals

    I assume most have an interest in Taoism with additional. Taoists talking politics, history etc everyday things Taoism traditionally anti-establishment (questioning/ searching/ seeing for oneself), counterculture, anarchistic? I would say I share these values, others here seem