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Everything posted by Taoway

  1. Thank you spotless. And everyone else. You're helping turn this fear to the light or awareness
  2. I hear ya. People like Alex Jones ... are a waste of noise. Buy beyond all that propoganda.. there still lies a country where collecting rain water is illegal. Perscription drugs are used for profit. Plants are illegal.. so what's next? Even then should I still just focus on my own growth and pay no attention to it?
  3. I'm confused of what your saying. What is it you are advising? To just see that the whole game is to be wrapped up in these fears? And that it's a choice to step out of it?
  4. How would a follower of Tao handle this? It seems to get over that fear I have to face death head on and develop a strong warrior mentality.
  5. celibacy and body changes

    What part of it is he ignoring?
  6. So I am moving out of my parents house back down to my home town to start an apprenticeship. I'm going to be living in my friends basement so i have to let go of some comforts and having lots space. I am very excited because this apprenticeship is a tattoo apprenticeship and I can finally put my artistic skills to test and give them a chance to grow. The only thing is I have had some times emotional instability and I want to make sure I am as centered as can be when I am embarking on this. I'm going to be living alone for the first time and usually that idea would terrify me. So my friends I would be very grateful for some words of advice and also ways to stay aware and centered through routine practices. I don't want to fall into laziness and stop all practice of meditation qi gong etc. I won't have much as much time as I normally do but I feel if I devote specific times everyday to inner awareness it will help a lot in this new experience. Thanks all!
  7. strange feeling in head when in meditation

    In the same way that lSD increases activity in the brain in places not normally activated. So too does meditation. I would just allow those sensations to bring you more intimately mindful of your body and that moment
  8. strange feeling in head when in meditation

    Is it a tingly vibrating sensation ? Like the brain is pulsating pleasurable energy
  9. Transgender Problem

    I feel the rise synthetic estrogenic chemicals in food water and the environment has an impact on this sort of thing.
  10. Guide to Chinese Herbology

    That's intersting how he shou wu is used for neuroasthensia being that the same problem can be caused by excessive ejaculation. And the fact that he shou wu being a jing building herb. I don't know too much about these herbs but I'm young and so excited to learn more about them through out life He Shou Wu (Fo-Ti Root, Polygonum Multiflorum) It tonifies the liver and kidneys, fortifies the blood, strengthens muscles and bones and keeps the hair color. Conditions most used for are: (1) anemia and premature graying of hair, backache and pains and ahces of the knee joint; (2) neurasthenia; (3) lymphadenitis, traumatic bruise
  11. What are you watching on Youtube?

    I enjoy listening to talks by Terence McKenna Alan watts sadhguru Krishnamurti and Dan winter. Especially laying in bed or on a walk any other talks anyone know of by a interesting speaker?
  12. I thought that there are only 3 main texts Lao tzu Tao te ching. Book of Chuang tzus And leih tzus book. I read that these are the first know texts of taoism but there's gotta be more
  13. What are your favorite qigong forms?

    There are some good forms in the book " the healing power of qi" it talks about the bases of qi gong being natural flow qi gong which is pretty much mindful breathing but being aware of your own qi flow and Spontaneous qi gong which is moving with the breath in what ever way your body feels. I learned a yang style long form though and do individual moves standing. (Wave hands like cloud, joining heaven and earth)
  14. Hello!

    I trust that you will learn a lot of important transformative things here in tao bums. Lots of young an old are here with a similar problem but we find we do have a place to belong in the world when we find others who see value in things like taoist teachings semen retention and really just becoming a more whole version of our selves. Welcome!
  15. I feel as though when we sort out our deep unconscious longing to feel whole and discover more consciously what really makes us feel a consistency of wholesomeness our impulse for pleasure and sex becomes controllable. I went through that as well oneionaut. But then I discovered my intense desire for sex was not just a innocent desire of a biological urge. But it was tied to unhealthy unconscious patterns. When I am sorting those out I no longer feel the impulse in seeking out sex. At this point cultivation is clear to be more beneficial for me. I am open to the day when I meet a partner who also is aware of these things but why torture our selves in the mean time with endless longing?
  16. I'm sorry I didn't mean to be a pest
  17. I don't agree. It has been said here that certain people and experiences can do more harm then good. Like a purely surfaced based sexual experience leaves many men drained and depressed. Imo it's important for me st least to be very trusting and open with the person. And to be in a. Good emotional state along with the person. But I'm a different person. Some need sex more then others. For me it has become something I don't desire too much.
  18. I don't agree. It has been said here that certain people and experiences can do more harm then good. Like a purely surfaced based sexual experience leaves many men drained and depressed. Imo it's important for me st least to be very trusting and open with the person. And to be in a. Good emotional state along with the person. But I'm a different person. Some need sex more then others. For me it has become something I don't desire too much.
  19. Yeah good point. The reason I am celibate right now is because I believe the latter to be so rare. So I am open to that but am going to be very careful with deciding who is right. I have found many women have a dependency on a man's ejaculate. Almost the same as how men feel pressured to make a girl orgasm. When you take those out of the equation deeper levels can be found.
  20. To me sup pressing would mean someone who is experiencing a libido and urges but is not channeling it or doesn't know how to channel it into other things. We have to acknowledge that some people in history naturally practiced celibacy and channeling that energy came naturally. Nikola tesla being one
  21. I'm also honest and open to talk about that personally. I did suppress things a lot and do still to some extent because I am choosing to be celibate. But I also am doing what you say in choosing which path to go down and choosing what to do with what I know. 3 years ago I was very unsure about things emotionally with my sexuality because I was very much so influenced by others. Then I had a relationship broke up and saw that what I was itching for wasn't entirely all peachy and perfect. I won't spend my time and energy feeling porn is bad liminal . Instead I will use that energy for what I feel is good for people. What makes them feel good.
  22. Why did you delete your respond liminal... it made sense
  23. It's not a peachy on the internet. And with the Internet you can find a lot illegal things. But I'm going to stop talking about that porn makes me terribly uncomfortable.
  24. I'm sorry I meant that there is pornagrapjy that involved sec trafficking. And yes some get payed well but it's the young 18-21 year old actors who often are treated terribly. After they say yes to the shoot aND money they have little say. They often get hurt vaginally and don't have much of a voice during because all the producers care about is getting it made. And often they spend that money they made on medical bills.